The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 356 Bloodline (1)

The astrology pen and the astrology blood are a perfect match!

Li Yun held the astrological pen in his hand. He didn't even use the talisman stand. He directly fixed a small piece of astrological gold in the air and drew the talisman on it.

The power of the pen is like electricity, the edge of the pen is like a knife, the blood and ink are like light, and the light moves like a dragon and a snake!

In an instant, the immortal pattern was formed, and light burst out with a swipe, covering the entire piece of star luck gold, like a colorful ball of light flashing in the sky, the light was shining and dazzling.


Li Yun and Xuan Dongmu exclaimed at the same time. It was unimaginable that the effect this time was so good.

"Master, I suspect that this piece of astrological gold almost doesn't need to be smelted anymore!" Xuan Dongmu exclaimed.


Li Yun was startled, and quickly took the Xing Luck Gold and took a closer look. Sure enough, the fairy pattern had been completely integrated into the Xing Luck Gold, just like the fairy pattern drawn on the talisman paper, it had long been invisible.

The reason why it needed to be resmelted before was because the spirit-carrying object of Xingyunjin was much more advanced than the blank talisman paper, and the immortal patterns could not be easily integrated into it, so it was necessary to use strange fire to remelt the soul seal.

But now, the power of using the astrological pen dipped in the astrological blood to draw is so powerful that the immortal patterns are directly integrated into the astrological gold, without the need to smelt it at all.

"Haha, haha, haha!" Li Yun looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Boom, boom!" Xiaofu half-opened his eyes and expressed his dissatisfaction with Li Yun for disturbing his sweet dream.

"Great! This way, the efficiency will be greatly increased!" Li Yun said with great joy.

"Congratulations, master!" Xuan Dongmu said sincerely.

"Now you know, right? Bloodline can indeed be transformed..." Li Yun said proudly.

"Yes. But this kind of blood can only be used to draw talismans. I wonder if the master has ever researched a method for changing the level of his own blood?"

"This...of course it will take some time, but now that we have taken this solid step, I believe that we will definitely succeed in the future."

"Okay! I hope the master can have divine blood, or even fairy blood, soon..."

"No hurry..."

Li Yun started to draw the talisman, and pieces of star luck gold flew in one after another, and soon turned into light balls and flew out again, and were installed on the soul gathering formation of the star luck ship by Xuan Dongmu.

There is no need to remove the originally installed soul seals, because they are still suitable for ordinary soul warriors.

These new soul seals are installed in new space stones and lines. As long as the soul warrior's ability improves, they can be transferred here to contribute.

In this way, there are differences in the soul seal levels and the soul warriors' abilities, which can form a competitive relationship internally and promote the soul warriors' cultivation.

The two of them draw the symbols one by one and install them by the other, which is extremely fast.

It’s really a skill of sharpening the sword and chopping firewood without hesitation. Although it took a lot of time to refine the talisman pen and fuse the animal blood, the efficiency was greatly increased, so that the upgrade task of the soul gathering formation was completed in a short time!

In this way, the potential combat power of the Starship Ship was greatly increased, and Li Yun began to want to see its power in person.

However, the immortal attendants in Tianyun's small space have not yet been transformed, and many of them are still wandering around in the Five Elements Formation.

The soul warriors at Wuyou Peak could not move, so this idea had to be suppressed for the time being.

"Master, not all the hair of the Xianghu clan has been shaved off. As for the research on other aspects, such as its memory, skills, demon pills, demon crystals, blood, fur, sachets, fox tails, etc., they have been completed. There is basically no What research value can be released?" Xiaoxing said.

Upon hearing this, Li Yun immediately worked with Xuandong Mu to scrape off all the vellus hairs of these demon foxes. The quantity was extremely large and valuable.

These demon foxes, both male and female, have all become naked. Once they are released and awaken, they will probably be furious and look for somewhere to vent their anger.

"Where is the best place to release the animals?" Li Yun thought in his mind.

The destructive power of these demon foxes will be extremely astonishing. If they are placed in Tiandu Mountain or Xiayang Gate, they will naturally be dealt a serious blow.

However, this would cause great harm to Daxia. Because except for Qingyuanmen,

There are almost no sects that can resist them.

"Master, why don't we put them in the Daning Cultivation Area, just enough to attack the monk team in Tiandu Mountain." Xiaoxing said.

"Not bad! Let's see how Yang Mingdeng fares against Black Mountain... and what kind of combat power the all-purpose suit can bring out when it meets the demon fox..."

"Exactly. Yang Ming Deng should have Nascent Soul combat power, and with the help of the Eight Glass Lantern, Black Mountain may not be able to win. As for the all-round suit, fighting against the demon fox will undoubtedly be extremely exciting..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"Is Ming Kongzi back?"

"Not yet! He investigated the South Vietnam Empire very carefully. In addition, Xia Kurong has indeed arrived in Mengyue City and is leading a group of people to search for the Meng family lineage."

"They will do this in vain..."

"Master is wrong."

"Oh? Why?" Li Yun was startled.

"They really gained something!"

"What harvest?!" Li Yunqi said.

