The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3682 Duoduo

The auction shocked these four people, making Xiaoxing understand that Li Yun's previous prediction had really come true!

His high-profile behavior is indeed the biggest surprise in the future galaxy war!

Among these four people, Yan Wei is the chief of the Tailao tribe, Duoduo is the chief of the Naxisai tribe, Shi Du is the strongest of the Yuguan tribe in these two galaxies, and Simba is the strongest of the Zhouguan tribe. Or, they represent the four important actors in this drama, and they also represent the four powerful forces, each with their own plans in this drama, and these are naturally obscure to Tong Yi, even He has been a close friend of Yen Wei for a long time. In fact, Tong Yi has never seen him in person, and he also has little knowledge of everything the Tai Lao people do.

Xiaoxing discovered that now was really an opportunity. Now that these four people were here, would he let them come and go as they pleased?

However, he still communicated with Li Yun before taking action. Li Yun heard the words and said: "No need to think too much, control and burn their memories, leave a back door and let them leave!"

Only Xiaoxing can understand these words. The so-called leaving a backdoor naturally means to manipulate them so that they can control their thoughts and actions at any time. Only Li Yun and Xiaoxing can keep such a backdoor, and it is unlikely that others can do it. , because leaving a backdoor will not be noticed by the parties themselves. Others may also have the ability to control these four people and leave control methods, but it is difficult not to be noticed by these four people.

What Li Yun means is to leave their memories and set up control methods without being noticed by the four of them. This is not an ordinary difficulty, but it is not difficult for Xiaoxing...

Soon, Xiaoxing used the monitoring network to take action...

The monitoring network locked the memory areas of the four people and continuously burned them. At the same time, it also injected a trace of interstellar energy into their bodies to create a backdoor...

The minds of these four people have been attracted by the auction for a long time, and they did not realize anything was wrong. In addition, the VIP space provides sufficient high-end energy to adjust the temperature, humidity, aroma, etc. in the space, which makes those who are in it People feel extremely comfortable, and those interstellar energies are undoubtedly high-level energies. When they are injected into the meridians of the body, they can also promote the flow of gas and massage the meridians. Such a clever method makes the four people feel nothing at all, and even feel extremely comfortable. , my energy is getting better and better, and I am even more excited to grab the auction items...

Seeing this, Xiaoxing simply scanned the memories of all the followers they brought, leaving a backdoor...

But why didn't Li Yun say he wanted to tie them all up?

In fact, this seems to be a simple and easy solution, but if you think about it carefully, you will understand that this is not the best way to solve the problem, because in the end, these four people are just representatives of these four powerful forces. If These four people cannot go back in the end, so these four powerful forces will not collapse. A new king will definitely be born among them.

And continue their unfinished "career"!

History has proved that the world will not stop spinning because of the lack of anyone, but it can continue to spin without anyone, but the direction or speed will change, but it will never be a certain person who affects the world. Rather, it is influenced by thousands, even trillions, of billions of beings!

Therefore, there is no need to take yourself too seriously. If a person thinks that he is indispensable to this world, that would be too arrogant!

Of course, this does not mean that a person can belittle oneself and give up on oneself. No matter what, in the process of evolution of the world, the existence of every life is meaningful, and every life will contribute more or less energy to the world. , so there is no need to take yourself too lightly!

Taking oneself too seriously or too lightly is a huge disaster for a person...

In addition, if this opportunity is used to tie up these four groups of people, it may also strongly stimulate the four forces behind them, because this is a sensitive period, and any disturbance may cause drastic changes, not to mention the leader in Tiangang. What if Xing disappeared and couldn’t come back?

So this is done step by step, and stabilize them first. Anyway, they can't launch any changes at the moment. The biggest surprise is Ling Daozi's high-profile action. This matter has already caused a strong reaction from them, and Act quickly, let's see what happens next...

Duoduo was in a great mood now, because she had grabbed almost half of the women's clothing, especially the backless dress and high heels, which made her heart feel as sweet as honey...

who? Who is it? It’s really amazing that they can design such loving robes and shoes!

Duoduo put it on immediately after taking the photo. Sure enough, with this set of robes and shoes paired with her impressive figure, a breathtakingly beautiful woman appeared in front of the tribesmen, and they were all eager to look at it. I stared straight ahead, my heart was beating so fast that it was about to jump out of my chest...

