The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3828 The Alliance of Good and Evil is Established

The representatives of the good and evil tribes were talking a lot, with anxiety written all over their faces. Only now did they know that the poisonous forces on Tiangang Planet were missing their leader and currently did not have unified command. In this state, , they became more and more courageous as they fought, beating the demonic forces until they could no longer lift their heads...

If Shi Du, Simba and the others take control of the Tailao Star and turn around to deal with the Tiangang Star, wouldn't the good and the evil be faced with an even more terrifying situation?

The Sky Breaker Demon asked in a deep voice: "Brother Tie, can you really cut off the exchange of information between them? If the poisonous forces here find that there is no letter from their leader for a long time, they will most likely take the initiative to go to Tailao Planet. take a look…"

"Brother Po Qiong is right. Our interception of their information is limited to the communication of letters and symbols. However, the poisonous forces have many ways of contacting each other. In addition to the common communication of letters and symbols, they also have a rather unique communication method. The method is to relay transmission through small virus molecules scattered throughout the universe, so sooner or later, the situation on Tiangang Planet will be understood by Shi Du, Simba and others!" Tie Yin explained.

"Is that so?"

"Small virus molecules? Are there a lot of these things in the universe?"

"Oh my god..."

"It's over, it's over..."

"The situation is serious..."

Everyone's expressions changed dramatically after hearing this, and they felt that the crisis was becoming more and more serious...

Of course, people from the good and evil tribes did not know about the ability of the poisonous forces to relay information. This ability was also unimaginable to them. Therefore, after hearing Tie Yin's introduction, they also learned about the poisonous forces. One more layer added.

But as they learn more, they find that the poisonous forces are more terrifying. Their opponents are so powerful. If this continues, won't the world be ruled by those poisonous forces in the future?

Seeing the gloomy faces of the representatives of all ethnic groups, whispering, and the military morale seemed to be declining, Tie Yin couldn't help but smile and said: "Everyone, I am not disclosing this information to you to discourage you, but to remind you that from now on you must Go all out and devote yourself to this anti-drug war. No one can save you, including our Xingyun Palace. The only one who can save you is you, because even if our Xingyun Palace goes all out to help you this time, You fight against drug forces, but what about next time? What about next time? As a business force, we are indeed limited in what we can do, and you are the real masters of your own territory. You must win the war against drugs, and Significantly improve your own strength so that you can deal with their next attack. You must know that the poisonous forces are also rapidly evolving and improving their strength. Their coveting of Tiangang Star will not stop just because of one failure, even if this war If they fail, they will come back again in the future!”

"This..." Everyone's hearts clenched involuntarily when they heard this. They knew that what Tie Yin said was right. The goal of the poisonous forces was to control the good and evil tribes, seize control of the Tiangang Star, and obtain the astonishing wealth here...

Tie Yin continued: "In addition, perhaps you should also imagine that since the poisonous forces are coveting the wealth on Tiangang Star, then there will be other alien forces that are also eyeing it, right? If you, as the masters of your own territory, cannot speed up your improvement, We have our own strength, but we have to rely on our Xingyun Palace to win. Isn’t this just drinking a dove to quench our thirst? One day we leave, can you defeat those invaders on your own? Everyone, I believe that you have been in the world of cultivation for so long, and you will also You should understand that at critical moments, you are the only one you can rely on, right?"


"We must also speed up our improvement, otherwise even if we hold on this time, we will still be ruined next time!"

"The poisonous people will not let us go, and we can't let them go either!"

"There are many aliens coveting our Tiangang planet. If we cannot speed up our improvement in strength, sooner or later we will become their hosts and slaves..."

"Alas, being born on this planet is a sin in the eyes of outsiders. If we are unable to protect ourselves, we will be caught and convicted by them!"

"That's right..."

Everyone was talking and sighing,

Finally, I began to realize that it was impossible not to improve my own strength. There were too many tigers, leopards, and wolves outside. People like myself were just like sitting near a volcano crater, with the risk of being overturned by the erupting lava at any time...

The gentleman is not guilty, but Huaibi is guilty. This is their current situation...

