The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3628 The God’s Flying Fortress collapsed

The Yingwei man suddenly felt a panic. He didn't expect that he had run so far and still hadn't escaped from the trapped formation. No matter how hard he smashed the drill, it didn't seem to have any effect on the formation. Could it be that he would do the same? Become like the dozen tribesmen I saw before?

To be honest, when he was hiding in the car and saw the dozen tribesmen inside the car, he was still shocked. But then he thought about it, these tribesmen belonged to another ethnic group, and they were all weaker. They were incomparable to themselves, so it was understandable that they were caught by this Xiao Ling. But if Xiao Ling wanted to catch him, then of course the situation would be completely different.

So he took advantage of the conversation between Xiao Ling and Che Qianqian to search desperately, trying to find out Xiao Ling's whereabouts. But what surprised him was that Xiao Ling could only hear his voice but not see his person, not even a trace of him. No, this made him feel a little bad, so he kept hiding away for this reason.

When the car moved forward and entered the Flying Castle, as the leader of the Yuguan tribe, he of course immediately issued an order for the tribesmen to start preparing for battle, so the tribesmen, large and small, began to take action, and some who were sleeping were awakened and joined. In preparation for the battle, for these Yuguan tribe members, the preparation for the battle is relatively simple. That is to absorb a large amount of life essence to replenish the energy, and then fight with their own instincts, because this is what they have done for countless years. In combat mode, if you can defeat your opponent, suck all the opponent's essence. If you lose, run away quickly, break them into pieces, and turn into many small molecules scattered into the surrounding environment, until you can escape from the opponent. After the pursuit, they reunited...

This way of escaping is unique to the Yuguan and Zhouguan tribes. They do this not only when escaping, but also when they absorb energy and essence. A person's body may be distributed in many bodies. Each part is unified and relatively independent. If the person is killed, as long as part of his body escapes, a new self will appear after a period of time. Of course, this new self will lose some of his memory and abilities. , the level of cultivation will also drop significantly, and it is necessary to start devouring, practicing and recovering again...

On the Xuanling Continent where Li Yun and Xiaoxing used to live, there is also a life form similar to the Yuguan Clan and the Zhouguan Clan, that is, the Demon Clan. The Demon Clan also has this way of escaping by breaking into pieces. However, If the Demon Clan is compared with the Yuguan Clan and the Zhou Guan Clan, they are nothing compared to the mighty ones, and their abilities are too different!

This gap is reflected in the fact that the demons cannot reunite their bodies and can only disperse their souls. What they escape is their own soul threads. These soul threads can be reunited and then transformed into soul bodies and re-cultivated, but the body part There is no way to reunite. Losing is losing and cannot be regained. Unless you did not break up your body when you escaped, you just escaped from the soul, and the other party did not destroy his body, then the reunited soul can enter this body to perform. resurrection.

At this time, the Yuguan clan leader panicked and decided to fight with all his strength. He scattered his whole body and turned it into wisps of light smoke. He ran away crazily in all directions, trying to make the formation lose sight of one thing and let him escape some. Soul and body, as long as they succeed, they will be able to reappear elsewhere soon...

Little Only the skeleton was left, and the skin and flesh collapsed, frightening the Jagged Clan members such as Nian Cheng, Si Bin and others!

Although Nian Cheng, Si Bin and others had seen this scene before, they were extremely shocked when they saw that the two powerful men who were still full of life and life had turned into two skeletons in the blink of an eye. Shaking and softening,

Unable to stand at all, I collapsed to the ground...

With two "pop" and "pop" sounds, Xiaoxing shot two Jingyuan Pills into their mouths. After a while, the two people's physical bodies gradually recovered, but they were still extremely weak. They finally opened their eyes...

Of course, the two people's consciousness could still detect what happened just now, so after opening their eyes, the two looked at each other, got up and saluted: "Thank you, Xiao Ling, for saving your life!"

"Haha, now you know how powerful the Yuguan tribe is, right?" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"I'm so ashamed! I didn't expect that there was such a monster hidden in my body. If Xiao Ling hadn't saved me, I was afraid that this beast would be used as a host in this life..." Che Qianqian sighed.

"If you have time to express your feelings, you might as well think about the situation of the people in the castle at this time..." Xiaoxing teased.

"Oh my god, please Xiaoling, please follow me into the fort to save people!!!" Che Xiangqian suddenly realized what he was doing and shouted urgently.

"Go into the fort to rescue people? No need, I can catch them outside! Of course you'd better go in and see how many people I have captured, and prepare enough Tiangang gems to pay me!" Xiaoxing said.

"What? You can catch monsters without entering the castle?!" Che Xiangqian and Chen Xi were shocked when they heard this!

