The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3601 Jagged Star

The reason why the Jagged Clan feels so desperate is mainly because the opponent has a flying space castle to suppress the formation. Just one space flying castle can consume all the combat power of the Jagged Clan!

Although the Sawtooth Clan had many advanced fleets at the beginning, when facing the flying castle, no matter how hard they fought, they could not break through the firepower network released by the opponent's flying castle. Although their artillery fire could also threaten to the opponent's space flying castle, but its lethality is limited, and the opponent's operations are extremely flexible and changeable. Although the target of the space flying castle is quite large, it actually moves much faster and more flexible than the spaceship, and is difficult to be locked. Since it cannot be locked, the success rate of artillery fire has dropped significantly. In addition, the outer shell of the flying fortress is extremely hard and protected by a high-level energy shield. Even if it is hit, it will not be seriously damaged. But on the contrary, once those spacecraft are flown, If the fort is hit by artillery shells, it will either be destroyed or injured, and its combat effectiveness will be sharply reduced...

In addition, the opponent not only has this space flying fortress, but also acts as a deterrent from the rear. It also has many high-level fleets at its disposal, so the pressure on the Sawtooth clan is even greater.

In such an unequal dialogue, the Jagged Clan's strength was continuously consumed, and now they are at the end of their strength and have completely lost their confidence.

However, in order to continue their bloodline and have a chance for revenge in the future, the Sawtooth clan did the same thing as other races here. At the last moment, the only idea was to let some people escape no matter how hard they tried, and These people are the hope and future of the race. As long as they can take root and sprout elsewhere, there will still be hope for the Sawtooth tribe in the future, and there will still be time for a comeback!

Therefore, almost all the remaining main forces and elites of the Jagged Clan are now gathering together to discuss how to break out.

However, these people discussed over and over again, but could not decide on an escape plan. The reason was that there were too few troops left on hand, and Jagged Star was almost surrounded by the opponent. If they wanted to escape, they could only force their way out, but in this way You are almost seeking death. There is no way the people from the Roller Alliance would let you escape so easily...

After all, they had tried to break out several times before, only to be pushed back by the opponent's intensive artillery fire. The losses were extremely heavy. If they failed again, they would probably no longer be able to escape and would never have the chance to escape!

However, from the perspective of the Jagged Clan, now is a critical moment for whether the Jagged Clan can escape!

Why do you say this?

Because they fight with the people of the Roller Alliance every day, they already know them very well. The unusual behavior of the Roller Alliance during this period has given hope to the people of the Jagged Clan.

This abnormal behavior means that the people of the Roller Alliance mentioned earlier have no intention of going on a killing spree. They are waiting for the success of the test in the rear. Therefore, when fighting in the front, they are more just showing off, as long as they suppress the opponent on the planet. Just go up, because they know that as long as the rear test is successful, they will have the opportunity to obtain a large number of Tiangang gems, and there is no need to fight to the death like now, which is called thankless.

The Jagged Tribe seems to have smelled something from the unusual behavior of the Roller Alliance, but they are unable to know the real reason, because their communication network has been completely cut off by the other party, and they are completely blind to what is happening outside. .

Even so, with the sharp senses of the Jagged Tribe, it can still be seen that the people of the Roller Alliance have been very lax recently. Their offense is so-so, and their defense is not as airtight as before. There will always be some vague gaps...

This made them feel that an opportunity had come. Regardless of whether these gaps were traps deliberately set by the Roller Alliance,

They can't care so much, because there is absolutely no future for them to continue to stay on Sawtooth Star. This has already formed a consensus among the clan, so they must break out. Even if one group of people die, another group of people must be killed. Send it out, go far away, keep the fire of the race!

In the end, this secret discussion was like a farewell of life and death, and the scene was filled with a solemn and solemn atmosphere, because they knew that this farewell might be forever, and some people would definitely die, while some people would die after running around. , it will definitely be difficult to see each other again in life...

Just as the meeting was about to end and get ready, a man hurried in and said loudly: "Clan leader, there is someone outside who wants to see you!"

The leader of the Jagged Clan is called Nian Cheng. Hearing this, he was startled and asked curiously: "Who is he?"

"I don't even know, but this person is not from this tribe, and I don't know where he came from..." the tribesman responded.

"What?! Foreigners?! Not good!!!" Nian Cheng screamed.

Because it is a top-secret matter for people in the clan to gather here today, but it was found out by a foreigner. We don’t know where he came from. If this person is from the Roller Alliance, wouldn’t that mean Have these people been discovered by them? !

"Clan leader, this person said, he is not from the Roller Alliance, but he is here to help our Sawtooth clan defeat the Roller Alliance!"