"Which of the princes and princes in the Meng family is a waste of money? Many people are looking for flowers and women outside, keeping a lot of women, leaving a lot of blood, but they dare not report it to the clan and record it. This time, due to the urgent transfer, , they didn’t care about those descendants and just left!”

Li Yun was stunned immediately!

Despite all the calculations, I still missed this point.

"how many?!"

"Currently, about ten people have been found on the side of Ming Kongzi, Bizhenzi, Qi Zhenzi, and Wuhuazi, while about twenty people on Xia Kurong's team have been found."


Li Yun exclaimed softly, this amount is really quite a lot, you know, it has only been looking for a few days.

"No, these bloodlines cannot be taken away by them!" Li Yun said flatly.

"Master is saying that not even the Qingyuan Sect can do it?"

"Of course! One Xianxian in the Qingyuan Sect is enough! Such a bloodline can only be in our hands. Otherwise, if the news comes out, these people will end up in trouble, and they will even bring trouble to the sect! These two sects can only Seeing the benefits, but not seeing the risks hidden behind them..."

"That makes sense!" Xiaoxing agreed.

Li Yun immediately came to Tianyun's small space, found Mengyu, and asked him to immediately call the men of the Qi clan to confess all the blood they left outside.

Under his will, these people naturally did not dare to hide anything anymore and spoke out one by one. Even Mengyu himself had left a lot of blood due to his many visits to brothels!

The total number actually reached more than a thousand! This is because some of these bloodlines already have their own descendants.

Li Yun wrote down all this information, immediately used the shrinking method, and rushed towards the South Vietnam Empire.

"If we push this matter further, there must be countless bloodlines of the Meng family in the past dynasties outside. If these bloodlines are reproduced from generation to generation, won't there still be countless people?" Li Yun suddenly thought of this question.

"Master, the bloodline inheritance is mainly male, but not every male's descendant will have a male. Once there are only females, this branch will be cut off. Moreover, the life span of mortals is limited, and there will be more accidental deaths. So, although there will be situations like what you said, the number is not likely to be extremely large."

"Well, that makes sense. It would be great if we could directly sense people with this bloodline!"

"Master might as well ask Meng Fusheng."


Li Yun immediately came to the underground palace and explained the matter to Meng Fusheng.

When Meng Fusheng and his wife heard this, they were stunned and sighed.

This situation was really beyond their expectations. They did not expect that there would be so much Meng family blood flowing outside.

"Sir, bloodline sensing can only be done by powerful monks with this bloodline. These bloodlines that have strayed outside are all my descendants, so only we can sense it."

"So that's it..." Li Yun suddenly realized.

"In addition, there can't be too many people of the Meng family's blood living outside. In addition to the male orientation you just mentioned, there is another reason..." Meng Fusheng said.

"Oh? What is it?" Li Yunqi asked.

"If you want to pass on the bloodline completely, firstly, you need direct male men, and secondly, the bloodline carried by women must not be lost too much. Therefore, according to the ancestral precepts I have established, all descendant women must also live in the dreamland if they marry outside. In Yue City, moreover, descendants can marry each other after three generations to ensure the purity of their bloodline. If a direct male meets a woman with this bloodline, he can replenish the purity of his own bloodline essence."

"Is that so?!"

Li Yun felt a little surprised, because although marriage was said to occur after three generations, there was still a possibility of marriage between close relatives.

However, looking at the current situation of the Meng family, it seems to be running extremely well. It seems that Meng Fusheng's method still has some truth.

"Yes, so those Meng family bloodlines that are living outside can be passed down for up to ten generations. If there is no such method to maintain them, after ten generations, there will be almost no characteristics of the Meng family bloodline in their bodies. Therefore, those who are now living outside All of them are descendants of the Meng family who have only emerged in the past hundred years."

"Thank you, senior, for your guidance!" Li Yun said sincerely.

"Young master, you might as well take us with you. We will point it out to you as soon as we sense it!" Shui Luohua said.

"no problem!"

Li Yun was naturally not afraid that the two men would suddenly attack, so he placed the "Meng Emperor's Happy Picture" in his spiritual ring and continued to move forward.

When Meng Fusheng and Shui Luohua saw that Li Yun had used the terrifying Shukuchi Technique, they were trembling with fear and no longer dared to have any thoughts of resistance in their hearts.

Mengyue City is now in chaos.

Since the old royal family that had ruled the South Vietnam Empire for a long time disappeared overnight, the new emperor had no prestige at all. Therefore, various potential forces began to make moves.

If it weren't for Wu Huazi's strong suppression, I am afraid that the South Vietnam Empire would have been devastated by military disasters at this moment.

In troubled times, naturally anything will happen. For example, there are a lot of missing persons. But recently, there have been a lot of them, causing people to panic.

At this time, a group of people gathered in a downtown corner, talking nervously.

"Uncle Liu, it was terrible last night. I heard a strange noise from Aunt Zhang's house next door. Later, Aunt Zhang burst into tears. It turned out that her son and grandson were snatched away!" said one person.

"What?! Such a thing could happen?!" Uncle Liu was shocked.

…(To be continued.)

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