The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3921 Pan-Starry Sky

At this moment, many people here truly realize the huge gap between the powerful and the weak in the universe!

In front of the wandering black hole, the Naxisai tribe, which was much more powerful than the Tailao tribe, suddenly became panicked and had to choose to relocate collectively to deal with this mess. The other small and medium-sized races did not know what to do, and even Some people still don’t know that the crisis is coming. When the wandering black hole and the Kwai Chou star fight, they may perish together with the coming disaster in a state of ignorance...

However, such a terrible cosmic disaster is just a matter of words for Yelusha. As long as he sends a message, this disaster can be eliminated invisible...

Li Yun heard this and said quickly: "It would be great if this won't cause seniors any trouble!"

"Trouble? How could it be? If Yu Yu's clan continues to develop with this kind of mentality, I think they will take the wrong path sooner or later, and they will be no different from the Tai Lao Black Hole clan! I must inform the clan leader about this, and I must treat them You have to be punished!" Yelusha snorted.

"Senior, you might as well communicate with You Yu first. If they leave just like that, it means they have a good character, and there is no need to inform the noble clan leader and punish them, otherwise they may be stained by this..." Li Yun reminded.

"That's... okay, then let me give him a letter first!" Yelusha pondered for a moment, raised his right index finger and moved it casually into the space. He saw that the spiritual waves there turned sharply, and a black vortex appeared in the middle. The light spot popped up and disappeared into the vortex in an instant...

After a while, the space vortex returned to normal, as if nothing had happened...

This method of sending letters was an eye-opener for everyone, and everyone was confused when they saw the black whirlpool...

Of course Li Yun knew that this was the black hole family's unique method of transmitting information. The black vortex was actually a super-miniature black hole. When information entered it, it also entered the information transmission system built by the black hole family. Information like this is It is difficult to be intercepted by outsiders, because few outsiders can understand the Black Hole Clan, and even fewer can understand their information transmission method. Even if they understand, they can enter the Black Hole Clan's channel system to intercept information. It requires super abilities, which is definitely not something ordinary people can do!

Of course, we are talking about ordinary people here. Li Yun and Xiaoxing are naturally not ordinary people, and their understanding of the Black Hole Clan is much deeper than that of many Black Hole Clan members. Therefore, they entered the Black Hole Clan information system and intercepted the information without anyone knowing. The information in it is not difficult, otherwise they would not be able to understand the Black Hole Clan so well...

Yelusha saw everyone's expressions, and there was a trace of imperceptible pride on his face, and said: "Youyu will receive my message soon, and I believe that the Naxisai Star Territory will also return to normal soon..."

Li Yun quickly saluted and said: "Thank you, senior, for your help! Then we will just wait for the good news..."

"Little stream,

You seem to know a lot about our Black Hole clan. Have you ever had contact with our people before? "Yelusha asked suspiciously.

"That's not true. My understanding of the Black Hole Clan is only based on observations and research. I have never come into contact with the Black Hole Clan before. My senior is the first!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"What? It seems that I am really honored! But..." Yelusha pondered.

"But what?"

"Our world looks like a black starry sky to outsiders. How do you observe and study it?"

"Senior, although the appearance of a black hole is black, its power is everywhere, right? No matter where we are in a galaxy, we can find this as long as we observe carefully. So many times, when we observe something, It’s not necessary to see it, as long as we can capture some clues of its existence, we can still succeed!” Li Yun said.

"That's...well said! Can you tell me what clues you found?" Yelusha asked with interest.

Li Yun nodded and said: "For example, many people take it for granted that the big sun where the Thai starry sky is located is the largest and most powerful star in the starry sky, because they have seen countless small and medium-sized star fields almost all surrounding this big sun. In operation, these small and medium-sized star fields have formed an extremely large star cluster with Tailuo Sun as the center. Since Tailuo Star is the largest among these planetary star fields, it is called Tailuo Galaxy! But..."

"but what?"

"They ignored one issue, that is, the big sun itself is also moving in the universe. Its whereabouts are not irregular, but traceable. So what kind of power makes it do this? How about the operation?" Li Yun said.

"Well, a power that can affect the sun..." Yelusha smiled.

