The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3569 Epidemic Prevention Elements

"Wo!!!" Shaomai and others took a breath of cold air...

Fairy Meiping said anxiously: "Sir, do you mean that corpse poisoners and virus elements will still threaten us?"

"Indeed! Don't underestimate their race. In fact, they have existed much longer than other races. Perhaps they have existed since the birth of the universe. This shows how strong their vitality is. , and, after so many years of survival, they are still evolving and developing, and now the king among them has reached an extremely high level, and even the life on the core planet of the galaxy is helpless..." Li Yun sighed.

"What?!" Meiping, Shaomai and Ba Tie screamed.

"Young Master, are you saying that their king can defeat such advanced races?" Ba Tie said in shock.

"This is very possible! As they continue to evolve, especially in recent years, they have undergone several mutations. After each mutation, the abilities of those kings have also increased rapidly. Now they have invaded the depths of Tiangang Treasure Star. But the higher races there are completely unaware of this..."

"Oh my God..." The expressions of the three people changed dramatically upon hearing this, and they were trembling...

Li Yun continued: "The King of Corpse Poison is the king among them, and the King of Viruses is also accelerating its evolution now, its strength has increased dramatically, and it is likely to overtake them. Therefore, there is also a fierce battle between them, but precisely because of This endless battle gives them a sense of crisis, so they can continue to evolve and develop!"

"Then what should we do? We can't always be threatened by them, right?" Fairy Meiping said in a trembling voice.

"Well, as I just said, all living beings must accept the fact that they will coexist with virus molecules in this world for a long time to come. If you want to be free from their threats, you must first Strengthen yourself, improve your medical skills, and strive to intercept them in their normal stage to prevent them from growing into stronger opponents; secondly, you must improve your immunity level so that virus molecules cannot invade the body, so that you will not be hijacked by it and become a host, and this also fundamentally inhibits the birth of the high-end king; thirdly, we must unite and fight with its high-end forms, that is, the king of viruses and the king of corpse poison, These high-end kings are territorial, and each one controls an area. On the other hand, if you defeat one of them, you can liberate an area. Of course, this is also temporary, because a blank area like this will soon disappear. It will be invaded by high-end kings from the surrounding area..." Li Yun analyzed.

Shaomai's eyes widened when he heard this, and he said: "What the young master said is absolutely true, but it is really difficult to achieve these three points! We have seen the king of viruses with our own eyes. Didn't the young master say that he is still a little king? Is that so? We can no longer resist such a little king, let alone defeat those virus kings? "

"There is no need to belittle yourselves, military advisors. Aren't you at that time low in military morale and lacking in energy? If you are fully prepared and with your abilities, there is no problem in fighting that little king!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Oh? Master, have you seen that little king too?" Shaomai asked curiously.

"Yes, Xiao Ling showed it to me after he caught it!"

"I see...can we really defeat that little king?" Shaomai asked emphatically.

This issue is very important to him, because after experiencing so many things, he no longer has the strong self-confidence he once had.

He has suffered many setbacks recently, and following Li Yun and Xiao Xing along the way was an eye-opener. Compared with them, Shaomai felt that he was nothing.

The dependence on Li Yun and Xiaoxing has also become stronger...

This situation is also very common. The so-called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. In fact, it does not mean that newborn calves are really brave and are not afraid of tigers at all. It is because newborn calves have never seen much of the world and do not know how powerful tigers are, so of course they are not afraid. .

However, when it sees its young companions or its elders being repaired by tigers, or even being eaten alive by tigers, it knows how to fear tigers. When it sees tigers, it will only stay away from them instead of Bravely rush forward to die...

Li Yun smiled secretly in his heart and said: "Let's put it this way, with the strength of your two fleets, if you were fully prepared to attack with all your strength, it would be possible to defeat the little corpse poison king. However, the best you can do is defeat it, but it is impossible. Grab it..."

"Oh my god...if we can't catch it, wouldn't it be even more troublesome?!" Shaomai exclaimed.

"That's right! That little king has only just taken shape, but it already has considerable strength. If it escapes, then your two fleets will be under constant threat from it. For the little corpse poison king , it has countless ways to sneak into your body and cause chaos, but you are helpless because you have no protective means. By then, almost everyone may be sucked into you..." Li Yun said.

"Wo..." Shaomai, Batie and Meiping screamed, their faces turned pale with fright...

Fairy Meiping said in a trembling voice: "Sir, if this is the case, wouldn't we also be defeated by it?"


