The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3755 Purchasing Medicine

The demonic plan revealed by Xiaoxing made Tong Yi's hair stand on end, and he was speechless for a long time...

Only now did he understand that the appearance of the Green Maple Demon was not an accidental event, but part of an extremely well-planned counterattack plan by the Demonic Way. However, the Righteous Way knew nothing about it, and all the tribes could not help themselves even though they were in crisis. Even though we know this, we are still ambitiously preparing for the great cause of exterminating demons. Thinking about this makes people feel a little sad...

In addition, Ling Daozi just revealed a bigger news, that is, the poisonous beings have controlled the demonic forces. They are hiding behind the two forces of good and evil, ready to come out to harvest the fruitful fruits at any time!

Being hit by such terrible news one after another, Tong Yi was petrified, and his head could not turn at all. He suddenly felt that he was so incompetent. As the leader of the Tiangang Righteous Path, he had really neglected his duty. Seeing that the Tiangang Righteous Path was about to follow He fell because of his own incompetence, but he could only watch helplessly, helpless...

"Why are you in a daze? Now is not the time for you to be in a daze. First catch the Green Maple Demon and the Luobi Demon, and then cure the poison on your bodies. Otherwise, you will be finished. Do you really think that poisonous beings will give you a chance? Do you want to wait for a thousand years for the antidote to come out?" Xiaoxing snorted.

"What? A thousand years?! Does it take a thousand years for the antidote to come out?!" Tong Yi was shocked again and asked in disbelief.

"What do you think? Haven't you realized the poison in your body yet? Let me tell you, without heaven-level elixir to suppress it, the poison in your body will double every day, and it won't take long before you It cannot be suppressed anymore. The poison in your body will quickly evolve into a living being. It will report your situation to the poisonous life outside. Once you are alone or in a weak position, you will be attacked by the poisonous life. They will hunt you, and then you will become their food, and you will be devoured until not even the dregs are left..." Xiaoxing teased.

"This..." Tong Yi trembled after hearing this, thinking that some time had passed since the last time he swallowed a heaven-level elixir. If the poison doubled every day, wouldn't the amount of poison in his body now be the same? Has it reached an extremely terrifying level?

These poisonous substances will also evolve into spiritual beings, so isn't there a poisonous life form lurking in my body now, reporting its status to its master every day?

Thinking of this, Tong Yi trembled even more. He also thought of Xiao Gui, Yifan, Guan Qizhi and others. They were all in extreme danger like himself. What should he do?

By the way, there is also the Lord God. He has never swallowed heaven-level elixirs, so the amount of poison in his body must have reached an extremely terrifying level. He may have been hunted by poisonous life forms. No wonder he has not been in contact with him recently. , and I actually forgot about him!

Oh my God, if something happens to the Lord God, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the Tiangang Clan, the Tiangang Righteous Way, and the Tiangang Star people!

Tongyi inspires the spirit,

He quickly ordered Xiao Gang to contact the Lord God, but Xiao Gang replied that the Lord God had been disconnected for some time. When he heard this, he was shocked, suddenly woke up, and said loudly: "Xiao Ling, where is the antidote you promised last time? Can you? Can't you let us take it quickly? And the Lord God, he may be in danger now, I found that I can't contact him!"

"You want the antidote now? Why did you go so far?! You would rather have the poison wreak havoc on your body than beg me, right? This is very courageous, right? Do you know that you almost harmed the entire Tiangang Academy by doing this? Do the Tiangang Clan and Tiangang Righteous Way still have my business?" Xiaoxing snorted.

"This..." Tong Yi looked extremely embarrassed upon hearing this and was speechless...

"If you want the antidote, send someone to the top floor of the Xingyun Palace to find an old man named Chen Xi to buy it. The price is of course not cheap. It must be based on the standards of god-level elixirs. If you can't afford it, don't even think about getting it!" Xiaoxing said .

"Chen Xi? No problem, I'll go buy the elixirs in person right away! How much will it take for the ten elders, me, and the star spirits to bring a total of twelve pills?" Tong Yi asked excitedly.

"No need for Star Spirit. He was indeed attacked by poisonous life forms just now and was almost swallowed. However, he was saved by me and is now on his way to my Ling Mansion... As for the price, god-level elixirs are originally priceless. , but for the sake of our relationship, I won’t kill you. One pill will be counted as one hundred purple Gang, but you don’t go there in person, because now the poison in your body has evolved into a spiritual life. Once After leaving your special space, he will transmit information to other poisonous beings. Now you must do your best to suppress it, because after he hears our conversation, he will definitely start to bite you back, so you must take the antidote as soon as possible. Only then can we save lives, otherwise it will be over!" Xiaoxing said.

"That's so?! I... will send someone to buy medicine right away! Thank you...!!!" Tong Yi asked Xiao Gang to send someone to buy medicine while checking the world inside the body. Sure enough, he found that in just a moment, the entire world inside the body It seemed that the river had turned upside down and turned into a churning ink ocean. There was a terrible feeling of pain all over the body. It seemed that countless monsters were devouring his essence and spiritual power...

