Xiaoxing continued: "For another reason, Che Xiangqian is certainly guilty, but the people in his clan are not necessarily guilty. It was only him and some senior people who made the decision to establish the Roller Alliance, and the others were all They brought them in, such as Master Guoyu. As far as I know, when Niu Zhuanqian made the decision to join the Roller Alliance, he was opposed by Master Guoyu and others. However, their number was too small, their power was too small, and they were powerless. To change this trend, I had to join the Roller Alliance in the end, because even if they don’t join, people of your race will definitely think that he is a member of the Roller Alliance, right?”

"Not bad!" Nian Cheng and Si Bin nodded.

"But do you know that Master Guoyu doesn't even have a Tiangang gem on his body?"

"What?!" The two of them were startled, not expecting this to happen.

Little On the other hand, their actions are consistent with their beliefs and they maintain their rare high moral integrity. In fact, only a few people in the Roller Alliance have obtained Tiangang gems. Most people have never even seen the shadow of the gems. However, they have become the biggest victims. Once the Roller Alliance collapses, they may become the targets of being hunted down, while those at the top have already taken the gems to enjoy themselves... As Che Xiangqian said, he will fight now He must maintain the Rolling Wheel Alliance with his life, otherwise a lot of innocent souls will appear. This can also be said to be a sign of his repentance..."

When Nian Cheng and Si Bin heard this, they couldn't help but have expressions on their faces, and they suddenly figured it out!

"Xiao Ling, I understand! I didn't expect that I have lived for so many years, and I don't see the problem as clearly as you, a young man! In the final analysis, the roller alliance is the result of high-level operations. It is different from ordinary people and those with high integrity and integrity. What do people have to do? But they have to bear the infamy, bear the sin, and become innocent victims. And now, they have to endure the torture of the plague brought by the Yuguan tribe. When it comes to the plague, it can be said that everyone Everyone is innocent..." Nian Cheng sighed.

"Xiao Ling, I support you in capturing those Yuguan tribesmen for them. Even if we want to be enemies with them, we don't want to be fighting a group of people who have been tortured by the plague. That would be too ineffective!" Si Bin agreed. road.

Xiao Xingle said: "I'm not as powerful as you say. In fact, I do this for selfish reasons!"

"Oh? Are you saying you want to get the Tiangang gem? In fact, we have many in our hands. If you want it, we can give it to you!" Nian Cheng said loudly.

"No, no, asking for Tiangang gems is just a small game. On the one hand, through this behavior, I want to squeeze some wealth from him. On the other hand, I want Che Qiang to misjudge me, otherwise he will definitely suspect me. They must have some other conspiracy to arrest the Yuguan clan members, so he wouldn't necessarily ask me to arrest them," Xiaoxing Jieqiu said.

"It turns out that Xiao Ling has considered this!!!" The two of them suddenly realized. They didn't expect that Ling Daozi's small actions could have such profound meanings. It's really unimaginable...

"Yes, there is actually another reason, that is, I want to get those Yuguan tribe members and incorporate them into my training camp. In this way, my special team will become stronger and can become a leader in the galaxy war in the future. A real surprise force!" Xiaoxing said.

"What? Have you trained a Yuguan Clan team?" Nian Cheng said in shock.

"Hey, are you scared?" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"This...Xiao Ling, you are so amazing! I admire you so much that I am in total admiration!!!" Nian Cheng said loudly, his tone was so respectful that he almost knelt down...

He and Si Bin saw with their own eyes that a dozen Yuguan tribe members could destroy an entire Leech tribe fleet and Roller Alliance fleet. Such terrifying strength was beyond their imagination. However, what shocked them even more was that As soon as Ling Daozi took action,

The dozen or so members of the Yuguan clan became his prisoners, with little power to fight back. The gap was as big as the difference between heaven and earth.

Now that he heard that Ling Daozi still had a Yuguan Clan team in his hands and was going to become a surprise force in the future galaxy war, this made him admire Ling Daozi even more from the bottom of his heart.

Si Bin asked from the side: "Xiao Ling, the Yuguan tribe is already so powerful, do they still need training? I'm afraid you are the only one in the world who can subdue them, right?"

Xiaoxing snorted: "This is just what you think. These Yuguan clan members are just the middle and low-level members of the Yuguan clan. The truly powerful masters are now hiding in Tiangang Baoxing, waiting to take advantage of them. Besides, In addition to the Yuguan Clan, there is also the Zhouguan Clan. The current strength of the Zhouguan Clan has caught up with the Yuguan Clan, and it will not be long before they may surpass them, so next I will capture some Zhouguan Clan people for training..."

"Oh my god..." The two of them were dumbfounded, feeling like their heads couldn't keep up...

