The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3489 Voting

However, these elders were shocked when they heard the ransom amount proposed by the Willy Group. They did not expect that the other party would open its mouth like a lion. After taking two hostages, it would take away an astronomical sum as soon as it opened its mouth. This amount of money can buy almost half of the Milky Way Space Flying Fortress, which is really cruel!

Everyone like them knows that their money is hard-earned and their income has increased significantly in recent years after they have made great efforts. However, if such a large ransom is handed over at once, it will be equivalent to so many years of hard work. Half of the achievements were taken away, and the loss was so huge that it can no longer be described as bleeding. It was like cutting flesh and scraping bones...

Even though Artus is the leader of the clan, is he capable of earning so much money by himself?

In the eyes of the elders, this is definitely impossible. His power is just a drop in the ocean compared to the entire Guanxi tribe. No matter how much money he can make, he will never make so much, so after spending this money, he can almost If he doesn't come back, it will definitely be regarded as a loss to the clan...

On the contrary, if this happened to Ping He, the elders believed that Ping He would be able to earn back the money. After all, the Guanxi tribe now has such huge wealth and has a great relationship with Ping He...

Looking at the two losers who were being flogged, everyone felt a strange feeling in their hearts, and their eyes couldn't help but glance at Artus, wanting to see how he was doing now...

Ates had already collapsed before and didn't even want them to call other elders over. Now more and more people know about this, and they also saw Monet and Lina being naked and whipped. I'm afraid that he No matter how strong your heart is, you can't bear it, right?

Everyone was thinking this, but found that Artus did not seem to be as miserable as imagined, but seemed quite calm. Could it be that he had already accepted his fate?

Of course Artus knew that everyone was watching his jokes, or in other words, watching his performance to decide whether to vote. If he behaved decadently, collapsed, and pitifully, these people would probably Don’t think highly of yourself and thus vote against it.

But if he shows that he is very strong, confident, and graceful, he will make them realize that Ates is still Ates after all, and the patriarch is the patriarch. He can definitely do it, and then these people are likely to vote in favor. …

However, Artus no longer cares about this issue!

He knew very well that the two so-called hostages were actually fake and not his real children. Even if the ransom was handed over, the ones secretly given to him were only two tribesmen. The real Monet and Lina were still there. In its hands.

This is a game that you must lose. Even if Ling Daozi comes to help, it is useless, because if you can't find the real Monet and Linna, then what's the point of procrastinating like this?


What Artus is thinking about now is not about paying ransom in exchange for hostages, but about the safety of his clan. If Ling Daozi doesn't come yet, it would be bad if he decides to rob someone. In his opinion, This possibility was originally relatively small, and there was at least a one-month buffer period, because Zangxin had already said that the flogging would last for one month, and he would fall out after one month if he ran out of money, but now there seems to be a problem...

Because Ping He's behavior was different from what he had discussed with himself and Ling Daozi before. He was accelerating the progress of the Presbyterian Council and even seemed a little impatient. What was going on?

If you show your cards to Zang Xin too quickly, it will definitely cause Zang Xin to become furious, and he will immediately fall out. You know, the Guanxi tribe has no money to give him now, because they have spent all their money to order a space flying castle...

Ates was thinking about Lightning and felt that he needed to stabilize the situation now to prevent the Presbyterian Council from proceeding too fast. While secretly communicating with Ping He, he said: "Everyone, I really didn't expect to be troubled by my personal affairs. Everyone came here, it wouldn't be like this if they were not forced to do so, but the total ransom amount is too huge, and it is far beyond my ability to bear it, so I thought of borrowing money from the clan first and waiting for the money to be made later. Return... But as the leader of the clan, I feel guilty that my clan has to be dragged down by me because of personal matters. Let me think about it for a moment. You don’t have to start voting so quickly. Can you give me a little bit? Time to think, how about continuing the Presbyterian Church after I have thought it through?"

"This..." Everyone couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this. They didn't expect that the patriarch himself came out to stop the Council of Elders. Didn't he care that his children were being whipped? !

After saying this, Artus received an important message from Ping He, that is, Ling Daozi's spirit body had arrived over the Guanxi tribe in the space flying castle, and the situation was under his control. I couldn't help but feel enlightened...

It seems that Ping He's previous performance is not abnormal, but because he has confidence. Once the space flying castle arrives, does he still need to be afraid of hiding his heart and not being obedient?

