The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 381 Star Reaching Contest (2)

"These great gods...are so good at showing off!" Xiaoxing teased upon seeing this.

"Haha, it's not easy to be a god. Some people worship him, while others laugh and scold him. If you don't have enough mental endurance, you can't be a god..." Li Yun laughed.

"They are placed on the main stand like this. Why do they look like they are on the execution ground, unable to even move?" Xiaoxing said happily.

"They have to accept the worship of ants, so naturally they cannot move around casually. Therefore, it is indeed not easy to be a god. I am afraid that even the best futon will be worn through..."


Feng Qingyuan looked at the great masters who were all seated. He was in high spirits and said loudly: "In this Star Reaching Competition, Daxia is fortunate to invite Master Qingzun, Master Xiangzun, the Great Zhou Hua Shen, as well as Feng from the Great Shang Cultivation World. Seniors , Hua, Xue and Yue are here to witness, please give them a warm welcome!"

The six people stood up and circled around, with proud smiles on their faces and high spirits.

"Greetings to Lord Qingzun!"

"Greetings to Lord Xiangzun!"

"Greetings to the four adults, Fenghuaxueyue!"

There was an involuntary exclamation in the audience, and they all sang. The six people sat down with satisfaction, looked at Feng Qingyuan and Le Feng and nodded.

Feng Qingyuan continued: "Welcome all sects in Daxia to visit our city! This Star Reaching Competition aims to test and measure the reserve strength of each sect. The rules are slightly different from the past. Each sect has been known in advance, and the resources of each sect It was also submitted yesterday. If someone in the sect can enter the top fifty, they can keep the resources they handed in, and if someone can enter the top ten, they can divide the remaining resources in proportion to their ranking. The competition adopts a draw and elimination system. Excuse me Do you have any other opinions?”

"I have an opinion!" A strange voice sounded.

Feng Qingyuan swept his consciousness and immediately targeted the person who made the voice, and said curiously: "It turns out he is a friend of the Loose Cultivator Alliance. I wonder what your name is?"

"Ai Bao, I've met Senior Feng!" A fat man with a thieving head stood up and saluted.

"Aibao?" Feng Qingyuan was startled.

"Senior Feng, this Ai is Ai Ye's Ai!" The fat man squinted his eyes and smiled.

"It turns out to be Ai Bao. What do you have to say?"

"I feel that the elimination system by drawing lots is unfair."

"Oh? Why?"

"There are so many people with varying abilities. Drawing lots and eliminating them may cause the strong ones to meet and fight in advance, but the result will be an advantage to the weak ones."

"You are a foreign guest. You may not know that our Neutral Alliance has already considered this section. During the cultivation review, we have already judged everyone's combat strength and initially listed the seeded players and non-seeded players. Before entering the top 200, these seed players will basically not encounter each other. Therefore, we have avoided the situation you mentioned to the greatest extent." Feng Qingyuan explained.

"I see... However, this preliminary review is only a general situation. Many players may have hidden their strength. In short, in my opinion, this lottery system has a lot of luck and there will definitely be loopholes!" Ai Bao was proud. Said proudly.

"What you said makes sense... So in your opinion, what should we do?" Feng Qingyuan sneered.

"This..." Ai Bao was startled, not expecting Feng Qingyuan to ask a question.

Apart from Ai Bao, he likes to talk back and criticize others. If others say good things, he will say bad things. If others say bad things, he will say good things. As long as he does this, he will You can feel extremely comfortable physically and mentally.

However, although it is good to find faults, if he cannot come up with a solution, he will naturally make a fool of himself on the spot, which he cannot care about.

"Haha, since you can't think of a better way, it only means that there is no other way to do better on this problem, so you should just act according to the rules we set!" Feng Qingyuanda smiled.

"Haha, Senior Feng is right!"

"That's how it should be!"

"We don't have any objections. Why is he, an outsider, meddling in other people's business?!"

"That's right, this fat man doesn't look pleasing to the eye, so I might as well throw him out!"


Ai Bao listened to these discussions,

His face turned red, and the fat on his body was trembling slightly.

He looked at the ground with thief eyes, trying to find if there was a crack for him to slip in, but he couldn't find it. Just when he didn't know what to do, he was suddenly startled, and heard a voice in his ear. He listened attentively, and his eyes suddenly lit up. .

He immediately straightened his belly, patted his chest, and said loudly: "Senior Feng, when I raise this issue, of course I have thought of a solution, which is naturally much better than your current situation!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but be stunned and looked at Ai Bao in surprise.

"Oh? I wonder if you have any good ideas to come up with?" Feng Qingyuan snorted.

"My method is to challenge!"

"Challenge the system? I would like to hear the details..." Feng Qingyuan said suspiciously.

