The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3745 How is consciousness born?

"Isn't the consciousness of life...innate?" Watcher asked suspiciously.

"Is it possible that your spiritual body is also born with it?" Xiaoxing teased.

"This... body of spiritual consciousness can be slowly condensed by cultivators after they have reached a certain level of cultivation... As for mortals, it is impossible to have a body of spiritual consciousness, but they still have their own sense of life, but they cannot be embodied... "Watcher said quickly.

Little Material foundation support, so this kind of embodiment is very weak, but there are some powerful mortals who can also have their own embodied consciousness. For example, some martial arts practitioners can burst out their consciousness to enhance their consciousness. Combat strength…”

"That's it..." Everyone was extremely surprised when they heard this. They usually don't pay much attention to mortals. They didn't expect that some mortals can have a body of consciousness similar to the spiritual body of a cultivator. It can be seen that Ling Daozi's research in this area has really reached its peak. High degree.

Xiaoxing added: "You may think that the consciousness of a living body is invisible and exists from birth, but this fact shows that the consciousness of a living body is closely related to matter. Without the support of matter, consciousness is impossible. Existence, on the contrary, if there is matter as the basis, then it is possible to give birth to consciousness! For example, in this universe, things can be as large as planets, seas, mountains, grasslands, forests, valleys, rivers and lakes, and as small as a tree or a flower. A flower, a piece of grass, or a piece of stone may all produce the consciousness of life. Once our life is born, it may seem very peaceful, but the consciousness of life is already quietly gestating, and it won't take long for us to have self-awareness... Such a situation It seems to be natural, but it is actually related to the movement of matter. Here, we already know that matter is composed of quanta, so the deduced conclusion is that the movement of quanta gave birth to the birth of life consciousness!"

"Wo..." When everyone heard this, they were in an uproar again. It felt like Ling Daozi's derivation was one step after another, and it was difficult to keep up with it no matter how hard the brain followed...

Xiaoxing didn't care whether they understood or not, and continued: "Quantum has a very important characteristic, which is coherence. If a bunch of quanta have strong coherence with each other, then they will condense more closely. , the combinations between quanta will also become more complex. As the combinations increase, the cohesion strengthens, and coupled with the guidance of rules, this pile of quanta, that is, this pile of matter, will gradually have meaning. This is the birth of life. material basis…”

"Coherence..." Master Guoyu and Wochel captured the key point in Ling Daozi's words.

Little The vitality and vitality become stronger. For example, if a person has a strong consciousness and high resilience, then he can become more courageous and persevering with every setback. However, if his consciousness is depressed, confused and does not want to do anything, then he They will appear sickly, have no fighting spirit, and ultimately achieve nothing, becoming a decadent person. This situation is called decoherence..."


"It makes sense..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nod in agreement. They could all find living examples of the phenomenon mentioned by Ling Daozi in real life, so it was easy to understand.

"Actually, quantum coherence is easily affected by the outside world. If something goes wrong, decoherence will occur. So you can also see that although there are countless material bodies in nature,

But there are still a small number of material bodies that can finally give birth to life, and most of them are still in an unconscious state... Just like people, they are high-spirited when things go well, but when they encounter a blow, they can easily plummet and be unable to recover! This is seriously affected by the decoherence phenomenon. People who can survive adversity are those with a stronger will..."

"That's true... So, how can we improve the coherence of life and reduce the impact of decoherence?" Master Guoyu asked quickly.

"Good question! If you want to improve the coherence of life, you must mention another characteristic of quantum, which is synchronicity!" Xiaoxing finally clicked on this key quantum characteristic.

"Synchronicity?!" Master Guoyu and Wochel exclaimed softly, feeling that this synchronicity should be an extremely important characteristic of quantum.

"Yes, synchronicity is the key to the final birth of advanced consciousness from the material body!" Xiaoxing said.

Master Guoyu and Wochel looked at each other, then looked at Xiaoxing and said: "You are saying that the consciousness of the initial life form is not strong because the quantum synchronization of its components is not high, and cultivators like us, Because of the high synchronicity of quantum in the body, can we finally cultivate divine consciousness and have a body with divine consciousness?"

