The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3603 Entrusted by others

Si Bin asked in a trembling voice: "Mr. Ling, when did the information you mentioned occur? Was their experiment successful?"

Xiaoxing said: "Great Elder, my message is real-time message, that is to say, what is displayed at this time is what they are doing now. In the front, they only dragged some small star stones and a Rose, however, the star stone launch was successful, but the effect was not good. As for Rose, they did not calculate well and missed the target!"

"The shot missed? Where did it go?!" Si Bin asked quickly.

"Blue Bird Star Territory!"

"What? Qingque Star Territory? Isn't that their own star territory?" Si Bin was startled.

"That's right, they don't want to, because it's something they can't control. It's very difficult to correct it after the shot misses, isn't it?" Xiaoxing said.

Si Bin nodded, he could completely imagine this, and couldn't help but sigh: "The Roller Alliance is really obsessed with money. In order to get the Tiangang gem, they actually conducted such a terrible experiment, and now even their own star field has to be destroyed. I’m afraid... I’m afraid the Qingque Star Territory will be in trouble now, right?”

"Of course, the Qingque Star Territory no longer exists!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone was in an uproar when they heard this, and they were shaking violently involuntarily. They imagined the scene where Qingque Star Territory was smashed into powder by Rose Moon. They felt that this was probably their fate as well. …

Xiaoxing pointed to the image in the field and continued: "Now, they have successfully dragged the Rose Star into the preset orbit and are accelerating it. As long as it circles the Rose Star three times, the Rose Star will It will gain enough speed to get rid of Rose Star's pull, and then launch it, but..."

"But what?!!!" Nian Cheng and Si Bin asked urgently at the same time.

"According to my calculations, their experiment will not be successful..." Xiaoxing said.

"'s okay, it's okay..." Everyone couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone, this is actually very bad!" Xiaoxing said flatly.

"But why?!" Nian Cheng and Si Bin asked urgently at the same time.

"Because, according to my calculations, the final launch direction of this Rose is exactly in the direction of the Sawtooth Starfield..." Xiaoxing hummed.

"What?!!!" Everyone screamed, unable to believe their ears...

"You...are you telling the truth?!!!" Nian Cheng shouted in disbelief.

"Clan Leader, you will see if what I said is true..." Xiaoxing said calmly.

"This..." The Jagged Clan members looked at each other, all confused...

This news is too shocking, and I am too anxious. I just learned that the rose star is coming to me. What should I do? What else can be done? !

Escape? If this news is not true, wouldn't it be a complete mess? It is also difficult to break through the blockade of the Roller Alliance above in a hurry.

Won't you run away? If this news is true, wouldn't it mean waiting to die here?

Everyone looked at Nian Cheng and Si Bin, waiting for them to give orders...

Nian Cheng and Si Bin looked at each other. They had discussed it many times in their minds, but they could not make up their minds because the idea was too difficult to come up with...

However, Si Bin suddenly thought of a question and said to Xiao Xing: "Mr. Ling, are you trying to scare me into waiting?"

"Why did the great elder say that?"

"If your news is true,

So, aren't you coming to our Sawtooth Planet to seek death? Si Bin said coldly.

"Yes..." Everyone couldn't help but suddenly realized...

No one would seek death on their own, that was for sure. Since Ling Daozi had already calculated that the Roller Alliance's test would fail, the shot would miss, and it would happen to hit the Sawtooth Starfield, then why would he come here to report it? Is there any way for him to escape such a planetary collision?

Seeing everyone's suspicious looks, Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Great elder, that's a good question! But of course I will not seek death..."

"Oh? You mean, the Sawtooth Starfield will not be destroyed by such an impact?!" Si Bin snorted.

"No, under the impact of a giant satellite like Rosemary, the Sawtooth Star Region will definitely be unlucky, and the end will be the same as the Qingque Star Region..."

"Then why are you still here?!"

"Well, because I still have a piece of information that I haven't told yet..."

"What other information?!" Si Bin asked urgently.

"The original races in the star field near Tiangang Bao Star have begun to unite to deal with the Roller Alliance. These races have elected Mr. Liufeng as the leader of the alliance. They are currently thinking of ways to save everyone. Now they have led more than a dozen races of flying castles to the vicinity of the Sawtooth Star Field. And he has learned about this test of the roller!" Xiaoxing said.

"Young Master Liufeng? How come we haven't heard of him?" Nian Cheng and Si Bin looked at each other suspiciously.

Si Bin echoed: "Yes, what race is he from? How come I haven't heard of this name? Besides, even if he knows about the experiment of the Roller Alliance, is there any way to deal with the out-of-control Rose Guardian?"

Xiaoxing cast a shadow and said: "Look, this is the Tiangang Alliance led by Mr. Liufeng. Currently, this alliance is composed of thirteen space flying castles, among which is the Qingque tribe..."