"The challenge system mentioned below is not to completely erase your previous efforts. These players can still determine the top fifty according to the original method. However, if other players feel unconvinced, they can choose the top five. If any one of the ten people challenges, as long as the challenge is successful, he can take his place, and the person being challenged and the players behind him will take the next place." Ai Bao said loudly.


Feng Qingyuan was startled, and after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this method made some sense.

Others also fell silent for a while after hearing this. After a while, many people started to cheer and support.

"Although the challenge system is good, if everyone can challenge, wouldn't it be a mess? I'm afraid we won't be able to determine the ranking no matter how long it takes..." Feng Qingyuan said thoughtfully.

"Senior, of course I have thought about this! That is, everyone can only have one chance to challenge. Moreover, the challenge must be at the cost of a resource or cultivation item of equivalent value. If the challenge fails, you will lose this resource .In this way, many unnecessary challenges can be limited."

"Yes, what you said makes perfect sense! However, what if the person being challenged has been seriously injured or has lost his spiritual power in the process of competing for the top fifty?" Feng Qingyuan asked. His tone was no longer so condescending now.

"If this happens, it's a different matter. The person being challenged can choose not to accept the challenge, but with so many pairs of eyes at the scene, you can definitely see whether the person is capable of fighting. If he could have accepted the challenge, but because of If he is too cowardly to accept it, he will definitely be ridiculed by everyone, which will definitely have a great impact on his future cultivation path. If you think about it, such a thing will definitely not happen!" Ai Bao said loudly.


"well said!"

"I think that's it!"

"I never thought this fat man could come up with such a good idea..."

The people below have already spoken out in support.

Feng Qingyuan immediately convened people from the Neutral Alliance for discussion. As a result, no one had any objections, so he immediately announced that the challenge would be a supplementary rule for this Star Reaching Competition.

"Thank you, Brother Aibao! This is a gift prepared by our Neutral Alliance for you to express our gratitude!"

Feng Qingyuan said loudly, with a flash of inspiration in his hand, a jade box popped out and appeared in front of Ai Bao.

Ai Bao quickly took it and said happily: "Thank you, Senior Feng!"

"Haha! Okay, now the Star Reaching Competition officially begins!" Feng Qingyuan announced loudly.



Rumble, rumble, rumble!

Loud blasts of gun salutes could be heard in the distance, drums were playing loudly, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Looking at the field again, the large spiritual wall formation has been opened, with fifty small spiritual formations separated in the middle. Each formation has foundation-building monks sent by Yuanfangzhai and Tianlaiyuan as referees to determine the outcome. On the one hand, it also prevents accidents.

The first round of competition has the most rounds. Since there are more than 3,000 players in total, there are more than 1,500 games to fight against each other. There are only 50 competition venues, so they can only be played in queues.

This kind of competition is quite boring for Qinghong, Xiangyun Fairy and Fenghuaxueyue, the Nascent Soul monks. However, as guests of the town, they enjoy everyone's worship and feel extremely comfortable. They talk and laugh happily while watching with their spiritual consciousness. That's good news.

In a corner of the stands, Li Yun was sitting in the stands of Qingyuan Gate, watching this scene with relish.

He just gave some advice to Ai Bao and proposed a challenge as a supplementary rule to help him out of trouble.

This idea just came to mind in a flash, and there must be some imperfections, but in the situation just now, it has been done to the extreme. No wonder Feng Qingyuan so generously gave Ai Bao a treasure as a gift.

At this moment, Ai Bao was looking for the person who could help him out of trouble. However, he never dreamed that it would be Li Yun who was sitting not too far away from him, so he still had a confused look on his face.

"Master, we saved this guy's life, and now we have helped him get a treasure. We have to make him bleed no matter what..."

"Haha, for the sake of him getting the ambergris for us, let's forget it. Besides, although we saved his life last time, we also stripped him naked and he suffered heavy losses."

"That's right. That ambergris helped us draw the scent talisman, and it made a big contribution." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's right. Let's ignore him for now. The Qingyuan Sect players have all drawn out their opponents. We need to tell them about their opponents' situation quickly." Li Yun said.

He quickly walked to the front of the stands, where the ten players who won the Linghua Growth Competition last night were gathered here, waiting for the moment to come on stage.

They were all gearing up and eager to give it a try, looking at the battle that was already unfolding in the formation with eager expressions on their faces.

Li Yun walked up to Tuzhenzi and sent a message: "Ancestor, the disciples already know the situation of their respective opponents. Why don't you let me explain it to them."

"Oh? Really?!" Tuzhenzi's eyes lit up.

"Really, it was hard to get the information." Li Yun nodded affirmatively.

"Great!" Tuzhenzi said excitedly.

Li Yun immediately took out ten jade slips and gave one to Zi Qi, Chu Nan, Cai Sheng, Xu Feng and others, smiling and saying nothing.

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