The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3998 Preacher

In the eyes of everyone, Ling Daozi seemed to have transformed into a prophet-like existence and was preaching here, and he was lucky enough to be one of his first followers!

Even Ladu's expression became quiet, which was a sign of piety towards a preacher. In Ladu's view, the truth that Ling Daozi taught was actually far more than just calligraphy, but involved many things. Regarding the origin of the field, indeed, nature is the best mentor for the newly born beings. Aren’t many cognitions and skills learned from nature?

In fact, in addition to these achievements in life and art, many exercises in the world of cultivation also come from the enlightenment of nature. The creators of those exercises often obtain enlightenment from a certain point in nature, and then combine it with their own characteristics, so as to create such skills. However, after these skills were passed down to later generations, the practitioners, like most calligraphers, only focused on practicing the techniques inherited from their predecessors, but few people Will go back to its original origin, and this is precisely the problem of these people today!

It can be said that Ling Daozi's discussion has greatly helped people like me understand how to approach the future of cultivation. Such merit can be regarded as immeasurable...

Xiaoxing continued: "Back to the question of what calligraphy is, we now understand that calligraphy has two meanings, narrow and broad. Calligraphy in the narrow sense pays more attention to practicality, while calligraphy in the broad sense pays more attention to artistry. In the field of art, a The important question is what is beauty?”

"What is beauty..." Everyone's thoughts closely followed Ling Daozi...

"The aesthetic orientation of a race determines the aesthetic height of the race, and also determines the moral and aesthetic level of the race's civilization. If a race uses vulgar vulgar sensationalism, fame, reputation, and other means to create gods as its beauty, then its aesthetic level will also It is not much higher, and the aesthetic level is not high, which actually reflects its moral decay, and even has no bottom line at all! On the other hand, if a person of a race has noble sentiments, pursues positivity and optimism, is indomitable, and strives to be the first, etc. If they have upward and beautiful spiritual qualities, then they will surely be able to draw the same beautiful images from nature, thereby creating beautiful works that are endlessly delicious... Here, what I want to say is that nature is all-encompassing, both There are good things, and of course there are bad things. Therefore, whether life can absorb the beautiful essence from it actually depends on one's own cultivation and efforts, otherwise it will definitely be counterproductive..." Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense...many races finish the game themselves before others can destroy them. The reason for this is largely related to their self-destruction!" Zhiyong said.

"Yes, things and phenomena in this world always exist in opposition. There is yin and yang, there is white and black, there is beauty and there is ugliness. And to many people's surprise, ugly phenomena tend to be significantly different. The phenomenon of more than good things, if there is no good guidance, the so-called good things will often be submerged in the massive ugly things. This is the reason why bad money drives out good money!" Xiaoxing added.

"This..." Although everyone didn't understand what Ling Daozi said about bad money driving out good money, they still vaguely knew that beautiful things in a world are extremely precious. If they are not protected, they will not be destroyed. If you guide them, then these things will soon be replaced by those ugly things...

Zhiyong said suspiciously: "Then how should we guide aesthetic orientation?"

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "For a calligrapher, the best weapon to guide aesthetic orientation is of course the pen in his hand. The works he creates, a good work, can convey what is true beauty to In the minds of the general public!”

"Woah!!!" Everyone heard a soft cry, and suddenly felt that the burden on them suddenly became much heavier!

Ling Daozi said it right. As the leaders of the race, we shoulder such a heavy burden. If we can't let the people understand what true beauty is,

Then it is impossible to cut off those ugly phenomena that are vulgar and vulgar. If you are not careful, they may become popular. In the end, even people like you may be submerged in such an ugly spiritual realm...

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but quietly ask themselves, can they really shoulder such a heavy responsibility?

If you want to spread beauty and guide people to understand beauty, you must first stand upright, have a positive aesthetic view, lead by example, be positive, optimistic and enterprising, and create masterpieces that can inspire people. If you stand upright It is not honest to begin with, even the position was stolen through some unfair means, and even the works may have been plagiarized from others, so how can you have the confidence to spread true beauty?

