The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3699: Overstretched

Tong Yi carefully analyzed the strength comparison between the two sides and found that the current situation is quite bad!

To sum it up in one sentence, the Tao eliminates the demons. Especially at the high-end combat level, the righteous forces are now in a weak position, and how much strength the demons hide is still a mystery so far, so for the orthodox military of the Tiangang tribe In other words, there must be enough power to suppress the demonic forces at this time, otherwise, once the situation gets out of control and the dominance changes hands, it goes without saying!

Of course, Tong Yi is not panicked yet. He is confident enough to suppress the demonic forces. The only question is how much time it will take. Perhaps the demonic forces also know this, so what they should do is to prolong the demonic trouble as much as possible so that When the Tai Lao people attack...

Why does Tong Yi have such strong confidence?

This is actually based on the highly developed civilization of the Tiangang tribe. The Tiangang tribe today is very different from the Tiangang tribe 30 million years ago. At that time, the two sides in the war between good and evil were basically in a confrontational situation, and the battle The victory or defeat also depends more on the battle between the powerful forces on both sides. However, since the victory of the righteous forces, the demonic path has gradually declined, while the righteous forces have gained dominance, and their level of civilization has also increased significantly. The most important manifestation is the reliance on battle. What matters is not personal combat power, but reliance on spaceship fleets and large-scale formations!

Everyone knows that no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot defeat a strong ship or a powerful gun. It is precisely because the righteous forces understand this that they invest heavily in developing the combat power of the fleet. As the level of battleships continues to improve, the military's combat power is also soaring, and even the planet They can all be conquered!

With the passage of time and practice, it has been proved that this development direction is right, because the fleet is almost the essence of a civilization, and the achievements of all civilizations can be reflected in the fleet. Therefore, the improvement of the level of Tiangang fleet also means that Tiangang The civilization level of the tribe is improving.

In Tong Yi's view, if the demonic forces still stay in the previous mode of individual fighting, then they are at best a group of armed rioters. No matter how powerful the individuals are, they will be suppressed by the military's powerful ships and artillery. This is where his strong confidence lies!

However, the current problem is that the military's powerful ships and artillery are all deployed in key areas of the military region, and their main task is to guard against attacks by the Tai Lao people and cannot be mobilized at will.

Why can't it be transferred at will?

This involves an issue of military secrets. If the fleet is mobilized from these military regions, the location of the military regions and the deployment of the fleet will undoubtedly be exposed. If the Tailao tribe sends people to keep a close eye on it, then these secrets will be very If it is quickly exposed, it is likely to become a key target in future galaxy wars.

In addition, the purpose of this comprehensive uprising by the demonic forces is very likely to test the military's military deployment, combat power, protection strength, etc. If they collude with the Tailao tribe, then they will definitely test the results of the test. leak out.


Key military areas must not be easily exposed, but this does not mean that strong ships and guns must not be used. There are many mobile fleets here in the military, and their duty is to deal with such armed insurgents, so Tongyi It is mainly this part of the combat power that is being mobilized now.

But the combat power of mobile fleets is much worse than those of regular fleets. To put it bluntly, mobile fleets are generally one to several bronze-level fleets, and the highest grade is mid-level!

There may be several such mobile patrol fleets in a large space world, but there is only one in a small space world. Its task is still extremely heavy, because it is responsible for patrolling the entire space world, and sometimes it may take a long time to go around in one circle. a period of time.

Such a configuration of combat power is more than enough to deal with some ordinary small-scale riots, but it is somewhat inadequate to deal with large-scale riots like the devil!

This problem has already been reflected in the information coming from various places. Some space worlds are more seriously plagued by demons. The demonic forces even have their own fleets, which are not bad at all. They fight with their own bronze fleets in a fierce battle. , extremely fierce, the level of fighting between the two sides is constantly rising...

"Master, the demonic forces are starting to attack in the capital!" Xiao Gang suddenly said.

"What?!" Tong Yi was shocked.

"Their goal seems to be to destroy the formation eyes of the capital's protective formation. Now there are demons appearing near the one hundred and eight formation eyes! In addition, several demon fleets have also appeared outside the city!" Xiao Gang said.

"No!" Tong Yi shouted softly!

He quickly put on his helmet again and started giving orders...

It seems that the demonic forces have really made a careful plan. The people who sneaked into the city are responsible for destroying the protective formation, and there are fleets outside the city to attack. Do they really think they can break through the Tiangang capital?

However, if it is based on the fact that the top leaders of the clan are collectively poisoned, and even the stars are also poisoned, their plan really has a chance of success!

Thinking of this, Tong Yi couldn't help but secretly take a breath of cold air. It seems that there are experts among the demon clan. Such a plan is interlocking and cannot be controlled well by ordinary people. Now, I am afraid that the demon trouble here in the capital is about to happen. It’s officially started!

