The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3650 Who did it?

Therefore, Tong Yi is completely indifferent to the disputes between the lower races in the surrounding star field. He knows that the fight between those people is to snatch the Tiangang gem, and it is a battle that takes place in another level around the gem. There is no comparison with the Tiangang Clan, because the Tiangang Clan is at a high-end level, and the opponents they face and the forms of fighting are completely different.

Tong Yi's mentality is actually a representative of Tiangang civilization, or it is also a representative of all higher civilizations in the universe treating lower civilizations.

Would a person care about the fate of a little ant? Maybe when walking around, I would trample to death one or more of them at random, but I didn't feel any uneasiness in my heart.

This cannot be blamed on this person, I can only say that this is a tragedy for all lower civilizations.

Or, in a certain era before the civilization of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, would Western colonists care about the lives of American Indians and African blacks?

In the eyes of those colonists, what they value most and want most is wealth and power, because this is also the guarantee for their survival and development. If they go to distant places to colonize but fail to obtain wealth and power, they will not be able to receive continuous support and develop further. With powerful strong weapons, they can no longer seize more wealth and power. This is a dead knot for them that cannot be untied. Under such circumstances, the meaning of those lowly lives that have not yet developed can only be eliminated. In the future, if these lowly beings prevent them from obtaining wealth and power, they must be cleared away. There is no reason to say. If they are not attached and obedient, then they will be slaughtered.

Those who fall behind will be beaten. The fate of the losers is generally the same, either being exterminated, enslaved, or assimilated. As time goes by, the new people after assimilation and integration will identify with the civilizations of the advanced and victors. This is Because the environment and humanistic conditions that these new people live in are completely different from their ancestors, and their means of livelihood and advancement have also completely changed. They may view the situation of their ancestors more objectively from the perspective of bystanders. See and think about problems without having too many similar feelings, because memories will die and fade, and people have to live in the present and look to the future...

In this process, it seems that no one is right or wrong, because no matter in which universe or world, the right to speak is originally in the hands of the victors, and history is written by the victors. The losers do not even have a say, and there are How can we justify ourselves?

Tong Yi was giving instructions in an orderly manner, receiving and processing massive amounts of information in Xiaogang's system. There was almost no fluctuation in his mood. The speed was fast and steady, and he could be described as clean and neat!

As the main god said before, Tong Yi is now almost transformed into a cold-blooded killing tool. He almost no longer considers the safety of the lives of the lower races on the planet. In his opinion, it does not matter whether those people live or die. As long as the battle of the clan requires it, the Tiangang clan can abandon those races at any time, and can even use those races and the planet they are on as weapons to fight.


This is the attitude towards those lower races. If you return to this civilization, your attitude will naturally be very different. After all, living in the present also means that when facing the situation of your own race, you cannot be so indifferent and indifferent...

He believed that Yan Wei, the leader of the Tailao tribe, had the same attitude. After all, the two teams had fought several times and their understanding of each other was deepening day by day. The Tailao tribe regarded those people of lower races as ants and would not care about them at all. Their life and death...

However, there are still some powerful racial forces in the surrounding star field, such as the Roller Alliance and the Leech Clan. These two forces are actually qualified to enter Tongyi's field of vision because they can at least reach the lower level of the Tiangang Clan. The strength of the team, if a low-level team suddenly encounters the strongest lineup of these two forces, there may be certain risks, which Tong Yi cannot completely ignore.

It can be seen that the Tiangang tribe is not blind to the forces of other races in this galaxy. If any of them really rise, they will sooner or later enter their monitoring system.

When Tong Yi heard the Lord God say that all the lower races around him had disappeared, he immediately realized the seriousness of this phenomenon, because no matter how mutated the planet was, there would definitely be fish that slipped through the net, right?

The fish that slipped through the net should also include the Roller Alliance and the Leech Tribe, but even they disappeared without a trace, which means that if a low-level team from the Tiangang Tribe happened to be there at the time of the incident, they would also It is very likely that the vision will disappear completely, indicating that this vision can threaten Tiangang civilization!

From Tong Yi's level, it is natural to understand that if a person discovers a small cockroach at home, he should know that there is at least a nest of cockroaches in the house, and the found cockroach is just the tip of the iceberg. .

If there is a risk in the surrounding star field that can threaten the low-level teams of the Tiangang Clan, then it does not rule out that there is a risk that can threaten the high-level teams of the Tiangang Clan. After all, in the survivor theory, the unseen part is actually more real. , more worthy of attention.

