The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3870 The evil poisonous man

( ) "So that's it..." Tai Lao Xingling suddenly realized...

However, he was curious: "Don't Shi Du and the others go directly to Duoduo for revenge? Instead, they go to instigate a relationship between Duoduo and Yan Wei?"

"Good question! This has something to do with the two people's behavior. In addition, it is also because they misjudged the strength of the Naxi Sai tribe. They thought that the Naxi Sai tribe could deal with their poison, so they planned to let Tai Lao do it first. There will be a fight between the Naxi Sai tribe and the Naxi Sai tribe first..." Li Yun said.

"Then what are you going to do? If they fight first, it will be in trouble!" Tai Lao Xingling said.

"Of course Xingyun Palace will not come forward directly, but we will secretly support the Tailao tribe. After all, they are the weak side now. If the Tailao tribe can become stronger, this battle may not be possible. After all, Duo Duo and the others have realized that sometimes you can make a lot of money without going to war..."

"Oh? Do you want to mobilize your team to help the Tailao tribe?" Star Spirit said in surprise.

"Of course not! As a business force, it is natural to do some business operations to achieve the purpose of supporting them, such as selling some arms..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Aha, I understand! You want to make war fortune!" Star Spirit laughed.

"Let's look at the effect first. Whether we make a fortune or not is a trivial matter. If we can make a fortune and achieve the results we want, then why not do it?" Li Yun said.

"Okay, let me see how your Xingyun Palace did it..." Xingling said, and quickly got out of the cave where he was hiding, heading towards the headquarters of Xingyun Palace. In fact, this direction is the same as Shi Du's. Their current action directions are the same, just first and then later. If Shi Du and Simba find out this, they will be so angry that they will vomit blood...

Duoduo didn't realize the change in the situation. Her space army was still waiting in the Tianjue Desert. However, after a few days, she finally realized that something was wrong!

"What are Shi Du and Simba doing? Are they on their way here?" Duoduo said suspiciously.

Heishang continued: "I see that all of them have gloomy faces. They must have been hit after receiving the news of the changes in the war between good and evil, right?"

Kun Ming nodded and said: "Of course! Normally speaking, after receiving such information, they must want to seek revenge from both good and evil, so the first place they want to go must be the base here, because there are They have a large number of troops, and only after they come here to gather their troops can they seek revenge from the good and the evil!"

Duoduo said: "But I think they don't seem to be preparing for war now.

There is no murderous aura..."

As a super master, Duoduo is naturally very sensitive to murderous intent. If Shi Du and Simba are thinking of revenge, then the murderous intent of these people must be exposed at this time, which is shocking, but she I didn't feel this momentum. Obviously Shi Du and the others didn't seem to be thinking about killing people or taking revenge...

"Indeed! Do they already know that this base has been attacked by us?" Kun Ming asked suspiciously.

"This..." Duoduo, Heishang and others looked at each other and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. If the news of their attack on Tianjue Desert Base was leaked, then Shi Du and Simba would not be able to rush here unless they There is absolute certainty, but with this group of people, although they are all masters, they do not have spaceships and other weapons of war, are they really sure that they can defeat their own clan?

In their opinion, the answer should be no. In the era of cosmic and space wars, even if an individual's combat power can reach an extremely high level, no one is so arrogant as to rely on their own body to stand up to battleships and cannons. Even if they can win, it will definitely be a miserable victory.

Of course, Duoduo and the others also know that Shi Du and Simba, the two poisonous forces, are best at using poison. Maybe they are not very dependent on battleships and sharp guns, but this does not mean that they can completely abandon these. It is of course extremely stupid to use poison as a weapon of war, completely exposing yourself to artillery fire...

Judging from the previous poison-using strategies adopted by the Poisoners, they did not use poison so forcefully. Instead, they used the Demon's battleships and sharp cannons, as well as the head-on battles between good and demons to use poison to achieve their goal of using poison. the goal of.

This shows that poisoners are more inclined to use the convenience of weapons of war to poison, rather than through personal combat, unless they are forced to do so.

Duoduo muttered: "We used formations to seal everything here before we raided here. Logically speaking, it should be impossible to leak the news..."

Heishang echoed: "Impossible! Our raid was very effective and ended the battle in the shortest time. Those poisonous people were stopped by our formation and were finally caught. Even if they wanted to report the news, they would not It’s possible to break through our formation blockade!”

Kun Ming asked suspiciously: "Do they have some special way of transmitting messages?"

