The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3436 Sharp Corner’s Confession

However, a large number of these surprised people are understanding people. Their voices are mixed with incomparable envy. They wish they could make the same decision as Sharp Horns, but it is a pity that they have not fallen. In a situation like Jianjiao, it is impossible to make the same decision as him!

After all, the people of the same clan are watching, and there are relatives, friends, comrades-in-arms, etc. in the clan. You can't just leave like this, right?

In any case, now that the people of the Red Dragon Clan and the Qingque Clan are all in one body, it is impossible to jump out and defect to Ling Daozi alone. No matter how great the determination is and how good the prospects are, it is impossible to do it in public. The pressure to do such a decisive thing is really too much.

But Jianjiao was different. He was truly alone now, so he had to make a simple decision.

These people all know in their hearts that the future of following Ling Daozi is definitely a good one!

For a super genius like Ling Daozi, age is no longer a problem, because his ability and knowledge have already reached the top that everyone can see. Although he is much older than him, he is like an idiot in front of him. Therefore, just as Jianjiao said just now, following Ling Daozi and even listening to what he says will benefit a lot. This is the true knowledge and insights of a powerful person in the universe.

If nothing else, just look at the group of people following Ling Daozi. Some are very old, but they still follow him closely and work as porters for him, as well as the person who has been following him. , it seems that he is a powerful person in the universe, this is absolutely unmistakable, because this person's aura is there, no one from the two races can compare with it, of course this person is Shui Xin.

Even such people are willing to follow Ling Daozi. Doesn't this already explain the problem?

In addition, for Jianjiao, if he wants to leave the Eris planet and easily survive in the Milky Way, he must seize this opportunity tightly. Otherwise, there will be trouble when Ling Daozi and the others leave, because the Red Dragon Clan People from the Qingque tribe will definitely ignore him...

When Xiaoxing heard Jianjiao's words, he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. If there was anyone who noticed Jianjiao's thoughts first, it would definitely be him, because Xiaoxing's mind-reading skills are so powerful that no one here could imagine. As long as he If you are willing, you can read the true thoughts of everyone here in an instant!

So when Jianjiao made a sound, Xiaoxing scanned his brain wave energy fluctuations and already understood what this kid wanted to do...

He didn't have anything bad to say about the sharp angle. On the contrary, he thought that the sharp angle was indeed the most outstanding one among these people.

In addition to being inferior to Ba Tie and others in terms of cultivation, his intelligence, eloquence and ability far exceed them. These are the most important when the Leech clan fights collectively. No wonder Jianjiao's identity and status are so important to Leech. The clan has been vaguely superior to Bronze Hook. This is because only his wisdom and command can maximize the power of the leech army.

This is what Xiaoxing appreciates the most. In his opinion, the role that wisdom can play is much higher than the level of individual cultivation. For example, this time, it would be impossible for anyone else to come up with such a sharp angle. To help him get out of trouble, don't underestimate Jianjiao's strategy. It already involves the use of "potential". Potential is much greater than force, and borrowing momentum is far stronger than borrowing force. It is precisely Jianjiao cleverly took advantage of the situation in his favor, forcing Fairy Meiping and others to reason with him, and finally made the decision to let him leave.

"Hehe, I'm not as powerful as you said. As for you wanting to work with me, I do need some manpower here, but..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"But what?" Jianjiao asked urgently.

"If you want to enter our power, you have three requirements..."

"Three requests? I wonder which three they are?" Jianjiao asked quickly.

"First, you have to have good character..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Character? Of course my character is very good. Although I can't say it's the best, at least I won't do any big bad things..." Jianjiao said.

"Oh? I wonder if placing ant nests everywhere is a big bad thing?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Place an ant nest?! did you know about this?!" Jianjiao said in surprise.

"You don't need to worry about this! However, what you need to know is that it is this matter, and the fact that you leech tribe sneaked into the various tribes of the Roller Alliance and continued to commit crimes that put you in jail, and the entire army of the leech fleet behind you. Destroyed! As the military advisor of the Leech Fleet, I wonder what your explanation is?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh my God!!!" Ba Tie, Mei Ping, Shaomai, Guang Han and others couldn't help but screamed when they heard this!

They suddenly understood and finally knew the ins and outs of what happened before!

It seems that Ling Daozi appears here for a reason...

