The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3622 Made a mistake?

"This... what the master said makes sense! Greed is one of the most important obstacles for cultivators on the road to cultivation! I think at the beginning, it was precisely because I couldn't resist the powerful temptation of the Tiangang gem that I thought of forming a roller alliance to seize More beautiful gems...but..." Che thought forward.

"But what?"

"Now I realize that no matter how many gems I have, what's the use? For a cultivator, when the cultivation level reaches a certain height, absorbing the energy in the gems for cultivation has no effect. It can only be used in Taoism. The right path is to make breakthroughs in mind cultivation! Therefore, these gems have actually become useless collections for me. In order to obtain them, I have exhausted all my time and energy, leaving me unable to calm down. I have devoted myself to studying Taoism, but I have not made any further progress in the realm of Taoism for so many years. What a huge loss this is!!!" Che Xiangqian sighed.

"So, what is the leader planning to do now?" Master Guoyu asked.

"Master, now I'm trapped in the situation and I can't help myself! When we formed the Roller Alliance, everyone swore an oath. If you don't act according to the oath, it will be a violation of the oath and you will be punished by God. There is only one way to go. Black! Besides, with my current status and role in the alliance, if I suddenly withdraw, the Rolling Wheel Alliance will immediately fall into chaos, and it will fall apart soon. Then other forces will take advantage of the situation to attack, and by then I am afraid that most of them will Everyone in the alliance will die violently, including you..." Che said slowly forward.

Master Guoyu's face changed slightly when he heard this. He had just thought of this result. Unexpectedly, Che Xiangqian also thought of it. He was also helpless about his possible fate, because he was sure that he was innocent. Niu Zhuanqian wanted to join the roller. During the alliance, he tried his best to dissuade him. Unfortunately, most people in the clan, including Niu Zhuangan, could not resist the huge temptation of the Tiangang gem. In the end, they joined the Roller Alliance, and he was also coerced into it. It can be said that, I am the same as the car moving forward. Now I am trapped in the situation and can't help myself!

Although he has done no evil, and even refused to give himself some after Niu Zhuanqian divided up the Tiangang gems, in the eyes of outsiders, of course he is also a member of the Roller Alliance, and at the very least an accomplice, so regardless of Whether it is a strike or revenge, it is an important goal!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the purpose of this guidance test is to destroy the Tiangang Treasure Star so that the people of the Roller Alliance can easily pick up the fragments of the Treasure Star. If the test is successful, won't all the star fields around the Treasure Star be destroyed? To the point of catastrophe? How many people must have died?

When he thought of this, Master Guoyu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Why didn't he think of this at all before?

Such a huge sin is definitely not something that I and other people from the stars can bear!

Fortunately, the experiment was not successful, otherwise it is simply unimaginable what he would be like now. However, those out-of-control planets flew towards those front-line positions, causing the mysterious disappearance of several star fields, as well as chaotic disputes on the front lines, especially the leeches. The emergence of the clan and the outbreak of the plague, are these things also related to the experiment?

Master Guoyu's thoughts were spinning and he felt bad, but at this time he was grateful to the possible force that Che Xiangqian mentioned. Yes, if they really controlled the experiment, then it would be indirect Helped myself and prevented myself from becoming the executioner who would destroy the world...

"The alliance leader is right. We are all helpless now. However, as the saying goes, it depends on people. There should be a way for us to escape, right?" Master Guoyu said.

"Escape is easier said than done? But it's not that difficult for the master, but it's difficult for me. With my status, it's basically impossible..." Che Xiangqian said.

"Why does the leader say that my difficulty is not that great?" Master Guoyu asked quickly.

"The master has not participated in the war. He concentrates on studying the stars and Taoism. He is extraordinary and outstanding... If you want to escape, you might as well find a place to practice in seclusion.

No one will be treated as an enemy and must be killed! But do you think others will treat me the same way they treat you? Once the Roller Alliance collapses, then I will be the number one criminal, and no one will let me go..." Che sighed forward.

"This...the leader does not need to be so pessimistic. The Rolling Wheel Alliance is still a powerful alliance and can still influence its development under the current situation. The leader might as well calm down and think carefully about how the alliance should go forward..." Guo Yu The master consoled him.

"Master is right. In fact, I am not pessimistic. I am just a little confused at the moment. I have never been afraid of anyone while driving. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will fight to the end. At least so that people like Master can be saved. I will continue to slaughter!" Che said decisively forward.

"Pop", "Pap", "Pap", "Pap", "Pap"...

A burst of applause sounded, causing the car to change its expression as it moved forward, looked around suspiciously, and shouted loudly: "Who is coming?!"