Tie Yin continued: "I believe you all have this sense of crisis and mission! As people of Tiangang Star, you have no choice. Only by constantly improving your strength can you protect your life, your home, and your property. Protect your own people for as long as you can! As for us in Xingyun Palace, as a member of Tiangang Star, we are lucky enough to have some abilities and some good products that can help you improve your strength. And this is also our business goal and purpose! It is precisely because of the guidance of this business goal and purpose that we will try our best to deliver goods to all ethnic groups and provide you with the best products and services. And after seeing your financial resources For a limited time, we have significantly reduced prices, so that you can reduce your burden and get more anti-toxic products... Everyone, our Xingyun Palace has done our best for you, shouldn't you do the same for yourselves? Are you going all out? If you think about it carefully, you will find that with the support of our products, your combat power has been much improved compared to before the war? If our cooperation is closer and longer, your Can the combat power be improved faster and bigger?"


"That's true..."

"At least our ability to resist poison has been greatly improved now!"

"Yes, I used to be scared to death when I mentioned poisonous forces, but now I don't seem to think they are very scary..."

"Yes, after we have the god-level antidote, we won't feel unsure when we fight against them..."

"We even arrested a lot of each other's people!"

"That's right..."

When the representatives of the various ethnic groups said this, they couldn't help but cheer up again, because the combat power of each ethnic group has indeed been greatly improved compared to before, there is no doubt about this.

And the reason why such improvement can be achieved is precisely with the help of Xingyun Palace, otherwise the current Tiangang Star will most likely be a terrifying situation with corpses everywhere...

In fact, many of the powerful people present have basically been poisoned by god-level poisons from poisonous forces. If the Xingyun Palace had not sent the god-level antidote in time, they would not be able to sit together and discuss the situation in front of them at this time. Maybe many of them would have been poisoned. Become the host and slave of poisonous people...

After hearing Tie Yin's words, Yao Ye felt quite emotional. On the one hand, he lamented the power of Xingyun Palace, which not only provided so many products to various tribes, but also helped Tiangang tribes cut off information between poisonous forces. He secretly contributed a lot to Tiangang Star's anti-drug cause.

On the other hand, he also greatly admired Tie Yin. Despite what Tie Yin said so much, in Yao Ye's view, one of Tie Yin's purposes was to distance the Xingyun Palace from this war. He didn't want to got involved.

Tie Yin's words changed everyone's perspective from letting Xing Yun Palace participate in the war to using the power of Xing Yun Palace to improve their own strength. In this way, Yao Ye's request was invalid!

Nowadays, people regard Xingyun Palace as a rather pure commercial force, rather than seeing it as one of the members who must fight against the drug-related forces head-on like themselves.

Therefore, the business between Xingyun Palace and various ethnic groups will continue, and this business cooperation will be deeper. In particular, many ethnic groups have to cede land and pay according to the wishes of Xingyun Palace due to lack of funds. This makes Xingyun Palace During this period, we owned a large area of ​​prime land...

However, Yaoye knew the meaning of Tie Yin's words, but he had to admit in his heart that Tie Yin's words were very reasonable, and Tie Yin's level was also extremely high. If Tie Yin represents the average person who works outside the Xingyun Palace, If it is level, then the power of Xingyun Palace will be huge!

Because the level of one of its field staff is enough to control the atmosphere of a planet-level venue, it shows how high its overall level is!

Yaoye wondered if he would not even have a chance to speak if he went to Xingyun Palace?

Although he is the leader of the Elf Clan, the intelligent race of Tiangang Star, he has to bow down before Tie Yin. It is obvious that Tie Yin has a lot of information that he does not know. This information is extremely important in this anti-drug war. From this, you can see who is more important, him or yourself.

In addition, Tie Yin also mentioned a very important point, that is, he reminded the people of both good and evil ways in Tiangang Star to focus on improving their own strength, and their vision must be more long-term, even this time If you can defeat the poisonous forces, you must not relax at all. You must continue to improve in order to resist the alien forces that keep coming!

Yaoye felt that he actually didn’t need to say anything more, because Tie Yin’s words had already pointed out to everyone the future development direction and key points of the various races in Tiangang Star. As for the main purpose of this conference, to promote justice The alliance between the two demons is definitely a matter of course, and no one will raise any objections after hearing what Tie Yin said.

Everyone now understands that under the current situation, all the tribes in Tiangang Star have no other choice but to unite to fight against the poison.

As a result, Yao Ye, Tong Yi, Qiongmao Mo and others quickly agreed on the specific matters of the Good and Demonic Alliance, and then held an alliance ceremony, and soon announced the official establishment of the Good and Demonic Alliance!

The establishment of this alliance also means that Tiangang Star's anti-drug cause has entered a new stage. Even in the foreseeable future, this alliance will probably continue to exist, because its main task is no longer just anti-drug, but To resist all external aggression...

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