The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3565 Fooled?

The crisis has come, and the medical people in the city cannot sit still and wait for death, so they came here to find An Daoqi to understand the situation and discuss ways to deal with it...

Seeing that An Daoqi did not come out to greet him, and that he and others had been kept waiting for so long, Qiu Ximu became impatient and shouted loudly. "Where is Brother An? Is there something really wrong?"

"Where is Brother An?!" Yidejiu shouted.

"Brother An, come out quickly!!!" Bao Qubing shouted.

While everyone was shouting, a figure suddenly flashed, and it was An Daoqi who appeared in the palace. Judging from his expression, he seemed a little haggard compared to that day outside the city gate, and even his hair was a few gray...

He bowed his hands to everyone and said, "Everyone comes to my humble residence. I didn't come to greet you from a distance. It's rude and disrespectful!"

Bao Qubing looked at him carefully and said, "Brother An, are you okay?"

"It's okay, how could something happen to me?!" Andoqi said.

"Oh? Are you really okay?"

"It's really okay!"

"Then why do you have a few white hairs on your temples? Your face is also quite pale. Is this a sign of great loss of essence?" Bao Qubing asked curiously.

"Brother Bao didn't know something. I had a slight illness that day and was about to go outside the city to relax. Unexpectedly, I met those five medical practitioners. As a result, I didn't agree with what I said. I became angry and fell into coma on the spot..."

"So that's it..." Everyone couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this...

Bao Qubing said suspiciously: "Brother An has always nurtured his mind and protected his spirit. Even if he catches a minor illness, he can't be knocked unconscious by a child with a yellow mouth, right?"

An Daoqi couldn't help sighing when he heard this, and said: "This matter is still my own problem. It is because I underestimated the other party. As soon as I found out that they were cheating, I wanted to arrest them to prevent more kind people. After being deceived by him, he brought the problem to the city lord, who instead supported them and said on the spot that he would allocate a piece of land for them to practice medicine..."

"I have heard about this. However, it is said that the city lord supports them because Xiaoliu diagnosed Brother An's illness through the life aura technique and has reached the fifth level of hell. I wonder if this is the case?" Bao Qu Ill asked.

Everyone couldn't help but stare at An Daoqi when they heard this. This issue was their biggest concern. If this was true, it would undoubtedly be a major blow to everyone present!

Before that,

It can be said that the medical people in the city have limited knowledge of the epidemic that is spreading among the Red Dragon clan, and it is even more difficult to detect its depth. Most people can detect the second blood and spirit veins, which is the fourth layer of the human universe as mentioned by Li Yun. There are very few people like An Daoqi who can detect some symptoms of terminal illness...

Because of this, it is difficult for them to tell whether the patient is really sick and to what stage the disease has progressed. However, they found that regardless of whether they judged it or not and treated them with medication, in the end the condition of these patients was almost It is getting worse and worse, and the condition is gradually beyond their control!

They even found that their own situation was the same. They always suddenly realized that they seemed to have a similar disease, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not suppress its development, which made them feel fearful. However, as a person, If a person who is a famous doctor cannot even cure his own illness, how can he diagnose and treat other people's illnesses?

As a result, these people invariably concealed their illness, and attributed the patient's illness to obvious diseases such as energy loss, and their increasingly severe symptoms were attributed to the invasion of evil things in the dragon's spell. This approach is quite safe. It not only avoids many medical troubles, but also earns medical expenses. It can be said that everyone is happy.

It's a pity that this kind of happiness is just an appearance. For these medical people, while they are making a lot of money, they are uneasy in their hearts, because they know that Akao City is digging a hole, and the hole is getting bigger and bigger. Sooner or later, one day The whole city will be buried!

But they also know that this is not only true of Chiwei City, but also other cities and gathering places of the Red Dragon Clan. Including the core of Red Dragon City, almost all medical people operate in this way. At this time when the epidemic is spreading rampantly, , as the most important group of people who save lives and heal the wounded, have also been pushed to the forefront and the most important position. They can be said to be the greatest hope of the Red Dragon Clan, but they are all digging a hole at this time, and the hole is getting bigger and bigger. Maybe one day the entire Red Dragon Clan will be buried...

However, the epidemic has occurred many times in the history of the Red Dragon tribe, and each time it passed without any danger. Therefore, for these medical people, they all have a sense of luck in their hearts, thinking that the current epidemic situation in the Red Dragon tribe is The epidemic spread by dragons will eventually pass, so just try to hold on for a while!

Therefore, they can only take the safest approach and attribute the epidemic to the fulfillment of a spell. Therefore, they must build a high platform according to the tradition of the Red Dragon Clan to exorcise evil spirits and soothe people's hearts...

