The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3831 Mortal Transformation Action

Of course, Dongfang Bai, Qingfeng Mo and others will not know that Chen Xi and others have a unique research environment and conditions in the Tianyun world. With the help of time extension, they can leisurely and steadily develop the antidote pill. , if they were on Tiangang Star, their research might lag far behind Dongfang Bai and the others. After all, the medical foundations of the two sides were very different.

This is also the main reason why Chen Xi and An Daoqi can maintain a normal mind. They know that they are actually rising stars, and they can learn from each other in many aspects with Dongfang Bai and Qingfeng Mo. Stones from other mountains can be used. When it comes to jade, only by communicating more and discussing with these experts will your gains be greater...

Soon, the cleanup task began vigorously...

And in another space world that no one is paying attention to, a shocking experiment is also quietly unfolding...

Ye Pengfei's condition has been surprisingly good recently. He seems to be full of chicken blood. He is busy day and night with a large group of people...

The space world he is in is remote and lacks spiritual energy. Most cultivators avoid this place for fear. Only some cultivation sects and sects with no background and weak power will choose to survive and develop here, but the number is still very small. , however, this place is not very friendly to cultivators, but it is a geomantic treasure land for mortals. Because there are no cultivators to plunder a large amount of resources, they can develop here with peace of mind. Anyway, the territory is large enough, and most of it is deserted. Land that no one wanted.

Therefore, there are many mortals in this space world, and there are many mortal races and countries. Because there is enough land, these races and countries get along well with each other, and there are few conflicts and conquests between them. It can be said that they are in harmony...

However, the news of the collective disappearance of human mortals still shocked the mortals of all races. They suddenly became nervous and recruited troops, built high walls, dug deep ditches, and stocked up on food, just in case there were foreign enemies. Invasion…

Of course, they will not forget to ask the chief minister of the Tiangang Clan in charge of this space world about the ins and outs of this incident, and hope to get the protection of the Tiangang Clan.

At that time, Ye Pengfei was still chasing Yu Xin's flying castle and went to the Tiangang capital to report. When he came back with the mission assigned by Tong Yi, he found that the leaders of all races and mortal nations had gathered in his military camp. , anxiously waiting for his arrival...

Ye Pengfei was secretly happy, he was just looking for you, but now he has less trouble...

Ever since he received the task of transforming mortals from Tong Yi, Ye Pengfei knew that his fortune was beginning to change!

That's right, as a newly promoted general in a remote space world, his status is inferior to that of generals in other key space worlds. It's as if he was assigned to this place. If he doesn't have a good opportunity, it will be difficult. Appreciated and promoted by senior management.

However, this time, by taking advantage of the opportunity to investigate the disappearance of human mortals, he actually entered the special space where the patriarch Tong Yi was located. In the end, he was assigned an important task, which meant that he had entered the patriarch's sight. Within, there will be many opportunities in the future!

If I can make breakthrough progress in transforming mortals, I will definitely be appreciated by Tong Yi, and I may soon be able to embark on a road to success!

On the way back, Ye Pengfei was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He knew that the opportunity was now in his hands, so he had long thought about and revised the plan for the transformation of mortals, and finally formulated it. Many new methods have come out, and he believes that these methods will definitely be helpful in improving the strength of mortals. However, so far, he still has no idea how to help mortals become cultivators...

Even so, Ye Pengfei firmly believes that as long as he does it himself, he will be able to find good methods in the process and help those mortals become cultivators. After all, that little Liufeng can do it, and many of those human mortals have also become cultivators in a short period of time. Within a short period of time, he became a cultivator.

This shows that your chances of success are still very high.

He immediately summoned the mortal leaders of various races to discuss the great project. When he announced this mission, all the mortal leaders were immediately shocked and almost fainted on the spot!


All the mortals were trembling with excitement. They never expected that such a good thing would happen to them. If they really became cultivators in the future, wouldn't their lifespan be greatly extended? Wouldn't it be possible to sit in the head position for a longer period of time? Wouldn’t it be possible to possess one’s wealth, those beauties, those powers, etc. for a long time?

Oh my gosh! ! !

Dizzy, dizzy, when these people thought of such a wonderful prospect, how could they control their emotions? They immediately, immediately, hurriedly agreed, and expressed on the spot that they would absolutely support Ye Pengfei's experiment, and that this experiment must be carried out Prioritize your own participation, and it’s best to start right away!

