The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3928 The Magical Ice Saturn

Drunk, drunk, drunk...

Everyone was mesmerized by the picture Yelusha painted, and the image of such a great hero was deeply embedded in everyone's minds, making them have a deep appreciation for Ladu, the leader of the Tiangang Black Hole Clan who they had not yet met. It suddenly added countless good feelings!

It is conceivable that just when Tiangang Baoxing was about to face a huge natural disaster, Radu appeared like a savior, bent his bow and arrow, and solved all the problems with one arrow, saving countless lives. How chic and majestic it is! ! !

However, Li Yun could read different information from the energy fluctuations in Yelusha's brain. That is, the so-called space interception did not exist at all. It was completely fabricated by Yelusha himself, and its purpose was of course to cover up what Ladu had said. This mistake was made because Radu acted on his own whim at the time, without taking the rules of the universe seriously. He shot three arrows and finally destroyed the ice planet!

For most strong people, although they have more respect for the rules of the universe, whether they can restrain their desires and act cautiously is another matter, because desires are It is almost impossible to completely restrain the instinct of life. Even if you can restrain it most of the time, you will suddenly want to let yourself go at some point, so you may make mistakes...

Sometimes these mistakes are deliberate, sometimes they are unintentional, just like when a person is walking, he accidentally crushes a few ants under his feet, but he himself has no idea, and who would know that he has done so before? How many ants died tragically at his feet?

So, was Radu's destruction of the icy Saturn intentional or unintentional?

In fact, it can be deduced from the process described by Yelusha that he did this in order to test the effect of the Sky Thunder Bow and the Sky Wind Arrow. Therefore, his actions were deliberate, but he chose the ice Saturn was unintentional. It can be imagined that if other similar stars appeared in front of Radu at that time, it would also become his target for testing the two treasures of wind and thunder!

However, it is difficult to say whether it is good or bad by choosing a running icy Saturn as a test target, because it may be attracted by a large planet and rush towards it as Yelusha said, thus causing a major disaster. It is a natural disaster. It is also possible that it rushes towards a desolate and abandoned star, but it can bring hope of life to that abandoned star...

Why is this?

But I heard Li Yun say: "Senior, this move of Patriarch Ladu is really of great merit, and it makes the younger generation extremely admirable! If the Ice Saturn really hits the Tiangang Star, the consequences will definitely be charred and dark! However, I have carefully studied this kind of ice Saturn and found that it is not without its merits..."

"Oh? I wonder what you discovered?" Yelusha asked, feeling secretly proud of himself.

The story he told just now made him almost believe it, so it should be no problem to restrain all the people present. At this moment, hearing Liu Feng say this, his curiosity couldn't help but rise. He didn't know what that kind of ice Saturn was. Useful, you have to know that there are many ice Saturns like that in the universe. I really don’t know what its merits are. Speaking of which, the impression that ice Saturn gives me is that it looks very dirty. When scattered, they are all It's slush and ice chips, so dirty...

Li Yun smiled and said: "Senior, do you know where life comes from?"

"This... the question you asked really stumped me! In fact, I have asked this question to others since I was a child, and when I grew up, others kept asking me, but I think After much deliberation, in the end we can only attribute this problem to the omnipotent universe. It is the magic of the universe that creates such a prosperous atmosphere of vitality at the moment. However, after all, there are still only a few stars with vitality. Sometimes we pass by A vast expanse of starry sky is actually deserted..." Yelusha sighed.

"Senior is right! There are many magical things about the universe, but the most magical thing is that it creates life. It is precisely because of the existence of these races of life that the magic of the universe has meaning. Otherwise, no matter how vast the universe is, No matter how grand, spectacular, or magnificent it is, no one will understand it or appreciate it... We don't need to deduce where life comes from, but I found in my research that the existence of ice Saturn seems to accelerate the growth of life. The speed at which breath spreads in the universe!" Li Yun said.

"What?!!!" Yelusha screamed and his eyes widened!

This statement really caught him off guard. He didn't expect those dirty ice Saturns to have such magical effects. How could it be possible? !

It was also the first time for Tai Lao Xingling, Zhu Ruoji and others to hear someone mention it like this. They all opened their mouths so wide that they could fit a big duck egg in!

