The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3526: Wandering in a circle

Hong Jian looked very excited and said, "This is the control space of Feibao. You have been sucked up by us for a while. Are you okay?"

"I...It's okay! It's okay!! It's okay!!!" Cai Lang shouted hurriedly. He almost made a big joke when he boasted about Haikou in front of everyone. Now, even if there is something wrong, he has to say it's okay, otherwise he will really be blamed. Don’t start…

He forced himself to stand up, only to find that he couldn't move at all. After struggling for a few times to no avail, he realized that he was fixed on the seat by an unknown force. With his own ability, he was unable to compete with this force...

Hong Jian smiled and said: "It's okay, Lord Star! Just take a rest in your seat for a while, we have to pick up someone else!"

"Pick someone up? Pick up who?!" Cai Lang was startled.

"Those who hold the order to enter the fort!" Hong Jian reminded.

"Oh no! We have to move everyone to the fort, and we can't let anyone make any mistakes!" Cai Lang finally woke up and said loudly.

"What? The Great Star Lord should forget it. If you follow what you just said, it will put them in real danger! The internal world of this flying castle is just a test. Those who are unwilling to participate in the defense of the stars will be removed first. The black sheep are moved in to prevent them from disrupting the morale of the army! But if everyone is allowed to move in, firstly, there will be no time, and secondly, we will directly give up the resistance. All defensive formations will be unmanned, that is, we will allow space pirates to attack Smashing and looting, thirdly, everyone hid in this inner space world, and we can't control the flying castle well. If something goes wrong, everyone will be buried with him. Isn't this self-destruction?" Hong Jian Kankan said.

"No! The Flying Fortress is not as unbearable as you said. It is a high-level combat preparedness and comes from the future world. It cannot be sunk by space pirates' artillery fire! Didn't you see the Space Flying Fortress of the two foreign fleets? They all have ten flying castles, and there are countless people living in each flying castle. They are not afraid, so what are we afraid of?!" Cai Lang said loudly.

Hong Jian was startled and wondered: "How does the Great Star Master know that there are countless people living in the space castles of the two foreign fleets?"

"This... Ling Daozi told me! There are hundreds of races living in their flying castles, and the number of people in each flying castle reaches billions! They have been traveling and living in the universe for countless years. Recently, Just arrived here in our galaxy..."

"Is that so?!" Hong Jian was stunned and screamed!

"Yes! According to Xiao Ling, the world in the Flying Fortress is actually extremely safe, because once the power of the world is formed, it can form a world of its own. Its protective power is extremely powerful, and it is an overall protection, even if the Flying Fortress outside collapses. , these worlds will also remain independent and intact, rotating on their own like a small planet, and they can also fly in the universe like a spaceship. They can absorb the heat of the sun like planets in the starry sky, and can use the starlight of the universe as a energy source,

This ensures the smooth operation of the world until it is reclaimed! "Cai Lang said.

"Wo!!! Are you saying that these inner spaces are like spaceships and planets?!" Hong Jian said in shock.

"What Xiaoling said can't be wrong!" Cai Lang said loudly.

"Xiao Ling? How could he know this? Could it be..." Hong Jian asked suspiciously.

"According to my guess, Xiao Ling is the person behind the hacker trading platform, so of course he knows these things! And if it weren't for him, how could we possibly know so much about the two foreign fleets?" Cai Lang said.

"Oh my god...are you serious?!!!" Hong Jian shouted in disbelief.

"Oh Brother Hong, if I can't even guess this, what else can I do?! Besides, Xiao Ling said he would help me control this space flying castle. With him here, defeating those space pirates will not be a problem at all!" Cai Lang said harshly.

"'s not that I don't believe it, but that this matter is too important and involves the lives and fortunes of everyone in this cluster. If I just rely on your guess and what Xiao Ling said, everyone will be moved to Feibao." However, I really still dare not agree!" Hong Jian said hesitantly.

"Then how can you believe it?!" Cai Lang asked loudly.

"How? Didn't the Star Lord say that he wants to control this flying castle? So now I will give you the control authority of the flying castle. If you can control it freely and can control it better than us, then I will believe you!" Hong Jian said.

"Okay!!!" Cai Lang gritted his teeth and roared.

This time I chose to completely trust Ling Daozi. He wouldn't let him go, right?

No matter what, you have to take a gamble. If you can't rely on the space flying castle to defend against the enemy, then with the current strength of the Food Star Cluster, the ending will definitely be tragic. As the big star master, if you can't stand up at this time , if you shoulder this important responsibility, not only will all the Star People not forgive you, but you will also not forgive yourself...

