The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3536 Unify 13 major galaxies?

Li Yun and Xiaoxing are actually quite afraid of this so-called Lord of the Universe, who may or may not exist, because they know that they are the loopholes in the universe. Once the Lord of the Universe discovers this, then It will definitely arouse his vigilance, and he will pursue, intercept, capture and even kill the two of them in order to eliminate the loopholes in this universe!

However, as Xiaoxing said just now, the Lord of the Universe may not have thought that the King of Viruses would cause harm to the advanced life in the core star of the galaxy. Similarly, the Lord of the Universe may not have thought that the two Li Yun and Xiaoxing The so-called "loophole" in the universe is actually his gospel, because the abilities that the two of them have now, as well as the existence of Tianyun World and Xingyun Castle World, are exactly the external help that his universe urgently needs. Only this way Only external help can help him eliminate more and more entropy-increasing factors in this universe. Without this important external force, his universe will be like a fixed big box, which will rapidly become rigid due to the increase in entropy. In the end, it will die due to the "heat death" phenomenon...

Judging from the current situation, whether it is the positive universe or the dark universe, the phenomenon of entropy increase continues unabated, and the speed is accelerating. In the starry sky where three major galaxies coexist, where Li Yun and Xiaoxing are now, the entropy increase phenomenon It is extremely shocking, such as the chaotic disputes between various racial forces, the war between them and space pirates and adventure organizations, the encirclement and counter-encirclement war between the Galaxy Fleet and the space pirates, the alien fleet intending to plunder the vitality of the Milky Way, The Wolf Galaxy and the Turia Galaxy are about to collide and merge, the King of Viruses is officially formed and is accelerating its development, and its influence on various forces is becoming increasingly greater, etc. These phenomena are all making the increase in entropy worsen...

In the view of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, what they have done recently is not too much, but it has great effect and great potential. It has the benefit of entropy reduction in the universe. For example, by promoting network upgrade and extension, The chaotic low-level networks in various galaxies in the past are gradually replaced by this new high-level network. This will eliminate the huge entropy increase that the previous network may have caused, and everyone can enjoy the benefits of the new network. It brings the benefits of high speed, orderliness, convenience, etc., and this is a very effective method of entropy reduction.

Because entropy increase will cause chaos, disorder, fragmentation, etc., entropy decrease is the opposite. It pursues order, neatness, totalization, etc. The benefits of replacing disorder with order and replacing fragments with whole are obvious to all. …

However, it is not easy to build an advanced network, and it is even harder to promote and extend it. During this period, the two of them have only built a network for the starry sky where the three major galaxies are located. Currently, it has only reached about half of it, and it has not yet fully covered the three major galaxies. Compared with the vast universe, it is only a very small part. Therefore, at present, it can only be said that its potential is great, but it is still far from reaching the level where it can affect the order of the entire universe...

This of course takes time. In addition, energy must be spent to reduce entropy. For example, the formation of this advanced network requires a lot of manpower, material and resources, especially Black Stone. Without Black Stone, the expansion rate of this network would be very low. It will definitely be greatly restricted...

However, this restriction did not bother the two of them. On the contrary, they just didn't want to roll up their sleeves and have a big fight.

Because of the network they built, the amount of black stone used was only part of it, and most of it also required the use of energy-gathering clouds. The energy of the energy-gathering clouds mainly comes from absorbing the energy of the cosmic poles. This is no longer a problem for the two of them. question.

The two of them don't want to do anything big now, precisely because they consider that the existence of the Lord of the Universe will bring some unexpected effects, so they should just let nature take its course and build it as fast as Black Stone can get it.

Another thing that has an effect on entropy reduction is the launch of a hacker trading platform that sells a variety of high-end components, spaceships, and flying castles.

Why does this cause entropy to decrease? In fact, in the final analysis, we should replace the low-level with the high-level, eliminate the disorderly competition in the past, and make all kinds of disputes clear and orderly.

For example, the launch of these high-end components, spaceships and flying castles has redefined the disputes between forces in a certain sense. If a force wants to win in the war, it must at least have these high-end goods. There is no such thing as high-end goods. Racial forces will gradually be annexed, which will reduce the number of forces and the war will gradually become orderly.

Taking the Milky Way as an example, the current war situation has gradually evolved into a struggle between various racial forces plus the Galaxy Fleet and the Space Pirate Alliance. This is a main line, and the war between various forces will gradually decline because they must also unite. Only by standing up can we fight against the Space Pirate Alliance.

In this way, the war situation in the galaxy becomes extremely clear. This is a process of entropy reduction...

