The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3732 Tang Shixiong

After the three people agreed on the matter, they quickly split up!

He Yu took some elites to start cultivating poison-eating drugs, and Tian Chunzi took some elites to the Shendan Sect where he was. It's funny to say that the sect founded by Tianchunzi was called the Shendan Sect, but when he arrived He hasn't been able to refine a god-level elixir yet. At most, he can only refine a few furnaces of heaven-level elixirs. It can be seen that this so-called god-level elixir is just a good wish of his.

The Shendan Sect can be said to be the most powerful alchemy sect in the Tiangang tribe. It has many elite alchemy talents. After some of the medical elites brought from Tiangang Academy came here this time, they found that the conditions for alchemy here are better than Tiangang Academy is even better, I can't help but feel extremely envious.

The most important thing is that it not only has a high-level spiritual vein, but also an earth fire vein. Countless alchemy rooms have been built on this earth fire vein. Every disciple can go in to make alchemy. Moreover, due to the stable output of earth fire, , so that there is no need to use elixir fire when refining elixirs, and it can also keep the furnace fire stable for a long time, so the success rate of elixirs is about 10% higher than ordinary ones!

Don’t underestimate the success rate of 10%. It often determines whether an alchemist’s final result of alchemy is a profit or a loss. You must know that the cost of alchemy is extremely high. In addition to having talent, a high-level alchemist or Alchemists basically rely on money. The more you practice, the higher the chance of upgrading. If you keep losing money and go bankrupt, you can no longer practice. If you keep making money, even a small profit, Then you can keep practicing until you reach the ultimate level of your talent...

These medical elites are basically all capable of alchemy. Therefore, after they came here, they quickly integrated into the Shendan Sect and began to refine pills day and night...

Tian Chunzi's actions received strong support from Tong Yi, and a large number of alchemy herbs were continuously sent to the Shendan Sect. At the same time, the Tiangang tribe also recruited famous alchemists and alchemists from various places to temporarily join the Shendan Sect. This place has been built as a logistics base camp. As Tian Chunzi said, elixirs are the most needed materials for the war. At this time, alchemists and alchemists have highlighted their huge value. No matter where there is a problem, the Shendan Sect Nothing can go wrong, so this is also one of the important places that the Tiangang Clan vows to defend to the end!

This arrangement can be regarded as a good practice for the future galaxy war. Tong Yi feels that the attack of the demonic forces has indirectly promoted the preparation process of his clan, and in a sense, it can also be regarded as a good thing.

After Guan Zhongshan saw the actions of He Yu's team and Tian Chunzi's team, he finally relaxed half of his heart. Why do you say half of his heart?

After all, now they are going to refine elixirs or research antidotes. This is an after-the-fact solution for the college, but it is not a pre-emptive solution. If you want to protect the safety of the college, you need to find out the possible traitor in advance. Preventing the infiltration of demonic forces is a proactive approach in Guan Zhongshan's opinion.

So while he was inspecting and supervising the safety of food and drinking water in various peaks in the hospital, he was also investigating non-stop...

Not long after, the two Supreme Elders Zhan Feng and Ding Pengfei returned from the capital, and a large number of students who went to the capital to rescue also flew back from the official road. Tiangang Academy suddenly became lively, and many students had their own information channels. Therefore, as soon as he returned to the academy, the place was filled with all kinds of information. About the Tiangang capital city being almost destroyed, the elves almost being exterminated, Ling Daozi saving the crisis in both places with his command, and also holding a star event. The stone-cutting ceremony for the opening of Yun Palace, and the upcoming battle between good and evil...all the news made everyone feel excited, wishing they could watch such a scene on the spot. Of course, the most fascinating event here is Ling Daozi's end. How to use fleet command to defeat those big demons and demon ships, and the most desirable thing is naturally the upcoming battle between good and evil.

This scene has not happened yet, and I still have the opportunity to participate in it. This is extremely tempting to these passionate young people...

Tiangang Academy is also constantly adding fuel to the flames to stimulate more people to join it. There are three main measures. First, it launches the three-term student strength list and divides the ninety-nine students into thirty-three lists. According to the rankings of the previous term, , as well as their past performance, a preliminary strength list was first compiled, which gave everyone a general understanding of the strength of themselves and other opponents. Of course, this kind of strength list is actually a list that attracts hatred. How can these proud men of heaven watch their rankings succumb to others?

Even these newcomers, staring at the list, secretly vowed in their hearts that they must make a splash and strive to occupy a higher position on the list after the competition!

The second measure is to introduce huge rewards. Anyone who participates in the competition can get basic rewards. If they win, the reward for winning a game will be doubled!

