The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3743 Quantum Universe

Everyone quickly looked at it and found that the sword seemed ordinary, without even a trace of spiritual power fluctuations. It could be said that it was not even a spiritual weapon. How could it be a treasure?

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "I don't know why Master thought it might be a dark element treasure?"

Chen Xi said with confidence: "Although this sword looks very ordinary, I found that its texture is very good and extremely sharp. It is not inferior to many swords. Such a sword cannot be ordinary, but I couldn't feel the existence of spiritual power from it, so I always had doubts. However, after hearing your words just now, I realized that this sword was most likely made of dark elements. The elements cover up the spiritual power inside it!"

Xiaoxing casually grabbed the sword, looked at it in his hand, and said: "This sword is indeed made of dark elements. However, it is not that the dark elements cover up the spiritual power inside, but the dark elements themselves. It has spiritual power! Look!"

He took out another spiritual sword from this universe and struck it with this sword. With a "click", the spiritual sword from this universe was cut off by Chen Xi's seemingly mortal sword!

"Wow!!!" Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw it. Chen Xi's face also had a look of physical pain. Unexpectedly, Ling Daozi cut it as he said. He had never been willing to use this sword to cut other spiritual swords, because he was worried that it would He was injured by the spiritual sword, but he didn't expect that this mortal sword could even cut off the spiritual sword. This shows that this sword is really not an ordinary thing.

Xiaoxing said: "Actually, you have misunderstood my description of the dark element. The dark element is actually a general term. It is also composed of a variety of world elements, such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and ice. Wait, Master Chenxi’s sword is a gold elemental sword, extremely sharp, cutting off this low-level spiritual sword is not a problem at all.”

"I see... But why can't I feel its spiritual power fluctuations, or even feel that it is made of gold elements?" Chen Xi asked.

"That's because the elements contained in your star roots are all elements of this universe, so you can only sense the elemental phenomena in this universe. However, there are also a few of you who have star roots composed of dark elements. So if they sense it carefully, they can sense the spiritual power fluctuations above, or you can all try it now..." Xiaoxing explained.

"Really?!!!" Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that someone else could sense the spiritual power fluctuations of the dark element. Could it be him?

These people quickly put their spiritual consciousness on the sword and sensed it carefully...

Sure enough, someone really felt it!

Niugulu, the general guarding the city of Red Dragon Clan's Red Tail City, stood up excitedly and said, "Xiao Ling, I really sensed the fluctuation of spiritual power on this sword!"

Everyone looked at Niugulu in surprise. They didn't expect that so many powerful people couldn't sense the spiritual power of the dark element, but this man could sense it. Could it be that being able to sense the spiritual power of the dark element has nothing to do with his own cultivation?

"I sensed it too!" Another person stood up excitedly. He was also someone no one expected, but it was Xi Jin, one of the leaders of the Leech Clan. This person himself has a metallic star root. Unexpectedly, his star root can not only Sensing the golden spiritual power of this universe, one can also sense the golden spiritual power of dark elements.

Wait, everyone suddenly realized something. Ling Daozi just said that the star roots on his body can sense the elements of this universe. So, since there is this universe, will it not be like other universes?

Watcher's blood boiled when he thought of this, and he quickly asked: "Xiao Ling, you said that Nigurulu and Xijin can sense the spiritual power of the dark element.

Speaking of the elements of this universe, are the dark elements opposite to the elements of this universe? Will Dark Element be an independent world? Is this world composed of dark elements? "

Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help but have their minds opened. They quickly looked at Ling Daozi. They seemed to realize that a shocking news was about to surface...

Little Correspondingly, from the perspective of Mr. Liufeng and I, other universes can be called dark universes. From the perspective of people in dark universes, they will call their universes the positive universe, and the universe we are currently in is called the positive universe. It is a dark universe, so the universe we are in is actually composed of two universes! The sword that Master Chen took out was made by the sword master of the dark universe!"

"Wow..." Everyone was almost stunned when they heard this. They were extremely shocked and screamed again and again...

"Dual universe?!"

"There are actually two universes?!"

"Oh my gosh, can we go see it?"

"No matter what, I must go to the Dark Universe to see it once!"

"me too…"

Everyone is full of unlimited expectations for another universe, and they all say that they must go there and experience it in their lifetime...

