The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3509 Theft of calligraphy treasure

Hearing Cai Lang's words, Jiang Wei on the side trembled slightly and was speechless. His face looked quite excited, but he couldn't say a word and was just breathing heavily. It was obvious that there might be some confusion between the two of them. Relationship…

Little ?but…"

"But what?" Cai Lang asked suspiciously.

"Senior, if you just rely on your hunch to conclude that Hong Jian wants to replace senior, and wants to deal with you the same way he treated Hadaway, is it probably too far-fetched?" Xiaoxing said.

"Far-fetched? How is it possible? My premonitions have always been very accurate. In the last Blue Fish Fleet incident, although the Blue Fish Fleet was powerful and menacing, I had a premonition that it would not attack this constellation, as long as it had good contact with them. , If you need anything, just follow them, if you need our help, just help them, and everything should be fine and safe. As you saw, didn't the Blue Fish Fleet retreat on its own later?" Cai Lang said loudly .

"Indeed!" Xiaoxing agreed.


"what else?"

"It was the first time I saw you and Liufeng's live broadcast. By the way, it was your comments on some of Dashixing's delicacies, especially the pros and cons of Lao Mao's braised pork. At that time, I concluded that you two must have special skills. And you will definitely become an Internet celebrity among Internet celebrities. You see, I am right, it won’t be long before you two are already famous all over the world and everyone knows it!!!” Cai Lang said proudly.

"This... senior is ridiculous, Xiaoliu and I just have slightly better luck!" Xiaoxing said shyly.

"Haha, if you are lucky, then good luck is also part of your strength. Otherwise, why don't I have such good luck? Now that my strength has declined and my power has been lost, I am not only in fear all day long, but also under the influence of Hong Jian. Threatening that I will be persecuted by him soon, if these days continue, even if he doesn't take action, I will be driven crazy by him!" Cai Lang sighed.

"Hehe, senior's premonition is indeed quite effective, but..."

"But what?!" Cai Lang asked curiously.

"A premonition is a premonition, and it may not actually happen. Moreover, because seniors believe in their own premonitions too much, when you have a certain premonition, you will think many things in the direction of the premonition. Isn't it like this? ?" Xiaoxing said.

"This..." Cai Lang was startled.

Xiaoxing continued: "For example, if an item is lost in your influence, you first suspect that someone is responsible for the crime based on your hunch. So, when you see what he did and heard what he said, you You will think that he has the motive to steal that item, and you will even help him think through the process of stealing. In this way, it is almost certain that this person will steal the item..."

"Well... something like this happened to me by chance in my power some time ago. As you said, I caught the person who stole, but this person couldn't prove that he was not a thief, and finally confessed..." Cai Lang said .

Jiang Wei was stunned when he heard this, and asked in surprise: "Such a theft really happened in your place?"

"Indeed! My calligraphy treasures are quite famous in this constellation. Many people are proud to own my calligraphy treasures, so whenever there is an auction, they are often fetched very high prices! That day, I just completed a spiritual painting The flower ink treasure was placed on the desk in the back hall before it could be framed, but when I went to the front hall to receive the guests, when I came back, the ink treasure was gone, and there were only some white papers left on the table for drawing!" Cai Lang said! .

"Really missing?!" Jiang Wei said in surprise.

"It's indeed gone! I searched the back hall and couldn't find it, so I began to realize that the calligraphy treasure must have been stolen. At that time, there were only a few people who could enter and leave the back hall. Naturally, the person who stole it was caught by me very quickly. Stop it!" Cai Lang said proudly.

"Who is it?!" Jiang Wei asked.

"She is my concubine! This person often asked me for calligraphy treasures. I also gave her a few paintings for collection. However, because she asked for them too frequently, I naturally could not satisfy her every time. In the end, I simply I won't give it to her! A few days before the accident, she asked me for it, but I refused! So, of course, this person is the most suspicious, and someone also saw her in my back hall that day. Under witness, she only admitted that she had stolen it!" Cai Lang said.

"Where's the calligraphy treasure?" Jiang Wei asked.

"Mo Bao? She secretly took her out and sold her. This incident made me so angry that I wanted to divorce her on the spot. If not for everyone's plea, I would definitely not let her go!" Cai Lang said fiercely.

Jiang Wei was startled when he heard this and said: "Your calligraphy treasure is indeed quite valuable. Didn't you recover the lost calligraphy treasure? So that it could prove that it was your concubine who did the good deeds?"

