The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3840 Tasted the sweetness

After Yu Ziang finished speaking, he said anxiously: "Clan leader, I have to go in to help the family master. You must not go in again. If anything happens, you should leave first!"

After saying that, he flashed into the space and immediately joined the support group. With his joining, the whole team seemed to be less stressed, and everyone could finally take a breath...

Duoduo and others couldn't help but feel heavy after hearing Yu Ziang's words, because they knew that if something happened, the first ones to bear the brunt would be Divine Doctor Xue and his disciples. If these people were lost, it would undoubtedly be a great blow to the Naxi Sai people. A huge hit!

For Duoduo, such a thing is absolutely not allowed to happen!

However, judging from the current situation, Xue Ju and the others seem to be riding a tiger and are unable to escape, because the poisonous spirit has already controlled them all. If they go in, they might also be infected. Poison, and the problem is that even Xue Ju cannot deal with this poison, and the consequences of being infected with this poison will become extremely serious. I am afraid that I must leave Tailao Star and return to the clan immediately, and let other medical geniuses in the clan come. To solve this problem, water far away cannot save the fire nearby. Who knows what the poison will develop in the future. If you don't have time, you will most likely be poisoned on the way back. You will have no way to ask for help. It’s just a matter of fact…

At the thought of this, everyone's heart almost broke...

Because Xue Ju and others in the space were helping him resist the poisonous spirit's attack, but he was powerless to do anything about it. He could only watch helplessly. Duoduo, Kunming, and Xindel's eyes were all red, but they had to They resisted the urge to rush in and kill the poisonous spirit, because they knew that this move would most likely lead to greater danger...

At this moment, a voice sounded urgently: "Clan leader, how is the situation?!"

Duoduo suddenly turned around and found that it was Heishang. There was a Taoist beside her. He was wearing a medical robe and holding a whisk in his right hand. His face was rosy and his expression was quite calm and composed...

"No! This poison actually comes from a poisonous spirit. Doctor Xue and the others were all controlled by that poisonous spirit!" Duoduo sighed.

Heishang's face changed drastically when he heard this. Fortunately, he quickly remembered the person next to him and said quickly: "Clan leader, this is Brother Liang from Xingyun Palace. He was sent by Liufeng to help us solve the problem..."

"Brother Liang? Why didn't Liufeng come?" Duoduo said with some dissatisfaction.

"Dear guest, please calm down. My Xiaoliu is playing chess with his client and he can't get away for the time being!" Liang Ze saluted.

"What? Hearing such a thing, he still wants to play chess with others? Haven't you made it clear to him yet?" Duoduo turned to Heishang and said.

Upon hearing this, Heishang said helplessly: "Clan leader, I have made it very clear, but Liufeng said that Brother Liang can solve the problem, and he said that a small poison is not a big problem..."

"What?! He asked this 2,000-year-old human child to solve this problem?!!!" Duoduo screamed with wide eyes.

"More than two thousand years old?!!!" Heishang was confused when she heard this. She really didn't have good eyesight and didn't see it.

But Kun Ming and Xindel on the side could see it, and they both echoed Duoduo's words, emphasizing the terror of the poisonous spirit. Even the own clan's Divine Doctor Xue and his disciples were all controlled by it...

Liang Ze smiled and said: "There is no priority in learning, and the master is the teacher! As long as I can deal with this poisonous spirit, why does the distinguished guest care about my age? Besides, my Xiaoling is only over a thousand years old, wouldn't it be wrong to let him come? smaller?"

"This..." Duoduo was stunned, looked at Liang Ze suspiciously, and said, "Are you really sure?!"

"Well, judging from the situation, it should be fine! But..."

"But what?"

"It seems that you brought this poison in privately, but were unable to control it, which led to the current crisis, so our Xingyun Palace's help this time is paid help!" Liang Ze said with a smile.

"Paid help? It doesn't matter, we did bring this poison in. Money is not an issue. You can subdue this poison immediately and rescue Doctor Xue and the others!" Duoduo said anxiously.

"No problem! But I still need to explain the price clearly first. A god-level detoxification pill will cost you 10,000 amethyst. This is the lowest price! Now everyone inside has been infected with the poison. If you don't take the magic pill, It may all be over soon!" Liang Ze said.

"What?!!! Okay...Okay! Save people right away!!!" Duoduo's heart beat wildly when she heard this, and she gritted her silver teeth and said fiercely.

"no problem!"

Liang Ze responded, ignoring the barrier of the formation, and dodged directly into it. He fired bullets in his hand, and a series of spiritual lights flew out, immediately covering Poison Ling, Xue Ju and others, and the space was filled with a clear air. With the spirit's dense aura, the poisonous spirit roared out loudly, screaming "Yeah, yeah, yeah" and rushed towards Liang Ze crazily!

