The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3909 Battle of Dichanya

"No! The Naxi Sai tribe is coming!!!" Simba yelled!

At the critical moment, he was the first to discover the clues and immediately ordered: "Everyone is in position! Check the situation first and wait for an opportunity to counterattack!!!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!!!" Everyone responded in unison, and in an instant, they disappeared into the banquet hall one by one and went to the positions of the formations they were guarding...

Simba's consciousness swept wildly and he carefully observed the movements of the Naxi Sai fleet. He felt a little incredible in his heart. Why would the other party attack at this time? Don't want to die?

They had suffered a heavy blow from their own clan just a few days ago. Many warships fell, a large number of soldiers were killed and wounded, and almost all the ships were invaded by poison. The Naxi Sai clan did not want to quickly detoxify, save people, and recuperate, but came to attack at this time. , could it be that Duoduo's brain is broken? !

"Well, that's right. This little bitch must have lost her mind! After receiving such a heavy blow from me, this little bitch must be furious and thinking of coming over immediately for revenge. In addition, they looted the Tusang base, and their morale may be It gave this little girl a certain boost and restored her confidence..." Simba's mind raced, and he quickly found a reason for the Naxi Sai tribe to come to their door this time...

Without his order at this time, the protection level of the super poison array was rising steadily. However, due to the sudden attack, Simba felt that some aspects of the formation seemed to be not operating smoothly, and the adjustment of the protection level seemed to have stagnated. Seeing the phenomenon, he hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with formations 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9? Hurry up and raise the level!"

"Your Majesty, we are working hard to adjust, but there seems to be a problem with the energy channel, and there is no energy being transmitted!"

"There may be something wrong with the energy-gathering formation. There is too little energy that can be mobilized!"

"The formation is idling, we are solving it..."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the protection level will be improved soon..."


The people in charge of each formation sent reports one after another, making Simba feel slightly uncomfortable. It seemed that there was a problem with the energy transmission channel. What was going on? !

No matter how strong a formation is, if there is no energy supply, it is still a paper tiger and has nothing but empty airs. This is what one of his subordinates just said was the idling phenomenon. Although Simba is not a formation master, he still understands this very well. Now, If there is a problem with the energy channel, it is equivalent to weakening the strength of the formation from the foundation. Just like water without a source, it will dry up sooner or later...

He immediately opened the light curtain channel responsible for the energy gathering formation, and immediately saw the smoke here.

There are figures, but the specific situation cannot be clearly seen.

This energy-gathering formation goes deep underground for countless miles, and there is a dense protective layer on the outside. It can be said that it is the most tightly protected part of the entire formation. Generally speaking, it is difficult to have problems, but the situation at this time looks a bit bad, Xin Balian asked loudly: "What's going on?!!!"

Before anyone could answer, there was a dull roar. The whole screen was shaking and turbulent. The formation space was filled with screams. No one heard Simba's inquiry at all...

"Not good!!!" Simba screamed, not daring to neglect, and hurriedly dodged towards the underground formation space...

Unexpectedly, the Naxisai people were so cunning that they attacked the underground energy-gathering formation space first. The question is how did they do it?

You must know that this space is deep underground and is fully protected by the formation above. The coverage area of ​​the formation above is extremely wide. It is difficult for the opponent to bypass the formation above and directly attack the underground space. In addition, even if they can really bypass the formation above, , and the target has been found, it is also very difficult to attack directly, because the underground formation space is protected at all levels, and the favorable terrain underground is also used as a natural protection. Generally speaking, attacking the underground formation space is A thankless move, so let alone Simba, even the formation masters of the Zhouguan clan would not have thought that someone would attack here.

Simba was suddenly stunned when he was halfway through the rush. When he came back to his senses, he thought that he didn't know much about formations. At this time, the formation masters in the clan must be trying to save the underground formation space, and as the leader, he should What we should do is not to interfere with them, but to find ways to reduce their pressure and buy more time for their rescue operations!

Thinking of this, he immediately locked several nearby formations and ordered: "Attack the opponent's fleet immediately. The second, fourth, sixth, eighth and other fleets are ready to attack!!!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!!!"

Suddenly, the wind was howling over the Dichan Cliff, black clouds were surging, poisonous mist was filling the air, and the waves were furious. One wave was higher than the other, and they rushed toward the outside like devil's claws...