After imitating the dance steps of the female model, Duoduo found that her temperament and aura were not as good as that of the model, and she couldn't help but be surprised!

This is impossible, right?

I am the patriarch of the Naxi Sai tribe. How could the most beautiful woman in the tribe be inferior to even one of Ling Daozi's models?

She was not convinced, very unconvinced, so she started practicing in the VIP space. Of course, her performance was affirmed, praised and praised by the tribesmen, but she secretly compared herself with the female model and found that she was far away from the female model. There's still quite a gap in level. What's going on?

Judging from the level of cultivation of that female model, it seems that she is not as high as yourself, right? Why is there such a big difference in performance?

Duoduo thought about it and was a little confused, but the clan elder beside her, Heishang, said: "Clan leader, the reason why that female model performed so well is that she must have gone through long-term and rigorous training. On the other hand, the performance scene at that time had lights, backgrounds, pictures and music, especially the piano player, whose skill was unimaginable. The whole performance was actually driven by him. Under the combined effect of so many conditions, it was Only famous female models can perform outstandingly well!"

"That makes sense! It seems I have to give it a try too. It's so fun!" Duoduo praised.

"What? The clan leader wants to give it a try? Become a female model?" Heishang asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's great to be a model! She is the focus of everyone's attention. Every detail of her body is the center of attention and discussion. Look at that female model's highlight moment as soon as she appears on the scene. Her aura is instantly overwhelming. Everyone in the audience couldn't keep their eyes off her!" Duoduo said excitedly.

"But the patriarch doesn't have to be a female model to be the center of everyone's attention?" Heishang asked curiously.

"That's different! The clan members regard me as the center because I am the clan leader. This is determined by my status, not by my personal charm. But the models are different. They are completely Their temperament and aura make them the center of everyone's attention. Their every move, every frown and every smile seems to be unintentional, but they are carefully practiced. Even one of their eyes or a gesture can arouse people's attention. Infinite reverie...god, I can't wait to become a model!" Duoduo became more and more excited as she talked, with a proud look on her face...

"But... we shouldn't show our faces when we come here, otherwise something unexpected might happen!" Heishang quickly dissuaded him.

"Don't worry, no one knows us here. If we behave mysteriously, it may attract others' attention. It's better to wander around openly, just like on our own territory. That's it. There is no safety issue at all when integrating into the life here!" Duoduo analyzed.

"This... what the patriarch said makes sense! But we can go shopping and hang out, but there is no need to learn to be a model. As the patriarch said just now, models are the people who attract the attention of everyone. Patriarch, you are even more charming. If you learn how to perform as a model, , wouldn’t it attract more attention?” Heishang insisted.

"Gee, don't worry, I've made up my mind. After I learn how to perform as a model, I will form another model team when I go back. It must be better than the one Ling Daozi has on hand, so that he can know that the old ones are still hotter!" Duoduo said proudly. smiled.

She quickly planned the matter. First, she sent someone to find Ling Daozi and asked to join his modeling team to study...

After a while, the person sent to inquire came back and said excitedly: "Clan leader, what a coincidence, I saw Ling Daozi and the others were recruiting people on site to select the model team!"

"What? God is really helping me!!!" Duoduo was overjoyed when she heard this. She didn't expect that when she wanted to doze off, someone came to give her a pillow. Isn't this a ready opportunity?

Originally, I had prepared something. If Ling Daozi didn't agree, I would spend money until he agreed. Anyway, I had to learn this model performance. There was no other way. After watching a performance like this once, I would be fascinated. I want to learn, but with my talent, it would be unreasonable not to learn...

Duoduo immediately dressed up again and turned into a rather simple woman. She quickly arrived at Ling Daozi's recruitment space. Sure enough, she saw Ling Daozi as soon as she arrived!

"Oh my God! This is Ling Daozi! How can such a little beauty appear in the world?! Sorry, sister, I have already fallen in love with you. It is impossible not to bring you back to the Naxisai tribe!" Duoduo said greedily While admiring Ling Daozi, I was thinking secretly...

Xiaoxing looked Duoduo up and down and said with a smile: "This fairy is so talented. Do you really want to learn to act as a model?"

"I want it! I can't even dream of it!" Duoduo responded in a sweet voice, with an extremely charming smile on her face, and her two shallow dimples showed her cute and cute nature...

"Dream about it? I wonder when did the fairy dream?"

"When I saw the performance just now, I seemed to see myself performing on top..."

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