The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3814 What is the reason?

( ) Tong Yi took the information and browsed it quickly. His expression changed from indifferent at first, to slightly shocked, and finally he got angry and said loudly: "All the human mortals in our territory were taken away by that little luck. Yet?!"

Wang Qimin's face looked a little ugly when he heard this, but he still said: "It is true that he took them away! But those human mortals all voluntarily followed him away!"

"How is it possible? They manage those lands so well, and their products are many times more than those in other mortal areas. Why would they leave?" Tong Yi said incredulously.

"They said they saw the future and saw hope. At the same time, they thought they had been despised, unfairly treated and squeezed. Even if their fairy seedlings entered the fairy gate, they would be discriminated against and targeted. In short, they have They had a reason to leave, and this reason was given to them by that little luck!" Wang Qimin said.

"What kind of reasons would make them decide to relocate the entire clan?" Tong Yi asked incredulously.

"It's strange. We all knew this reason at the time. It was Xiao Lun who told us. But for some reason, we can't remember it now!" Wang Qimin said.

Xu Ruhai, Wen Xu, Mu Jiaojiao and Ye Pengfei on the side also nodded in agreement, which made Tong Yi feel even more incredible!

"So many of you haven't remembered that reason?!" Tong Yi almost shouted.

"It's true! Later I thought about it carefully. I'm afraid this reason is extremely terrifying and important. It may even alarm the heavens. At the same time, it may also be incomprehensible to us. So after the little luck told us, even though we could remember it at the time, But we quickly forgot about it afterwards, and by the time we wanted to leave some clues, it was already too late!" Wang Qimin analyzed.

"This... tell me everything you can remember about the situation at that time!" Tong Yi said.


The five people talked to each other and briefly recounted what they remembered at the time. Many details were missing. However, after listening carefully, Tong Yi still figured out a few key points. First, there was no conflict or conflict between the two parties. Fighting, but the other side has an action that is very surprising, that is, throwing the light curtain directly into the bridge space of all our warships, and our side has not yet found out how the other side did it.

For such an action, the other party's information signal must be docked with the consent of our own ship before it can appear in our own bridge space. However, the other party directly throws the signal in without our own consent. This is quite So a direct attack!

Yes, what if this signal is replaced by an invisible poison from poisonous forces? Or what about other unknown attack methods? These methods are very likely to cause huge losses to our side.

And maybe even the control of the ship may be changed hands!

When Tong Yi thought of this, a similar scene suddenly flashed through his mind, that is, the special space he was in was directly invaded by Ling Daozi not long ago, but he and Xiaogang were powerless against it. Could it be...

The second is that not only the mortals of the human race want to leave, but also the immortal seedlings among them. Especially Xu Fang, a descendant of Xu Feng's bloodline, has the qualification of a high-grade Xuan level, and has performed an impressive dance at the age of seventy or eighty. With swordsmanship above the god level, his swordsmanship can almost reach the level of a military general!

In Tong Yi's view, it is very miraculous that Xu Fang himself entered Taoism at such a young age, let alone mastered such a terrifying set of swordsmanship. Therefore, the loss of such a super genius like Xu Fang is definitely a disaster for the Tiangang clan. What a big loss!

Third, Xu Fang and the others mentioned that Xiao Lun is the Lord of a certain universe, and that Xiao Lun is only more than a thousand years old, so this matter is also miraculous and unimaginable! It was this little luck that showed everyone a reason. It was precisely because of this reason that all mortals were willing to follow him and leave without any nostalgia for the land they managed so well.

But this reason has automatically disappeared from everyone's memory for some reason. It can be seen that this matter may really involve the operation of heaven, otherwise there must be some clues left.

The last point is that Xu Feng, the ancestor of the Xu family, finally gave up everything here and followed Xiaoyun and other Xu family members...

During this process, Tong Yi also noticed the content of the dialogue between the two parties, which involved many antagonisms and contradictions between cultivators and mortals. Especially for a weak race like human mortals, they are really very popular in the world of cultivation. They looked down upon them and were reduced to ant-like existences. No one even took a good look at what their lives were like, what their living conditions and level of civilization were. If such an extreme incident had not happened this time, it would have been impossible for Wang Qimin and others to come forward. To investigate what the area where they live is like...