"What?!!!" Nian Cheng was stunned again. This person seemed to be able to guess his reaction after hearing the news, so he actually said such words to this tribesman in advance.

The tribesman added: "This person said that we don't have to rush to flee now, because the Roller Alliance is doing some kind of experiment recently, and all the frontline soldiers are waiting for the news of the success of the experiment, so they started a war. Not paying attention."

"Is this... really so?" Nian Cheng murmured, thinking...

The great elder Sibin swept his consciousness and said: "Clan leader, this man is just a young man. He came here alone. Why not meet him and listen to what he said..."

Nian Cheng came out of his thoughts, nodded and said: "Okay, let him come in then!"

After a while, his clan members brought in a young man, and everyone's eyes lit up when they saw it, and their expressions changed!

Because although they had already seen this person with their spiritual consciousness, the feeling when they saw it with their own eyes was even more different. They felt that this person was really the most beautiful person in the world, no one else!

Of course, this person is Xiaoxing. He saluted with a smile and said: "Hello, clan leader! Hello, great elder! Hello, elders and seniors!"

After everyone heard his voice, their hearts suddenly softened, and their tense nerves instantly relaxed, and they all involuntarily returned the greeting: "Hello!"

Nian Cheng looked at Xiaoxing, a look of admiration flashed in his eyes, but he still said with a sullen face: "What do you call this young man? How did you know that we were gathering here?"

"I am Ling Daozi! I am a space tourist. I passed by this star today and felt that the scenery is beautiful and the mountains and rivers are majestic, so I came down for a walk. When I came to this place, I heard someone on the road talking about the nobles' recent war with the Roller Alliance. It happened that I knew something about the Roller Alliance, and I felt it necessary to tell you about it, so I came here..."

"Lie!!! At such a young age, how could you be so shameless in deceiving us with lies?! If you weren't polite, I would have ordered you to be taken down immediately!!!" Nian Cheng was excited when he heard this! said.

"Oh? Why did senior say that I was lying?" Xiao Xing asked curiously.

"Why? First, this star has long been surrounded by the Roller Alliance. It is difficult for even a spirit fly to fly out. How could you just come down casually? Second, you can find it just by wandering down. Here, we have to know how many lairs we have on this star. If someone can find them casually, can they still be called lairs?" Nian Cheng said loudly.

Xiaoxing was happy when she heard this and said with a smile: "What the patriarch said makes sense, but if you can listen to what I said, then you won't say that I am lying..."

"News, news, in that case, please tell us your news and let everyone listen!" Nian Cheng said impatiently.

Xiaoxing was not in a hurry, but said: "Clan leader, this news is extremely precious. It is related to your clan's life and death and future plans. Do you want me to reveal it for free like this?"

"What? You are clearly here to defraud money!" Nian Cheng said loudly.

The great elder Sibin said from the side: "Patriarch, please calm down. If the news he told is really so precious, then it doesn't matter if we use Tiangang gems to buy it from him. But if the news he tells is just so-so, then we don't have to pay." ...Come here, give this young Master Ling a seat! Let’s watch tea!”

When the people below heard this, someone quickly moved a chair for Xiaoxing to sit on, and someone else brought fragrant tea...

Nian Cheng's face was tense, but he did not stop Si Bin's order. There was a tacit understanding between the two. One played the bad role and the other played the red face. The purpose was of course to give Xiaoxing a show of strength, but it could be done just in case. It's not what I imagined, and it won't offend anyone.

After all, the two of them had communicated secretly, and they still had certain hopes for this Xiao Ling, because they found that they could not see the other's cultivation level at all. In other words, although this Xiao Ling was extremely young, He is actually a master, and maybe the best among masters. He dares to come here alone. This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. It would be impossible for him to do it, because everyone knows that the current Jagged Tooth The Clan must be a warrior, and if there is any slight disturbance, they will definitely strike first to avoid leaking the news and being surrounded and annihilated by the concentrated firepower of the Roller Alliance. Therefore, even if they want to do something good and save people, they will definitely choose to send a message instead of coming in person. Because there is no need to personally take risks...

Xiaoxing sat down leisurely, took a sip of tea, and couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that the nobles have fallen to such a low level, and they can even serve such tea to guests. It's really sad!"

"You?!" When Nian Cheng, Si Bin, and others heard this, their faces turned red, and they almost couldn't help but take action...

"What? Did I say something wrong? The tea of ​​the Jagged Clan was not like this before. Your jagged hair tips are famous all over the world. It is said that the top-quality tea leaves are covered with white hairs. When brewing, you can just enjoy their tea dance in the tea soup. It’s already very pleasing to the eye…”

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