The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3717 Yan Wei escaped!

Tong Yi and others were a little surprised when they heard this. They didn't expect Ling Daozi to have known that those two people were poisonous beings! This is really bold for a skilled artist...

Xiao Xing said happily: "They are just poisonous beings. They are here to learn how to be a model, and they are not here to do anything else..."

"No, Xiao Ling, do you know how important you are now? You are now the protector of our Tiangang tribe and the Tiangang righteous forces, and the two of them mixing in the model camp pose a serious threat to the safety of you and other students. We will not ignore it!" Tong Yi said fiercely.

"No way? Do you want to kick them out of the model team?" Xiaoxing asked in surprise.

"That is necessary! And I suspect that the two of them are related to the divine poison used by the demonic forces before. Maybe the demonic forces used the poison they provided!" Tong Yi said loudly.

"Patriarch, if you don't get conclusive evidence, you can't put this crime directly on them!"

"I'm not making something out of nothing. Elder Zhan has discovered that they are both poisonous beings with extremely high bloodlines, and both of them have divine qualifications. It is not impossible for them to create divine poisons!" Tong Yi said.

"Even so, there is no reason for them to poison me? You must know that the model camp was established before I commanded the fleet. They had already signed up for the auction. If they want to poison me, there are plenty of opportunities ahead!"

"Don't they still know how powerful you are? Now it's very likely that they will learn about your command of the fleet, which may make you their target!" Tong Yi said.

"Oh, Patriarch, you must not be bitten by a snake and be afraid of the well rope for ten years. Even if they really come to poison me, do you think they can succeed? Even if they really put divine poison on me , not only will nothing happen to me, but I can also swallow it as a nutritional supplement!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"What? Are you... telling the truth?!!!" Tong Yi said in shock. Zhan Feng, Ding Pengfei and Guan Qizhi on the side were also shocked!

"Hehe, this is the advantage of the original star root! Compared to me, the poisons in the divine realm are just low-level substances. When my star root encounters it, it will only fall apart and become mine!" Xiaoxing said with a smile. Deliberately pushing the antidote to his star root, no one understood what was going on, they could only be envious in their hearts.

"Is that so? Have you really... tried it?!" Tong Yi asked in disbelief, his voice trembling a little. In his opinion, if what Ling Daozi said is true, then is the poison in people like him the same? Can Ling Daozi resolve it too?

"I haven't tried it yet, but I absolutely believe it, because I've never been afraid of poisons," Xiaoxing said.

"Never tried it? That won't work! Absolutely not!" Tong Yi said immediately upon hearing this.

"I was also drinking at Tiangang Restaurant that day. I also drank some of the wine you drank. It's okay!" Xiaoxing snorted. x33 novel first release

"Were you there that day?" Tong Yi asked with his eyes widened.

"What? You, the big men of the clan, are allowed to have a feast and carnival there, but you are not allowed to have a few drinks there with a commoner like me? Don't you know that having fun with the people is the way to be an official?"

"This...thank you Xiaoling for reminding me! But..."

"But what?"

"When you were there that day, did you find that someone had poisoned our wine? Did you know what happened?"

"Well, what do you think?"

"With Xiao Ling's strong consciousness, I'm afraid no one can commit a crime under your nose without being discovered by you, right?" Tong Yi half-guessed,

Half-complimentally, he said that towards Ling Daozi, he has now put his posture into a position of absolute equality, and even a little flattery. No matter what the purpose, he thinks that Ling Daozi deserves to enjoy such treatment now...

"Haha, the patriarch deserves it! But, although I know this matter, why should I say it? If you want to know the result, you have to find it out on your own. I believe that with the ability of the patriarch, it should be easy to find out this matter. Isn't it difficult?" Xiaoxing smiled sinisterly.

"You?! This matter is related to the fate of many people and the safety of our clan. Just tell me! What is going on?" Tong Yi took two big "hats" and buckled them down, trying to Ling Daozi said it obediently...

"If you are not in my position, I will not do anything! I am a small grassroots. The safety of my clan and the fate of the higher-ups do not seem to have much to do with me. It is good that I can come forward to help you fight off the evil people. Others If you want to know something, you have to figure it out on your own, otherwise, if everything depends on me in the future, will I still make money?" Xiaoxing snorted.

"This..." Tong Yi's face turned red, but he was speechless...

He hinted at Zhan Feng, Ding Pengfei and Guan Qizhi with his eyes, and said via voice message: "You guys can also help me..."

"Ahem...disciple, can you say a word or two as master?" Zhan Feng said.

"Oh Master, it turns out you are there too!" Xiaoxing said enthusiastically.

