The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3872 How to deal with the special abilities of poisonous people

() Everyone knows that the upward improvement of the large formation method not only requires the careful design and continuous testing of the mage, but also requires a large amount of resources, and it takes a long time to complete the completion. All elements are indispensable, the most important of which is of course the existence of a senior array master.

If there is no formation master of the corresponding level, then no matter how much money and materials you have, it will be in vain and it will be absolutely impossible to build it.

After having the formation master, it will also require huge manpower, material resources and financial resources to finally create a more advanced formation...

Currently among the Naxisai tribe, the most advanced formation masters are still on the planet. The highest formations brought by Duoduo and the others are all around level 23 or 4, and are basically used in space bases. After hearing that Li After luck, they suddenly realized why those space bases were so easily invaded by poisonous people last time. It turned out that such a formation level was simply not enough to withstand the penetration ability of poisonous people. No wonder the base at that time was like a door wide open. , they easily attacked...

Li Yun smiled and said: "Didn't the nobles create a thirty-level formation?"

Duoduo's face changed slightly, and she struggled mentally for a while, and finally said shamelessly: "Oh, Xiaoliu, of course our clan has the ability to create a thirty-level formation, but our formation master is far away on this planet. , the so-called distant water cannot save the near fire, now we can only do nothing! And it is impossible to get such advanced formations from the Tailao tribe or other races, so I wonder if you have another way to deal with the poisonous people This kind of special ability? By the way, didn’t you just say that there are two main methods? What is the second method? "

"I see... If you really don't have the thirty-level formation on hand, then you have to consider the second method. This method is mainly to weaken the poisonous people's ability to break into parts, so that they can't Use this method to escape," Li Yun said.

"Really possible?!" Duoduo perked up, and Kun Ming and others also stared at Li Yun with their eyes wide open...

"Of course! As long as we can figure out the ins and outs of poisonous people's ability, we can develop corresponding drugs for it, thereby greatly weakening its ability..." Li Yun smiled.

"Oh? The corresponding medicine? How does it do it?!" Duoduo asked in surprise.

"Well, when it comes to the ability of poisonous people to break into parts, it is indeed a headache. However, for poisonous people, their ability cannot be used at any time, and there are still certain limitations." Li Yun said .


"Yes! As I said before, although the life molecules of poisonous people are independent, their independence will be weakened after forming a common consciousness.

More of them obey the command of common consciousness. As time goes by and the poisonous people practice, their cultivation level will become higher and higher, and the activity and ability of life molecules will increase accordingly, but their independence will decrease. Further weakening..." Li Yun continued.

"In this case...are they becoming more and more like other races?" Duoduo asked suspiciously.

"Indeed! In this way, as the level of cultivation increases, every time they use the ability to break into parts, the damage to the body will be greater, because after breaking up the body, those life molecules will be independent due to their independence. Falling, they don't know how to act. Therefore, the poisonous people must consume energy to protect and guide their actions. Since the number of life molecules is extremely large, correspondingly, the energy required to protect and guide their actions is naturally also It is extremely huge. It can be said that using such an ability once is enough to consume all the energy in their bodies! Even so, there will still be a large number of life molecules lost due to failure to receive energy protection and spiritual guidance. Therefore, for poison For humans, they can only use their limited energy on the main life molecules to ensure that they can form their main body parts after regrouping!" Li Yun said.

"Wo..." Everyone heard a soft cry, marveling at the thrilling process of Poison Man using this ability...

Li Yun continued: "It can be seen from this process that the new bodies formed by the poisonous people's regrouping of life molecules will not only have significantly reduced abilities compared to their original bodies, but also require a longer period of recuperation to gradually recover. Moreover, they The memory and mental activity of the person will also be greatly affected. It is certain that some memories will be lost. If the lost part is very important, then the loss will be great for the poisonous individual! Therefore, if there is no need to escape, In such a situation, a poisonous person will never use this ability. Everyone knows that in the world of cultivation, who doesn’t have a few enemies? If the use of this ability causes one’s own cultivation and realm to drop significantly, resulting in being taken advantage of If Xu Rui enters and is dealt with, wouldn’t it be an unjust death?”

"That's true..." Duoduo and others nodded in agreement.