So far, everything is going on normally. However, what happened outside the city a few days ago interrupted their practices, and a big gap was opened!

This gap is An Daoqi, one of the miracle doctors in the city. He is a good doctor and has a reputation. In the eyes of the people in the city, he is almost their own protector. However, he was actually pointed out that he was seriously ill but could not be cured. This is simply a strange situation. A shocking thing!

If this is true, then the entire medical circle will be shamed by this, and the trend of the city will also be affected. The people will lose trust in the original medical circle, and turn to these two newcomers for medical treatment. .

This is what everyone is most worried about. You must know that trust is the most important thing between doctors and patients. If the patient loses trust in the doctor, who will come to him for medical treatment?

An Daoqi naturally knew the meaning of Bao Qubing's question very well. He hummed: "Brother Bao, how can you listen to these hearsays? That day Xiaoliu opened the light curtain and expanded the details of my symptoms. I was the same at the beginning. I believed him to be true and was a little bit scared by him, but when I thought about it carefully afterwards, I realized that I must have been tricked by him!"

"Fooled?!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"Yes, think about it, they are swindling everywhere, how can they be unprepared? This display of symptoms obviously means that they have been prepared for a long time, and the details of the light curtain are in their hands. Who knows how many tricks are hidden in it? What if? Let's prepare, can't we also process the picture to show the symptoms of the so-called eighteen levels of hell?" An Daoqi said loudly.


"Xiao Liu must have prepared that video message a long time ago!"

"This person is so cunning..."

"Hey, how can you get money by cheating someone if you're not cunning?"

"To be honest, I quite admire him. He was so bold at such a young age. He not only deceived the Lord of the City, but also let our Divine Doctor An fall into his trap with such careful planning. It's simply unbelievable!"

"Yes, if we don't arrest such people, I'm afraid more and more people will be deceived by them..."

"That's right..."

Everyone made impassioned speeches and scolded the five swindlers...

"Everyone, we must go to the City Lord's Mansion to find the City Lord and point out the deception of these five people. At the same time, we must also ask the City Lord to arrange a blessing ceremony to exorcise evil spirits and protect the health of the people in the city!" An Daoqi said loudly.

"Brother An is right!" Qiu Ximu said.

"Why don't we plan carefully and make this blessing ceremony the most grand in Chiwei City, so that the people in the city can see our efforts and our determination to protect them!" Yidejiu agreed.

"Without further delay, let's discuss it quickly..." Bao Qubing said.


These people quickly discussed...

At this time, Li Yun and the other two were attending a banquet in the city lord's mansion. Guan Xin was in a very happy mood, frequently asking for drinks, and his face was flushed.

"Xiao Liu, after swallowing the pill given by Xiao Ling, I don't need to take other supplements for three days, but I am full of energy. Why is this?" Guan Xin asked loudly.

"City Lord, this is a good thing. It means that Xiaoling's medicine is treating the symptoms of the disease and is effective!" Li Yun said with a smile.



"That's great! I wonder if my city lord's condition has improved and there is no longer the seventh level of hell?" Guan Xin asked quickly.

Li Yun shook his head and said: "That's not the case. I have said before that diseases come like a mountain and go away like a thread. Although Xiaoling takes the right medicine, the disease cannot be eliminated so quickly, but..."

"But what?" Guanxin asked anxiously.

"The city lord's condition has been suppressed and will not worsen for the time being. That's why the city lord feels that his energy is returning, but it will still take a long time to recover..." Li Yun said.

"That's it! As long as it doesn't get worse, I'm thankful to God! I wonder how long it will take to fully recover?"

"The city lord still needs to take the elixir for about a year. It is estimated that the condition can be almost cured!" Li Yun said with certainty.

"What? Just one year?!" Guanxin said in surprise.

"Yes, in fact, the time can be shorter, but this is not appropriate for the patient, because if you increase the strength of the medicine in order to recover as quickly as possible, you will most likely use too much force, which will damage the patient's foundation, so we can only slowly The right way is to come and let the patient's body gradually adapt to the medicine. When the disease is cured, the patient will fully recover! Of course, this treatment process is also determined according to each patient's constitution, and different people have different recovery times. As for the length, with a physique like the city lord, it is normal for it to take a longer time..." Li Yun explained.

"That's...well said! One year has passed by in a blink of an eye, and I just insisted on taking the medicine as you said! I didn't expect that your medical skills are so high. Although the consultation fees and medicine fees you charge are quite high, after all, if If it can be cured within a year, the cost to this city lord will be much less. Not only can I save countless supplements, but I can also get rid of a big problem, which is really satisfying..."

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