Yelusha reacted and said: "Xiaoliu, is this unlikely? According to my observation, those ice Saturns are very dirty, almost all of them are silt, sand and ice chips, and there are very few signs of life, or there is no sign of life at all. After all, Ice Saturn doesn't even have an atmosphere or water. It's cold and dry and unsuitable for life at all..."

Li Yun nodded and said: "There are indeed no life forms visible to our naked eyes on Ice Saturn. However, what we can now know about life is that our life is actually composed of countless insignificant cell molecules. Presumably our predecessors also Do you know this?"

"This... is indeed the case, but these cell molecules in our bodies are meaningless if isolated. They can only form advanced beings like us if they obey the control of our bodies..." Yelusha thought.

"Seniors may not be familiar with the situation of poisonous lifeforms. Even if the cells and molecules in poisonous lifeforms are separated, they can survive and develop independently. Therefore, they have an innate instinct that they can break into parts. At the critical moment, this Instinct can help them escape..." Li Yun reminded.

"Is this so?!!!" Yelusha said in shock.

Tai Lao Xingling, Zhu Ruoji and others on the side nodded in agreement, and described the situation in which poisonous people could disappear for no reason, making Yelusha finally believe that it happened...

Li Yun smiled and said: "Senior, do you believe it now? Life can be decomposed to an extremely fine level. Those tiny life molecules are actually one of the important factors that form life, and there are many such lives on those ice Saturns. factor!"

"Wo!!!" Everyone was in an uproar, and no one could calm down anymore...

"Are you telling the truth?! But those life factors are extremely fragile, how could they survive in an environment like Ice Saturn?!" Yelusha still couldn't believe it.

"Didn't Seniors say that Ice Saturn is full of silt and ice chips? And Seniors should also know that ice chips are transformed from water, and water originally contains many life factors. These life factors are transformed from water into ice cubes. They were refrigerated and fixed during the process. Most of them may have lost their activity because of this, but some of them did not lose their activity, but entered a state of hibernation... In nature, we have found countless Life forms have the habit of hibernating. They have some special abilities, such as containing certain antifreeze substances. These substances can prevent them from being harmed during the process of getting cold. The organs in the body are not affected by ice spikes or spikes formed by body fluids. Damaged by ice, they can survive the severe cold period, and when spring comes, they can come back to life and start a new life..." Li Yun explained.

Yelusha was dumbfounded. Most of what Liufeng said was the first time he heard it. It was really difficult to understand everything at once, but he still understood that some life factors have the ability to resist freezing. Lurking in the ice balls, wandering around as the ice planet flies...

Moreover, he has indeed seen many of the life forms with hibernation habits mentioned by Liufeng. Even powerful people like him have experienced long-term sleep processes, during which they can completely skip food. I haven't drank for countless years, but my body is safe and sound. Since I can do it, of course I don't rule out that there are some life factors that can do this...

"So, is this how those life factors were carried to all parts of the universe by Ice Saturn?" Yelusha finally thought of this and asked excitedly.

"That's right! The ice balls carried on the ice Saturn are actually extremely huge. If some ice Saturn is completely melted, the amount of water it contains is enough to form a huge ocean! In such a huge ice environment, there are countless icicles hidden inside. The life factors required for the formation of life. When these ice Saturns are captured by other large planets and smashed onto the planet, these ice Saturns will melt away. Most of the life factors in them may be destroyed, but due to their quantity It is extremely huge, so there must be a small part that can survive by chance, so they began to multiply and multiply on this big planet, laying a certain material foundation for the birth of life later! Therefore, perhaps our racial civilization has never been to places, Local life forms will also be born due to the visit of Ice Saturn. From this perspective, I say that the existence of Ice Saturn actually accelerates the spread of vitality in the universe and contributes to the prosperity of this universe. It has a unique contribution!" Li Yunkan said.

"Wo..." Everyone exclaimed. They didn't expect that the breath of life could spread like this. This universe is really amazing...

However, what is even more amazing is that at such a young age, Liufeng was able to use this wonderful trick to defeat the universe. How did he do it?

Why have countless powerful beings in the universe never thought of such a thing? Rather, what about simply attributing the birth of life to the miracle of the universe?

It should be noted that even if the universe wants to create miracles, it must be created through some means, right?

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