In addition, the launch of these high-end goods has also promoted the industry in the galaxy, allowing various racial forces to have a clear direction in industrial upgrading. Everyone's efforts are directed in one direction, which can easily accelerate the development of the entire industry. Leap, replacing low-level ineffective industries with high-level effective industries, is of course also a process of entropy reduction...

The launch of the hacker trading platform has also had another amazing effect, which is to accelerate the growth and accumulation of talents in the galaxy.

For example, Lan Kong wanted to build a divine wind civilization. After seeing this, Hong Jian decided to join this trend and start another civilization from scratch. As time goes by, more and more people will join this ranks. , regardless of whether these people succeed in the end, they can drive the growth of a large number of people in the process of starting a business, greatly increasing the number and thickness of talents, which is of course a great thing for the entire galaxy!

And this is what Li Yun and Xiaoxing value most, because if they want to replace low-level with high-level, disorder with order, and fragments with whole, the most important factor is talent!

Only when talents in various fields increase and grow in large numbers and make greater and greater progress can the entire civilization have the opportunity to make an overall jump. Once the jump is successful, the civilization can enter a more advanced stage than before and become more powerful. Sequencing and totalizing…

It can be said that building an advanced network and launching a hacker trading platform is a realistic experiment conducted by Li Yun and Xiaoxing. Through this experiment, we can see whether this can promote the jump of the galaxy and achieve the purpose of entropy reduction...

However, what the two are currently doing is still in its early stages. Although it has great potential, its role and results are not very obvious yet. Compared with other things that cause entropy increase, it still lags behind. Among them, viruses The king factor is playing an increasingly damaging role.

For example, the two cosmic races mentioned earlier, the Red Dragon Clan and the Blue Bird Clan, have been eroded by the King of Viruses, and they thought it was caused by a spell.

Those races that came to the Milky Way to harvest the breath of life were also not spared. Other members of the Roller Alliance, the Turia Galaxy, etc., have all been fully invaded by the virus...

Even the advanced life forms on the nuclear star planet in the center of the galaxy cannot escape the clutches of the King of Viruses!

The reason why Xiaoxing ignored this was not because he was not thinking carefully, but because the two people's previous research on these advanced life forms had not officially started until Li Yun's research had achieved results this time!

While Xiaoxing was responsible for promoting network expansion and industrial upgrading, Li Yunze had been paying attention to the white hole in the center of the interstellar storm area. During this time, he finally made a major discovery. One of the discoveries was that there were virus molecules in the white hole people. Signs of invasion.

At first, Li Yun couldn't believe it, because in his opinion, with the power of these people, it would be difficult for the virus molecules not to be discovered by them. However, it turned out that the virus molecules attacking the White Cave people were indeed more advanced. They had already It has reached the micron level, and at this level, not even the White Cave people can detect them!

After Li Yun told Xiaoxing this discovery, Xiaoxing immediately understood that it seemed that if his galaxy merger and evolution model lacked such an important factor, the results would have a large deviation, and he needed to add this important factor to the process again. evolution…

"Sir, with the intensity of the virus in the Canglang Galaxy, I am afraid that the advanced beings in the Tiangang Bao Star have already been eroded by it. However, the virus situation in the Turia Quantity Domain seems to be better, and the advanced beings in its core planet have also been affected. It will be relatively weaker, in this case, the strength comparison between the two sides will also change..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun nodded and said with a smile: "Tiangang Baoxing wants to devour the opponent alive, but he knows that his own strength may not be much stronger than the opponent. The battle may become more intense by then!"

"What if the King of Viruses comes out to join in the fun again at this time?" Xiaoxing said happily.

"You mean... it's possible for the King of Viruses to take advantage of the fierce battle between the two sides and subdue them in one fell swoop?!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"This temptation is not small! After all, there are two galaxies, and there is also a Tiangang Baoxing. If the King of Viruses succeeds, then he will become the master of the two galaxies in one fell swoop. Next, it will not be a problem to capture the white hole of the Milky Way. !" Xiaoxing said.

"That makes sense! In fact, the King of Viruses has already laid the groundwork for the White Cave People. If the King of Viruses comes to attack the White Cave People, the result will be self-evident..." Li Yun agreed.

"Sir, this seems to be a good opportunity for us too!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"You mean...when the King of Viruses unifies these three galaxies, we will take action to control him?" Li Yun asked.

"Hehe, this is called a fight between fish and clam, and the fisherman wins. We don't need to put in more effort. We can just wait until then to take action. We can become the master of these three major galaxies in one fell swoop. When the time comes, you will be very majestic..."

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