"What can we do?!"

"This shows the importance of the second point I just mentioned. If each of you has a high level of epidemic prevention and all the corpse poison molecules that invade the body are intercepted or destroyed, then the corpse poison king wants to enter your body. There is no way to extract life essence from the body, which reduces a lot of risks, and the rest may be to defend against its sneak attack, or to call for help..." Li Yun analyzed.

Fairy Meiping perked up after hearing this, and said quickly: "Then how can we improve our level of epidemic prevention? Even Divine Doctor An and the others have not discovered those corpse poisoners, so how can we intercept or eliminate them?"

"Good question! The reason why Dr. An and the others didn't discover it is because the corpse toxin molecules are not only extremely small, but they can also deceive the anti-epidemic molecules in the human body and sneak into the depths of human cells. Therefore, if you want to intercept or eliminate the corpse poison, The most important thing is to improve the identification level of anti-epidemic molecules in the human body. Only when we can first identify the invading corpse toxins can we talk about how to intercept and eliminate them..." Li Yun said.

"It makes sense! But how to make them identify the corpse poison elements?" Fairy Meiping asked urgently.

"Of course there are ways, and there are many more..." Li Yun smiled.

The three of them couldn't help but get excited after hearing this, and quickly asked what they could do...

Li Yun said to Xiao Xing: "Xiao Ling, why don't you talk to them?"

"Hehe, no problem! I will mainly talk about two methods. The first is to use drugs to improve the recognition ability of anti-epidemic molecules in the human body, so that they can clearly understand what corpse toxin molecules and virus molecules look like. Second, regardless of the anti-epidemic molecules in the human body, we directly inject a new anti-epidemic molecule into the human body, and this anti-epidemic molecule can not only identify corpse toxins and viruses, but also destroy them. , kill two birds with one stone!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Wow!!!" The three of them shouted!

"Xiao Ling, this second method sounds really good!" Fairy Meiping said with a sweet smile.

"Of course it's good, but the cost of this method is high. If you want to get it, you have to pay a big price!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"I am willing to pay no matter how high the price is!" Fairy Meiping said quickly.

"Me too!" Ba Tie and Shaomai echoed.

"You have no problem paying, but with so many patients, most people may not be able to afford it, so we can only settle for the second best and use the first method. In fact, this method is also expensive, but compared to The second one is much better..." Xiaoxing said.

Fairy Meiping said loudly: "Xiao Ling, I don't care so much, can you first inject me with the kind of anti-epidemic elements you mentioned?"

"Yes, we want to fight too!" Ba Tie and Shaomai quickly agreed.

"Haha, you two commanders and a military strategist, why are you so afraid of death?" Xiaoxing laughed.

"This..." The three of them were startled and couldn't help but look at each other, their faces turned red...

Li Yun said with a smile: "You don't have to worry. In fact, after Xiaoling cured you, he injected anti-epidemic elements into you. Now, those poisonous and viral elements cannot invade your body!"

"Is that so?" The three of them were startled, and a feeling of emotion passed through their hearts...

Unexpectedly, Ling Daozi had already helped him fight against the epidemic without saying a word, and she was still suspicious of his treatment at the time...

"Thank you, Xiao Ling..." Fairy Meiping muttered.

"Haha, don't be so sensational. Some of the anti-epidemic elements are nothing to me. You don't have to worry about treatment and fighting against the corpse poison kings. You should just focus on how to convince your own clan. Come on!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Yes!!!" The three people responded quickly after hearing this.

Xiaoxing said to Li Yun: "Brother Liu, I found something very interesting. Do you want to know more about it?"

"Oh? What's interesting?!" Li Yun asked urgently.

"Look at what weapons the Tiangang tribe has created..."

After saying that, he opened a light curtain, and several people quickly stared at it...

The picture looked like a vast starry sky, but there were nebulae filling the sky, churning endlessly, and nothing else could be seen...

However, the eyes of several people were very vicious. Ba Tie said: "This nebula seems to be rolling extremely hard. Is there any great treasure in it?"

"I seem to see bursts of precious light coming out of it..." Shaomai said.

"Tiangang Clan? Xiao Ling, you wouldn't say they are the advanced race on Tiangang Star, right?" Fairy Meiping said in shock.

Xiaoxing nodded and said: "Of course it's them!"

"Then...could these precious lights be the precious lights of the Tiangang Star?" Fairy Meiping thought.

"Well, you can say that, but the situation is still different..."

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