The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3855 Zhang Xingdou

( ) When the Tailao team on the front line received these orders from the rear, they were all shocked and puzzled. After reconfirming with Xiaotai through the dedicated line, they had to execute the order. As a result, a large number of Medical experts quietly returned to the rear with a large number of poisoned people from the front line, and sent them to the entrance of the Xingyun Palace...

Zhang Xingdou, the clan's miraculous doctor in charge of this operation, to be honest, he was extremely resistant to this operation, but the military order was like a mountain. Since the clan's elders council had passed and issued this order, he had no choice but to carry it out unconditionally.

However, when he arrived at the entrance of Xingyun Palace with these men and the independent space for storing poisoned personnel, he found that they were greeted by two elders of the clan, Su Mei and An Zhenzhen!

"Brother Zhang is here!" Su Mei shouted loudly.

"You're finally here! It's really worrying!" An Zhenzhen sighed.

Zhang Xingdou wondered: "Why are you two here? Could it be that the clan leader asked you to meet us here?"

"The clan leaders did not have such a request. We only found out that you were coming here when we woke up today, so we hurried out to wait for you!" An Zhenzhen said.

"What?! You just woke up today? What happened?!" Zhang Xingdou said in shock.

"Hey, it's a long story..."

"Then say it slowly..."

"Well, last time we came to the Xingyun Palace on orders from the clan to ask if there was an antidote for poisonous people..." An Zhenzhen said.

"Antidote?! Is there really an antidote in Xingyun Palace? Oh my god!!!" Zhang Xingdou screamed, interrupting An Zhenzhen's words.

"This... we are not too sure about this, because we were attacked by poisonous people on the way here. After a hard fight, we were both poisoned and passed out... When we woke up, we were in the Xingyun Palace, and then we came here!" An Zhenzhen sighed.

"Is that so?" Zhang Xingdou was confused for a while after hearing this. The thing sounded both thrilling and weird. A lot of things seemed to have happened in the middle, but no one knew what the truth was...

He quickly asked: "How do you feel? Is everything okay?!"

"Well, okay, there's nothing wrong with it!" An Zhenzhen said.

"How about you let me take your pulse?" Zhang Xingdou said with some worry.

"Brother Zhang, please follow us in quickly.

It's not safe here, there might be poisonous people lurking in the dark..." Su Mei said.

"Ah?! There is no real poisonous person, right? Nothing happened to us all the way here..." Zhang Xingdou said in surprise.

Su Mei sighed: "Liu Feng told us when we came out just now that this is just an illusion. You have to go through an inspection before you can come in. Otherwise, if the poisonous person follows you into the Xingyun Palace, there will be consequences for the people inside." A big threat!”

"Oh my god..." Zhang Xingdou and others were in an uproar. They didn't expect that they would need to be checked when they entered. Could it be that they were really possessed by a poisonous person?

They don't believe it in their hearts, but entering the Xingyun Palace to "take refuge" is an order from the clan and must be carried out. To enter the Xingyun Palace, of course, they must obtain the consent of the Xingyun Palace. If they want to inspect it, of course they must abide by it, so , they had no choice but to enter from one side of the light door under the leadership of Su Mei and An Zhenzhen...

The light and shadow changed, and everyone felt that the scene in front of them changed, as if they had arrived at the entrance to another space, and only heard a voice saying: "Please line up every guest and enter the examination room in front one by one!"

Zhang Xingdou and others looked at each other in confusion, not knowing whether to comply, but they saw Su Mei taking the lead in walking into the light door of the examination room in front, and the prompt sounded again: "Examination in progress..."

No one knew what kind of examination Su Mei went through in the examination room, and they all felt a little uneasy. They felt that the procedures of Xingyun Palace were a little different...

After a while, the prompt sounded: "Passed! Please invite the next person!"

An Zhenzhen also walked in after hearing this...

Zhang Xingdou was extremely curious about this, but he knew that sooner or later he would have to go through the "inspection" of the Xingyun Palace. What kind of inspection would it be?

He and other medical practitioners were waiting anxiously. After a while, a voice sounded: "Passed! Next one please!"

Zhang Xingdou gritted his teeth and said: "I'll go in first! See what Xingyun Palace is doing..."

"Brother Zhang, be careful!" The others didn't know what to say, so they could only comfort him.

Zhang Xingdou stepped into the light door with a calm mind, and found that he had come to a strange space. There were all kinds of bright lights flashing here. These lights came from some strange objects, which he had never seen before. of!

"Where is this place...what are these things for..." Zhang Xingdou murmured, his thoughts whirling...

