The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3904 Fan Chunren

In order to prevent the Zhouguan clan from attacking again, the group army adopted a mobile strategy, flying slowly while maintaining immediate combat preparations. In fact, if it could maintain this state, how could it not detect the poisonous attack?

Even without the information screen of the Xingyun Palace, the fleet's reconnaissance system would definitely be able to identify the group of poisonous insect spacecraft of the Eternal Crown Clan. It was impossible to wait until they came in to find out...

Duoduo's face was gloomy as she listened to the reports from each fleet. At this moment, she was almost out of anger and entering a state of selflessness!

Of course, she didn't really forget herself, she was just shocked by the loss. Every report was like a sharp knife cutting her heart, making her so painful that she couldn't breathe...

In total, in the attack just now, more than a hundred soldiers died directly, more than 10,000 soldiers were injured to varying degrees, and most of them were poisoned. As for the battleships, a total of ten battleships were lost. Medium-sized spaceships, more than 20 small spacecrafts, and other spaceships are basically damaged and are currently undergoing emergency repairs...

What makes her most fortunate is that the antidote in Xingyun Palace is very effective. She doesn’t know what kind of poison the poisoner used, but as long as those who were poisoned took the antidote, their symptoms of poisoning disappeared quickly. Many people did not suffer from the poison. The injured person quickly recovered completely and became lively and vigorous. It is conceivable that without these antidotes, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Therefore, there are currently only a few thousand people in need of treatment, all of whom are injured. The problem is not too big anymore. The most pity is the more than 100 soldiers who died directly. They were mainly concentrated on a completely destroyed ship. On the spacecraft, the force of oppression was too great and he fell directly, without even a chance for rescue...

Since many high-level officials were inspecting and supervising the various fleets, Duoduo sat alone in the command space. Her consciousness stayed on the information light curtain of the Xingyun Palace. After careful searching, she found that the light curtain The message contained scenes of the Eternal Crown Clan fleet flying out of the poisonous formation, and the scene of them returning to the poisonous formation after completing the sneak attack. This made her feel even more guilty. If she had arranged a plan when she carefully studied the guide to breaking the formation. As long as two people just stare at this information screen, it is impossible for the poisonous fleet to sneak attack on our side!

Xingyun Palace has given me enough support, but I didn't expect that I would be attacked by the other party. This is simply shameless...

I'm afraid I can't mention this matter if I see Liu Feng in the future, otherwise it will definitely become a laughing stock...

Just when her thoughts were a little confused, she suddenly saw the light curtain connecting with Xingyun Palace light up, and a figure appeared on it, it was Liu Feng!

"Xiaoliu?!" Duoduo was startled.

"It's me! Sister Fairy, I just discovered that a large number of poisonous spaceships have entered the Eternal Crown Clan's poison array. They seem to have returned from a big battle. Do you know about this?" Li Yun asked.

"Is this happening?" Duoduo's expression changed and she muttered.

"Sister, why do you look like this? Does this matter have something to do with you?" Liufeng stared at Duoduo and said.


"You just fought with them, right?!" Liu Feng asked.

Duoduo could no longer hold back under Liufeng's questioning, and could only lament: "Oh, Xiaoliu, sister, let me tell you the truth, the Zhouguan clan's spaceship just attacked us, and we suffered heavy losses..."

"How could this happen? You won't be attacked by them anyway, right?" Li Yun said in surprise.

"'s all my fault. We were studying the formation breaking guide you sent, but we didn't pay attention to the information screen you provided. The fleet was in a resting state, so we didn't notice the Poison Man's movements until they launched their attack. I hastily accepted the challenge, but the result was... alas!" Duoduo looked miserable and could no longer speak...

Li Yun was silent for a moment. Of course he knew about the Zhouguan clan's sneak attack. However, he did not keep an eye on things here. After all, he had a lot of things to be busy with, such as studying black holes and the pan-starry sky. , quasars, super sun,

As well as the huge starry sky life groups in the universe, as well as the star race civilizations that I have experienced before, those people will come to call me when they have nothing to do, chat with me through space treasures, and even meet and talk with their spiritual bodies. People mainly come here to ask for advice on how to solve a problem, or want to express their love for him, etc. In addition, there is no Xiaoxing next to him, because Xiaoxing is currently living in Tiangang Star, and it seems that it will be short-term. It was impossible for Nei to come and join him, and he did not expect that Duoduo and the others did not even notice that the other party had dispatched a large number of spaceships. As a result, by the time he discovered the abnormality, he had already missed the best opportunity to remind Duoduo and the others...

He blamed himself a little, but with his current state, he would naturally not be affected by this matter, so he asked about the current situation of the Naxi Sai fleet, and then said: "Sister Fairy, in my opinion, you are now We should counterattack immediately and defeat the Eternal Crown Clan in one fell swoop!"

