The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3559 Niugulu sees a doctor

It can be said that such a person has never been seen inside and outside Akao City. Especially after the spell images appeared one after another, it was impossible to see five such energetic beauties. No wonder the red-haired man's eyes were filled with tears when he saw them. As soon as the light comes on, I personally come forward to investigate...

Li Yun smiled secretly in his heart and said: "General, being young is not a reason for wandering into medicine. Isn't it true that everyone who embarks on the path of medicine has been doing this since they were young? The officer said that if we are energetic, then we can be more able to practice medicine. On the other hand, it proves that we are medical people, because we know how to heal and take good care of ourselves, so that we can be full of energy!"

"Haha... I can't see that even though you are young, what you say makes sense... Then what do you want to do in the city?" the red-haired man laughed.

This man was extremely harsh to others. Everyone who entered the city was trembling with fear when they saw him. However, they did not expect that after seeing Li Yun and the other five people, he put on a smiling face, which made everyone at the city gate feel that one was being compared to the other, which made them very angry...

"General, as a traveling doctor, he came to the city just to beg for a meal. Naturally, he wanted to set up a stall to practice medicine and earn some medical expenses..." Li Yun said.

"Oh, can you really see a doctor?!"

"It's natural..."

"Then show me first. If you are right, I will believe you and let you go to the city to practice medicine!" the red-haired man said loudly.

"General, there is a rule for practicing medicine..."

"What rules?"

"No matter who you are, you must first pay a consultation fee for a high-quality crystal stone before you can see a doctor. After the consultation, no matter whether the patient is sick or not, the consultation fee is non-refundable! As for medicines, you can give me You can pay to get medicine here, or you can go to other pharmacies to get medicine..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"What? The medical fee for a high-grade crystal stone?!" the red-haired man said in surprise.

"Yes, this is a rule, and the rules cannot be broken, otherwise I will have to drink the northwest wind..." Li Yun said.

"You?! Not to mention that your medical fee is so high. If I want to pay for medical treatment, I might as well go to Doctor An in the city. Why should I ask you, a young man, to see me? You don't care when you are treating people at such a young age. He has no respect for people of high status and seeks free medical consultation. Moreover, the consultation fee he charges is much higher than that of An Shen Doctor. It should be noted that the consultation fee charged by An Shen Doctor is only a piece of middle-grade crystal... "The red-haired man lectured.

"A piece of high-grade crystal stone?!"

"Is this too high a charge?"


General Niggulu is right, if we pay for medical treatment, we must go to Doctor An..."

"Doctor An only accepts a mid-grade crystal stone, but he actually wants to accept a high-grade crystal stone. Isn't he crazy about money?"

"That's right. I heard that the longer he practices medicine, the richer his experience will be, and the better his medical skills will be. Although this young man is handsome and heroic, it is better to seek medical treatment from Dr. An, right?"

"Who says it isn't?"

The people around me said something to each other, and they were quite dissatisfied with Li Yun for proposing such a high medical fee...

When Li Yun heard these words, he smiled and said: "General, I will only come to you if you wish to see a doctor. I will never force you to do so. However, anyone who wants to see a doctor must abide by the rules set by me. That's all..."

"Okay, it seems like you have a big appetite. Aren't you worried that no one will come to you for medical treatment despite charging such a high fee? Do you and your men really want to drink the northwest wind? Hahaha! !!" Niugulu laughed.

"General, you are worrying too much! Didn't you see that we are all living a good life? Didn't the general just say that my subordinates are more energetic than your sergeants?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"This..." Niugulu couldn't help being startled when he heard this.

The people watching the excitement were also stunned. After thinking about it carefully, they found that the facts were exactly as the young man said. Nowadays, there are many people inside and outside Akao City who are sallow, thin, and weak. I am afraid that the only people who want to find energetic people are those soldiers in the city. As well as some people from rich and powerful families, because these people have sufficient Jingyuan Pills and medicinal foods that can replenish Jingyuan, they eat more nutritious food, which can naturally ensure that their daily intake is more than the virus. The amount that the king takes in, so that the spirit can naturally remain normal...

And the spirit of the five people in front of them is much fuller than that of the soldiers in the city. What does this mean?

These people were naturally not stupid. They quickly thought that the five people in front of them were either powerful people or wealthy people. Where did their money come from? Doesn’t it come from the consultation fees collected from treating people and the pharmaceutical fees collected from selling medicines?

Since they can live so well by doing this, it means that there are many people seeking medical treatment from them, and this also indirectly shows that their medical skills should be good. At least they are not like some quack doctors who defraud money. Otherwise, they would not be able to be as successful as they are now. situation…

Niugulu had a thought in his mind and laughed: "Haha, it seems that you have a good tone! I, the general, gave up the medical fee for this high-grade crystal stone today, but I want to see what you are capable of and dare to come to our Chiwei City. Come to practice medicine, don’t you know that there are many medical experts in this city, especially Dr. An Shen, who is well-known to everyone?”