Master Guoyu and Wochel were so excited that they burst into tears and trembled all over. They wished they could go to the dark universe right away. Unfortunately, they knew that they were still too weak and it was impossible to go to the dark universe alone.


Their eyes lit up and they looked at Ling Daozi. Master Guoyu asked excitedly: "Xiao Ling, can you and Mr. Liufeng go to the dark universe?"

"Yes, if you can go, can you take us to see it then?" Watcher agreed.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Of course no problem! Mr. Liufeng and I have traveled to the dark universe a long time ago, and it is very convenient to go now!"

"Wow!!!" When everyone heard this, they couldn't help shouting, and they were completely uneasy!

In their opinion, it's no wonder that Ling Daozi and Liufeng are so powerful. It turns out that they are people who can travel freely between the two universes!

Just imagine, a person suddenly has a whole universe more experience than you. How can his vision and experience be beyond your reach?

When they thought of this, everyone looked at Ling Daozi with great admiration, almost kneeling down to worship...

Xiaoxing's pride could not be described in words. However, introducing them to the structure of the universe as a dual universe, with both a positive universe and a dark universe, was not the focus of what he wanted to say today, although the information itself was indeed of great significance. A powerful impact, but in Xiaoxing's view, this is no longer a big deal. These melon-eating people can eat it slowly if they want. I still have to explain the matter further so that the next plan can be implemented.

He continued: "Maybe in your opinion, the elements of this universe constitute the complex positive universe in front of you, and the other unknown universe composed of dark elements is the dark universe. However, in my opinion, things are not the same. It’s not like this!”

"But why?"

"Is it not?"

Master Guoyu and Wochel asked in shock at the same time.

"Of course not! The universe you see, and the elements in the universe, are actually not the truth of the matter. It is like an iceberg. What emerges from the water is always just a small sharp corner on it, and most of the iceberg But it's hidden under the water..." Xiaoxing hummed.

"Wo... Xiaoling means that there is still a large part of this universe that we cannot see?!" Master Guoyu reacted and asked quickly.

"That's right! If we further subdivide these so-called elements that make up the universe, we can get molecules, electrons, microns, nanons, poleons and then primitive particles. These particles can be collectively called quanta, and quanta is The most basic elements that make up this universe, the various substances you see are composed of quantum! However, because quantum is extremely tiny, with your current cultivation level, you can sense at most a few molecules and particles , but you can no longer see nanoparticles, pole particles and primary particles. Note that you can only sense some of their activities with your spiritual consciousness, and you can never see them with the naked eye. However, I want to say What’s more, the invisible part is the really important thing!!!” Xiaoxing emphasized.

"This..." Everyone was a little confused when they heard this, and they didn't dare to imagine anymore, because just thinking about this problem gave them a splitting headache, and their brain power was simply not enough!

Wochel bit the bullet and asked: "Xiao Ling, the quanta you mentioned are so tiny that you can't even see them. Are there really so many of them that they can form this vast universe?"

"Of course! Sand becomes a tower, armpits become fur, and tall buildings rise from the ground. Every great thing actually starts from a small age! Every great dream starts from a small wish! An ant The power is insignificant, but if a group, a large group of ants is well organized, the power they can exert is enough to make everyone here tremble! Didn't everyone look down on the leech tribe at first? But to be honest, among you, If the Leech Tribe really develops, their strength will definitely be much stronger than other races!" Xiaoxing said.

"Thank you, Xiao Ling!" The leaders of the Leech Tribe, such as Xi Jin and Co Xi, couldn't help shouting with joy when they heard this, with extremely proud expressions on their faces.

Xiaoxing nodded and said: "It can be said that no matter which universe it is, it is a quantum universe composed of quanta, but the rules of each universe are different, and the process of quantum entanglement is also different, which makes the universe move in different directions. With the development of science and technology, the positive universe and the dark universe have appeared here. Although they are both pursuing the direction of cultivation, due to the slightly different rules of the two universes, the quantum entanglement state is also very different, thus forming two almost phaseless universes. Opposite energy states!”

"Quantum universe?"

"Quantum entanglement?"

Master Guoyu and Wochel both felt bad. They found that what Ling Daozi casually talked about were concepts that they had never heard of, or Taoism. This situation really made them feel extremely helpless...

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