The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3810 Xu Fang

( ) Xu Storm jumped like thunder, and the silver mothership was filled with the powerful pressure he exuded, making everyone feel extremely suffocated...

Wang Qimin felt that Xu Feng could not continue to be so crazy, otherwise the hearts of all the officers and men on the ship would be suppressed to the point of going crazy, so he interrupted: "You are Xu Lei, right? Although I don't want to interfere with your Xu family's bloodline, But as the third elder of this tribe, your affairs are also within my jurisdiction. After listening to your words just now, I feel that you may have been deceived by someone Che. There are too many methods in the world of cultivation to You are obedient and obedient. You are asked to be cannon fodder for him and count money for them. You are young and have little experience. We can all understand why you did not see the excuse. Why don't you tell Mr. Che now? You need to take someone away and see if he agrees to let you go, then you will know if what he said is true!"

Xu Feng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly agreed: "The third elder is right! Your boy will take my family out of there immediately. If he doesn't agree, it means that he has ulterior motives and what he tells is all lies!"

When Xu Lei heard this, he turned to discuss with Xu Yun, Meng Qiu and others, and finally turned around and said: "Since the ancestors and the third elder said so, let's send Xu Fang and the other immortal seedlings back. As for us These mortals, if they weren’t determined to follow Senior Che and the others this time, they wouldn’t have gone into this flying fortress, so we won’t go back!”

When Xu Feng heard this, he couldn't help but became furious and yelled viciously: "You?! You bunch of mortal trash!!! You didn't listen to my ancestors, but listened to a group of liars. You deserve to be mortals in this life!" !!”

"You are so blessed that you don't know how blessed you are..."

"You are seeking death, and you will also harm those fairy seedlings!"

"Send them back quickly, or you will fight to the death!"

"I didn't expect that our Tiangang clan is protecting a group of stupid wastes. If I had known this, there would be no need to chase after and rescue..."

"Well, according to me, mortals are no different from ants. When they die, they are no different than a group of ants being trampled to death..."

"That's right..."

Wang Qimin and others also felt the same when they heard this, and nodded in agreement. They felt sorry and hated Xu Lei, Xu Yun, and Meng Qiu. They felt that these mortals were really stupid and hopeless...

Xu Lei, Xu Yun, Meng Qiu and others all turned red and white when they heard this. The mortals around them even shivered and their faces turned extremely red...

Just when they were about to speak, they heard a young voice say loudly: "That's enough! Stop talking! I will never go back!"

Everyone was shocked,

I found that the person who spoke turned out to be the boy Xu Fang, the young genius of the Xuan-level family that Xu Feng mentioned!

Xu Feng couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and said quickly: "Xiao Fang, you dozen or so are different from them. You are cultivation geniuses. Come back quickly, you must not follow them and lose your life!"

"No! Ancestor, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I won't go back because I know that even if I go back, my fate will not be much better than theirs! Moreover, I must see my parents pass with my own eyes. Test, the day when you become a soul warrior!" Xu Fang said loudly.

"What? How could your fate be bad? And what kind of soul warriors will your parents become?" Xu Feng asked in surprise.

Xu Fang said: "We foreign fairy seedlings who enter the Cultivation Family and Cultivation Sect from the mortal area will be inferior to others from the moment we enter. We have always been ridiculed and bullied as inferior people. Not only is it difficult to guarantee cultivation resources, but also in the On the way forward, people from aristocratic families and sects will often be regarded as a thorn in the flesh, and many people will die inexplicably. Especially those with some qualifications like me will be regarded as a huge threat and want to be eliminated. Then hurry up! Even with your protection and care, my ancestor, my cultivation journey must be full of ups and downs! Of course, I am not afraid of these, but I don’t want to join any aristocratic family or sect, I just want to practice well by myself , there is no need to look at other people’s eyes to act, and there is no need to lower your noble head all day long and do things with your tail between your legs! I had a good chat with Brother Xiaoyun. In his small universe, it is a free world. Everyone can have his own ideas, do what he likes, and practice the Taoism he likes. Just like this, the level of civilization in his small universe has long surpassed that of this Tiangang star, reaching a level that you can never imagine. To the point! I want to be one of them. With the help of brother Xiaoyun, I have also realized my own Taoism these days, and now I have achieved some success in chess and swordsmanship!"

"What?!!!" Xu Feng, Wang Qimin and others were all shocked. They didn't expect that Xu Fang actually said these words, and also mentioned that he had already entered chess and swordsmanship, which was completely unimaginable!

