The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3970 1 March

Duoluoshu nodded slowly and said: "Very good! Xingyun Palace did not disappoint me! Fairy Xiaochan, please!"

Quan Xiaochan smiled and said, "I wonder if Brother Duo and Brother Bo are willing to be witnesses?"

"Witness?" The two of them were startled.

"Yes, when I break through the barrier, you can help me bear witness behind me. If there are any problems during the period, you can point them out in time. And if I set a record, you can also stand on the list forever as witnesses." Above!" Quan Xiaochan said.

"This...good!!!" the two of them responded in unison.

"I also want to be a witness!" Yu Qier shouted excitedly.

"You want to be Sister Yu too?" Quan Xiaochan was startled.

"Yes, if my sister wants to set a record, how can she be without me as her sister? I will definitely cheer for you!" Yu Qier said sharply.

"And us!" Jiang Hai and Meng Gong shouted in unison.

Quan Xiaochan was amused and said with a smile: "You all want to be witnesses? It's not easy to be a witness. However, I will protect you. Come in with me!"

"It's not easy?!" The three of them were stunned and looked at each other...

"Hehe, do you think you can bear the pressure of the 399th floor? But I will let you have a good time today. As long as you are in the formation I have arranged, you will be fine. Follow me in quickly. Right! By the way, and all my friends here, if you also want to be witnesses, then please stay here and watch, okay?" Quan Xiaochan said loudly.


"Little cicada!" "Little cicada!!" "Little cicada!!!"...

People suddenly became excited and cheers started to sound again...

Seeing Quan Xiaochan's confident look, people began to believe that what she said must be true, otherwise she would not be so relaxed and comfortable. People were full of expectations for the upcoming challenges!

The six people soon appeared in the racing space just now. It can be seen that there was a certain amount of chaos in the space. Some insignificant items were scattered on the floor, some were smashed, and some still had fragments. This was of course Doro Shu and Boyan. The consequences of leaving before...

The two of them were a little embarrassed when they saw this scene. Boyan waved his hand and all the debris was taken away by him, and the space immediately became as clean as before.

Looking at the two people's original cars, since there was no one to control them, they both encountered car accidents almost as soon as they left. The race process was also interrupted, and they stayed on the 41st and 36th floors respectively!

Seeing such a scene of a car crash with no one dead, Doluoshu and Boyan had embarrassment on their faces. Originally, they were quite proud, but after learning about Quan Xiaochan's record, this record suddenly changed. Transformed into a stepping stone character, it seems that Quan Xiaochan is waiting to step on it...

Naturally, Quan Xiaochan was no longer polite. After arriving in this space, an aura naturally emerged from her body, as if this was her world and everything was under her control. Such an aura that controlled everything. , people outside the space cannot feel it, but inside the space, Duo Luoshu, Boyan, Yu Qier, Jiang Hai and Meng Gong really felt it. They looked at Quan Xiaochan in surprise, It feels like she has completely changed!

I saw Quan Xiaochan wave his hand, and a spiritual light covered Yu Qier, Jiang Hai and Meng Gong, and then said with a smile: "I will choose Brother Bo's racing car, and buy a new car first!"

She stretched out her left hand and swiped the jade ring she wore on her left wrist on a contactor next to the racing car. A flash of light flashed, and she saw that Boyan's broken racing car slowly gathered together, and after a while it was completely restored. Blooming with a shiny metallic luster…

While buying the car, Quan Xiaochan had already put on a set of basic equipment. Seeing that the car was in place, she ducked in and with a little hand, the car restarted! ! !

"Huhu——" "Huhuhu——" "Huhuhu——"...

The car is like the wind, moving forward at lightning speed on the track...

"Oh my God!!!" There was a cry of exclamation inside and outside the stadium!

Jiang Hai and Meng Gong's eyes almost went straight!

Duoluoshu and Boyan opened their mouths.

I couldn’t believe my eyes!

Yu Qier covered her mouth with her delicate hands, her delicate body trembled violently, and she screamed again and again!

Without it, Quan Xiaochan's racing method is simply earth-shattering, completely shattering everyone's imagination about racing!

In order to avoid various obstacles on the road, ordinary people are cautious, looking left and right, and their consciousness is scanning wildly, fearing that if they fail to avoid it, the car will crash and people will be killed, so the speed of progress is sometimes like a turtle crawling. , even masters like Duoluo Shu and Boyan can't avoid this way of progress, especially the farther to the back, the more obstacles there are, and the way they appear becomes more bizarre, giving the racers time to react. Getting shorter and shorter…

So people had to rely on money and flesh to resist all kinds of violent attacks, in order to be able to move forward on this thorny road!