"Haha, it seems that the master is also aware of this. However, there are two manifestations of the synchronicity of living bodies. Improving the consciousness level of living bodies is only one of them. I will talk about the other later." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh? I wonder how this synchronicity can improve the consciousness level of living beings?" Watcher asked quickly.

"Okay, let me ask you first, do you think the world is dynamic or static?" Xiaoxing asked.

"This world... should be said to be partly dynamic and partly static, right? You see, we can observe that many people are moving and many elements are also moving, such as wind, clouds, water, etc., but there are also many things that are static. For example, ice cubes, stars in the sky, the moon, the stage in front of us, the chairs under our seats, the ground, etc..." Watcher said thoughtfully.

"Then I can remind you that these static objects you see are actually composed of a large number of various quanta, and each quantum is in a state of motion almost all the time..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"This...that is to say, what we see with our eyes is not actually the truth of things. The world we cannot see is actually always in motion?" Watcher suddenly said.

"By the way! This world is in motion all the time! Even if we sit still, the Tiangang star below us is also moving in the universe. Its position will never stay in a certain place without moving. What we see is always its relative position, and it will appear in another coordinate the next second! As for the quanta in these objects, they themselves and the smaller particles inside are also constantly moving, so this It’s a dynamic world!” Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my seems like it's impossible to find a quiet place!" Everyone suddenly realized!

"Yes, the material bodies in nature, including our life itself, are in motion all the time. There are countless vibrations around us. The information of these vibrations are received by us, and some of them can be felt by ourselves. , some cannot be received because the frequency is not within our sensory range, but the lack of reception does not mean that the vibration does not exist. Everyone, please do not underestimate the information of these vibrations in nature. It is precisely because of these complicated vibrations Information causes the material body to have the consciousness of life. Even if it is a piece of soil, a grain of sand, a flower, a grass, a bottle of wine, or a cup of tea, as long as it lasts long enough, it is possible for it to respond to these vibrational information. Discriminate and slowly generate initial life consciousness, because it can feel that this information comes from its surroundings, so it will separate and oppose itself from its surroundings, and then generate self-awareness, which is life consciousness. The initial birth process!" Xiaoxing explained.

"I understand!!!" Master Guoyu exclaimed excitedly.

"Vibration, it turns out to be vibration..." Watcher muttered...

"Vibration is a back and forth swing between different states. Materials formed by different quantum entanglements have different vibration frequencies. When different materials are close to each other, their vibrations can affect each other. Slowly, they Resonance can occur! Note that it is precisely because of resonance that life forms can communicate and understand each other. In the end, both parties begin to understand themselves and each other! Around a material life form, there are countless A material life form with different vibration frequencies. These vibrational information are continuously transmitted into the center material life form. Over time, it gives rise to an understanding of the surrounding things. As a result, the self-awareness of this material life form begins to be born, and Slowly become wiser and grow up! The more resonance information a living body receives and understands, the more complex it is, and the more complex and sophisticated its consciousness becomes. This is also accompanied by the continuous improvement of its conscious body and spiritual consciousness body!" Xiao Xiao Star said.

"So, the process of cultivating our spiritual consciousness is to continuously receive more and more resonance information from the surroundings, and constantly combine them, making the resonance combinations in our bodies more and more complex and sophisticated?" Master Guoyu asked.

"Well said! In fact, not only our spiritual cultivation needs to improve the ability to combine resonance information, but also our physical cultivation, because our bodies are also composed of various quantum material bodies, but at the elementary level At this stage, these quantum material bodies are relatively rough and not very harmonious, so their abilities are very limited. However, the process of our cultivation is to eliminate the bad and retain the essential, making each part of the quantum material body become more and more harmonious and pure. We are becoming more and more in a state of resonance. When various impurities are removed, the remaining quanta become more and more entangled in a state of resonance, and our cultivation realm is also constantly improving..."

"Oh my god..."

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