"The general doesn't know that everyone's medical skills have their own uniqueness. A patient may not get a good diagnosis when he goes to one medical person for treatment, but if he goes to another medical person, he will get a better diagnosis. It may happen to solve his difficult and complicated disease. Therefore, even if there are many masters of traditional Chinese medicine in Akao City, everyone has their own way of practicing medicine, and everyone also has their own way of survival... Of course, what I want to remind the general is, If the general himself doesn't feel anything wrong, then there is no need to spend a high-grade crystal stone just to test my medical skills..." Li Yun said.

"Oh? By saying this, aren't you pushing away the wealth you have obtained?" Nigurulu asked curiously.

"The general is joking. How can a mere piece of high-grade crystal be considered a fortune? I don't mind if I don't want it..."

"What?!" Everyone was stunned!

To the people present, a piece of high-quality crystal is definitely a large amount of money, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to get it, even for Newgulu, so when he said this just now, there was still a little It hurts...

However, after hearing what Li Yun said, Niugulu's curiosity became even greater. In addition, he also had doubts about whether he was sick. This was because the signs of the Red Dragon clan's spells were becoming more and more obvious, and the onset time It is also getting shorter and shorter, and it has almost become the norm in recent years. Although he feels fine, he needs to take more and more supplements, otherwise he will have low energy, which makes him naturally worried. disturbed…

Naturally, he also went to Doctor An to see a doctor, but Doctor An insisted that he was not sick, which made him feel at ease a lot. However, almost everyone in Chiwei City is in danger now, and almost everyone feels that they are sick. If the medical knowledge When someone told them that they were not sick, they felt a little unconvinced...

It was this mentality that he must be sick that made him make up his mind at this time. Just as what the young man said just now, every medical person has his own uniqueness. Go to a medical person. They say they are not sick, but it is possible to see that they are sick when they go to another medical practitioner. However, these five people look quite different from the medical practitioners in the city. The medical practitioners in the city all say that they are not sick and say that they are not sick. Maybe you can see the disease if you look at him...

"Haha, okay! General, I will try your skills on behalf of the people of Chiwei City today. No matter whether I am sick or not, you have to tell me why, otherwise I will take back this crystal stone. !" Niugulu said loudly, and threw out a high-grade crystal stone with a "swipe".

Li Yun took the crystal and said with a smile: "General, if you really want to see a doctor, you must abide by my rules. In other words, whether you are sick or not, this crystal belongs to me. You are You can't take it back. Of course, I will tell you clearly whether you are sick or not..."

"This... then tell me quickly!" Niugulu was startled and said loudly.

Li Yun slowly walked around Niugulu with the Youyi stick in his hand, but said nothing...

"What? Did you see it?" Niugulu asked anxiously.

"General, you are sick!" Li Yun said slowly.

"Wow!!!" People around him exclaimed and couldn't help but whisper...

For people in this city, almost everyone is a little suspicious. Regardless of whether they are full of energy or not, they will suspect that they are sick. However, many medical people say that they are not sick. Now when they hear someone saying that Niugulu is sick, these people can't help but Quite the same feeling…

"Sick? Is this general really sick?!!!" Niggulu said in surprise.

Yes, his mood at this time was really one of surprise, surprise and joy. He was indeed sick. This was just as expected...

"The general is really sick!" Li Yun said with certainty.

"Oh? I wonder what kind of disease this general has? If you can't tell me the reason today, I will not let you enter the city to practice medicine!" Niugulu said loudly.

"General, don't worry! I wonder if I can ask the general a question?" Li Yun said.

“But it never hurts to ask!”

"General, when was the last time you achieved a breakthrough in your cultivation level?" Li Yun asked.

Niugulu was stunned and thought: "The last breakthrough... was probably thirty thousand years ago, right?"

"Thirty thousand years? In the past thirty thousand years, has the general's cultivation level been maintained? Or has it declined slightly?" Li Yun asked.

"This..." Niugulu was stunned again, but did not answer, because this question involved a personal secret. In fact, after casually answering the first question of the wandering doctor without paying attention, he already regretted it, because of his cultivation. Of course things like realm are personal secrets and will not be disclosed to others easily...

"If the general doesn't tell the truth, it may affect the accuracy of my medical treatment... Of course, if the general finds it inconvenient, he can also send a message to me..." Li Yun said.

Niugulu struggled for a moment and hummed: "There is nothing bad to say about this. My general's cultivation level has reached a certain level. It will be difficult to break through again. However, he has been busy with official duties in recent years, but it has declined slightly... "

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