Si Bin simply took out his best Rainbow Dragon Hair Tip, carefully prepared three cups of tea, one for each person, and then said: "Xiao Ling, can you tell us a little about the Yuguan Clan and the Zhou Guan Clan? "

"For the sake of your cup of tea, let me tell you something..." Xiaoxing smiled and started talking...

But he said that after Che Xiangqian returned to Tianshen Flying Castle, he immediately called a secret gathering of all the medical people in the castle. Since he kept Xiao Ling's reminder in mind, he did not dare to tell the information that there were people from the Yuguan tribe, and just let them discuss how to do it. Deal with the plague that broke out on the front line, and how to prevent it in the space world inside the fort.

Of course, he had no reservations at all about Chen Xi, the miracle doctor in the castle, and told him the information exactly.

When Chen Xi heard this, her expression changed, and she suddenly felt enlightened!

Yes, he had suspected it for a long time, but it wasn't until he heard this information that he realized that everything was caused by the Yuguan tribe!

"Clan leader, where did you hear this information?" Chen Xi asked urgently.

"It was said by a man named Xiao Ling outside the fort. He is outside at the moment. If we find out about this, we will spend Tiangang gems to invite him to come in and capture these hidden Yuguan tribe members for us!" Che Xiangqian said. .

"What? This person actually has such great abilities? These Yuguan people are not simple!" Chen Xi said in surprise.

"You mean, there are really Yuguan people in our fort?" Che Qianqian asked.

"That's right! I didn't know it before, but after hearing the news, I understood that those Yuguan people are hiding in each of our bodies, devouring our essence! In fact, I have discovered the clues a long time ago, but I just suffered from not having them. Discovering them, because they are hidden too deeply, is not a level we can reach at all..." Chen Xi sighed.

Che Qianqian was extremely shocked by what he heard, and his heart was extremely heavy. He did not expect that this thing was true. He asked emphatically: "You mean, most of us here are really terminally ill? And we have entered The level of hell?”

Chen Xi nodded and sighed: "I don't know if the patriarch is like this, but I know myself, because the disease spots in my body have entered the first level of hell! But it may be deeper, but my medical power can reach up to hell. The first floor, and I have long discovered that many people in the castle have disease spots that have developed to the first floor of hell, but they have not developed any illnesses for the time being. In order to avoid panic in the castle, I have been hiding this matter, secretly I have been studying this matter, but no matter what methods I take, I can't eliminate the lesions..."

"Oh my god...how could this happen? Where did the disease spots come from?! Did it already exist in our fort?" Che exclaimed forward.

"Yes! I discovered it a long time ago, but at first I didn't think they were disease spots, because almost everyone has them in their body, and there's nothing wrong with them, so I always thought that these spots were the natural aging of the human body. A characteristic. However, later I gradually realized that this is not the case. They are not ordinary scars, but diseased spots, which are bottomless pits that suck the essence of the human body. Why do many people find it harder to make progress the more they practice? There are a lot of them. Part of the reason is due to the continuous leakage of essence in the body. If there is such a bottomless pit in the body, how can it be possible to cultivate up? So I have been trying to eliminate these lesions, but with my medical skills, the most I can do is delay the expansion of the lesions, but I can't stop them from continuing to penetrate deeper, and now I finally understand that there is such a strange race as the Yuguan Clan in the world, and it must be their fault!!!" Chen Xi said fiercely.

When Che Xiangqian heard this, he panicked and quickly typed out the faces of the Yuguan clan members he had seen before to show Chen Xi. Chen Xi was frightened at the first sight and said anxiously: "Chief, this matter is absolutely impossible." There is no delay, these scourges must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise this clan will be doomed!!!"

"Well, the problem now is that Xiaoling Lion is so open-minded that he wants us to pay a huge amount of Tiangang gems before he is willing to come and catch the demon. In addition, besides us, I'm afraid the same is true for other flying castles in the alliance. If you ask them all, If he comes to catch the demon, won't all the Tiangang gems we have worked so hard to obtain over the years go into his pocket?" Che Qianqian sighed.

Chen Xi was stunned when he heard this, and said for a long time: "Clan Chief, if he can really capture the more than 10,000 Yuguan clan members in the castle, then I think it is worth giving him all the Tiangang gems! After all, the gems are not You can dig again, but if the people are gone, there will be nothing..."

"What you said makes sense, but this person is greedy. I don't know if he can still try his best to catch monsters for us after giving him the gems. Or maybe he doesn't have the ability and has missed some Yuguan clan members. They continue to hunt monsters for us in our fort. If there is reproduction hidden within, wouldn’t we still be helpless?”

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