However, this was just his instant reaction. When he woke up, he found that he was restrained by a huge force!

This force was so powerful that it was impossible for him to move at all. It even felt like his consciousness was about to be frozen, and thinking was becoming a problem!

Zhang Xingdou fell into a short-circuit of thinking for a moment, but his consciousness was still awake and his hearing was still sensitive. He only heard the prompt sound: "Warning! There are Yuguan tribe members lurking, one in number! He is poisoned by the first-grade god-level poison!! The life space carried in the body has given birth to 3,235 poisonous spirits!!!"

"What? There is someone hiding in me? A member of the Yuguan tribe? And he was poisoned?! There are more than 3,000 poisonous spirits in the living space?!!!" Zhang Xingdou was shocked when he heard this prompt sound. Is what I said true? If it is true, why don’t I know it at all? !

How can it be? With my medical skills, it’s impossible not to notice any signs...

When he was confused, a light and shadow suddenly unfolded in front of his eyes. He quickly opened his eyes and looked, and found that it was exactly what he looked like now. It turned out that he was bound by a beam of light!

This beam of light was not too bright, just a faint light and shadow, so his figure was very clear. However, what surprised him was that he was actually naked in this figure, which made him feel It's very strange. I can clearly feel that the robe is still on my body. Why does this light and shadow not shine out, but directly shines on my body?

This made him feel a little uncomfortable and a little shy. After all, he had never been restrained and observed like this before. Fortunately, there was no one in this space, otherwise he would not know where his old face would be.

But he quickly thought that there must be someone behind this space, and someone was observing him. As soon as he thought about this, he felt uneasy and instinctively wanted to struggle, but the restraining force was too strong and made him unable to calm down. He simply can't get out of this predicament...

He didn't expect that he would be in such a situation. In addition, at this moment, he also thought of Su Mei and An Zhenzhen in front of him, who must have experienced the same experience as him, and he couldn't help but curse the designer of this space. I got up and felt that this person must be a pervert...

But these thoughts all passed by in an instant, and he was quickly attracted by the light and shadow in front of him, because he found that a light beam locked him in a "swipe", and the energy fluctuations revealed in the light beam made him feel suffocated. He was about to lose his breath. Just when he didn't know what the light beam was going to do, he saw a black shadow appear from behind him, slowly moving into the light column like a ball of air. This black air ball seemed to be struggling desperately, but it It had no effect at all, and continued to merge into the light pillar. Until finally, the black air mass seemed to give up its struggle and was sucked away by the light pillar! ! !


Zhang Xingdou screamed because he finally found a figure looming in the black air mass. Could this figure be the Yuguan tribe member mentioned in the prompt sound just now? !

This person is hiding in himself, but he doesn't know it at all. It's really terrible!

What shocked him even more was that his body in the light and shadow was constantly enlarging and becoming transparent. Soon, he could see the internal organs, blood vessels, star veins, and the endless blood flowing in his body. With aura…

The organs were like mountains, the body fluids were like seas, and the flow of blood and spiritual energy stirred up waves of roaring sounds, which made him feel extremely shocked!

I had never experienced this shocking feeling even when I was doing internal vision, but I didn’t expect to experience it now!

But it was not over yet. The inspection of the light beam continued to go deeper and deeper. Soon, Zhang Xingdou saw some puzzling black spots deep inside his body. At first, these spots were sparse. It was sparse, but then it became more and more dense, forming a sea of ​​black spots. These black spots seemed to have some evil nature, which made Zhang Xingdou instinctively feel scared. He immediately realized the prompt sound just now. What you said is correct, that is, you are indeed poisoned!

After crossing this black spot ocean area, he continued to inspect deeper. He found that the number of black spots had decreased. After reaching a certain level, he no longer saw them. However, Zhang Xingdou knew in his heart that it was because the black spots had not developed deeper. , given time, I am afraid that the depths of my body will be occupied by these terrible black spots, and by then, I am afraid there will be no cure!

"The poison has reached the fifth level of hell! The poisonous spirit is at the primary level!" the prompt voice concluded.

"Poison spirit? There are poison spirits?! What is the primary level?" Zhang Xingdou's mind was racing, but no one answered his questions.

At this time, the inspection perspective began to recover, and when it came to a certain internal space, it stopped, and began to lock in the life space where the poisoned person was stored and inspect it...

There are more than 3,000 poisoned and injured people treated here, which is exactly the number mentioned by the previous warning voice. In other words, if the voice is right, then poisonous spirits have appeared in these people's bodies, and the poisonous spirits are devouring them. The essence and growing...

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