Guanghan and Meiping instantly thought that the inexplicable messages they had received before were probably sent by Ling Daozi. It was he who helped them uncover the secrets of the Leech Clan and strengthened their determination to eradicate the Leech Clan. There is a series of events that happened next.

Now that I think about it carefully, everything may be related to Ling Daozi, even the mysterious ant tribe that appeared that time should be Ling Daozi's masterpiece!

There can't be so many coincidences in the world. If there are, they must be carefully arranged!

Therefore, the three fleets that came all the way to the Milky Way may have fallen under Ling Daozi's nose long ago, and everything that happened after that may be related to him, and even...

A flash of lightning flashed in the minds of Ba Tie and others, thinking of that tragic defeat!

Could it be that... that fiasco was also related to Ling Daozi? !

Thinking of this, several people couldn't help but tremble and felt bad!

When Jianjiao heard Xiaoxing's words, his mind was naturally racing, and he thought of many things at once. However, in his opinion, the most important thing at the moment was to find a way to get Ling Daozi to take him in, otherwise he would most likely not even be able to accept this evil person. Shenxing couldn't get out, so he quickly said: "This... Xiao Ling, you don't know something. This is the plan and order from the top of our Leech clan. For those of us below, we can only obey and do it, without bargaining." room!"

"So, you were also forced?"

"Of course! This is of course! Alas, in fact, I have known for a long time that this matter will cause huge trouble for the Leech Clan sooner or later, and I have strongly opposed it. However, the will of the superiors is quite firm, and the ambition of Bronze Hook is huge. , spent a lot of financial and material resources to cultivate thousands of ant nests. Now that they have been cultivated, it would be wasteful not to place them. In addition, the copper hook promised me huge benefits, so I would follow him...I I admit that in this matter, although I am not the culprit, I am at least an accomplice. The main reason why I became an accomplice is because I have a humble position and have to obey. It is too difficult to be a human being! In addition, I also want to get benefits, hi , just for my own selfishness, I would make such a big mistake! Now that I think about it, the gain is really not worth the loss..."

Jianjiao put the main responsibility for this matter on his superiors and Tonggou, but he also admitted that he had his own selfish interests and became an accomplice!

His confession is extremely rational, because if he shirks all responsibility, it will definitely arouse the resentment of the people present. You must know that in a dark place, no one can be clean. Everyone with a modicum of common sense will understand.

Besides, what Ling Daozi just emphasized was character. If you continue to lie and sophistry in front of him, then your character will be completely shattered, and there will be no room for redemption. Jianjiao still knows very well what should be done. Do what you shouldn't do.

Therefore, while blaming the main responsibility for the incident on his superiors, he also made a confession himself, thus making himself closer to the role of a victim. To a certain extent, it can resonate with many people and have a pity for him. heart of…

In fact, most of the things that many people do are not out of their own intentions. As the saying goes, people cannot help themselves in the world. There is always a greater force behind the scenes pushing you to do things against your will. These things are not necessarily bad things. But it’s not what you want to do. There’s no way around it. If a person wants to do what he likes and also want to live a very fulfilling life, the chance is very, very small.

If a person can not only do what he wants and likes, but also get great rewards from it and make his life extremely comfortable and complete, then congratulations, this is almost the best thing in the world. One of the things, please cherish this thing, because few people can do this.

The people at the scene, even the two marshals Ba Tie and Mei Ping, cannot just do what they like. On the contrary, they are still tightly bound by the affairs of the Roller Alliance and the clan, and they must risk their lives to complete it. The tasks they assigned are impossible to escape!

Therefore, almost everyone resonated with Jianjiao's confession, and believed that it was helpless for Jianjiao to become an accomplice. After all, he was not the one who made the most decisions among the leech tribe, so it was not a sin to place ant nests everywhere. It's not his responsibility alone...

Since he already has the intention of repenting in his heart, it means that he is still salvageable, at least he is not completely bad...

Seeing Jianjiao's eyes bursting with snot and tears, even Fairy Guanghan felt a little soft-hearted and said, "Okay, okay, a grown man is crying like this, aren't you ashamed?"

"Oh, it's all my fault, I deserve to die! Why couldn't I argue with reason in the first place, resist with all my strength, and stop them from doing such a sinful thing?" Jianjiao cried.

"Are you going to fight? Are you going to resist? You want to die, right? Just because of you, will they listen to you?" Guang Han said sarcastically.

"I...but I can't just watch those planets being harmed by the leech army..."

"Do you think your army of leeches is so powerful?"

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