"This... is just a calligraphy treasure. To me, it's just a trivial matter. If I lose it, I just throw it away. I didn't pursue it further, so the matter was settled at that time..." Cai Lang said.

"You? That calligraphy treasure is a trivial matter to you, but it is a big deal to your concubine. Her reputation was ruined because of this matter. It will be difficult for her to get your favor again in this life. Only Depressed, if she really stole it, then forget it, but what if she didn't?" Jiang Wei said loudly.

"If not? How could it not be? Even she admitted it herself, is this matter still false?" Cai Lang asked in surprise.

"Brother Cai, whoever resolves a case must pay attention to a good beginning and a good end, and must clearly investigate the cause and effect of the case. The most important thing among them is the conclusiveness of a personal witness and physical evidence. In what you just said In the theft case, the witness and physical evidence are unclear, how could you solve the case so easily?" Jiang Wei said loudly.

"You?! Why do you say that the witness and physical evidence in this case are not clear? Even if it is not clear, the concubine herself admitted it. Isn't this the most direct thing?" Cai Lang retorted.

Jiang Wei shook his head and said, "Brother Cai, brother Cai, this is your fault!"

"But why?!"

"First of all, some people saw the concubine entering and exiting the back hall, but no one saw the whole process of her stealing the calligraphy with their own eyes, right? Such witness can only be regarded as indirect witness at best, rather than direct witness. Witness!" Jiang Wei said.

"This..." Cai Lang was stunned and thoughtful...

"Secondly, in this case, the calligraphy treasure is the most important physical evidence. If you don't recover the calligraphy treasure and understand the entire process of its disappearance and reappearance, this case will not be finally closed!" Jiang Wei said.

"This..." Cai Lang was stunned again...

"Finally, I would like to remind Brother Cai that as bosses in the power, our subordinates respect us like gods. In their minds, we are the most important and noble people. What we say will be ours." Everything we do is right for them, and our face is what needs to be maintained the most. No one will let us lose face, even within our own power! So, when you reprimand her in front of everyone, She will most likely choose not to make any excuses in order to protect your face, so that you can continue to maintain your absolutely correct authority and face in front of everyone..." Jiang Wei continued.

"This...this, this, this...oh my God, it's impossible, right? Did I really misjudge this case?" Cai Lang exclaimed in disbelief.

Jiang Wei sighed: "I did not assert that you misjudged the case, but that you ignored many things during the entire process of judging the case. As Xiao Ling said just now, when you tried the case, it was entirely because of First they identified who was the thief, then they felt that everything she did and said seemed like a thief, and finally she was sentenced! However, even if the result of this judgment process is correct, it is not completely convincing. Because you don’t have strong personal or material evidence to prove that your judgment is completely correct, you may be forced to accept the punishment and allow the good people to be wronged and the bad people to go free..."

"Pop", "Pap", "Pap", "Pap", "Pap"...

There was a burst of applause, of course it came from Xiaoxing, who smiled and said: "I didn't expect that Senior Jiang has such a profound understanding of solving cases. This junior has really benefited a lot!"

"Wherever, Jiang likes to investigate and solve cases when he has nothing to do. Over the years, he has gained some experience..." Jiang Wei said proudly.

"No, senior's attainments in investigating and solving cases have reached a very high level. There is no doubt about this! For example, in the theft case in Senior Cai's back hall, as Senior Jiang said, the concubine was indeed to protect Senior Cai. To save face, she admitted her theft in public, but she did not steal the calligraphy painting..." Xiaoxing said.

"What?! She really didn't steal? How did you know, Xiao Ling?!" Cai Lang asked in disbelief.

"The junior actually inferred it from some information. A lot of people know about the information about the senior's calligraphy. The senior won't deny this, right?" Xiaoxing said.

"Of course! I have never been secretive about the information about calligraphy. Many people have seen me writing calligraphy live. There are many videos of me writing on calligraphy. There is even information about the theft of calligraphy that day. …”

"Okay, this junior judged from that information that the calligraphy treasure of senior was definitely not the work of your concubine!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? How did you judge it?!" Cai Lang asked anxiously.

"The calligraphy painting that senior painted that day was a spiritual flower, right?" Xiaoxing asked.

"That's right! The painting of the spiritual flower is very good. It is one of my proud works in recent years. If it weren't for this, I really wouldn't insist on finding it, and I wouldn't be so angry..."

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