"What?!!!" Duoduo was shocked when he heard this and screamed!

"Sister, did I hear you correctly? Are you telling us to attack the Zhouguan clan's poisonous formation now?!" Duoduo said in shock.

"Sister, you heard me right! If we attack now, you will definitely succeed!" Li Yun said firmly.

"It''s not that I don't want to fight, sister, but the morale of the whole army is low now. A large number of injured soldiers are being treated, almost all the battleships are damaged, and we haven't studied the method of breaking the poisonous formation clearly yet..." Duoduo Asked multiple questions in succession.

Li Yun said: "Sister, these problems are not problems! Regarding the issue of morale, in fact, your soldiers must be full of anger now. The love of comrades is the deepest, because we are all friends of life, and comrades are injured or even killed. They must want revenge in their hearts. This fire is just suppressed now. As long as you stir it up a little bit, it can burn brightly..."

"This... Liu Di is right!" Duoduo had to admit this.

"As for the large number of injured soldiers, in fact, those who were poisoned are no longer in harm's way and can fully participate in the battle. Only a few thousand people need treatment for their injuries. The number of these people is only the soldiers of one or two battleships. It's just quantity, it doesn't affect your combat power at all!" Li Yun said again.

"That's true..." Duoduo nodded. When she heard Liufeng's analysis, she couldn't help but feel refreshed!

"There are also the fleets you assigned to attack the opponent. They should have completed their mission and are on their way back. This part of the force has not been hit by the poisonous people, and it is an immediate combat force!"

"Yes!!!" Duoduo's expression became more excited, and a strange pink color appeared on her face. It was obvious that she was already excited in her heart. Liufeng's analysis made her more aware of the current situation and a force. Feelings began to surge within her body...

Li Yun continued: "As for the research on the guide to breaking the formation, it will probably take a lot of time for you to study it thoroughly. How about this, I will arrange for someone to go over and help you, and you can just listen to him when it comes to breaking the formation!"

"Oh? This is great!!!" Duoduo said in surprise.

"Well, now the poisonous people have just defeated the squad and are waiting to collect your corpses after being poisoned, so they have no sense of preparedness at all. Since they can sneak attack you, you can also attack them in turn, and the effect will definitely be better than after a while. It's much better to fight..." Li Yun analyzed.

Duoduo nodded repeatedly after hearing this. Naturally, she understood this truth very well in her heart. However, she didn't dare to think about it before due to immature conditions. But now that the conditions were met, she quickly realized that it was the best time to attack the poisonous man at this time. Great time!

There's no better time than this!

"I wonder who you sent here? When will it arrive?!" Duoduo asked anxiously.

"Fan Chunren, half a day later!" Li Yun responded.

"Fan Chunren? Okay! Then we will use this opportunity to repair the battleship and prepare for the attack!" Duoduo said.


After finishing the conversation with Liufeng, Duoduo immediately took action. The first step was to boost morale. He held an all-military meeting and delivered an impassioned speech, which suddenly re-energized everyone's hearts and morale immediately rose. , everyone is eager to attack Dichanya immediately and avenge their comrades!

The second step is to mobilize the fleet and speed up the repair of the ships. The entire fleet enters a battle-ready state. In addition, it also contacts the fleets that have been dispersed to meet near the Dican Cliff and join the battle together.

The third step is to study the guide for breaking the formation while waiting for the arrival of the Xingyun Palace formation mage...

Sure enough, half a day later, a spaceship flew over from a distance, and a man walked out of it, it was Fan Chunren that Liufeng mentioned!

I saw this man wearing cloth clothes, a square scarf hat, a round face and a short beard, and a pair of bright eyes. He looked quite simple, but he was quite young, probably less than 5,000 years old, and he was still a human race. This made Duoduo, Heishang, Kunming, Xindel and others take a quick look and kept muttering in their hearts...

"My dear, Fan Chunren, I have seen Fairy Duo! I have met all the senior masters!" Fan Chunren saluted, while taking out a square towel to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

"Are you Fan Chunren? I don't seem to have seen you in Xingyun Palace..." Duoduo said while looking at Fan Chunren carefully. From her eyes, it was not difficult to find that this person should also be a genius. No, he should be A super genius, if placed among his own clan, must be the core of the core, an elite who requires huge investment in training!

"Oh my god, why are there so many geniuses in the Xingyun Palace? Just sending one out will make people extremely enviable..." Duoduo screamed in her heart. Looking at Fan Chunren, she was almost salivating, wishing that she could give him to him right away. Take him away and put him in the clan for training. Oh no, there is no need to train him. This person is already extremely powerful...

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