Of course, there are also people who gradually figure out some racing skills during this process, which can bring them a great sense of accomplishment and pleasure, and this is one of the main reasons why people are so enthusiastic about this project...

But seeing Quan Xiaochan driving the racing car all the way, almost turning a blind eye to all the obstacles on the road, people were completely stunned!

"what happened?"

"Where are those barriers on the road?"

"All behind the racing car!"


"It was too fast. The car flew over before those obstacles were formed!"

“Is this the right way to race cars?!”

"No, didn't you see that Xiaochan's car did not move in a straight line, but made slight changes?" Some sharp-eyed people finally discovered a clue...

After being reminded, many people found that it was indeed the case. Quan Xiaochan's car seemed to be moving forward like lightning, but it did not go straight forward on the way forward, but had slight ups and downs and twists. However, due to her extreme speed, Fast, making this change of direction look more like trembling. This kind of trembling seems to be inadvertent, but to those with poisonous eyes, every movement she makes is not without purpose, but after extremely precise processing. It’s only possible through design and practice!

For most ordinary people, this kind of precision-designed movements may not be possible after a lifetime of hard training, but for Quan Xiaochan, it seems to be natural, as if she was born to make such movements, just like many cultivators. Just like masters practicing their stunts, their movements and weapons are integrated with their people, creating a natural sound...

Looking at Quan Xiaochan's record, in just a short while, her car rushed from the original 36th floor to the 46th floor, and it was constantly refreshing at a jaw-dropping speed!

"Forty-seventh floor!"

"Fifty-eight, fifty-nine! Breaking two floors in a row!!"

"Ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven! Break through three floors in a row!!!"


Everyone was watching and shouting, and the shouts were surprisingly uniform...

Gradually, people discovered that their shouts seemed to have a rhythm, as if they were shouting some kind of rhythmic slogan, which sounded particularly good!

Yes, Quan Xiaochan's racing process contains an intoxicating rhythm. If this rhythm is integrated into music, it will definitely become an exciting and uplifting march. This is how her racing car keeps rising. Playing a song of victory, racing forward at full speed...

Stimulated by the sound of the wind tearing the air from the racing car and the thrilling rhythm of advancement, the feeling of pursuit of speed in people's hearts was also fully aroused. They began to chant rhythmically, twisting and twisting their bodies, almost It's like doing a collective square dance...

"One hundred and ninety-eight! One hundred and ninety-nine! Two hundred!!!" people shouted, their faces were blood red...


The entire racing hall has turned into a sea of ​​joy. Under the guidance of the racing cars, people swayed rhythmically with the trembling way of the racing cars, and their faces were filled with a sense of joy of conquest...

This moment has definitely become the most unforgettable experience in everyone's life, and moving forward on the road of racing has also become the choice of many people. This belief becomes stronger and stronger as Quan Xiaochan's racing progresses...

Duoluoshu and Boyan were also extremely excited at this time. Their whole minds had completely sunk in as the racing car progressed. What they saw and felt was much more than the people watching from the outside. For everyone, They could only praise Xiaochan's power crazily in their hearts, because they were under tremendous pressure at this time!

This pressure also gradually increases as the level rises. Although it is not as powerful as the impact when a car accident occurs, it is not far away, because they were continuously impacted by the car accident when they reached the fortieth floor. Although there is no car accident now, the pressure that naturally increases with each level increases at an accelerated pace, making them feel the terrible pressure of being hit hard all the time...

Fortunately, with the strength of their bodies, they could still withstand this kind of pressure. However, what surprised them was that Yu Qier, Jiang Hai and Meng Gong, who were standing next to them, acted as if nothing had happened and seemed much more relaxed than them. .

The two of them suddenly remembered that Quan Xiaochan had thrown a spiritual light at the three of them before they started racing. Obviously, this spiritual light was a formation to protect the three of them. This formation was somewhat similar to the Doro Technique at the south gate of the capital. , as well as the spiritual light that I encountered when I took action before. It was the same spiritual light that caused Doro Technique to be repeatedly frustrated and hit...

What exactly is this spiritual light?

How should this formation be broken?

Xingyun Palace can have such a level of formations. What is their origin?

In this starry sky, aren't the black holes standing at the top? Why does Xingyun Palace have such a formation that can block the attacks of the core disciples of the Black Hole Clan?

Or is it that my strength is not enough, what if a powerful person from the clan comes and can break it?

These questions quickly passed through the minds of the two of them at this moment...

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