"Now... go and interrogate those prisoners immediately, and search for their souls one by one!" Duoduo said loudly.

"Yes! Patriarch!"

Kun Ming and Heishang responded and left in a hurry with some people...

Duoduo looked at Shi Du, Simba and others in the light and shadow, and gritted her silver teeth, because she seemed to see a hint of ridicule on their faces. Could it be that they had realized that they could see them?

She suddenly realized this. This possibility was extremely high. So if this was true, when did Shi Du and Simba realize it?

"That's right! After they received the message about the changes that occurred on the battlefield of the Battle between Good Demons and Demons, they must have known that they themselves had appeared in the light and shadow cast on the battlefield, and then thought that they were chasing the Tailao star spirit at that time. It doesn't seem difficult to come to this conclusion..." Duoduo thought of this and suddenly realized!

It seems that Shi Du and Simba have become vigilant after discovering that they are being monitored by others. If they receive reports that their base in the Tianjue Desert is attacked by the Naxisai tribe, then the combination of the two things will make them It can be deduced that the people monitoring them are most likely the Naxisai tribe!

If things happened like this, how could they go to the Tianjue Desert to die?

Thinking of this, Duoduo became a little uneasy, and was about to contact Liu Feng to discuss the matter, but saw Kun Ming and Hei Shuang walking in in a hurry, looking very bad!

"Clan leader, something bad has happened!!!" Kun Ming shouted urgently.

"How's it going?"

"Those prisoners are all gone!!!" Heishang continued.

"What?!!!" Duoduo was completely stunned!

Heishang's face was really covered with black frost now, and his voice was a little trembling as he said: "When we arrived at the prison space, we found that all the arrested poisoners were gone, and only..."

"What's left?!" Duoduo asked anxiously.

"Only their robes and other items! But their physical bodies disappeared entirely!!!" Black Frost trembled.

"Oh my god..." Duoduo screamed, her delicate body trembling slightly...

Kun Ming sighed: "I don't know how they escaped. The guards didn't notice any movement. At first, when I saw their robes were still in shape, I thought they were all there. But when we went in and took a look, we discovered that Everyone inside the robe is gone!"

Duoduo was stunned for a while after hearing this, and finally reacted and asked: "Is there something wrong with the prison space?"

"No! We have carefully checked that the formation in the prison space is intact and there is no sign of damage. There is no record of anyone entering or exiting the formation center..." Kun Ming said.

"No one came in or out? Then how did they disappear out of thin air?" Duoduo asked incredulously.

"This..." Kun Ming and Heishang were stunned and speechless.

"Let's go! I'll go check it out myself!"

Duoduo took Kun Ming, Hei Shuang, Wang Yunqi and other elders to the prison space to check. The result was exactly what Kun Ming and Hei Shuang said just now. There was no record of anyone entering or exiting the center of the formation, nor was it damaged. alarm, but those poisonous people just disappeared out of thin air without any explanation!

"Bring up all the monitoring records in the formation center and see what happened at that time!" Duoduo ordered.

"Yes! Patriarch!!!" The person in charge of the formation quickly went to retrieve the monitoring records...

Since these poisonous people were imprisoned for a long time, the people who generally checked were looking at key periods, so no one in front of them saw what happened specifically. However, after retrieving all the surveillance records, everyone calmed down and slowly Looking around, they finally saw a terrifying scene that they would never forget. They saw that these poisonous people were slowly disappearing in the prison space, and part of them disappeared after a while, but there was no blood flowing out from the place where they disappeared. , as if their whole bodies were made of fine sand, disappearing into nothingness as time goes by...

"Gudong" "Gudong" "Gudong"...

Many people who checked the surveillance records fell down, frightened by this terrible scene...

Even Duoduo and the others were not much better. Each of them seemed to be possessed by a demon, their bodies could not help shaking. They couldn't believe that what they saw was really happening!

But the facts are right in front of them, and they can't help but believe it. Now they realize that they are fighting a group of devils among devils, and evil spirits among evil spirits. I'm afraid no one can tell who will win in such a war...

They were still very proud and confident, thinking that they could wipe out all the poisonous people in one battle. Now they realize that things are far from simple. The poisonous people are so evil. I am afraid that they are the ones who need to worry first...

Heishang said with a trembling voice: "Clan Leader, I thought of a terrible thing..."


"These poisonous people can escape so quietly, so can they also come quietly? Will they now spread poison around us to plot against us..."

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