The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3585 The abnormality in the astrology indicates

Thinking of this, Xing Gong thought: "Brother Wo, our clan has a lot of things to spend money on now. The various fleets and the medicines needed by all parties to deal with the epidemic are consuming financial resources every day. You need to purchase some observation tools. There is no problem. After all, these tools can be used on the fleet in the future, but if we send two fleets to explore the cause of the explosion of the two suns, I am afraid we cannot afford it! Besides, after the explosion of the two suns, it will be over and done with. It's useless, right? What's more, the sun that exploded a hundred and twenty years ago has probably disappeared without a trace, so it would be useless for the fleet to fly over..."

As soon as Watcher heard this, he knew that the plan to send a fleet to explore the truth was probably dead. If he insisted on discussing with the criminals how important it was to know the reasons for the explosion of the two suns, it might make him lose face, but it would be inconvenient for him to do so in public. He started talking, but fortunately he had an alternative, so he sighed: "What the patriarch is thinking about is to buy some observation tools first, but can the patriarch give more money, because I plan to build a more sophisticated one myself." Observation tools, if successful, can to a certain extent replace the plan of sending a fleet to observe the scene."

"Oh? If that's the case, that's great! No problem, I will definitely support it!" The executioner couldn't help but be happy when he heard this, and his heart brightened. It turned out that Wochel had this alternative. It was really weird!

It is estimated that he knew from the beginning that it was impossible for the clan to send another fleet out, so he had already formulated this alternative plan. However, he was worried that even this alternative plan might not be realized, so he threw out that fleet first. Plan, and finally proposed this alternative plan, and indeed got my permission.

"Thank you, patriarch!" Warchel said sincerely.

"Sigh, the financial resources of the clan are indeed somewhat difficult now. Otherwise, I will definitely send people to explore the cause of the two abnormal celestial phenomena. Everyone knows that the abnormal celestial phenomena may be closely related to the fate of the clan, especially with the recent outbreak. The epidemic is extremely serious, and I don’t know if there is any connection?" Xing Gong sighed.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other...

To be honest, the epidemic has almost become a taboo topic in the Presbyterian Church. If it is not necessary, no one is willing to take the initiative to bring it up, because the epidemic has already drained everyone’s energy!

Why was everyone so envious of the abnormal soul lantern and soul blood status of those soldiers just now?

The reason is that in the Red Dragon Clan, it is almost impossible to find soul lamps and soul blood in that state!

From top to bottom, everyone has suffered from the epidemic to a greater or lesser extent, but those at the top have hidden it better. They also have enough financial resources to buy drugs that replenish their essence, but for them Speaking of which, this is a secret, and it is best not to be known to others, otherwise it may affect your own power or your status in the clan.

Therefore, in this Presbyterian Church, almost everyone is bound to harbor evil intentions and will never easily say that they also have symptoms of insufficient energy...

Unexpectedly, the clan leader Xing Gong actually mentioned this issue at this time, which made everyone in the seat feel a "click" in their hearts and their expressions changed slightly.

Speaking of the connection between the abnormal celestial phenomena and the epidemic, in fact, these elders had already thought of it when they heard the question raised by Wochel. As cultivators, the celestial phenomena almost represent the will of God in their minds. Everyone has this idea. They are all extremely pious.

In their view, every change in the celestial phenomena should be an instruction from God to them. Whether they have done something right, done well, or done something wrong or made a mistake, they can find the reason from the changes in the celestial phenomena. , thereby celebrating or correcting according to God’s instructions.

Although Xinggong and Wochel mentioned that the abnormal celestial phenomena might be related to the explosion of the sun, everyone present, including Xinggong and Wochel themselves, would think that this abnormal celestial phenomenon might be some kind of inflicted act on their race by God. This prompt made them naturally think of the long-standing spell problem in their clan!

at the moment,

Folks have long circulated that the dragon clan's spell has come true, which is God's punishment for this clan. So what exactly did this clan do wrong? What aspects need to be improved? Why do we do countless things that seem to be right, but epidemics still happen, and the frequency is getting faster and faster?

These rumors have put tremendous pressure on the upper echelons, and Xing Gong, as the patriarch, is naturally under this pressure. No wonder he would take the initiative to mention that there may be some connection between the abnormal celestial phenomena and the epidemic at this time.

Of course, he thought of much more than that. For example, he also thought that the abnormal celestial phenomena might be related to the Red Dragon Tribe joining the Roller Alliance. Since joining the Roller Alliance, the Red Dragon Tribe has continued to consume manpower, material resources and financial resources, but the income has been extremely limited. Overall After all, it is a huge loss, and it is possible to make enemies everywhere, laying hidden dangers for future development. If this situation continues to develop, will it be blown up to nothing like the explosion of the sun?