"Chief Che is indeed a great hero. He never gives up even when he is at the end of his rope!" Xiaoxing said in a clear and charming voice, which was extremely pleasant to listen to...

"Who are you? You're not just hiding away from people, are you?"

"Hey, if I hide, will I still talk to you? If you want to know who I am, all you need to know is that I am Xiao Ling from the Tiangang Alliance!" Xiaoxing said.

"Tiangang Alliance?!" Che Xiangqian and Master Guoyu were startled, and looked at each other. Unexpectedly, the person coming was actually the person from the Tiangang Alliance who had just emerged. This force had been ignored by them in the past few days, because this The most important thing for them in the past few days was the emergence of the leech clan and the plague.

Che Qianqian thought for a moment and said thoughtfully: "Xiao Ling? Are you the leader of the Tiangang Alliance?"

"Not bad! Are you scared?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Haha, didn't I just say that? I have never been afraid of anyone! Your voice sounds very childish. You have become the leader of an alliance at a young age. You are truly a hero in the world..."

"Excellent! Excellent! However, Alliance Leader Che said that he has never been afraid of anyone. Isn't this too arrogant? Are you really not afraid of anything and everything since your cultivation? Are you not even afraid of the rules of the universe?" Xiaoxing laughed. road.

"This..." Che was startled forward, and his expression changed slightly, because what Xiaoxing said was reasonable. For cultivators, they are in awe of this world, and as their cultivation realm becomes higher and higher, contact with The rules of the universe we have arrived at are getting closer and closer, and this feeling of awe will become stronger!

Why do many old foxes become less courageous as they age?

In fact, it is not that their courage has really become smaller, but because they are getting closer and closer to the rules of the universe, so they find that the power of the universe is indeed difficult for individuals to match. There are countless ways for God to kill a person, and life has always been there. Like a delicate flower, it is easily extinguished. Even like the dewdrops on the flower, it can only stay for a moment in the morning light, and then disappear without a trace when the morning sun rises...

Therefore, every powerful person in the universe is in awe of God and does not dare to go too far. They only do things within the scope that they can control, for fear that if they go beyond the limit even a little, they will be at a disadvantage!

When Che Xiangqian thought of this, he realized that he had unknowingly crossed the warning line in his heart. Not to mention anything else, just saying that he had never been afraid of anyone seemed to have become a hang-up. I have been saying this mantra for many years, but neither I nor others realized that it was inappropriate to say it. Unexpectedly, a junior pointed it out today!

His thoughts whirled, and he suddenly took a higher look at this person, so he cleared his throat and said: "I am naturally in awe of God, but for other people, especially the enemy, that is not necessary!"

"Could it be that Leader Che regards me as an enemy?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Isn't it true? You first appeared in the Sawtooth Star Territory. Is the disappearance of Yang Biao's team members related to you? They also asked the Council of Elders for help..." Cheqiang hummed.

"Oh? I wonder what they asked for help?" Xiaoxing asked.

"What is the request for help?" Che was startled forward, wondering what Xiao Ling meant by what he said? Since the Presbyterian Church was in progress at the time, the person who came to report the message was a messenger guard. He only mentioned that the letter for help mentioned the emergence of the Tiangang Alliance, but did not elaborate on what the specific request for help was, so everyone almost unanimously believed that At that time, the team was under attack from the Tiangang Alliance, so Yang Biao quickly left to ask for help...

"Yes, has Leader Che ever seen that letter for help? Did it say that the team was attacked by us?" Xiaoxing said.

"This...could it be that you weren't the ones attacking them?!" Che Qianqian said in surprise.

"Chief Che, you might as well think about it, what is the help letter you received later about?" Xiaoxing hummed.

"The leech fleet and the plague..." Che Xiangqian suddenly realized.

"So the same is true for the Roller Alliance team in the Jagged Star Territory. Of course, they also discovered us when they sent out a distress letter, because we were fighting against the leech tribe and rescuing those who were infected by the plague..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"It's so..." Che Qianqian was extremely shocked and found that he had made a huge mistake!

Because according to Xiao Ling, the Tiangang Alliance is a friend rather than an enemy to the Roller Alliance, but he and others at the previous elders meeting had long agreed that the Tiangang Alliance was established to be an enemy of the Roller Alliance, so in the future all Roller Alliance If a team from the alliance encounters someone from the Tiangang Alliance, they will definitely treat them as enemies. Isn't this making enemies for themselves for no reason?

Considering the current situation faced by the Roller Alliance, doing this is tantamount to making trouble for yourself. It is already troublesome enough, and you will also cause trouble for yourself...

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