The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3956 Speed ​​Racing

"This is…"

The two of them also noticed a huge building not far away with "Fast and Furious" written on it!

"It should have something to do with speed..." Boyan pondered.

"Go and have a look!"

He is very interested in Speed ​​Doro Technique when it comes to it, because he seems to have a natural fascination with speed. Experiencing passion in speed is one of his must-play items, so he likes to fly physically by himself rather than flying on his feet. Sword, or flying in a spaceship. However, this was only the experience when he first learned to fly. When he grows up, it is naturally more exciting to fly in a special spaceship, because the speed that the spacecraft can reach is far faster than that of the physical body. Incomparable.

In this regard, he also organized a special speed competition, in which everyone competes in a specially designed spaceship. They compete every once in a while, and each time is more exciting and more dangerous. This shows how obsessed he is with speed...

When entering the building, the first thing you see is rows of strange devices. Each row has a hundred positions. Each position is a small space. In each small space, there are people playing inside, and there are people outside. Wait in line…

Since they were unable to use their spiritual consciousness to observe, neither of them knew what the people inside were playing, but it could be seen from the faces of the people lining up outside that they were eager to enter the space and play quickly. This shows that this project How popular it is…

When the two of them were a little confused, an incredibly beautiful girl came up to her and said enthusiastically: "Hello, two distinguished guests! I'm Quan Xiaochan, welcome you. There were too many guests just now, so I'm late to welcome you." , please forgive me!"

When Doro Shu saw this girl, his eyes almost went straight. Fortunately, Boyan next to him said: "It's okay, I wonder what is being played here?"

"This is the simulation racing area. Have you two distinguished guests not played it yet?" Quan Xiaochan asked curiously.

"No, this is our first time here!" Boyan said.

"It turns out it's your first time here! For guests who come to play this project for the first time, we can give it to them for free. I wonder if you want to play?" Quan Xiaochan said suddenly.

"Free? Of course you have to play it!" Doro Shu said quickly. He was a little cash-strapped now, so of course he had to enjoy it for free.

"Hehe, then come with me inside. If you want to line up outside, you will have to wait for a long time!" Quan Xiaochan said with a smile.

Boyan was startled,

He hesitated: "Is this okay?"

"No problem! First-time guests, and of course VIP guests, can enjoy this benefit!" Quan Xiaochan explained.

"Oh? What if every guest comes and says it's their first time?" Boyan said with a smile.

"Generally speaking, customers are very honest and would not do this kind of thing. Of course, it is not ruled out that some people will do this, but we have black technology and can identify it!" Quan Xiaochan said with a smile.

"Black technology? What is black technology?" Boyan asked in surprise.

"Black technology is actually a general term for many special Taoist meanings. These Taoist ideas are very rare. Most people may never hear of them in their lives, let alone see them. Only by coming to our black technology space can we see them. To..." Quan Xiaochan explained.

"Oh? Are you sure?" Boyan asked suspiciously.

"Basically! Of course, except for people who have been here, but every once in a while, the number of our black technologies will increase and be updated, so if someone hasn't been here for a long time, they may be exposed to newer technologies. There are so many updated black technologies..."

While they were talking, the three of them had already arrived inside. Quan Xiaochan put his right hand in front of a black light screen, and saw a crystal wall beside it slide open silently, revealing a small space inside!

"Huh?!" The two of them were stunned. They didn't realize that this wall actually concealed a mechanism. What a surprise!

Entering the space, you find that there is quite a lot inside, and the volume is much larger than what you see outside. From this, you can tell that this is a space within a space. Although designs like this are not uncommon, they are not common either. After all, this requires a lot of space materials, and space materials have always been extremely expensive, and few people are willing to invest so much in building them.

"This is a two-person space. There are two sets of racing equipment. Not only can you experience it by yourself, but you can also compete with each other. How about it? Is it exciting?" Quan Xiaochan said with a smile.

"Oh?!" The two of them were startled and looked at each other. They both saw a glimmer of desire to win in each other's eyes. It seemed that they couldn't survive without competing...

Quan Xiaochan added: "You two are here for the first time, and you need to enter identity information in our system. This information is universal in the entire black technology space, and entering information is also very simple. You only need to stand at this location. Now, let’s extract fingerprints and eye prints!”

"Fingerprints and eye prints?" The two of them were startled, and then looked at each other.