At this moment, Artes suddenly became energetic and his face became brighter...

Heping said: "Chief, although Monet and Linna are your children, this matter seems to be your private matter, but they are also members of our Guanxi Clan, so their matters are also our Guanxi Clan's. Thing! Now that the Willy Group has brought them to the door, of course we, the Presbyterian Council, have to discuss how to deal with it. As a member of the Presbyterian Council, the patriarch should also get involved, so there is no need to think about anything else!"

"Yes, Xiao Mo and Xiao Lin are our tribesmen!"

"They are being flogged now, and that is what we are suffering too..."

"This matter must be resolved immediately, otherwise if this matter spreads, it will be extremely bad for our Guanxi tribe's reputation..."

"That's right, patriarch, don't think about it anymore, we'll vote right away!"

"That's right..."

When other elders heard Ping He's words, they felt that they had found a wind vane, so they all agreed...

Seeing this, Artus nodded heavily and said loudly: "Okay! According to the clan rules, I will cast the first vote!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his right index finger, and a spiritual light popped up, putting his own mark on the voting platform that had been displayed for a long time...

"Objection?!!!" Everyone looked at it and screamed in surprise!

They never expected that Artus himself would vote against it, indicating that he no longer wanted to redeem the children...

Fujino and others, as well as Zang Xin who was watching the show in space, were also shocked when they saw this scene. They all sat up involuntarily and stared at the scene closely...

He never thought that Ates would give up the chance to rescue his children. Could it be that he saw something?

"Impossible, I have carefully planned these two people, and I have also changed their appearance. They look exactly the same as the real Monet and Lina... As for the blood induction, it must be effective. There cannot be any loopholes in this matter from beginning to end. So, where is the problem? Or, there is no problem in the first place, but Artus himself feels that it will cause a great burden to the Guanxi tribe, so he would rather give up this opportunity What?" Zangxin thought secretly...

After thinking about it, Zangxin still feels that the latter is more likely. After all, Artus is the leader of the clan. He must choose between his children and the interests of the clan. Perhaps he already feels for these children. I am very disappointed, so I prefer the interests of the clan in my choice...

After seeing Ates's choice, the Guanxi people were surprised and couldn't help but have great admiration for Ates. In their view, Ates's move was to put the interests of the clan first and put his own private affairs aside. In the secondary position, this choice demonstrates his ambition and generosity as a patriarch, and also proves that he is a patriarch worthy of trust and respect!

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes couldn't help but turn to Heping, because he would vote next. As the second-in-command of the clan, what choice would he make?

In the Presbyterian Church, the choices of these two people will set an example and guide others. Many people will look at this weathervane to make decisions. Therefore, the vote of peace is crucial!

Ping He smiled secretly in his heart. Although his vote was very important, it did not affect the overall situation. In his opinion, Ling Daozi could definitely control the situation. He didn't know how he got this confidence, but he believed it, so he decided Put on a good show for Ling Daozi, so he raised his left index finger, a flash of light popped up, and he wrote his name on the voting platform!

"Agree!!!" Everyone shouted again when they saw it!

They also did not expect that Ping He seemed to have a slight rift with Artus in the past and did not give him much face. However, he so resolutely chose to approve during the vote, which shows that he still supports Artus in his heart.

As the God of Wealth in the clan, Ping He's appeal in the Elders' Council is quite strong, and he can influence quite a few people, especially the middle and lower-level elders. Many of them relied on the spiritual pomelo he cultivated to rise to power, so , these people generally follow others' lead in their actions.

When Fujino, Zangxin and others who were in a mood just now saw this, they couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that someone from the Guanxi tribe was still willing to pay the ransom for a replacement, and there was still hope for the money...

Next, each elder cast his vote according to the order of seats. There were constant exclamations in the hall. The hearts of Zangxin, Fujino and others also felt tense and relaxed. They felt that every vote was money, and the money flew away in an instant. Flying here and there in a while, they were extremely nervous and their palms were sweaty...

Soon, after one round of voting, everyone took a look and found that the votes on both sides were exactly the same!

"Oh my God!"

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

"The number of people here is not double digits, right?"

"Are you confused? The number of votes is not calculated based on one vote per person. Each elder has a different weight. One vote of the patriarch can be counted as ten votes. For some people, one vote is one vote..."

"Yeah, I almost forgot..."

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