The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3751 The Crisis of the Star Spirits

Originally, if the Lord God helped, things might become much easier, because the Lord God's induction is very sensitive, and it would be difficult for the Qingfeng Demon to escape if it was locked by him. However, Tong Yi knew that the Lord God would not help in this matter. Yes, because on the one hand, the Qingfeng Demon is also a life born on the Tiangang Star, and basically treats everyone equally to the Lord God. It should be his choice not to help anyone. On the other hand, Tong Yi knows that the Lord God is also poisoned now, and his induction power It has dropped significantly. He must have been hiding recently, waiting for the antidote from Dongfang Bai's team to save his life, so even if he wanted to help, he probably couldn't.

There is still about a month left before the end of the competition, and Tong Yi and Guan Zhongshan have not much time left, because the twenty-five-level formation alone requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and has become the focus of their preparations. The mission also requires the mobilization of other defensive and offensive forces, including a large number of antidote drugs, etc. To be honest, it is normal for such a big movement to be discovered by the Luo Bi Mo...

Little Everyone knows that the outside must be settled first. Moreover, after the demonic forces suddenly appeared with a large number of pills to upgrade the big devil, their strength has soared to a level that threatens the foundation of Tiangang's righteous way. It will be difficult to feel at ease unless they are surrendered or eradicated. , let alone being unable to engage in a decisive battle with Tai Lao Star wholeheartedly.

In addition to the main force preparing for the war, various races are currently selecting young disciples to participate in the war. The purpose is to temper the young people in the war, so that they can grow up quickly and reserve talents for future battles with Tailao Star.

However, the demon forces did not let go of such an opportunity. Many demons sneaked into various tribes to carry out hunting operations. Many of them were disciples and disciples of the Qingfeng Demon. Of course, there were other demons traveling with them. The mission of these demons is actually to protect the disciples of the Qingfeng Demon to ensure their safe evacuation after successfully applying poison...

Therefore, the appearance of the Green Maple Demon in Tiangang Academy is no accident. It is one of the key points in a large-scale operation by the demonic forces. However, not many tribes have discovered and alerted them like the Tiangang tribe...

"Are you going to watch the show? Or take action? Or remind them?" Xiaoxing suddenly thought of three plans.

According to his temperament, he naturally wants to watch good shows. He came to Tiangang Star just to have fun. There is basically no distinction between friend and foe among the various forces here. However, after becoming the young master of the Ling Mansion, he started a big business and saved people. After the Tiangang capital was besieged by the elves, Xiaoxing still preferred to become a member of Tiangang's righteous path. After all, you have to make money. Only by being friendly can you make money. If the world is in chaos and the people are in dire straits, where will the money come from?

Although some people are good at making fortune from disasters, fearing that the world will not be in chaos, and even deliberately disrupt the situation in order to make money, in order to fish in troubled waters, in Xiaoxing's view, these are all trivial ways. If you really want to make money, you should make long-term and stable money. Only when the world is good and the people are prosperous is the real foundation of wealth, so Xiaoxing does not want Tiangang Star to be in chaos now.

When it comes to making money,

In fact, the magic power is also a huge market, because there are so many people who are possessed by demons now, and many people are greedy for magic power to quickly increase their strength and improve their realm. If they can take medicine to directly reach the big devil, it is estimated that most people in the righteous way will also join. In the devil's way, because reaching that state basically means that you can live forever, and living for tens of millions of years is not a problem. Even if there may be many loopholes in the promotion process, you can still find ways to make up for it after becoming a big devil. But the increase in longevity is a real benefit!

Therefore, although many magic skills are at the cost of overdrafting longevity, if you practice to the extreme, you can also achieve the goal of unlimited longevity. This is actually similar to the righteous cultivation.

However, because many people who practice demonic skills have difficulty controlling the rapid growth of their skills, and loopholes and flaws are prone to appear in their bodies, they are more likely to go overboard and become possessed by demons. At the same time, it is easy for demonic practitioners to go to extremes in their skills, either injuring themselves or It hurts others and often causes many major fatal cases, so it is easy to attract the killings of righteous people. This will also increase the number of early deaths of people who are possessed by demons, and the conflicts and hatred between righteous and demons will also continue. Deepen to the point of being irreconcilable.

Xiaoxing is also thinking about whether he can reconcile the good and the devil. If he can, it will be equivalent to the two forces of Tiangang Star being combined into one, and both markets can become markets for selling his own products. However, Judging from the current situation, this idea is less likely to be realized. After all, the two sides have been fighting for countless years. If you want them to suddenly stop and stop fighting, I am afraid that even they themselves are not used to it, and some people may even lose the goal of cultivation. , because some people practice just to kill demons, monsters or people...

