The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3912 Mouse Tail Juice

On the surface, the Xingyun Palace did this to ensure fairness, so as to prevent individual forces on the Tailao planet from standing out and becoming a new trouble. But in fact, apart from the Tailao tribe, the number of forces that can afford high-end flying castles is extremely large. It is limited. Even if you can afford it, you cannot buy five. It would be great if you can buy one or two. In the final analysis, this regulation is introduced to suppress the expansion of external forces, such as the Naxi Sai people, who have their own strength. It is powerful and has abundant financial resources. If they are allowed to hoard dozens of high-level flying castles, how can other forces compete with it?

Therefore, this restriction is actually mainly used to target the Naxi Sai tribe. In addition, it would be good to allow them to purchase high-end flying castles. This is because it has changed its strategy and wants to develop peacefully on the Tailao planet together with the Xingyun Palace. In this regard, otherwise it would be impossible to sell Feibao to it. Li Yun does not want to cultivate a militaristic foreign force into a powerful opponent. In that case, it will definitely cause devastating blows and damage to the starry sky in the future...

Since this restriction was public, Duoduo did not realize that this regulation was actually to prevent the Naxi Sai tribe from buying Feibao again. After leading the space army to destroy the Yuguan tribe's bases one by one, she could finally relax. In one breath, after withdrawing the group army to the space base, he remembered his previous conversation with Liufeng and quickly contacted him, saying that he wanted to go to his place to have tea. Liufeng naturally agreed...

Duoduo soon appeared at Xingyun Restaurant. After entering the independent space, she received a warm welcome. To her slight surprise, she actually saw Su Mei and An Zhenzhen, the elders of the Tailao tribe, here. , however, the two soon told her that they had purchased a cave here, invested in a lot of houses, and at the same time each opened a store and started their own small business, and they would live here from now on!

"Then will you return to the Tailao tribe?" Duoduo asked.

Su Mei shook her head and said: "If nothing happens, we usually don't go back. Even if we go back, we will basically appear there as agents of the Xingyun Palace!"

"Agent of Xingyun Palace? Could it be that... you have joined Xingyun Palace?" Duoduo asked in surprise.

"Gee, becoming an agent does not mean joining the Xingyun Palace! This is a new type of cooperation, we can benefit from it, and the Xingyun Palace can also communicate with the Tailao and other races through us Communication, after all, we have more contact with people of all races and are more familiar with each other!" Su Mei explained.

"It makes sense! It seems that the two sisters are living a very happy life!" Duoduo said enviously.

"Where, how can it be as good as the life of Patriarch Duo? I heard that Patriarch Duo has made a fortune this time, and he has been buying and buying recently. My little sister's heart has been trembling..." Su Eyebrow replied.

"Giggle...could it be that little sister Su also likes shopping?" Duoduo asked proudly.


Who doesn't like shopping? The pleasure that shopping brings to people is really unparalleled. The more you buy, the more you want to buy it. Your hands will become hotter and hotter, and your body will keep shaking. You can imagine the wonderful feeling after getting that item in your mind. , God, when I think of this, I can’t help but want to go shopping... Unfortunately, it is not easy to get this kind of pleasure. First of all, you must have money in your hands and enough to spend. Some people say that this money is what you have on your body. Meat, it costs money, it means cutting it from your own body, chopping your hands, chopping your feet. If you don’t have much meat on your body and only the bones are left after chopping it a few times, isn’t that the end of the game? ! "Su Meiwan sighed.

An Zhenzhen on the side agreed: "Sister Su is right. As long as we women are shopping, we feel like we are flying, flying left, right, low, high, shaking... That feeling is really intoxicating. ...It’s much more exciting than having sex with someone. Haha, I’m just making a metaphor. I’ve never had sex with someone. I heard that love is exciting and intoxicating, but I felt this feeling when I was shopping. I’ve already experienced it! As long as I can shop, it doesn’t matter if I don’t do anything else!”

Everyone looked at An Zhenzhen in great surprise. They didn't expect that she had never had sex with anyone at her age. Wouldn't she be called an old maid or a leftover girl in the mortal world?

Such a title is somewhat derogatory in the mortal world, but in the world of cultivation, it is an absolute virtue, because only by being able to resist the temptation of carnal desires and concentrate on pursuing one's own Taoism can one be successful. Go further, climb higher, achieve more!