Some of them began to lose their composure and fell into deep reflection...

What made them even more uneasy was that Ling Daozi went on to say: "The good or bad, the beauty or the ugliness of a work can actually reflect the cultivation and character of the creator to a certain extent. A gaudy work, At first glance, it seems to be extremely beautiful, colorful and eye-catching, but this is just superficial and lacks a deep spiritual realm. In other words, this kind of work is extremely unbearable and people may look at it a few more times at first. You can look at it and admire it a few times, but that's all. People will no longer come to see it, because it is extremely annoying to watch such works and will cause great discomfort. If you watch it too many times, you will even get into trouble with yourself. The taste of people has unknowingly declined a lot. On the contrary, high-level works may not feel like it when they first see it, but they will leave a little impression on people. When they come back and look at it again, they will find that There are good things in it that he has not noticed, so he will stop and think about it carefully. When he starts to think about it, he will find that such an unusual work actually contains an extremely profound spiritual realm, which makes people appreciate it. I still want to watch it again, to the point where I can’t stop watching it. The shocking thing about this kind of work lies in the creator’s profound cultivation, noble character, and the fascinating and beautiful artistic conception he created in the work. …”

"Oh my god..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but exclaimed!

Yes, Ling Daozi's words contain great and profound connotations. There seem to be countless things worthy of careful consideration. It can be said that his words themselves are a top-notch work!

But those who were reflecting on it heard the implication of these words, that is, the works can reflect the cultivation and character of the creator. This is really scary, because I have also created many works. If it falls into the same category, In the eyes of a master like Ling Daozi, wouldn't it be possible to tell what kind of person he is at a glance?

This is simply naked self-exposure...

These people's hearts were beating fast, thinking about how to hide and protect themselves. At the very least, they could not take out their works easily. Otherwise, if they were discovered and exposed, they would be really embarrassed... But Xiaoxing did not give up. The listeners took time to think and continued: "After solving the problem of what is beauty, it becomes possible for us to talk about what is the beauty of calligraphy art! We now know that the works created by a calligrapher actually contain Many things include the writing rules of words, the connection between words, the coherence between lines, the avoidance and response relationship between lines, the layout of the entire article, the overall flow of the chapter, etc. , however, these only belong to the category of techniques in calligraphy. As a calligrapher and an artist, all he has to do is to use these skillful techniques to show his cultivation, his knowledge, and his The spiritual realm makes the meaning of the whole work vividly appear on the paper, ready to be heard! Therefore, without rich cultural heritage, it is impossible to create beautiful works!"

"..." Everyone was listening attentively, even holding their breath. You could almost hear a pin drop on the ground...

Little Why does beauty exist in nature?”

"Yes..." Everyone whispered again, and questions were thrown out one after another, making them feel that they were getting further and further away from Ling Daozi's realm...

Xiaoxing asked herself and answered: "Chaos first opens, nature is established, yin and yang are established, yin and yang are established, and the situation emerges! The so-called situation is posture, and naturally there is posture, and there is beauty! Such as thickness, thickness, Size, distance, height, density, virtuality, thickness, slant, etc., these are all contrasting relationships formed by yin and yang. With yin and yang, it seems natural. For example, among us, there are males and females, heights and heights. Some are short, some are fat, some are thin, some are white and some are black. Another example is that our five fingers are long and short, thick and thin. They are not a neat face, nor are they five neat fingers. , this is nature, that is, it is not controlled by humans. Another example is the plants in nature. You see a forest. The branches are high and short, the leaves are withered and prosperous, and the trees are sparse and dense. They are different from us. The distance is far or near, the branches are upright or slanted, the trunk is thick or thin, etc. These are all natural. When nature is there, there is the contrast of yin and yang. When yin and yang are there, the posture of the characters is also there. The word "gesture" becomes beautiful, and the feeling of beauty comes out... Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. We understand that yin and yang create and harmonize, understand the situation, understand the posture, and then Incorporate it into the art of calligraphy, so as to achieve a balance between hardness and softness, complementation of virtuality and reality, both square and round, and appropriate density..."

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