Could it be that these two solar explosions were a reminder that he could no longer participate in the Roller Alliance's actions?

Warchel said: "Patriarch, the celestial phenomena are an instruction from God to us. If we have some kind of problem, it must be related to some change in the celestial phenomena. This is almost inevitable. However, are those two places The explosion phenomenon is directly related to the current epidemic situation in our tribe. That is not necessarily true, because there is currently no evidence directly linking the two. Only when we find out the cause of the two explosions can we further analyze the two. Whether there is any relationship between them.”

Upon hearing this, Xinggong couldn't help but praise: "Brother Wo's words make sense!"

"Patriarch, when it comes to the spread of the epidemic, I think the celestial phenomena may have pointed it out for us!" Wochel continued.

"Oh? How can you see that?!" The executioner was startled, and the others also cheered up and quickly stared at Wochel.

If Wochel can answer this question, it may be of great help to the Red Dragon Clan. This is exactly what everyone hopes for...

Just listen to what Wochel said: "The patriarch only needs to compare these two star maps. In the past, the starry sky was dim and the clouds were thin, and the number of stars we could observe was smaller. However, the current starry sky is full of bright stars and shrouded clouds." , the number of stars has increased dramatically. If we compare the starry sky to our bodies, do you think there is any hidden meaning in this?"

"What... does this mean?!" Xing Gong asked urgently.

Wochel pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: "Clan Chief, I heard from the clan's miracle doctor that those who are suffering from the epidemic will have a kind of disease spots in their bodies, and the human body's essence seems to leak from these lesions. The more serious the condition is, the more lesions there are in the body. So, if we regard these lesions as stars in the sky, can the two correspond to each other?"

"This..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel enlightened!


"That makes sense!"

"From a time point of view, this is exactly the case..."

"Yes, the epidemic in our tribe has become more and more serious in recent years, and the number of disease spots in our tribe's bodies is also increasing. And doesn't the celestial phenomenon indicate this?"

"Yes, look at the current star chart. There are so many stars, just like the number of disease spots in our bodies is increasing!"

"Oh my God, what will happen if this continues?"

"It's over, it's over, it's over..."

Hearing what Wochel said, everyone felt an ominous premonition in their hearts. Looking at the current star chart, they felt that it was just like their own bodies, and those stars were the disease spots in their bodies, and even Some people have found the stars in this astrological chart that have the same location as the disease spots in their own body, and they can link them to the map of the disease spots in their own body...

The same was true for Xing Gong. Looking at the astrology chart, he suddenly felt panic in his heart, because he could also see the distribution of disease spots in his body from the astrology chart. Could it be that the abnormality in the astrology was directly pointing to the epidemic in his clan? ?

If we continue to think this way, what do those two explosions mean?

Many people can immediately think that the explosion should mean that the lesions in the body suddenly worsen, thus accelerating the loss of essence in the body, and we are in big trouble!

If there are more and more explosions, it means that the disease spots in the people's bodies are also getting worse. I am afraid that in the end everyone may fall ill and die...

At the thought of this, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they trembled involuntarily. Even the water glasses on the table trembled. This was entirely due to the fluctuation of the aura in the venue at this time...

At this moment, a waiter walked quickly outside and shouted: "Chief, there is an urgent report!"

"Bring it!"


The executioner took the letter from the waiter, glanced at it, and couldn't help but stand up!

Everyone looked at him in shock...

Xing Gong calmed himself down and said slowly: "An urgent report came from Red Wing Star. The epidemic has worsened and rescue is urgently needed!"

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone screamed!

They immediately "understood" that the abnormal celestial phenomena observed by Warchel yesterday, and the explosion incident, were actually directed at the deterioration of the epidemic on Red Wing Star!

Wochel didn't expect that things would turn out like this, and he was a little confused for a moment. However, he quickly came to his senses and quickly recalled whether there were any special events related to the epidemic after the explosion one hundred and twenty years ago. So, As soon as he thought about it, he suddenly remembered and said anxiously: "Clan leader, do you remember that a hundred and twenty years ago, there was also an epidemic in Red Point Star? It seems that many clan members died!"

"Yes!!!" Xing Gong's eyes lit up and he remembered.

The people in the audience nodded frequently. For them, what happened one hundred and twenty years ago was as clear as yesterday, so they quickly remembered that the Red Horn Star at that time was indeed as Watcher said. An epidemic broke out and a large number of people died...

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