Tong Yi knew that this matter must be investigated, no matter what the cost, because when the war is approaching, any small uncontrollable factor may become a factor that changes the final battle situation.

After giving the order, he dealt with clan affairs for a while, and finally calmed down. Xiaogang's flash of light and shadow gradually calmed down, and he slowly separated from Tong Yi's head and rose up. At this time, you can see When Tong Yi's whole body was shaken by spiritual light, especially the spiritual mist around his head, which was as thick as congealed liquid, but it never dispersed, like a ball of crystal clear water droplets, and his face was also extremely red, but this kind of The phenomenon was only temporary. As he adjusted his breath, the mist gradually disappeared and his face began to return to his normal heavy brown color.

This operation is indeed not something ordinary people can withstand. Even though he is as powerful as Yi, he still casually took out a Jingyuan Dan and swallowed it...

Generally speaking, Tong Yi does not need to use Xiao Gang from time to time. He will only call it when necessary. In daily life, his own spiritual power is enough to meet the needs of family affairs. This time he calls Xiao Gang, it can be seen that He attached great importance to the information provided by the Lord God, so he fully mobilized his clan's monitoring system and included the changes in the surrounding star fields as key monitoring targets.

He also has another purpose of doing this, which is to use this operation to fully mobilize Xiaogang to see to what extent its potential can be unleashed and where it can be improved again. According to past habits, Xiaogang's monitoring system will be used every once in a while. There will be a major improvement every ten thousand years, and a small improvement every thousand years. The last small improvement was a thousand years ago, so it is almost time for a new round of improvement.

Of course, this improvement rule is artificially determined. If no substantial progress is made within the specified time, the improvement task actually becomes a maintenance task, which is to at least ensure that the system operates normally and does not have capacity regression. Over the years, as improvements have become more and more difficult, so-called improvements have almost all become maintenance. In Tong Yi's current view, this must not continue because new problems have been discovered. If the problem cannot be solved, it will be lost. If you upgrade, you will not be able to meet new needs. This is something that the Tiangang Clan and I absolutely cannot accept.

After returning to normal, Tong Yi was still thinking about the problem brought by the Lord God. Is this a natural phenomenon? Or man-made? If it is a natural phenomenon, what kind of natural force caused it? If it is man-made, who did it?

"Man-made?!" Tong Yi thought. Although in the previous dialogue with the Lord God, he had almost denied the man-made factor based on his experience and wisdom, but if you look at it from another angle, is it really man-made?

In his opinion, if this matter is caused by natural forces, then it is not very urgent for the Tiangang people to understand, because nature always has its own peculiarities, and for life, it only needs to be understood and accepted. , just take the initiative to avoid danger, but if this matter is man-made, then the problem will be big!

Because the danger of human beings is sometimes more terrifying than that of nature, especially when such a strange situation occurs when the Tiangang tribe and the Tailao tribe are at odds with each other and a war is about to break out, the danger can be increased ten times!

who is it? Who has such powerful abilities? What is his purpose in doing this?

Could it be that the Tai Lao tribe really took action in advance?

Thinking of this, Tong Yi thought for a while, but shook his head secretly. He felt that the Tailao tribe launching such a strange attack at this time was purely boring. The disappearance of dozens of surrounding star fields was completely painless to the Tiangang tribe. It's not itchy. On the contrary, it will arouse the Tiangang clan's vigilance like it is now. It can be said that the gain outweighs the loss...

With the wisdom of that guy Yanwei, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing, right? If it was really him who did it, Tong Yi would be more relieved.

"If it's not Yanwei, then who is it? The more powerful racial forces in the surrounding star field are the Roller Alliance and the Leech Tribe, but it is impossible for them to do such a thing with their abilities. If they are excluded, who else can To do such a thing? What is his purpose for doing this?" Tong Yi thought secretly...

Of course, he remembered the Lord God's views, and he agreed with them in his heart. In fact, his own ideas almost coincided with the Lord God's, that is, one should not think about this matter in advance, but should make judgments based on objective facts.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, he simply put it down and waited for the Xiaogang system to collect information before analyzing and making judgments. Anyway, in his opinion, the Tiangang clan is the overlord in this starry sky, and no one can shake it. There is no need Who are you afraid of? Even if the Tailao tribe really attacks, don’t worry. After all, the Tiangang tribe still dominates the upcoming war...

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