The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3529 Something is abnormal

"Xiao Ling, this flying castle is simply a bottomless pit. I just used a large number of energy bars last time. I didn't expect that they would need to be replenished in such a short period of time..." Hong Jian exclaimed.

"Do you think it's so easy to support high-end goods? What kind of goods requires what kind of energy. Naturally, the energy used by different civilizations is different. Generally speaking, the more advanced the civilization, the higher the energy level it uses. !" Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense!" Hong Jian and Cai Lang couldn't help but suddenly said after hearing this.

"Of course, high-end goods also have their own ways to replenish energy. Like this space castle, it can absorb the energy of the universe on its own, convert it into the energy it needs and store it, but the castle spirit of your flying castle has not been fully activated yet. It needs to be used in the early stage. Only by continuously filling in energy by yourself or manually turning on the energy absorption function can the normal use of the flying castle be ensured..." Xiaoxing said.

Cai Lang was startled when he heard this and shouted: "Xiao Ling, are you saying that this flying castle has a castle spirit?"

"Of course! How could such an advanced thing not have a Baoling? But..."

"But what?!"

"Baoling is unlocked step by step. Only when your abilities reach the corresponding level can you activate some of Baoling's abilities. Once activated, the control of the corresponding parts can basically be controlled by Baoling. This setting is In order for you to gradually understand and control the flying castle, instead of using a big hammer like a child, it will be easy to hurt yourself..." Xiaoxing said.

Hong Jian suddenly said: "So that's it! Then haven't we learned some of the functions now? Why don't we see the Baoling coming out to take control?"

"Well, if you want to activate the Baoling, you need to recognize the master first. After recognizing the master, the master and the Baoling can interact, which makes the control easier. However, since the Baoling is unlocked step by step, The relationship between the master and Baoling in the early stage cannot be very close. Even if the master's level is too low, Baoling will most likely look down on him. Forcibly recognizing the master may lead to adverse consequences. Therefore, whether to deny the master or not, this power is controlled. In the hands of Baoling himself, if your level is too low and your abilities are too poor, Baoling himself may not even be willing to speak..." Xiaoxing laughed.

"This..." Hong Jian and Cai Lang couldn't help but froze when they heard this!

It turns out that I bought the Space Flying Fortress for a while, but I didn’t know that there was Baoling in the fort. It was because Baoling didn’t want to deal with people like him...

Cai Lang suddenly thought of a question and asked quickly: "What if Feibao encounters a disaster? Will Baoling come out?"

"That's not necessarily true, because the Baoling is unsealed step by step. If it does not recover the corresponding abilities when the disaster occurs, it will not be able to help you! Of course, if the Flying Fortress is destroyed, the Baoling will not follow. Destruction, because Baoling's protection is extremely powerful,

Under normal circumstances, no disaster can extinguish it..."

"Is that so? Then wouldn't the Baoling wander around the universe?" Cai Lang asked.

"Yes, but the Baoling has been set up with a guidance program. After it leaves the Flying Castle, it will return to the refiner on its own..."

"Wo!!!" The two of them screamed again when they heard this. They simply couldn't imagine Feibao's ability!

Little Improvements will be made to make this product more and more perfect! This is not only true for the Baoling of Flying Castle, but also for the high-end spaceship you purchased. Even the high-end components are the same. Once they are completely broken, the ship spirit in them will be destroyed. The spirit and the piece spirit will fly back to the hands of the refiner, so that the refiner can understand why they collapsed, so that they can further improve in the future refining process!"

"Wonderful! Wonderful..." Cai Lang praised loudly.

"That's right, such a divine thing is really breathtaking!" Hong Jian repeatedly echoed.

"Okay, now I have helped you turn on the function of the flying castle to absorb energy by itself. However, this requires a process, so you still need to fill your energy bars as soon as possible! The space pirate fleet has arrived in outer space!" Xiaoxing reminded road.

"Oh my god! I give the order immediately!!!" Cai Lang's expression changed slightly and he said anxiously.

He gave the order, and the soldiers in the Flying Fortress got busy and joined in the task of filling the energy bars...

Hong Jian looked at the light curtain, let out a sigh, and said, "Something seems to have changed in Feibao..."

Cai Lang looked quickly and said curiously: "Yes, the metallic luster seems to be darker, and there are many long boards..."

"This is a normal phenomenon. When the Flying Castle is in an energy-absorbing state, its appearance will become darker, which is beneficial to absorbing energy. As for those long boards, they are called photovoltaic panels. They can increase the energy of the Flying Castle and the universe. The contact area between them can absorb more energy per unit time and improve the energy absorption efficiency!" Xiaoxing explained.