Ye Pengfei couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene. The reaction of the mortal leaders was completely within his expectation. As long as he exerted a little effort on this matter, these people would plunge into it like moths to a flame. Moreover, they almost don’t have to pay for the required resources and financial resources themselves. They will pay for it out of their own pockets and actively cooperate...

Of course, you have to eat the meal one bite at a time. Ye Pengfei understands this very well, so he coughed a few times and said with a serious face: "Everyone, please be quiet! This is an extremely important task! This task is not only related to yourselves, but also It is also related to the future of our Tiangang clan. Before success, this news must not be leaked! Therefore, except for those selected to participate in the experiment who can understand this mission, you must not leak this news anymore!"

"Yes! Chief!!!" The leaders responded loudly.

"This trial is led by us. We will help you obtain some necessary items from some channels. Of course, you must also actively cooperate with our actions. Prepare as much as you need and invest as much as you need. The more comprehensive you are, The more you invest, the better the effect will be. I believe you will understand what I mean!" Ye Pengfei said loudly.

"I'll understand!!!" all the leaders sang in unison.

"Well, you don't have to go back. Just send the order back here and select the best warriors in the clan, and of course the people you think need to participate in the experiment, including the necessary materials. And you Your own experiment can start right away!" Ye Pengfei ordered.

"Wow!!!" The leaders shouted in surprise. Unexpectedly, Ye Dasi really understood his feelings and would start training him so soon. It was really what he wished for!

They immediately responded and asked their men to go back and deliver the order. They brought over the strongest group of people in the clan, as well as people directly related to the royal family, clan members and ministers. As for the affairs of the country, they would naturally be dealt with separately. There are arrangements…

When it comes to the great cause of cultivating immortals, the efficiency of these mortals suddenly became extremely high. It didn't take long for all the personnel and materials to be in place, and the transformation of the mortal leaders had been going on for some time...

Ye Pengfei ignored other things and devoted himself fully to this great cause. He has indeed made great achievements in these days. He found that the physical fitness of the mortal leaders has been greatly improved, and their combat power has been improved by one level compared to before. Big cut!

However, he carefully analyzed the reason, that is, most of these people used to be pampered, eat and drink excessively, and drink too much. Although they looked chubby and plump, their bodies had long been hollowed out. In this situation Intensive training on the basis of training can naturally achieve immediate results. For example, the body shape of these people has changed greatly now, from big fat guys to muscular men. They have abundant physical energy, fierce movements, and are stronger than before. He is much more agile, which gives the mortal leaders a lot of confidence. In their eyes, they are making great strides in the direction of cultivators!

This dream stimulated them so much that they kept asking Ye Pengfei all day long, wondering when they could become an immortal. The more questions they asked, the more Ye Pengfei started to become a little impatient and a little anxious.

Because the training plans he formulated earlier have been implemented and have achieved certain results, but how to make them become cultivators?

This problem really gave him a headache...

According to his common practice of cultivation, he knew that in order to become a cultivator, a person must have star roots. Only with star roots in the body can one sense the spiritual energy molecules in the air, so that the energy can be introduced into the body to temper the spiritual veins, and so on. Only then can they begin to cultivate. However, these mortals do not have star roots or spiritual veins in their bodies. They only have mortal mysterious veins. However, no matter how strong the mysterious veins are, they cannot withstand the weight of the spiritual energy. Once the spiritual energy is forcibly poured into them, it may cause the mysterious If the pulse ruptures, causing irreparable trauma, the consequences will be extremely serious!

Therefore, so far, Ye Pengfei has not dared to conduct such experiments on these mortals. In his opinion, the mysterious veins are too fragile. Even a little bit of spiritual energy will be unbearable for them. If a few people are killed, they will be Causing panic among the experimenters, the situation will become difficult to deal with.

"It seems that we must first greatly strengthen their profound veins, and then conduct experiments on injecting Qi into the body..." This is what Ye Pengfei thought of at the moment, so he began to look for ways to strengthen the mysterious veins, and also asked his subordinates Du Yu, Yue Chen and others to People help with the search.

In addition, the two expedition teams that went to Devil's Forest and the Death Sea have now been merged into the military. Gan Ping, Miao Jie and others have become his confidants, so they are fully committed to this transformation this time. From the actions of mortals...

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