"Especially those poisonous individuals with higher levels of cultivation do not want to use this ability, because every time they use it, their energy consumption will be extremely huge, and they will lose a lot of life molecules. No one dares to risk it. For this danger, you must know that although the activity and ability of these people's life molecules are much stronger than in their original state, their independence has been greatly weakened. After being broken up, they will become dull without energy protection and spiritual guidance. Generally speaking, they will be lost! In this case, they are equivalent to a serious illness, extremely weak, and can easily be taken advantage of!" Li Yun said.

Hearing this, Duoduo's face couldn't help but change from gloomy to bright, and she said with a sweet smile: "So, although the poisonous people who escaped last time could escape with their lives, their cultivation level will definitely drop greatly, and their abilities will be far inferior. Before?"

"Of course! However, since they used this ability collectively, there is no problem of being taken advantage of by others, because the abilities of everyone around them have declined... Generally speaking, when poisonous people are captured, they will They will collectively choose to use this ability to escape, which is hard to guard against for many people who are not clear about it!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Well, if we had known that they had this ability, of course we would have been wary of them, but... By the way, you just talked about developing a drug. I wonder if this kind of drug that weakens their ability is already available? How does it weaken their ability? ?" Duoduo asked anxiously.

Li Yun nodded and said: "This drug has been developed by our Xingyun Palace! As for how it is done, one of the most important effects is to curb the normal operation of the poisonous body, only allowing them to Operate in a state of survival!”

"Oh? What's the purpose of doing this?" Duoduo asked quickly.

"When poisonous people use this ability, they need to gather a huge amount of energy to ensure that they can reach the critical value of breaking up their bodies. Moreover, this energy is also their life-saving energy, because this energy is used to protect their most important life molecules. At the same time, their spiritual consciousness also needs to be broken up and divided into countless small strands of spiritual consciousness to achieve the purpose of guiding life molecules to escape and regroup. Therefore, if the various parts of their bodies cannot operate normally, they will naturally If they cannot gather huge amounts of energy and cannot reach the critical value of breaking up the body, then they naturally dare not use this ability, because it is no different from committing suicide!" Li Yun said.


"Very good!!!"

"I see…"

"Xiao Liu is so smart..."

"This drug is simply a poisonous talisman..."

"Haha, with this medicine, these poisonous people can no longer escape..."

"That's right..."

Everyone got excited when they heard this and shouted excitedly...

Duoduo also felt excited when she heard this, but she also thought of a question and said: "Listening to the effect of the drug you mentioned, if I lock the poisonous people's spiritual veins in advance so that they cannot use their spiritual power normally, can it also be achieved? What’s this purpose?”

Li Yun praised: "That's a good question! However, locking the spiritual veins so that they cannot circulate spiritual power seems to be a good method, but it is not very effective against poisonous people!"

"But why?!"

"Because even though you have locked his spiritual veins, the various organs in his body are still running. For a cultivator, these organs can also gather energy. For a powerful person, they can even break up the body. The energy value can be achieved only by the ability of a part of the consciousness, or it can be achieved by using the explosion of a certain body organ. If you cannot completely lock his brain and various parts of his body, then he can display this ability. , but if you completely target the poisonous people, they will die soon, right?" Li Yun said.

"This..." Duoduo was startled, and had to admit that if the poisonous man wanted to escape, he would definitely use these methods that others would not dare to use...

Li Yun continued: "There is another ultimate reason, that is, the life molecules in a poisonous person's body are relatively independent. Therefore, even if you lock his spiritual veins, the life molecules that make up his spiritual veins can still continue to function independently through independent activities. They can be broken up and reunited, so that they can slowly get rid of your spiritual lock control, and in the end they can still be broken into pieces..."

"Oh my God!!!" When everyone heard this, they finally couldn't help but scream, and they had a new understanding of how terrifying poisonous people are!

In other words, the spiritual power lock that is useful to others will be unlocked by themselves after encountering a poisonous person. There is no way around it!

"Therefore, only through the effect of drugs, the activity ability of poisonous people from consciousness to various organs is greatly reduced and weakened at the same time. At most, they can only maintain the minimum energy required for survival. In this way, they naturally cannot have enough Use the energy to break up the body and seek death..."

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