Because Xu Fang is only seventy or eighty years old now, he is no different in the life of the universe than when he was just born. Most people have not practiced much at this time and just play all day long, but he has actually entered chess and swordsmanship. This sounds like It looks absolutely unbelievable!

", you, you...have entered chess and swordsmanship?" Xu Feng asked in disbelief.

"That's right! This is the Heavenly Dragon Sword Technique that I dance. You will know it at a glance!" Xu Fang said with a light and shadow popping up.

The light and shadow instantly magnified on the light screen, and there was a figure dancing a sword inside, it was Xu Fang!

I saw him leaping and leaping in this small space of light and shadow, extremely fast, his sword skills were like shooting stars chasing the moon, his momentum was unparalleled, his Taoism was awe-inspiring, and he could faintly hear dragon roars that filled the world...

Everyone watched with excitement and shock on their faces. This swordsmanship and level could easily enter the ranks of great swordsmen...

"Genius...genius...genius..." Xu Feng trembled all over as he murmured to himself...

Even Wang Qimin, Xu Ruhai, Wen Xu, Mu Jiaojiao and others were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes...

With Xu Fang's level of swordsmanship, if he were placed in the army, he would be more than enough to be a low-level general!

But he is just a little boy, my God! ! !

After finishing a set of sword skills, everyone still had lingering memories. They were still thinking about the set of sword skills just now. They couldn't come back to their senses for a long time. This set of sword skills is definitely more god-level than god-level. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Xiaoxiao to do it. Xu Fang has reached such a level, how wonderful it would be if he also practiced this set of swordsmanship...

Many people had a look of yearning on their faces, and some even had a look of greed on their faces, desperately trying to remember the sword technique just now, but they soon discovered that the appearance of this sword technique was different from theirs. It is gradually disappearing from my mind and finally disappearing completely!

But they thought that Xu Fang had already mastered this set of swordsmanship. He must have remembered it. If they could bring Xu Fang back, they could get this magical set of swordsmanship from him in the future...

When Xu Feng thought of this, he quickly said: "Xiao Fang, you are a genius, a super genius! You will not encounter the things you said when you come to the family! My ancestor can assure you that as long as you come back, our Xu family will I will definitely give you the best conditions and resources to train you to be a talented person! You can also go to Tiangang College in the future and hold a high position in the military. You deserve these!!!"

Third Elder Wang Qimin couldn't help but said: "Xiao Fang, your ancestors are right. With your current level, you are qualified to enter Tiangang Academy! Even if you serve in the army, there will be no problem. Come back soon!"

"No! Thank you to the ancestors and the third elder for their kindness, but my modest achievements are nothing. In Brother Xiaoyun's small universe, at my age, there are countless people who are many times more powerful than me! They understand There are so many things that I can't imagine. I see my own gap among them, but I also see more possibilities. As long as I am willing to work hard and study, I can learn countless things that cannot be learned on this planet. Taoist knowledge!" Xu Fang refused.

"Xiao Fang, who is that brother Xiao Yun you keep talking about? What is going on with his little universe?" Xu Fenghu asked.

"Brother Xiaoyun is the boss of Senior Che. His small universe is different from this universe. Only there can we human beings be transformed and become soul warriors!" Xu Fang said.

"Soul Warrior? What's going on? What are the benefits of becoming a Soul Warrior?" Xu Feng asked.

"Soul warriors are cultivators who specialize in cultivating souls. In other words, after becoming a soul warrior, ordinary mortals can also practice like cultivators! Their lifespan will be greatly extended, and some can even become cultivators like us. As powerful as anyone else, even super powerful!" Xu Fang said.

"What?! How is this possible?!!!" Xu Feng, Wang Qimin, Xu Ruhai, Wen Xu, Mu Jiaojiao, Ye Pengfei and others all screamed when they heard this.

"How is it impossible? We have met many soul warriors a long time ago, and they are helping us mortals to practice. At present, mortals have begun to transform and possess soul power!" Xu Fang said in shock.

"Oh my this true?!" Xu Feng asked tremblingly.

"Of course it's true! Ancestor, do you know why we want to migrate as a whole clan? Because we can't see any hope here. Although the Tiangang clan has some protection for us, this protection is more like a kind of charity. A kind of charity for the weak and incompetent. This kind of charity is just to allow us to continue to reproduce and provide them with fairy seedlings. It will not give us the dignity we deserve, the dignity of being human. All cultivators treat mortals from the bottom of their hearts. There is a kind of contempt, just like what you just discussed, we are a group of extremely weak ants, the kind that can be trampled on at will!" Xu Fang said.

"This...but you are not, you are a fairy! You are a super genius!"

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