However, Liang Ze's expression did not change. He swept out a spiritual light from the whisk in his hand, knocked the poisonous spirit to the ground and tied it up. The poisonous spirit struggled desperately in the spiritual light of the whisk, baring its teeth and claws. Everyone was frightened to see it, but fortunately, they could not After escaping from the confinement of the spiritual light, the spiritual light finally turned into a small black light ball and landed on the palm of Liang Ze's left hand. It disappeared with a "swipe"!

The whole process is like a glimpse of light, fleeting!

"Wo!!!" Everyone was in an uproar and were stunned!

I didn't expect that such a terrible crisis would be solved as easily as child's play in front of Liang Ze!

How is this going?

Could it be that things are not as terrible as imagined?

However, when everyone looked at Divine Doctor Xue and the others, they saw that each one of them was completely exhausted and disabled, paralyzed on the ground and unconscious. Such a tragic scene could clearly see what a terrible crisis they had just experienced...

Duoduo came to his senses and asked quickly: "Doctor Liang, are they okay?"

She had unknowingly changed her title to Liang Ze...

"Well, it's okay. They have all taken the god-level detoxification pills. They are just exhausted of their spiritual power and essence. It may take at least three months to recover!" Liang Ze said.

"That's it..." Duoduo finally felt relieved...

Liang Ze smiled and said: "Dear guest, I spent a total of 20 magic pills to save them just now. The total is 200,000 amethysts. Please pay!"

"This..." When Duoduo heard this, her heart was bleeding. She didn't expect how much money she had not made in Tailao Star, and the money she had brought with her was almost spent!

She looked at Heishang, who said awkwardly: "Chief, we don't have that much money on hand..."

"What? Have you spent all the money?" Duoduo asked in surprise.

"It's true that we have almost spent it... How about using our other two small caves to pay?" Heishang turned to Liang Ze and asked.

"No problem! I will tell Xiaoliu about this, and he will send someone to handle the handover formalities with you! Everyone, please pay more attention here, so as not to cause trouble to affect others again. Farewell!" Liang Ze gave a salute , turned and left...

Duoduo and the others stood blankly on the spot, watching Liang Ze leave gracefully. They couldn't help but feel excited and couldn't say a word...

How miserable!

Two hundred thousand amethysts were lost in one accident, and there were still twenty medical people who needed to be taken care of and recovered. This seemed like a rhythm of sending money to the Xingyun Palace...

The two small cave houses I bought last time have to be handed back before I can live in them...

"No, I heard that the prices of caves in the Xingyun Palace have skyrocketed recently. Our two small caves should cost more than 200,000 amethysts now, right?" Duoduo suddenly thought of this and asked quickly.

Heishang suddenly realized what he said, and quickly ran out to inquire about the current housing prices...

Not long after, Heishang ran in like a gust of wind and shouted excitedly: "Clan leader, we have made a fortune! We have made a fortune!! We have made a big fortune!!!"

"What happened?" Duoduo was startled.

"Oh, I just went to inquire about the housing prices here, and guess what?" Heishang shouted.

"It's gone up!"

"Yes, but the patriarch certainly didn't expect how much the increase would be..."

"How many?"

"Double!!!" Heishang screamed, with an extremely exaggerated expression!

"Double?!!!" Duoduo, Kunming, Xindel and others shouted in disbelief.

"Exactly! It's marked at the sales office. It's said that the price is high because no one is selling it. Many people are queuing up to buy it!!!" Heishang said excitedly.

"Oh my God...what's going on? The house here is so popular?" Duoduo said in surprise.

Heishang said excitedly: "Of course I'm welcome! Do you think how nice it is here? It's safe and beautiful, with everything you need to eat, drink and have fun. You can have whatever you want. As long as you have money, it will be a paradise life. I will be rich in the future I will definitely buy a cave house here!”

"Giggles, so the one million amethysts in our big cave will become two million?" Duoduo finally turned from sadness to joy and said with a sweet smile.

"That is! But why should we sell it? Now this cave is an asset, not an ordinary product. With so many people outside waiting to buy it, I'm afraid its price will rise in the future!" Heishang said loudly.

"Not bad! It's a pity that we don't have any money now, so we have to sell a small set to pay for the medicine, otherwise the situation will be very different... It seems that the big meal last time was worth it, Xiaoyan and Liufeng didn't lie to us when he encouraged us to buy the cave, and he even made us a huge profit!" Duoduo said.

"That's true..." Heishang, Kunming, Xindel and others all nodded in agreement...

Not long after, the Xingyun Palace indeed sent someone to take over a set of small caves, and then settled the elixir fees owed by the Naxisai tribe.

Seeing that a set of profitable small caves on hand was handed over in the blink of an eye, Duoduo and others felt a little uncomfortable, but they also tasted the sweetness of purchasing the cave. They found that buying the Xingyun Palace The money from the cave houses is faster than robbery. Not long after I bought these cave houses, the price doubled. If I had had enough money at that time, I would have made a lot of money now. , much better than racking your brains to do other things?

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