The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3761 One floor after another

Xiaoxing's explanation further deepened Tiangang's understanding of the Black Hole Clan. Now he knew that there were various struggles within the Black Hole Clan just like other ordinary races, but they stood at a higher height.

But he still didn't understand why the Black Hole Clan came to instigate conflicts between him and Tai Lao, because it seemed that if the Black Hole Clan wanted anything, they could easily get it without having to go through him and Tai Lao, so why bother to provoke it? ?

Regarding this issue, Xiaoxing explained: "As a high-level race, the Black Hole Clan pays more attention to respecting the way of heaven when acting and avoiding adverse consequences. Therefore, even if they want to do something bad, they rarely do it themselves, but use some small means to pretend Others do it, while I hide behind and watch the show..."

"These villains!!!" Tiangang said fiercely when he heard this. He was really convinced. He didn't expect that these black hole tribes had such powerful power. In the end, they didn't even want to do any bad things themselves, but wanted to use their own guise to do it. The hands of Tai Lao are really despicable and shameless to the extreme!

"I wonder what bad things they want to do?" Tiangang asked.

"I just said that the black hole clan also has conflicts of interest. This conflict of interest is actually inseparable from the characteristics of their devouring. For the black hole clan, the black hole is the environment in which they live and develop. If this environment The more matter and energy there is and the more stable the cycle is, the more beneficial it is to them. From the perspective of devouring, the most important thing is to be able to devoure enough matter and energy, so the black hole family will often go out to look for it. And collect cosmic waste and put it into the accretion disk of the black hole. As long as it enters the accretion disk, the waste will no longer be able to escape. Sooner or later, it will be swallowed and digested by the black hole and become the material needed by the black hole family. and energy…”

"Is there no limit to what a black hole can swallow?" Tiangang asked.

"Of course there is a limit, but this limit is related to the level of the black hole. Just like a cultivator, at a certain level, the body can accumulate corresponding spiritual power. If it exceeds the limit that the body can withstand, it will be harmful. The same is true for black holes. If it can successfully advance, its limit will be greatly increased. If it itself does not run smoothly and its level cannot be improved, then the more it devours, the more harmful it will be," Xiaoxing said.

"So, the black hole where this black hole family is located should not have reached the limit..." Tiangang thought.

"Yes, their black holes are still in the growth stage. During this period, their appetites are the best and largest. They can swallow no matter how much they have. That's why the black hole clan hopes that our two galaxies will be in chaos and produce a lot of waste. Once these wastes Sooner or later, most of them will fall into their accretion disk and become nutrients for the black hole. From a causal point of view, the main reason for the chaos in the galaxy will still fall on the heads of you two protoss. This negative consequence Most of it is borne by you, and they have almost no responsibility. This is the cleverness, or cunning, of the Black Hole Clan... Maybe what you don't know is that even when they send people to attack you, , and it is possible that some means were used to cover up Tianji, so that Tianji could not find out their responsibilities at all..."

"That's how it is?!" Tiangang took a breath of cold air upon hearing this,

Everyone is feeling bad!

Unexpectedly, the Black Hole Clan dug such a deep hole for themselves, and yet he jumped in willingly. If Ling Daozi and Liufeng hadn't revealed this mystery for him today, I'm afraid he wouldn't even know how he died...

Look at the red-haired man on the other side of the light and shadow, Tai Lao Xingling. He is also confused at this time. He seems to be frightened by this amazing inside information, with a look of great regret on his face...

Little Quite a few, they are ahead of their opponents in the fight for interstellar scraps. This may be one of the reasons why the Thai Black Hole Clan provoked this incident. After all, the pressure will be great after falling behind, and in many cases, falling behind means that they may be defeated in the future. More and more people are falling behind, so the Tailao Black Hole Clan has the motive to do this..."

"It turns out they are the Tailao Black Hole Clan... No wonder I can't detect the aura from the Tiangang Galaxy from them. I wonder if the Tiangang Black Hole Clan has the aura from our side?" Tiangang Fox asked.

"There will be one thing. If they meet you, they should be able to detect it. However, if they deliberately conceal it, it is impossible. After all, their cultivation level is much higher than yours. You can see that the Thai star spirit did not notice it. Those people have the aura of Tai Lao Galaxy, right?" Xiaoxing reminded.

"Yes, if he noticed it, he would have some suspicions..." Tiangang said suddenly.

"Actually, the Tailao Black Hole Clan does more than just this. Do you know what it is?"

"In addition to attacking us and blaming each other, they also attacked the fleets and merchants of two stars in the starry sky..."