"Not good!" Tong Yi screamed and quickly launched with all his strength to suppress this terrible backlash...

Now he has completely believed what Ling Daozi said. This god-level poison is really terrible. Not only is it extremely vicious, but it can also evolve itself. It is unimaginably difficult to cultivate a god-level antidote that can swallow it. , it would be a great thing to take a thousand years to cultivate it.

No wonder there has been no good news from the elves during this period. Yaoye had previously vowed that the Dongfangbai team was making rapid progress and it would not take long to cultivate a god-level antidote, but now there is no word. After hearing this, he was probably about to lose confidence, because Yaoye himself was also poisoned, so he naturally felt the effects of this poison very deeply...

However, because Tong Yi had taken a heaven-level elixir before, the poison did not evolve as fast as the poison in the star spirit's body. His current ability was not enough to compete with Tong Yi, so Tong Yi used all his strength to activate it. Finally, he completely controlled the ink energy in his body, turning it into a crystal clear ink-colored bead, but he could also feel that the ink energy inside the bead was frantically penetrating and devouring his spiritual power, and he seemed not to be afraid at all. No matter what method you use to kill it with your own spiritual power, it has no effect. Even the spiritual power that attacks it is swallowed up by it!

This shocked Tong Yi. He didn't expect that a god-level poison could have such power. It couldn't be killed no matter how hard it was killed, and it became stronger and stronger with each kill. If this continued, he was really going to finish it!

If Ling Daozi didn't have the antidote, he would become its food in a while. This scene is really unimaginable...

The person Xiao Gang sent to the Xingyun Palace to buy the elixir was Bi Jian, the law enforcement elder, because the matter was of a very high level and was a top secret in the clan. In addition, there might be poisonous life forms lurking in the capital now. Once the news was leaked, only Bi Ji would be killed. Only a master like Case can protect the antidote.

After Bi Gan received the order, he did not dare to neglect. He quickly went to the family treasury to collect the medicine fee and went straight to the Xingyun Palace. He had been here during the last stone-cutting ceremony, so he found the doctor smoothly this time. He swiped his VIP membership card and pressed the top button to pass. The ladder went straight up. Along the way, he could see the prosperous scenes on each floor. There were so many people coming to Xingyun Palace to stroll and shop. Bi An was filled with emotion.

It didn't take long for the ladder to reach the top. The door opened with a "ding". He walked out and found that the space on the top floor was relatively small. There was a fairy who seemed to be waiting for him. When he saw him coming out, he quickly said: "Welcome to Elder Bi." , Doctor Chen is waiting for you!"

"Miracle Doctor Chen? So Chen Xi is a doctor? He is called a miracle doctor, but why have he never heard of it?" Bi An thought to himself while following the fairy...

After turning seven and eight corners, many people knew him along the way and greeted him one after another. Bi An nodded in response. Finally, he came to a small door. After the fairy announced, the small door opened and Bi An left. When I went in, I found that it was filled with all kinds of strange and weird equipment, and a group of people were studying something attentively...

However, Bi An is also a person who is proficient in medicine. It can be seen at a glance that these people are studying medicine, and each of them is a person with extraordinary medical skills. Judging from the aura emanating from their bodies, I am afraid that the meaning of medical knowledge is far away. Above yourself!

"Oh my god, where do so many people with strong medical skills come from? Why have I never seen them before? The medical people in the academy are far inferior to these people. I'm afraid that anyone here is better than He Yu. Right?" Bi An felt a little incredible, because with his psychological sense that was good at solving crimes, he could quickly judge that the people here were all medical experts, and each of them had stronger aura than He Yu, but He Yu had already He is the most powerful miraculous doctor of the Tiangang tribe, so where did Ling Daozi find these people?

Thinking like this, he saw the morning miracle doctor again in the back room. He quickly felt that this man's medical power was unfathomable. He was definitely the most powerful person he had ever seen in his life!

"Elder Bi is finally here!" Chen Xi put down what she was doing and said hello.

"Sorry to bother the miracle doctor! I'm here to buy the antidote!" Bi Gan said very politely.

"Haha, what kind of miracle doctor? Just call me Chen Xi! Xiao Ling has already told me about this. This antidote has just been developed not long ago, and the quantity is not large. If you want it, just buy it all, just in case! "Chen Xi smiled.

"Is it really possible?!" Bi An said in surprise. He knew that this was a god-level antidote. Putting it on his body would definitely save his life. If he accidentally got poisoned, having this medicine would ensure that he would not be poisoned. Yu.

"Of course, but there are only fifteen pills in total. You can just pay to buy them. Xiaoling said that you helped him last time at Qun Fang Cui, and this antidote will be used for self-defense..."

"Thank you Xiaoling..."

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