"The Great Star Lord can really control the Flying Fortress?!" Hong Jian said in surprise.

"Of course! Although this is my first time contacting Feibao, I can definitely do it with Xiao Ling here!" Cai Lang said loudly.

"Where is Xiao Ling?" Hong Jian asked curiously.

"He...Xiao Ling! Xiao Ling!! Xiao Ling!!! Come out quickly!!!" Cai Lang shouted with some guilt.

The two looked around suspiciously, as well as other controllers in the space. The number reached nearly 10,000. When they heard Cai Lang's shout, they all opened their heads and looked around...

"Master Big Star called me?" A lazy voice sounded, surprising everyone!

Because this sound comes from nowhere, it seems to come from all directions. This may be related to the structure of the controlled space. The sound forms countless echoes here, making it difficult to capture where it comes from...

The key is, no one knows how Ling Daozi invaded this flying castle. Where is he? Is it in the Flying Fortress or outside the Flying Fortress? If it was within the Flying Fortress, how did he get in? Why didn't I discover his existence? If it is outside the Flying Fortress, doesn't it mean that the Flying Fortress's protection is not that strong?

"Xiao Ling! Great! Teach me how to control the flying castle!" Cai Lang's eyes lit up and he shouted loudly.

"Teach you how to control?"

"Yes, didn't you say before that you wanted to teach me how to control the flying castle to defend against enemies?" Cai Lang said quickly.

"Hehe, I said this, but..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"But what?!"

"Didn't Senior Hong just say that? You can't learn to control it in a short period of time. If you give it another hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand years, you might not be able to learn it!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"What?! I..." Cai Lang was so shocked that he was speechless.

Hong Jian was also dumbfounded and said anxiously: "Xiao Ling, are you serious about this?!"

"Of course it's true! The civilization represented by Fei Bao is not what you can understand now. If you want to completely control Fei Bao, your civilization must make a big leap, so it is impossible for you to control it now. Delivery The operations that I told you are already the limit of what you can achieve now, otherwise, why haven't you made any progress since then?" Xiaoxing said.

" indeed the case!" Hong Jian couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

"What can we do? If we can't control it, how can we use it to defend against the enemy?" Cai Lang asked anxiously.

"Senior, don't worry, don't you still have me?" Xiaoxing snorted.

"You...when can you come over? We are all relying on you now! You must come to us before the space theft comes, otherwise it will be all over!" Cai Lang said loudly.

"It's just a matter of controlling the flying castle. You don't have to go there, just use the remote control!" Xiaoxing teased.

"Remote control?!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"That's right, I'm in the Interstellar Storm Star Territory and it's too late to rush there, so I can only use remote control to control it..." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone screamed, with incredible looks on their faces.

They couldn't imagine how Ling Daozi directly invaded this space flying fortress in the interstellar storm star field. This matter was too bizarre and almost unheard of...

"What? You don't believe it?" Xiaoxing asked.

"This...believe it! I believe it!!! But..." Cai Lang shouted.

"But what?"

"Can you control it now and let us see?" Cai Lang asked suspiciously.

"Of course! Keep an eye on it!"

As soon as Xiaoxing finished speaking, Cai Lang, Hong Jian and others felt a force coming, and their bodies flew to their seats involuntarily and were fixed by the power of the seats!

They looked around in horror, and they were all stunned!

I saw that the control space suddenly seemed to come alive. Lights flickered everywhere, and many places opened automatically. Many things I had never seen before appeared. After a while, amazing pictures appeared on the light screens everywhere. There were streaks of light symbols flowing down from the top of the light screen, and I couldn’t figure out what they were!

The light symbols flowed like water. Suddenly, a super-large spherical light curtain appeared in the space. People from every corner could see the information on it. What was displayed in front of them was a vast starry sky...

The picture kept moving in the starry sky, gradually focusing on a cluster of stars...

"Gourmet constellation?!!!" everyone shouted!

The picture focused again, and finally locked onto a sparkling ball...

"Space Flying Castle?!!!" Everyone screamed again!

"That's right! This is the current location of Fei Bao. Let's let him wander around outside and see how the joint fleet of space pirates looks like?" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"What?!!!" Everyone was shocked!

Before they could react, with just a "swipe", the space flying fortress had disappeared in place, and appeared in space in the blink of an eye, breaking through the sky like a bolt of lightning and disappearing into the boundless deep space!

On the screen, what everyone sees is the space flying castle shooting out from the food constellation like a sharp arrow, speeding through the starry sky...

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