The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3996 Calligraphy in a broad sense

Of course Ladu said this on the surface, but in fact, on the one hand, he wanted to see Ling Daozi's true face, and on the other hand, he also wanted to hear what Ling Daozi said on this issue. From what he said You can naturally tell whether he has real talent in calligraphy, and whether the calligraphy work was actually made by him...

However, after he entered here and saw Ling Daozi with his own eyes, the suspicion in his heart was gradually fading away. It was not as strong as when he first came in. After all, appearance is justice, especially since Ling Daozi spoke so nicely. His behavior is so polite and lawful. He is many times more stable than his good grandson Ling Fei. Ling Daozi's charming smile and his amazing temperament are all these factors. They are rapidly changing Ladu's initial view of him, so now he wants to hear Ling Daozi give a more layered explanation than Ling Fei...

In fact, he also knows that Ling Fei's explanation is enough for most people. This is basically a basic explanation of calligraphy in the world of cultivation. It is extraordinary for many people to understand it to this extent. At Ling Fei's age, he can say It's not bad to come up with this kind of sentiment. As for a higher sentiment, I'm afraid I need those calligraphers to share their unique sentiments, right?

He looked at Ling Daozi expectantly, not caring about the resentment on Ling Fei's face at this moment...

But Ling Daozi flicked his hand, and a light curtain appeared in the space, saying: "Before I elaborate on this issue, I would like to ask all the seniors to take a look at these two works..."

When everyone heard this, their eyes turned to the light curtain involuntarily, and they saw two words appearing on the screen, both of which were the word "fly". The one on the left is what people usually see, and it is also the most popular and official word in ordinary printed matter. The flying character, but the one on the right is different. A sharp-eyed person can tell at a glance that the flying character should be written by Zhiyong, who belongs to the Zhi style of calligraphy. It is also a model that many people in the audience often copy!

When everyone was a little confused, they heard Ling Daozi say: "I believe all the seniors should have noticed that the one on the left is the official character of Fei of the Black Hole Clan, and the one on the right is the character of Fei written by Senior Zhi. I wonder if Mr. Ling can Tell me the differences between them?”

When Ling Fei heard this, he blurted out: "Do you need to say this? It's obvious at a glance! The character on the left is simply unsightly, but the character on the right is like a flying dragon and a phoenix, vigorous and powerful, which is the best among all calligraphy schools! "

Xiaoxing heard this and praised: "Young Master's evaluation is very accurate, but..."

"But what?!" Ling Fei was startled.

"To say that the official word "fly" on the left is unsightly is indeed a bit excessive. This word also has its advantages!" Xiaoxing said.

"Benefits? What benefits can it have?!" Ling Fei snorted.

"Look, sir, which of these two characters is simpler? Which one has fewer strokes?"

"Of course...the official word is Fei!" Ling Fei responded.

"Not bad! It's simple and easy to understand. Fewer strokes make it easier to write and faster, which is conducive to daily recognition and communication. Moreover, this flying character looks smooth and regular, in line with the general requirements of the official fonts and the stable public. It's exactly For these reasons, we will choose this type of calligraphy as the official Chinese character. Otherwise, why didn’t the official give up on it and choose Senior Zhi’s characters as the official Chinese character for communication?” Xiaoxing said.

Ling Fei was in a daze for a while, and nodded slowly involuntarily: "When you say that, it really means that..."

After hearing Ling Daozi's words, everyone present secretly praised him...

Xiaoxing continued: "Actually, an important function of text is to exchange information. If it is in normal times, people may not feel it, but if it happens in wartime, every second counts. Even if you send a message just one breath away, you may be affected by it. And saved the fate of a spaceship, as well as thousands of lives! So at this time, the fewer strokes, the simpler, and the faster the writing speed comes in handy, as long as it can be written as quickly as possible ,

If you can be understood by the other party, then it is the best choice. However, if you are still writing an extremely complicated word one stroke at a time of crisis, no matter how beautiful the writing is, it will not be of much use. , it looks more like committing suicide, right? "

"'s true..." Everyone nodded after hearing this. Looking at these two words in the picture, they suddenly didn't feel that the official character "Fei" on the left was as ugly as Ling Fei said. On the contrary, it became very ugly. Desirability…

Ling Fei reacted, his face turned red from suppressing it, but he couldn't refute it, because even he felt that it was true, and he couldn't wait to write it. Could it be that he was still writing stroke by stroke, taking the trouble to write slowly?