In fact, not to mention Wang Qimin and other Tiangang tribe members, even Xu Ruhai, who is also from the human tribe, has never been to those places. It can be seen that the human cultivation world does not pay attention to them. At most, they only send one to several cultivators there every year to collect collection. That’s all…

However, Tong Yi smelled something from their conversation, and quickly ordered Xiao Gang to check the handover situation on the human race's side, but heard Xiao Gang say: "Master, the handover situation in those areas of the human race is not very good, except for Except for the area where Ye Pengfei appears to be more prominent, other areas have no outstanding performance, so human mortals have never received the attention of our upper management!"

"This...could it be that something went wrong?" Tong Yi immediately realized this.

Xiao Gang said: "It should be! Judging from the field investigation of the Third Elder and the others, the human area is rich in products and the tools and engineering are well built. Its turn-in situation should be much better than other mortal areas. But overall, it is not If this is the case, then the most likely possibility is that it was intercepted in the middle, and the same is true for the information revealed from the words of those mortals, that is, they have been unfairly treated and squeezed, and even if their immortal seedlings go to the human race immortal sect , are also targeted and discriminated against, which shows that their internal friction is also serious..."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but turn their eyes to Xu Ruhai, and their faces turned extremely red when they saw him...

Xu Ruhai murmured: "I have been in the military for a long time, and I don't know much about how the sect manages those mortal areas. I only know that they have dedicated personnel to manage those places, and they will go there every once in a while to inspect and collect property. As long as mortals complete the tasks assigned by the sect, they can continue to be protected by the sect and thrive in those places. Otherwise, the sect will not only stop caring about them, but will also punish them..."

"Punish them? How?" Tong Yi asked.

"I really don't know the details, but I seemed to have heard about it once. There was a mortal kingdom that was finally abandoned by the sect because it failed to complete the tasks assigned by the sect. It was soon annexed by the nearby mortal kingdom!" Xu Ruhai said.

"This..." Everyone looked at each other in shock...

Tong Yi's face turned cold after hearing this. He didn't expect that the situation in the mortal kingdom was so bad. This must be a annexation war. Why didn't the upper management hear about such a thing?

"Xiao Gang, why didn't you report the matter in the Mortal Kingdom?" Tong Yi asked.

"Master, I just checked the information and found only a few relevant information. They just said that there were some conflicts in the mortal area and cultivators have been sent to resolve them. If there is no more detailed information to report such a thing, there is really no way. What’s there to say!” Xiao Gang said.

"This..." Tong Yi was startled and shook his head helplessly. It is indeed true. What is there to say? Ordinary people are not taken seriously in the first place. If a conflict occurs, it would be good if a cultivator goes over to resolve it. Do we still need to report it to the police with great fanfare?

My own affairs are already numerous and complicated. Wouldn't it be even more annoying if I was harassed by such trivial matters of mortal conflicts all day long?

Tong Yi thought for a while and said: "Xiao Xu, I will give you a task. You will now inspect various human cultivation sects on my behalf and let me know the situation clearly. If it is found that someone among them is using the management of the mortal area to They take advantage of the opportunity to enrich their own pockets, oppress mortals, and dominate, so they grab the evidence in their hands and bring them to the clan! Also, their attitude towards the outer sect immortal seedlings is not very good. I don’t know how many immortal seedlings there are. I have been persecuted during this process, which is absolutely not allowed! By the way, it is more appropriate for Elder Bi to go with him for this matter, so you can go find him with my jade token!"

After speaking, he threw a jade plaque to Xu Ruhai.

Xu Ruhai took the jade token and quickly stood up and responded: "Yes! Patriarch!!!"

Watching Xu Ruhai leave in a hurry, Tong Yi sighed: "There is indeed a problem with our attitude towards mortals. Who is that Xiao Yun? He seems to value human mortals very much. Is there anything special about human mortals?"

Wang Qimin said: "Clan leader, Xu Fang mentioned that Xiao Yun has the same roots and roots as them. This shows that Xiao Yun is also a human race, so it is understandable that he took those human races away! But, having said that, even if They have the same roots and same pulse, and it is impossible to do such a thing based on one emotion. Just like the people in the world of human cultivation, don’t they also have the same roots, same veins and same heart as those mortals? They are obviously discriminating and squeezing those mortals. …”

Tong Yi nodded and said: "Yes, in fact, this situation is not only true among the human race, but also among other races, including our Tiangang tribe. There is no doubt about this! Of course, not all of them are like this, such as Xiaoye's space The human cultivation world in the world seems to be pretty good. Their annual turnover is relatively sufficient, and the mortal area also seems to be richer and more beautiful. But even so, the mortals there still choose to leave. What is the reason for them to do so? Why make such a decisive choice?"

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