Those who enter the top 10,000 will receive greater rewards. The higher the ranking, the more unexpected prizes!

It is said that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. Tiangang Academy naturally knows this well, so this move also stimulates everyone's nerves. Everyone is sharpening their knives and can't wait for the competition to start immediately!

The third measure made many students even more ecstatic, that is, anyone who ranks among the top 1,000 will automatically be qualified to enter the Tiangang Tower trial!

Tiangang Tower is a famous secret trial place for the Tiangang tribe. It is located in the Tiangang Academy. Generally speaking, it is only opened once every three hundred years. Only a thousand people can enter at a time. In the past, many people were exhausted after entering the trial. There are good rewards, especially the longer you stay inside and the higher you climb, the more abundant the rewards will be. Therefore, in order to obtain the qualifications to enter the Tiangang Tower trial, the fight is extremely cruel every time...

The last time the Tiangang Tower was opened was a hundred years ago, but this time in order to participate in the war between good and evil, the top management of Tiangang Academy decided to open it two hundred years in advance after discussion, so as to give the elite disciples in the academy a chance to train and improve!

As soon as this news was announced, it immediately aroused a strong response. Almost everyone could not sit still. Some added equipment, some went into retreat for short training, and some studied their opponents... In short, everything was for the sake of winning in the competition...

At this time, in a certain cave of Tiangang Academy, a person was watching the news and murmuring: "Tiangang Tower? The first one thousand people? If something unexpected happens to these thousand people in Tiangang Tower, then Guan Zhongshan How will his face look..." x33 novel first published

Thinking of this, this person couldn't help laughing. If Guan Zhongshan were here, he would definitely recognize this person as a tutor in charge of admissions affairs, named Tang Shixiong. However, while Tang Shixiong was laughing at this time, However, there is a strong demonic energy coming from his body. The purity of the demonic energy is shocking. I am afraid that only the big devil can reach such a level...

"It seems that we need to study carefully what is going on with the Tiangang Tower..." Tang Shixiong murmured, and decided to go to the Tiangang Library Hall to check the information on the Tiangang Tower in order to prepare for his next action...

Not far after he walked out of the cave, he met Guan Zhongshan hurriedly walking towards him, so he saluted and said, "Are you looking for me, Dean?"

"You?! No, no, I have something to talk to the two Supreme Elders. By the way, your admissions department will not go out to assess talents recently. The competition is coming soon, so you can help prepare for the competition. And Ranking tasks on each list, maintenance of Tiangang Tower, etc..." Guan Zhongshan said.

"Okay, Dean! Can I go to the library to check the information first, and then help?" Tang Shixiong asked. x33 novels are updated the fastest on PC:

"Of course! You can report to the Preparatory Department as soon as possible!" Guan Zhongshan said with a smile.

"I understand! Thank you, Dean!" Tang Shixiong said quickly.

"You're welcome!"

Guan Zhongshan responded and hurried away...

However, he seemed to suddenly remember something. He paused slightly, but did not look back. Instead, he glanced back with a look of suspicion on his face!

He found that Tang Shixiong today seemed a little different from before, which made him feel a little strange!

"Why do you feel this way?" Guan Zhongshan asked himself secretly.

In fact, Tang Shixiong and Guan Zhongshan were very familiar with each other, and the two of them were still close friends!

The two of them often drink and chat together, talk freely, and have no formality in what they say and do. They are so nice that they just wear the same pants. Therefore, it is almost impossible for the two of them to meet as politely as before. This is why Guan Zhongshan suddenly felt something was wrong. Where the place is…

Guan Zhongshan thought for a moment and discovered what the problem was, which made him suddenly suspicious of Tang Shixiong!

After thinking about it carefully, he found that Tang Shixiong was really suspicious. Why did he say this?

Because Tang Shixiong has been responsible for admissions and assessment matters outside some time ago!

As one of the people in charge, Tang Shixiong needs to lead a team out to discover and assess the young geniuses in each space world. This is not only an important task, but also a good job. Wherever these assessment teams go, they will be welcomed and entertained with great grandeur. In order to allow young geniuses from this space to enter Tiangang Academy, many space worlds will naturally work hard on the assessment team. In their view, even if the assessment team does not take special care, at least they will not deliberately make things difficult for the young people in this space. Geniuses can get a fair assessment opportunity, and if they are happy and take certain care of the young geniuses in this space, that will be an unexpected gain!

If there are more young geniuses in this space who can enter Tiangang Academy, it will be extremely face-saving for the upper levels of the space!

However, what Guan Zhongshan is thinking about now is not this matter, but that Tang Shixiong may be infiltrated by demonic forces if he spends too much time in the outside world. Maybe the traitor...

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