In fact, if Little When something like this happens, how can I have time to take care of it?

Moreover, killing seems to be a way to reduce excessive vitality in the universe. If some places are too popular and the environment and resource conditions can no longer bear it, then one or two wars may break out to reduce the population, or there may be epidemics, earthquakes, Catastrophic disasters such as tides and animal disasters wipe out the population, making the conditions for vitality and environmental resources match again...

Therefore, Xiaoxing believes that he should not interfere too much to avoid causing too much trouble for himself...

However, in order to ensure a stable environment for his business, Xiaoxing decided to help a group of Tiangang tribe. After all, Ling Zeduan and others were also in Tiangang Academy, which was also one of the reasons for his action.

"Eh? The Lord God is in a very bad situation right now, and there are actually people looking for him... Could it be..." Xiaoxing suddenly realized that something was wrong with the situation, because there were several people sneaking into the underground, and these people seemed to be Shi Du The old poisoners of the same level as Simba, that is, the elders of the Yuguan and Zhouguan tribes, are looking for the star spirits at this time. It is almost self-evident what their purpose is!

In fact, the Yuguan and Zhouguan tribesmen who are currently hiding on Tiangang Star are the biggest troublemakers behind the two evil forces. They wish that the situation would be as chaotic as possible, so that they can take advantage of it. Now that the war between good and evil is about to break out, this Two poisonous life races can take advantage of the chaos to invade the bodies of some middle- and low-level people to absorb ** elements, and it is not easy to attract attention, because an epidemic during or after the war is foreseeable and acceptable, and it is difficult for people to They will suspect that they are hiding in those people and causing mischief...

And now these powerful poisoners are looking for the protoss. They must know that the protoss has been poisoned by them and their abilities have been reduced. This is a great opportunity to catch him!

For them, the abundant spiritual power and essence of the star spirit are definitely the treasures they have coveted for a long time. Moreover, as long as they take him down, the strength of Tiangang Star will be greatly weakened, which will affect their future plans. It is of great help. You must know that the Star Spirit not only has extremely powerful combat power, but he is also the spiritual belief of the Tiangang Star people. When the Tiangang Star people have not grown up, it is the Star Spirit that gave them guidance and strength and helped them. Those who have grown up, if something goes wrong with the star spirit, it also means that the faith in the hearts of many Tiangang people will collapse, and the consequences will be unimaginable...

Now, these poisonous masters have relied on their sense of the god-level poison to begin approaching the space where the protoss is hiding, but the protoss still seems to be unaware...

Xiaoxing looked at the main god with a somewhat painful expression and said, "Old man Tiangang, how are you feeling now?"

"Huh? Who is it?!!! Xiao Ling?!!!" The Lord was stunned, thinking that he had auditory hallucinations due to poisoning, but after hearing the voice say it again, he seemed to recognize who was calling. He said suspiciously.

"Yes, it's me!" Xiaoxing said.

When the Lord God heard this, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, because his current ability has been greatly reduced, and his induction has been greatly restricted, so he hid in this independent space with the best protection. What he was afraid of was being discovered. Knowing that with his status as a star spirit, there are countless great powers who secretly covet his spiritual power. What is condensed in him is the purest Tiangang spiritual power. If someone devours him, it will be very difficult for him to be promoted to the transcendent realm. An easy thing.

The Lord God was not worried about this before he was poisoned, but these days, he has suffered from the influence of the poison, and his cultivation level has dropped significantly. He has to consider this terrible consequence. After all, his ability has declined now, and those who did not pay attention to him before The people here may be stronger than him, but who can guarantee that one or a few of them will have evil thoughts towards him?

The Lord God has seen this kind of thing many times, and he has no doubt that something similar might happen to him.

Although the story of his poisoning was only known to Tong Yi, it is undeniable that the person who poisoned him also knew about it, and since the person who poisoned him had the ability to make him poisoned unknowingly, it is possible that he had been poisoned all along. While watching his movements, he has not shown up to the outside world at all during this period. Maybe he has attracted the attention of the person who applied the poison, then it can be judged that he has been poisoned, and the poison attacks quickly, making him incapable. If you go out, risks may arise unexpectedly!

The Lord God did have a very bad premonition in his heart during this period. He has been thinking, if someone is really targeting him, who will be the first to find him?

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