"Wait! Didn't you just say that Qingque Starfield has been destroyed by Rose Moon?" Si Bin interrupted Xiaoxing.

"Yes, the Qingque Star Territory is indeed finished now, but the Qingque Clan is not finished yet!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Impossible! Such a scene is completely imaginable. How could the Qingque tribe escape such a catastrophe?!" Si Bin said loudly.

"Great Elder, don't worry, the Qingque Clan was saved by Master Liufeng before the Qingque Star Territory was destroyed! After the Qingque Clan learned the reason why the Qingque Star Territory was destroyed, they also joined the Tiangang Alliance and turned to To deal with the Roller Alliance..." Xiaoxing said.

"This..." Si Bin, Nian Cheng and others were stunned, and their minds were spinning...

Of course they were dubious about Ling Daozi's statement. After all, they had never heard of Mr. Liufeng. As for the Qingque tribe, they were still enemies before. They couldn't unconditionally believe Ling Daozi's words alone. ?

However, after they thought about it, it seemed that no matter whether they chose to believe it or not, it didn't make much difference to the Zigzag Clan, because the experiment of the Roller Alliance was too amazing, and Qiangweisan would soon come over, with that With the speed at which the planet is launched, it won't take long for it to arrive. Whether you escape or not, the result will be the same!

They wouldn't believe that Mr. Liufeng could deal with Qiang Weisan who was attacking so quickly!

"Master Ling, what's the use of telling us this information? If your first information is true, then Qiang Weisan should be launched by now, right? I'm afraid it won't take long to fly here, then this second What use is this information to us?" Nian Cheng sighed.

"Hehe, don't worry, clan leader. If it weren't for this second piece of information, how could I have come here so boldly?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"How can I say this? Can this so-called Tiangang Alliance be able to deal with this Rose Guard San?" Nian Cheng said in surprise.

"Of course! Clan leader and great elder, you just watch, Mr. Liufeng will definitely be able to deal with Qiang Weisan, but..."

"But what?!"

"Just in case, you'd better move into the space flying fortress lent to you by Mr. Liufeng, and leave here immediately to join the Tiangang Alliance and deal with the Roller Alliance together!" Xiaoxing said.

"Master Liufeng lent us the space flying fortress?!" Nian Cheng was stunned, and looked at each other with his tribe...

The news came so suddenly that they couldn't accept it at all, so they didn't say anything, but the fluctuations in their hearts were huge, because Xiaoxing mentioned Flying Castle just now, and the Jagged Clan knew that they were defeated by flying in space. Under the fort, if this clan could have a flying fort, then the current situation would be much better!

If Young Master Liufeng of the Tiangang Alliance could really lend his clan a flying fortress in space, then his clan's combat power would be immediately enhanced. Wouldn't it be able to solve countless long-standing problems?

Xiaoxing pointed at the image information and said: "Clan leader, look, this is the Qingque Flying Fortress that Mr. Liufeng lent to the Qingque Clan, and this is the Red Dragon Flying Fortress. By the way, although the Crimson Dragon Clan is also from the Roller Alliance, because of the Roller Alliance The test Qiangwei Yi also missed and shot towards the Red Dragon Star Territory, but the Red Dragon tribe was rescued by Master Liufeng in advance, so now they also get a Red Dragon Flying Fortress from Mr. Liufeng... Looking at the other rescued races, There are Xuanling Flying Castle, Yika Flying Castle, Aitan Flying Castle, Loulan Flying Castle, Xiaohe Flying Castle, Maba Flying Castle, Hongshan Flying Castle, Sanxingdui Flying Castle, Hemudu Flying Castle, Yungang Flying Castle and Zhoukoudian Flying Castle …”

Nian Cheng, Si Bin and others listened to Ling Daozi's introduction and were extremely shocked. They did not expect that every rescued race would get a flying fort. How many flying forts does this Liufeng Master have?

From the information point of view, they found that the flying castle displayed by Ling Daozi was completely different from the flying castle of the Roller Alliance. The style was very different. It was very different from the flying castle styles often seen in this area, so they could basically conclude that these flying castles The fort cannot be from the Roller Alliance, nor can it be from other nearby races.

In this way, the information Ling Daozi said has greater credibility. Besides, they also thought of it before. Regardless of whether they believe it or not, the difference is really not big.

Nian Cheng thought in his heart and said in deep thought: "Master Ling, how do you know so much in detail? What is your relationship with this young master?"

"That's a good question, Patriarch! To be honest, Mr. Liufeng and I are good friends. I came to your place this time because I was entrusted by Mr. Liufeng to pick you up from here. I even brought Feibao with me, so you can explore Take a look with your spiritual consciousness, it’s just outside..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"It's just outside?!" Everyone hurriedly used their consciousness, and sure enough they found a spherical object slowly rotating at low altitude outside, shining with a thick metallic luster...

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