Of course this is suicide!

It doesn’t matter how beautifully you write!

Zhiyong praised: "After listening to what Xiaoling said, I also feel that the flying character I wrote is a bit too aesthetically pleasing. The strokes are a bit redundant, and it is not very good for daily communication!"

Little At first glance, it looks like it’s about to fly by itself, so it’s naturally a sign of a very high level!”

"Haha, I also want to see what Xiaoling's flying character looks like?" Zhiyong laughed.

"Junior, please don't be clumsy! In fact, what I just said is to pave the way for answering the question of what is calligraphy, because this question points directly to the origin of calligraphy. Calligraphy is composed of individual characters, and the origin of characters It was originally created by people for the purpose of communication. This is the basic function carried by writing. It is precisely because of this function that writing comes from scratch, from complex to simple, from chaotic to unified official characters. , this is all to standardize people's daily writing. It can be said that the view that calligraphy is writing just mentioned by Ling Gongzi is in line with the basic function of calligraphy, from literacy to writing, and then to how to write these standardized characters. To convey information more conveniently in daily communication, this is the most basic meaning of calligraphy! This is actually one of the most important uses of calligraphy and one of its values!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Ling Fei's expression improved upon hearing this. It seemed that there was no big flaw in his answer. After all, Ling Daozi still agreed with his statement...

Zhiyong praised: "It makes sense! Speaking of which, this was also the original intention of me when I organized a group of calligraphers to introduce official characters. Originally, there were many forms of writing in our own clan, and people from various places sometimes couldn't read them when they went elsewhere. I understand the other person’s words but not what the other person is saying. This situation became much better until the words were unified!”

Radu stroked his beard and said: "Elder Zhi, as well as many elders here, have made significant contributions to the clan in unifying the written language! They deserve commendation!!!"

"Thank you, patriarch! This is my responsibility and what I should do!" Zhiyong said quickly.

"Yes, yes..." Others also echoed...

Ladu waved his hand and said: "No need to say more, I really ignored this matter. Now after listening to Xiao Ling's words, I realized that unified writing, especially the introduction of this simplified official character, has great influence on the development of this tribe. Promoting role, it was my fault that I didn’t reward you at the beginning, and it’s time to make up for it now!”

"This..." Everyone was startled and looked at each other...

Zhiyong came to his senses and shouted loudly: "Thank you, patriarch!!!"

"Thank you, patriarch!"

"Thank you, patriarch!!"

"Thank you..."

Everyone expressed their thanks one after another, and everyone was elated. Unexpectedly, Ling Daozi gave him a big gift after his words. This was really unexpected...

Little No matter how exaggerated it is, it has penetrated into every aspect of people’s lives in a subtle way, and everyone and everything cannot do without it..."

"Well said! Xiao Ling, you just said that this is the most basic meaning of calligraphy, so what other meanings does calligraphy have?" Radu asked, stroking his beard.


"This... the word for top grade is naturally the word "fly" written by Elder Zhi!" Radu said decisively.

"Senior Patriarch is right! In fact, each of us can see that although the simplified version of the character "Fei" is neutral, peaceful and well-behaved, it is lively, cute, smart and elegant. To put it simply, it seems a bit dull and unbearable to look at, but the wisdom The word "fly" written by the seniors has a flying meaning flowing in it. After reading it, people want to read it again, and after tasting it, they still want to taste it. If someone can appreciate this meaning, maybe it will be done. It is possible to enter the art of calligraphy, so such calligraphy must be of the highest quality!" Xiaoxing said.

"Indeed..." Radu nodded slightly.

Xiaoxing continued: "From this comparison, we can define calligraphy in another way. What Ling Gongzi said is explained from the perspective of calligraphy in a narrow sense, because he pointed out the basic role of calligraphy and reflected its functionality. In a broad sense, after people's long-term research and practice of calligraphy, calligraphy has transformed from a simple text information function into an artistic function. Its symbolic nature has become stronger, but its original information transmission function has become weaker. , people are more interested in appreciating the beauty of calligraphy works, experiencing the calligrapher's mood and changes when writing, and the artistic conception he created at that time. A good calligraphy work can completely bring people into the world of calligraphy. In the artistic conception of the home at that time, to experience the wonderful feeling of having a conversation with the calligrapher from a distance..."

…To be continued

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