Could it be that the Flying Castle of the Gods was so unbearable that it was useless in front of Xiao Ling?

As soon as they thought about this, the two people immediately thought of the fact that they were monitored by Xiao Ling in the castle. It seemed that Xiao Ling really had such a powerful ability, otherwise it would be impossible to easily capture the terrifying leader of the Yuguan clan...

"No problem! We'll enter the fort immediately!" The two of them immediately ducked into the fort.

At this time, the various spatial worlds inside Tianshen Flying Castle were in chaos. The Yuguan clan members went into full-scale riots and sucked up a large amount of life essence. Many people turned into skeletons and fell down one after another. Some people were not attacked. This group of people accounted for about 30%. , they are relatively lucky, because the targets of the Yuguan tribe are often those who are full of energy, and are not interested in those who are weak and have been sick, so they will not fall down due to being sucked in energy. Down.

However, how can these people be the opponents of the Yuguan tribe?

After seeing those terrifying Yuguan tribesmen, these people were frightened. They didn't know where the monsters who appeared in the space world came from. Except for a few people who dared to fight with them, many people hurriedly looked for them. He hid somewhere, or passed out directly, out of sight but out of sight...

After Che Xiangqian and Chen Xi returned to the castle, they couldn't help but be stunned when they saw the appearance of each space world. They saw more and more Yuguan tribe members gathered in the world. The tribesmen fell to the ground, and it seemed that there were skeletons and dead bodies everywhere. Such a terrible scene made the two of them feel that the whole world was about to collapse!

"Oh God, how could you punish us like this..." Chen Xi fell to her knees with a plop, shouting at the heavens and the earth...

Che Qianqian's eyes were red. He rushed towards one of the space worlds desperately, rushed directly towards a Yuguan tribesman, and started fighting with him...

At this time, he had unleashed all his potential. Although he had been sucked in a large amount of essence, the Jingyuan Pill given to him by Xiaoxing allowed him to quickly recover about 80% of his potential in a short period of time, so his combat effectiveness is still acceptable. With that desperate spirit, he could actually fight with an adult Yuguan tribesman!

However, this was destined not to last long. After a while, he was hit far away by the Yuguan clansman's palm, and he collapsed on the ground unable to move...

The Yuguan clan member also recognized Che Qianqian and asked curiously: "Isn't our clan leader in your body? Where has he gone?"

Che moved forward, his face covered with blood, he looked at him with wide eyes, and said fiercely: "Your clan leader has been captured by us! I advise you to stop quickly, otherwise there will be no good end!"

"Caught by you? Haha, hahahahaha... This is really a big joke! You guys are just a group of slaves who support us. Have you ever heard of slaves catching their masters in turn?" The man laughed, causing people to laugh. The other Yuguan tribe members also laughed heartily, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world...

After Che Xiangqian heard that people like him were called their slaves, his heart almost collapsed. What a bloody irony and ridicule...

Thinking about how not long ago I was talking at the Roller Alliance Conference, commanding and dispatching, and being so majestic that I could change the color of the starry sky while talking and laughing, but I didn't expect that I was just a poor slave. In front of the Yuguan tribe, I am just a clown and a weak baby. Even an ordinary Yuguan tribe member can disgrace me, making me unable to survive or die...

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something and immediately shouted: "Xiao Ling! Xiao Ling!! Xiao Ling!!!"

"Coming, coming!" Xiaoxing's voice came.

"Hurry and help us catch these monsters!!!" The car moved forward like a drowning person. When he heard Xiaoxing's voice, he was like grabbing a life-saving straw and yelling with all his strength.

"Where is your Tiangang gem?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Tiangang Gem? Here, didn't you say there are more than 10,000 Yuguan clan members here? No matter how big or small, I will count 20,000 people and pay double the price. You will arrest them all immediately!" The car moved forward! After saying that, he took out a spiritual ring from the space inside his body, which contained a total of 40,000 high-grade Tiangang gems!

After tasting the power of the Yuguan tribe, Che Xiangqian realized that the price offered by Xiaoxing was too low, so he voluntarily paid more gems. To be honest, these Tiangang gems were less than 30% to him. With such a low price For him, it couldn't be cheaper to pay to get rid of such a powerful monster!

After hearing the conversation between Che Xiangqian and Xiaoxing's voice, and the appearance of the spiritual ring, the Yuguan clan members seemed to realize that the Xiao Ling mentioned by Che Xiangqian was the person the clan leader had reminded them of, and immediately stood ready, hoping to wait. After Xiao Ling's figure appeared, they attacked. However, what surprised them was that the spiritual ring "swiped" and disappeared, but Xiao Ling's figure did not appear in the space world...

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