For the poisonous people, because the underground formation space is now affected, energy transmission is not smooth, the formation protection level cannot be improved, and many formation functions have been affected, so they are now unable to lock the exact location of the Naxi Sai fleet. , they can only use this indiscriminate attack method to counterattack the opponent, which is also a helpless move for them, because doing so will only accelerate the consumption of array energy, and energy cannot be transmitted in the current energy-gathering array space. In this case, this is tantamount to drinking a dove to quench your thirst!

Of course, Simba would not let this energy go to waste, and then ordered each attack fleet to take off immediately to find the opponent's spaceship for a duel!

Since it is within the scope of its own poison formation, the geographical location is its advantage, so the poisonous people's spaceship has more space and room to play here. Therefore, such a direct counterattack method cannot be said to be problematic. With these two hands, It can be said that Simba's reaction is fast enough and powerful enough...

He returned to his control space, and while paying attention to the development of various situations, he also opened the underground formation space to check. It didn't matter, he was stunned!

I saw that the original spiritual energy that was as strong as substance had long since disappeared, and was replaced by an unsightly scene. The underground space had been flooded for some time, and everything was submerged in the water, and there were still things floating on the water. The densely packed objects are obviously all broken objects formed after the formation was destroyed. There are also countless people floating and sinking in the water, unable to escape the pull of the water force on them...

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." Simba seemed to have been drained of all his energy. He slumped on his seat and murmured...

The underground formation space seems to have been destroyed. There is no doubt that the entire poison formation will collapse soon after losing this source of energy!

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the light curtains in Simba's control space began to become a little unstable. Some light curtains were broken first, and other light curtains were broken one after another. Simba woke up with a start and shouted at the top of his lungs: " No more formations! Everyone retreats!!!"


"Your Majesty, help me quickly, the enemy is coming here!"

"Your Majesty, run away quickly, I will be responsible for cutting off the queen!"

"Keep the green hills here so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. Let's run away quickly!"

"The wind is tight and pulling..."

"Hurry up…"

As the Great Poison Formation gradually collapsed, the Zhouguan clan fell into panic. The poisonous people could not care about anything and fled for their lives. Some relied on their advanced cultivation to escape, while others simply used the power of transformation. Zero method to escape...

Naturally, Simba will not use the method of breaking into parts to escape, because using this method will greatly reduce his cultivation level. If he is targeted by Shi Du or other masters, he will be in trouble. In fact, if it drops to a certain level, even if you meet the masters of your own clan, you may be devoured or enslaved by them. Yes, this is not impossible within the poisonous people. The reality is so cruel.

For Simba, there is no need to resort to this method yet. With his cultivation and ability, there will be no problem in escaping through this chaotic situation, so he escapes while He also used his spiritual consciousness to observe the surrounding situation. As a result, the more he looked at it, the more heartbroken he became. After the big poisonous formation collapsed, the power of the formation turned into destroying the poisonous people. Many people were harmed by the formation during the collapse of the formation. The blow of the power of magic was a direct blow, and there was no chance to escape. Countless ships that had not had time to take off were destroyed by this powerful force. Many people among them were probably unable to escape. Life!

The original spacecraft that were ordered to take off to find the enemy for duel were slightly better, but some of them were still within the range of the formation's power, and were also affected by this power, and were pulled from high altitude into the hell. In the middle, shattered to pieces...

Looking at the ground again, I saw that the flood deep in the ground had spewed out from all the gaps and rushed towards the formations with great speed. This power and momentum made Simba feel frightened and trembled all over!

Even though he is so powerful, he still feels his own insignificance and weakness in the face of the power of nature. In fact, the reason why these water flows are so powerful is not only because of the water flow itself, but also because of the huge spiritual power mixed with it. Tide, these spiritual power tides were accumulated in the underground formation space before. Now they merge into the water flow, and finally find these breakthroughs, so they push the water flow to spurt out. This is equivalent to countless masters attacking at the same time, with Simba How can one person's power be able to stop it?

Simba didn't dare to resist this at all, but quickly avoided it and flew to high places crazily, because if he didn't escape, it would be difficult to get rid of if he was entangled by this force. This was something he still wanted to do. You can feel it...

At a high altitude around the Dicanya base, the Naxi Sai fleet was guarding multiple positions and intercepting the poisonous warships everywhere. These poisonous warships had just escaped from the shackles of the formation's power, but they did not expect to fall into the enemy's trap again. Being chased and intercepted by Fang, I really wanted to cry without tears, so I could only run away with all my strength...

A huge mothership stood in a corner, Duoduo looked at the scene in front of her, and she was in a daze...

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