Sure enough, not long after, only faint roars could be heard, and Xiao Gang said anxiously: "Master, the demonic forces have begun to attack!"

"How many fleets? What level?"

"Three of them should be silver-level!" Xiao Gang responded.

"This..." Tong Yi's expression changed slightly!

Unexpectedly, the demonic forces actually possess the Silver Fleet, and they are in big trouble!

There is only one high-grade bronze fleet here in the capital. If you go out to fight, you can only seek death. Fortunately, the capital's protective formation is extremely powerful. Even if the opponent's fleet is a gold fleet, it cannot be broken. Tong Yi is very confident about this, but...

Aren’t the demonic forces currently wreaking havoc internally?

"Who destroyed the formation?!" Tong Yi asked urgently.

"Master, Voldemort, Blood Valley Demon and Mountain Creation Demon have all appeared, and there are currently problems with the three formations they attack, causing the operation of the entire protective formation to be slightly affected!" Xiao Gang said.

"Has the fleet dispatched?"

"In action!"

"Okay! The main targets are these three big demons!" Tong Yi ordered.


"In addition, what other high-end combat capabilities are there in the city?"

"Currently there are Elder Bi Gan and Qi Niu, as well as the elites from Tiangang Academy!" Xiao Gang said.

Tong Yi immediately calmed down after hearing this, and almost forgot about the high-end combat power of Tiangang Academy!

Although the number of this group of elites is not large, everyone is a master. Some of them are even higher in cultivation than the top ten elders. They were the former elders who retired to become mentors, especially several of them are swordsmen. Masters, even if I face them, I can't say I will win...

It can be said that Tiangang Academy is a powerful center for the Tiangang clan, but its combat power is mainly reflected in individual battles. Of course, there are also formations. Although there are no strong ships and cannons, it is more than enough to deal with the demonic troubles in the city. They must be mobilized. , can help the capital city overcome this difficulty...

"Master, the space where Tiangang Academy is located is not in the city. They can't enter the city to kill the demons now!" Xiao Gang reminded.

"This..." Tong Yi was stunned, this problem is a bit big!

The formation is currently under attack and cannot admit people in. If those elites cannot come in, they will not be able to deal head-on with those demonic people who are destroying the formation...

"Isn't there a teleportation array?" Tong Yi suddenly thought of this.

"The master is right! But since the teleportation array has not been used for a long time, it will take some time to re-activate it!" Xiao Gang said.

"Arrange immediately!"


At this time, Guan Zhongshan, the dean of Tiangang Academy, had received the news and immediately summoned hundreds of elites in the academy. These people did not expect that the war would suddenly come, so the preparation time took a little longer. They also heard that the teleportation array was being re-adjusted. , I couldn’t help but feel more anxious...

Xiao Gang said to Tong Yi: "Master, there is another master in the city, that is Ling Daozi, why not ask him to help, otherwise if there is a problem with the protective formation, the consequences will be extremely serious!"

"Don't invite him for now!" Tong Yi said.

"I wonder what the master thinks?" Xiao Gang asked curiously.

"The current riots are still under control. We must deeply tap our emergency response capabilities and potential. In addition..."

"What else?"

"The hostile forces that appear now may not be all of them. If we wait a little longer, maybe we can find more potential hostile forces!" Tong Yi said.

"But now the city guards and the bronze fleet are having a hard time dealing with these demons. If other hostile forces appear again, I'm afraid other poisoned elders will have to be dispatched!"

"Isn't there still power on the dean's side? You have to pay close attention to all other suspicious situations!"

"Yes! At present, the main force in the city is the demonic power, but there are quite a lot of people lurking in, which is twice as many as our guards!"

"The most important thing is to attack the three big demons. The others do not pose a threat to our opponent!" Tong Yi analyzed.

"Master, look! They have thunder cannons!!!" Xiaogang shouted urgently, creating a screen of light.

"Thunder cannons?!!!" Tong Yi paused for a moment, but he didn't expect that the demonic forces would even bring thunder cannons into the city!

"Let the fleet ships sweep away these thunder cannons!"

"Yes... where are the three big demons?!" Xiao Gang asked.

"Let the First Elder, Third Elder and Fifth Elder go out to fight to hold them back. There is no need to fight to the death, just don't let them have a chance to destroy the formation! I will take over from Dean Guan and the others when they arrive!" Tong Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Xiao Gang made arrangements immediately.

The situation was critical and the combat power was stretched thin. Tong Yi could not care so much and could only let Xiao Gui, Wang Qimin and Wu Dai go out to fight. Fortunately, they took the heaven-level elixir to temporarily suppress the poison. As long as they fight to the death, it should not cause Poison breaks out.

As for why the second elder Yifan, who is more powerful, is not allowed to fight, the main reason is that the suspicion on him has not been completely eliminated. In a situation like this, we cannot take this risk...

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