"Well, only a small part of the fleet business trip incident that attacked the two stars was their fault, but the majority was not their fault!" Xiaoxing said.

"What?! It wasn't them, could there be someone else?!" Tiangang was no longer calm.

"Of course! I said before that the external forces in this matter are divided into levels. The Tailao Black Hole clan is the first level, followed by the second level, the third level, etc. You must know that the Tailao Black Hole The clan not only provoked the conflict between you and the Tailao star from the beginning, but they also spread the secret of Tiangang Star to the outside world, so that people in other outer galaxies also learned of the existence of Tiangang Star. Such a precious star Hanging alone in the starry sky, it is as coveted as a luminous pearl, and people who hear it are like flies smelling the smell of blood..."

"Oh my god...the Tailao Black Hole Clan actually did such an insidious thing!!!"

"For them, this is nothing at all. If they don't want to take action themselves, they can only use others to do it. Only by messing up the situation can they fish in troubled waters. The powerful race they were attracted to first was about five to six years away from here. The Naxisai tribe of the galaxy have built three space bases on the outskirts of these two galaxies, and are currently building the fourth to sixth! The strategy they adopted is highly similar to the Tailao black hole tribe, and they also want to challenge They can profit from the conflict between your two stars! Therefore, most of the merchant fleet attacks were committed by them, but you didn't know it. In addition, they have reached a cooperation agreement with the Tailao tribe and will work together To deal with the Tiangang Star, their cooperation with the Tailao tribe is just a temporary measure, and the purpose is to monopolize the Tiangang Treasure Star in the future!" Xiaoxing said.

"The Naxi Sai tribe? I have never heard of it..."

"But you must have seen it. Last time, Duoduo, the leader of the Naxi Sai tribe, brought elder Heishang and a large group of people to Tiangang capital, and they also bid on many items at my Wanzhen Pavilion auction!" Xiaoxing smiled.

"It's her?! No wonder I also realized that they were not from the Tiangang Star. They were just attracted by your auction items and didn't pay much attention..."

"Yes! The Naxisai people have great plans. This time they also supported the demonic forces on Tiangang Star and gave them a batch of so-called magical pills. After taking these magical pills, they can make the master-level demons improve by a large amount. This move made the demonic forces admire and be grateful to them, and they were willing to be driven by them. It can be said that the current turmoil among the demonic forces was caused by the Naxisai tribe!" Xiaoxing said.

"Wo..." Tiangang was dumbfounded and had to look at the Naxisai people with admiration...

Now think about that Duoduo, who is as beautiful as a flower. I didn’t expect that she actually did so many “bad things” in her bones. Of course, from the perspective of the Naxisai people, this is not a bad thing, but her intelligence. , but this kind of wisdom has made Tiangang Zhengdao pay a heavy price...

In addition, this news is definitely not good news for Tiangang Zhengdao. Originally, Tiangang Zhengdao thought that it had an absolute advantage in this galaxy war, but now it is known that the Naxisai tribe and the Tailao tribe have colluded in this battle. Together, if the truth is not revealed now, a galaxy war will really break out in the future, and the people of Tiangang will definitely suffer!

Tiangang Xingling also thought of another thing, that is, the Tailao tribe recently refined a cloud-dispelling shield, a cosmic treasure. Its level is comparable to the Tiangang tribe's meteor hammer, and maybe even higher. With the strength of the Tailao tribe, it is impossible to successfully refine such a treasure. In this, the Naxisai tribe may also have a share of credit.

This Naxisai tribe sounds not simple. It can provide so many magical elixirs for the Tiangang Demonic Path. Such magical elixirs can be called god-level. The strength of the Demonic Path has skyrocketed. Now the paper strength has surpassed the Tiangang Righteous Dao. It can be seen that the Naxisai The tribe has reached an extremely high level in alchemy!

With their abilities, wouldn't it be easy to get more people of the big devil level to appear in this clan?

No wonder they are ambitious and ready to muddy the waters in order to profit from it...

But Xiaoxing continued: "In addition to the Naxisai tribe, there are many other races from far away on the way. They all want to profit from this incident, so they all want the place to be as chaotic as possible. However, here, the most insidious ones are the Yuguan and Zhouguan tribesmen!”

"Oh? Who are these two tribes?!" Tiangang's face changed drastically and he asked urgently.

"They are actually the poisonous life forms you encountered. The people who attacked you belong to these two races, but they have now united together. Not only did they attack on Tiangang Star, but now their two leaders have gone to harm Tai. I’m crazy…”

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