"Haha, aren't we concerned about your safety? After discovering those two poisonous people, I rushed here and asked Xiao Tong to contact you!" Zhan Feng lied without having to draft a lie, he just spoke it out.

"I said did the clan leader know about those two poisonous people? It turned out to be Master who discovered it. It's really amazing! How did you find out such a secret thing?" Xiaoxing complimented. .

Tong Yi listened with his head full of black threads and was extremely embarrassed...

"Isn't it that after the Sword Spirit discovered that their qualifications were excellent, I quietly put a divine mark on them? With the master's ability, they would naturally not be able to discover the divine mark. In this way, their secret would be It all fell into my eyes!" Zhan Feng said proudly.

"Master is indeed amazing! No wonder Master is known as one of the two most powerful people in the Tiangang Clan. I believe those students don't know that they have no secrets in front of you!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Hmph, of course they can't discover the mark of their master's consciousness... Huh?!!!"

"What's wrong, Master?!" Xiaoxing asked quickly. x33 novel first release

"No...not good! I seem to feel that there is something wrong with my two divine consciousness marks..." Zhan Feng said with a painful expression on his face and frowned.

Xiaoxing investigated briefly and said, "Master, don't worry, I will help you rescue those two spiritual marks of yours!"

Upon hearing this, Zhan Feng quickly asked: "Rescued? What happened to them? Why didn't my teacher feel it?"

"Did Master not receive the message from those two divine consciousness marks just now?" Xiaoxing asked.

"That's right, I haven't received any messages for a while!"

"That's because those two people entered an advanced formation and then destroyed your two divine consciousness marks..."

"Oh my God!!!" The four people exclaimed and stood up!

Unexpectedly, those two people discovered Zhan Feng's spiritual mark and dared to kill him. Don't they know Zhan Feng's status and his power?

Of course, Zhan Feng's act of attaching the mark of divine consciousness seemed a bit despicable, but his purpose was originally just to check the qualifications of the two people, and there was no malicious intent. But what he didn't expect was that the two people dared to use two Bringing the mark of divine consciousness into advanced formations and killing them, this definitely touched the bottom line of Zhan Feng and others!

What makes the four people even more surprised is that those two people knew that doing so would offend Zhan Feng and the others, so why did they do it? ! Where does their confidence come from? !

On this Tiangang star, in this Tiangang capital city, where can they escape to?

"Okay! They have been rescued and will return to Master soon!" Ling Daozi's voice came.

Zhan Feng has been sensing, and sure enough, he opened his eyes and said happily: "Yes, I have a sense! It's strange, they seem to be very far away from being my master..."

"That's right! Because those two people have already escaped from Tiangang Capital City, and even..."

"Even what?!"

"Disciple, looking at their heading, it seems that they are heading towards the outskirts of Tiangang Star, and they are about to break through the cloud formation!" Xiaoxing said.

"Wo!!!" The four people heard a loud shout...

"What's going on? Can anyone enter and leave the cloud formation freely?" Zhan Feng asked Tong Yi in surprise.

"Unlikely! Unless they have mastered certain loopholes... The Cloud and Mist Formation has been deployed for an extremely long time. There are loopholes in many places. Maintenance is required every year, but it is impossible to maintain them completely, so there are always some There are loopholes, but it is difficult for ordinary people to grasp it!" Tong Yi thought.

"Can we control the formation to stop them now?" Zhan Feng's expression changed and he asked anxiously.

"Stop? This must be controlled by Yifan, but isn't Yifan suspicious? Moreover, even if he is allowed to control it now, it will probably be too late!" Tong Yi sighed.

"Immediately! Let him control the formation immediately, because my divine sense mark found that one of them is Yan Wei, the leader of the Tailao tribe!!!" Zhan Feng said loudly.

"What?! Yanwei?!!!" Tong Yi screamed, his expression changed drastically!

He immediately called out Yifan who was under house arrest in a separate room, quickly informed him of the matter, and asked him to rush to the control center for control and interception...

With the cooperation of the Xiaogang system, everyone finally discovered Yan Wei's team in space. They saw a spaceship passing by like an arrow and disappearing into the mist of the cloud formation with a "whoosh". Whereabouts unknown…

"Can you stop it?!!!" Tong Yi asked urgently.

"Too late!!!" Yifan sighed.

"Locate where they are going immediately, and I will use the meteor hammer immediately!!!" Tong Yi ordered loudly.

Yifan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly took control again, searching for traces of Yan Wei's spaceship...

The Xiaogang system has awakened countless personnel to join the search war in a very short period of time. Everyone stared at the light curtain extremely nervously, while Tong Yi came with Zhan Feng, Ding Pengfei and Guan Qizhi. Go to the top of Tiangang Hall, where an altar is shining...

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