"So that's it..." The two of them suddenly realized...

But it is said that after nearly ten days of high-speed flight, the Central Space Pirates United Fleet finally arrived at the outer space location of the Food Star Cluster. Here, they can already observe the five huge planets here!

However, they did not rush in. On the contrary, they stopped in this area...

On the mothership of Jingnan, the space pirate executives are gathering here to discuss the next action plan...

Lan Kong stared at the image of the food constellations on the light screen, with a strange look on his face...

"Grand Military Advisor, what are you thinking about?" Masu, the female bandit leader sitting in the upper seat, asked softly.

"..." Lan Kong did not respond, still pondering.

Masu was a little annoyed and said angrily: "Grand Military Advisor, why did you give the order to stop? With the strength of our fleet, why don't we just rush in and plunder and then come out?"

"Yes, Grand Strategist, are you too cautious?" Johnson also echoed.

"Humph, what do you know? The food constellation looks a little strange, don't you see it?" Lan Kong said loudly.

"Abnormal? What abnormality? Why didn't I notice it?" Masuki said.

"The food constellation has always been famous for its prosperity and vitality, but now it looks lifeless and dim. This is definitely not normal!" Lan Kong said.

" really like this..." Masu glanced at the light screen and couldn't help but be surprised.

Shazuo became a little uneasy and asked: "Military advisor, has there been a huge change in the food constellation? Why is it so lifeless?"

"The changes are absolute! We haven't received any letters from internal agents for several days, and now we don't know anything about the changes here! So, it's best for us to station here first, and then send spies inside to find out more. Let’s talk about it later…” Lan Kong said.

Shazuo couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and said: "Strategic advisor, there's no need to pry, right? What Masu just said is right. With the strength of our fleet, no matter what changes occur in the Food Stars, it is impossible to stop us. , how about just rushing in and robbing?"

"No!!!" Lan Kong said flatly.

"But why?" Sha Zuoqi asked.

"Our labor expedition itself needs some adjustments, and the Food Star Group has high-end goods. We all know how lethal those high-end goods are. Now we just want to get ahead of them not long after they have just used them. We can plunder them before we can exert strong combat power, but if the opponent has mastered the control of those high-end goods, then the threat to us will be greater. If we rush in directly and are ambushed by them, then the loss must be It will be extremely disastrous. Even if we can defeat them in the end, we will pay a huge price, and the high-end goods we grab may not be intact..." Lan Kong analyzed.


"The military advisor is right!"

"The military advisor is still thoughtful..."

"What should we do now? Who is willing to go to the stars to find out what's going on?" Shazuo asked.

When the space pirates heard this, they couldn't help but look at me and I looked at you, and were speechless for a moment...

Shazuo said slightly angrily: "What? When you were robbing, you wanted to run faster than others, but when you went to inquire about the situation, you just acted like a coward?!"

Morris, a male bandit leader sitting next to him, said: "Boss, don't we have a vanguard fleet? They should be the ones taking the lead?"

"Vanguard fleet? That was for fighting, now it's for gathering information, do you understand?" Shazuo shouted.

"This..." Morris suddenly became speechless...

"Boss, I'm willing to go!" One person stood up and said loudly.

When Shazuo saw it, his eyes lit up and he said happily: "Okay! Cotto will definitely complete the mission!"

"Thank you, boss! Let's wait for my news!" Cotto said with confidence.

"Brother Ku, come back quickly, don't get stuck in it..." Masu said with a sweet smile.

"Don't worry! I haven't eaten your cherry yet!" Cotto teased.

"Hehe, Brother Ku is so bad!!!"

Cotto quickly left the main force with a small fleet and flew towards the food constellation...

Although the fleet he leads is a small fleet, its number and combat power have actually reached an extremely high level, because these spacecraft have all been modified with high-end components, which is unique among hundreds of space pirate fleets. Only some of the fleet's spaceships have been modified, which is why Shazo has full confidence in Cotto.

Cotto stood in the control space of his mothership, looking at the starry scene outside the porthole while paying close attention to the information coming from the light curtain on the ship. This information all came from the search results of high-end components. After incorporating high-end components, the spacecraft's information collection capabilities have greatly increased. Not only has the scope expanded, but it has become clearer and more detailed, greatly improving its combat capabilities...

However, what surprised Cotto was that the information on the light screen seemed to be a little abnormal today, because the picture on the light screen was quite blurry, and the five planets seemed to be shrouded in heavy clouds and mist, and they all looked vaguely visible...

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