"Everyone's fingerprints and eye prints are unique. We don't need your more secret information, not even the origin of your name. We only need these two prints for identification. These two prints will be related to If your membership card matches, it will be more convenient for you to shop in the mall in the future, and it is also very convenient to purchase in the online mall. You can go online by scanning your fingerprint!" Quan Xiaochan explained.

The two of them were a little confused. After all, they didn't know that fingerprints and eye patterns were unique. Could it be that there are so many people in the world and everyone is different?

Also, what other online shopping malls are here? Why didn’t I know about them before?

Seeing the expressions on the two people's faces, Quan Xiaochan explained and demonstrated more patiently, and finally got them to cooperate in completing the scanning task. She also logged into the online mall to experience it, and finally understood what was going on.

At this time, the two of them had their minds blown, because they found that the scale of the online mall was even larger than what they had seen in the mall, and the amount of information was almost beyond the scope of their brains. They received so much at once. It’s really hard to digest information in a short period of time…

Just when the two were in love in the online mall and refused to leave, Quan Xiaochan brought them back to reality and said: "Two distinguished guests, you can experience the speed racing project!"

"Speed ​​racing car? Isn't it a speeding spaceship?" Doro Shu asked curiously.

"We also have a high-speed spacecraft project, but it's on the upper floor. This floor is the high-speed racing car. Don't underestimate this racing project. It's very exciting to play!" Quan Xiaochan said.

"What's so exciting about racing? Are we supposed to drive those little animals as fast as we can?" Doro Shu snorted.

"Little animals? No, no, you'll find out when you enter the simulation area!" Quan Xiaochan said with a smile.

"Not a small animal? What could it be?"

"Hehe, our racing cars are all specially designed special racing cars. Their performance is much better than ordinary spaceships! If placed in the interstellar space, they will definitely run much faster than ordinary spaceships!" Quan Xiaochan said confidently.

"Is that so?!" The two of them were stunned again!

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Under the guidance of Quan Xiaochan, the two finally saw the legendary special racing car. However, this racing car was just a model car, not a real racing car. However, in this Driving it in the simulation area feels exactly like driving a real racing car.

Quan Xiaochan gave a demonstration to the two of them. They finally understood what this simulated racing car was about, and their interest was greatly enhanced!

Yes, it’s really cool! Don’t accept it!

I saw Quan Xiaochan put on a cool helmet and the driver's special robe, and after entering the special seat in the racing car, the control began quickly!

A dazzling light and shadow lit up in front, and the light and shadow surrounded the entire racing car. The surrounding environment suddenly changed, and the racing car seemed to be driving on a real track. The design of this track is really special, with ups and downs, twists and turns. There are many twists and turns, and there are many roadblocks, which especially test the driver's driving skills, as well as physical strength and experience. The car is flying on the track, sometimes rising high, sometimes falling, sometimes flying in the air for a while, and sometimes turning over violently. After several somersaults and one poor control, the car may roll over or even be thrown off the track. A lot of time will be lost when you re-enter the track. In addition to these problems, there will also be problems with forks in the road. If you don’t watch the car while driving at high speed, If you clear the road signs, you may go astray all of a sudden. If you get lost and come back, you will lose more time. If you accidentally fall into a trap, it will be even worse. In short, it is not easy to reach the end smoothly. .

And if there are multiple players in the game, there will be more variables, because the opponent may set up many obstacles for you. If you can't find tricks, or even counterattack, then you will naturally lose...

It can be said that this so-called racing event is actually a competition that extremely tests a person's comprehensive ability. It is no wonder that many people become more and more addicted to it and can't stop...

Doro Shu has experience in racing competitions, but he never expected that the variables in this racing event alone far exceeded all the competitions he had participated in before, almost countless times more. The blood in his heart boiled, and the desire to race ignited...

He couldn't wait to put on his equipment, got into the racing car model next to him, and started messing around like Quan Xiaochan!

When Boyan saw this, he was naturally unwilling to lag behind. He quickly asked Quan Xiaochan to get down and got into the car to practice. Soon he was immersed in the passionate atmosphere of high-speed racing and couldn't extricate himself...

Quan Xiaochan couldn't help but smile when he saw this. It seemed that the task had been completed. As long as these two people got started, Xingyun Palace would have a way for them to continue playing...

Because whether it’s racing or rowing, it’s all leftover from the Star Luck Castle people. If you want to make it more exciting, it will be more exciting, so that people can always maintain a high level of adrenaline. In this state Under this situation, no one can control their state of mind well, and they will just keep playing forgetfully...

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