Li Yun nodded and said: "Yes! The power that can affect the movement of the big sun is unusual. Ordinary energy fields cannot do it at all. Only higher-level energy fields are possible. So, I will start from this point to observe , and as a result, I made another discovery..."

"What discovery?"

"In this pan-starry sky, in addition to this big sun, there are actually many other large and small suns. The distance between them is obviously much denser than the ordinary starry sky. This brings up a question, why are there so many Where is the sun concentrated in this pan-starry sky?" Li Yun said.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by the pan-starry sky?" Yelusha suddenly interrupted Li Yun and asked.

"The so-called pan-starry sky refers to a specific corner of the universe. This is defined from the large scale of the universe! In this corner, various stars and interstellar matter have the same or similar properties. Characteristics, and there is some kind of tie that connects them. Generally speaking, this tie is a mysterious force field, which makes this corner a specific starry sky with certain characteristics..." Li Yun explained.

"I see... So, do you think that the starry sky we are in has some specific power bond that makes them appear as a whole?" Yelusha asked.

Li Yun praised: "Senior's understanding is really extraordinary. He immediately understood what I was going to say! Yes, although this starry sky seems complicated, if you examine it carefully, you can find that it presents a specific appearance..."

"What's his appearance?!" Yelusha asked urgently.

"One word, bright!"

"Light?" Yelusha was startled and thoughtful...

"Yes, if we compare it with other starry skies, we can easily see the characteristics of this starry sky, because it is indeed much brighter than other starry skies! Here, there are numerous large and small suns and countless large and small stars. There are also various interstellar substances with different shapes and complexities, and their brightness reaches above the average level of the universe. So, why does it have such a characteristic?" Li Yun said.

"But why?" Yelusha asked with tacit understanding.

"Because it's dense! If we stretched all these interstellar materials to twice the distance, they wouldn't be so bright, right?"

"This...makes sense!!!" Yelusha, Tailao Xingling, Wang Yi, Xiong Bing, Zhu Ruoji, Fairy Andai and others all nodded, because almost everyone can understand this truth. The sun is the brightness of one sun, but if a large number of suns are gathered in a relatively small space, then the space will naturally become much brighter, otherwise it will be bleak and dark...

Li Yun continued: "Generally speaking, stars and interstellar matter will consciously or unconsciously keep a certain distance apart in the universe. In addition to their own territorial awareness, this is also because the stars themselves are extremely huge. If the distance is too close, if Affected by the traction of the other party, it may lead to tragedy, so this is also a means of self-protection. We can see that a large number of starry skies are dim because the interstellar matter there is relatively scarce and there is a lack of stars. Shine, thus highlighting the uniqueness of this starry sky... So, why are the suns here relatively dense? Are there countless stars?"

When Yelusha heard this, he unknowingly sat upright and leaned forward slightly, showing that he was listening to Li Yun's speech attentively. At this time, he said: "Is it what you said before? Are the ties of power holding this pan-starry sky together?"

"Of course! After observation and calculation, I found that these suns are not moving in a disorderly manner, but are orbiting around a certain center. The closer the sun is to the center, the faster it will move. The sun will be relatively slower, but they cannot get rid of the shackles of that huge force and can only continue to do this movement of accompanying the prince to study. Therefore, the influence of that huge force is extremely powerful and is almost everywhere! "Li Yun said with a smile.

"Wow!!!" Everyone let out a long breath, feeling that Li Yun was about to get to the point!

Tailao Xingling couldn't wait to say: "Xiaoliu, is that huge power you mentioned coming from Tailao's black hole?!"

"Yes! But that's not all. In addition to the Tailao black hole, there is also the Tiangang black hole, and two other large black holes. These four large black holes exist in the center of this pan-starry sky, occupying four corners, each attracting a A large number of stars and interstellar matter together form this pan-starry sky!" Li Yun said.

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone exclaimed. They didn't expect that this pan-stellar sky was actually formed by four large black holes. The thought of this makes people's hair stand on end...

Yelusha stared blankly at Liufeng, unable to believe his ears, because he had never imagined that all the secrets of the Black Hole Clan in this starry sky could not escape the observation and analysis of this little boy. How did he do it? Did it? !

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