In fact, this principle is the same in the mortal world, but it is difficult for mortals to realize this truth. Their minds are more emotional and lack rationality. With their determination, emotion often defeats rationality. As soon as you see a beautiful woman's hand, you will think of her arm, and when you think of her arm, you will think of her body, and then you will think of her thighs, calves, body hair, and of course, you will soon think of her hidden parts, and so on. A mortal's whole body will become hot and hot, and desires will arise spontaneously from the bottom of his heart, becoming more and more powerful. The remaining rationality will not be able to control the impulse of desire, and the whole person will pounce like a wild beast...

Therefore, among mortals, there are often very few people who can achieve very high achievements. Most people, after squandering their energy and longevity, become useless people. Their ability to be in heat is gone, and their flesh is gone. It is shrinking, its strength is getting smaller and smaller, its ability to prevent epidemics has been greatly reduced, and diseases have begun to attack in large numbers. If it is good, it may be reincarnated, but if it is not good, it will become a lonely ghost. Because its soul is extremely weak, it is often eaten by others. of nourishment, the tragic ending can be imagined.

Only those with strong will and extraordinary achievements can control their own souls. Even if they become ghosts, they can become heroes among ghosts. No one dares to underestimate him. And if he has the opportunity, he may still become a ghost cultivator. Or you can become a true cultivator once you gain enlightenment, and pursue your own path, the pinnacle of Taoism, at a higher level...

Fairy An Dai held An Zhenzhen's hand and said in surprise: "Oh, it turns out that Miss An is still a young lady! However, I have seen it a long time ago, and everyone here can see it, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck..."

An Zhenzhen's face suddenly turned red, and she said coyly: "Sister, I have to tell you..."

"Okay, if you don't say it, don't say it! But the metaphor you just said is so apt. When we women go shopping, we will go crazy, and like a clock that is wound up, we will just keep moving forward. Go ahead, you can’t keep it! So, there are many women who go bankrupt like this. They can’t control the desires and devils in their hearts, and end up with nothing, even heavy debts, their families are ruined, and they even have to enter a brothel. , when you engage in the flesh trade, your body is no longer yours, but becomes someone else’s plaything. What a tragic thing it is..." Fairy Andai sighed.

An Zhenzhen was shocked when she heard this, and said solemnly: "Sister is so right! Although shopping is good, you should know what is appropriate and do what you can. If you let desire control your soul, you will keep buying. Buy buy, sooner or later you will end up with a sad end!"

"Yes, in fact, many people keep buying, but later they will find that many of the things they buy cannot be used by themselves. What is not used up is pure waste and hoarding. This is because when a person After her rationality is controlled by desire, she doesn't think about it when she buys things. She will buy it regardless of whether it is what she needs. What she pursues is no longer whether the item is what she needs, but whether she pays for it. This pleasure will make her feel extremely satisfied, extremely happy, and extremely proud. She will feel that when she buys this item, she is standing on the top of the Thai star. , unparalleled! She wanted to announce her remarkable achievements to the whole world, to people all over the planet... But, such achievements are actually illusory, just like a bubble, which looks colorful and beautiful on the surface. But when it was shattered, there was nothing inside, not even the dregs left..." Fairy Andai said.

"Sister, how can I control my desire to shop?" An Zhenzhen asked.

"This is indeed difficult, but it depends on the person, right? You can divert your attention to other things you are interested in and reduce the number of shopping. When shopping, it is best to plan and prepare in advance. For shopping, write down what you want to buy within this range. Never touch any item that is not on this shopping list. It is best not to even look at it! After buying the items on the shopping list, immediately Leave and don’t even look back! Note that the temptation in the world is often beyond people’s imagination. Don’t think that you really have enough determination to control your desires, so every time you shop, Be cautious and cautious, walking on thin ice, climbing a dangerous mountain... People often fall to pieces because they think too highly of themselves. In this world, people have to fight against the sky, the earth, and themselves, and the real strong ones are precisely People who can defeat themselves..." Fairy Andai said.

"My sister has taught me well, and my sister has learned the lesson!" An Zhenzhen praised sincerely.

"Giggles, my sister gained this insight from countless lessons. Now I share it with all my sisters. I hope you can use your tail juice to live your own little life prosperously and nourishingly..." Fairy Andai She said with a sweet smile.

"Sister, what does rat tail juice mean?"

"Oh, it just means taking care of yourself! Everyone must be responsible for themselves, right? You must be able to control yourself, love yourself, and cherish yourself. Only in this way can you settle down and become an independent person..."

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