The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4007 Picking up people

However, what they dare not imagine is how the Black Hole Clan can bring them to Tiangang Peak from such a distant place!

In the world inside the cave, the continents are extremely far apart. Even if the people in the cave travel throughout their lives, they may never finish it. This place is like a vast universe. Many people don’t even know that this is the inner world of a black hole. They don't know that there is a vaster universe outside this universe. In their hearts, they don't even know that this is a black hole!

Those who truly understand black holes only belong to those high-level people in the cave, but many people from middle and low-level races have no idea at all...

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, a trip to the distant Tiangang Continent and Tiangang Peak, the highest mountain in the Tiangang Continent, is simply the highest wish in their lives. It may never be realized, but they never thought that this day would come so quickly. , because the Black Hole tribe said that as long as a spiritual light can take them over, but is this possible?

Many people have doubts in their hearts, but they have another belief in their hearts, that is, the abilities of the Black Hole tribe are extremely powerful, and as long as they say it will work, it will definitely work! No matter how far it is!

Everyone is ready and waiting for the spiritual light to come. I don't know what it will be like. I'm so looking forward to it...

In fact, just like many people of all races in the black hole world do not know that they are in a black hole, countless people in the dark universe do not know the existence of the positive universe, let alone that there is another universe outside this big universe! ! !

Perhaps the positive universe and the dark universe are just two larger worlds inside black holes. Li Yun and Xiaoxing have already guessed this. Of course, they also thought of other forms of universe existence, such as the black hole universe. In addition, there are also parallel universes. The so-called parallel universes are actually related to quantum uncertainty and quantum entanglement. Therefore, a person may exist in different parallel universes at the same time. How to understand this?

Here I can briefly talk about one of Xiaoxing's research results. For example, when a person goes out and decides which way to go by tossing a coin, if it is heads, he will go east; if it is tails, he will go west. When the coin The moment it falls, the probability of appearing front and back is almost half!

This creates randomness. Which direction he goes depends entirely on the result of the coin falling. When this result appears, he will go in one of the directions, and this direction represents a certain parallel universe, which is where he will continue his life. A kind of interpretation, and if it is in another direction, it represents another parallel universe. Next, his life will have another interpretation, and this universe will also have a completely different performance...

It can be said that randomness represents a kind of life and a parallel universe, so how does a person choose?

Perhaps his choice can only be left to fate, because the randomness is too great and it can happen almost every moment. If all his thoughts are spent on making choices, then he simply doesn't have to live a good life!

This is actually a manifestation of quantum randomness. You may never know what will happen next moment. This may make people feel frustrated because they cannot accurately grasp the direction of their life. However, think about it conversely, if there is no Such randomness, but a life that can be seen at a glance, will it be too boring again?

What attracts a person to continue to walk through life, continue to engage in research in a certain field, and continue to engage in a certain career is precisely because of the infinite possibilities ahead...

A world, a universe, is formed by the synthesis of countless such random manifestations. There is no inevitable world, and there is no inevitable universe. It always continues to move forward in uncertainty...

All these randomnesses are actually critical moments of this world or universe. A single thought may cause this world or universe to go to the other side. You can imagine how complicated the multiple worlds caused by uncertainty are...

From another study by Xiaoxing, we can know that

Due to the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, the movement of one quantum here can cause the same movement phenomenon of another quantum at infinite distance. In this case, the same quantum may also appear in different parallel universes at the same time, if these quantum are exactly What about quanta in the makeup of life?

Does this mean that it is possible for a person to exist in countless different parallel universes at the same time?

This possibility certainly exists, but the number is unlikely to be so large. After all, it involves a specific cosmic environment. Different environments will lead to different states of existence of life. Some are adaptable and some are not. , therefore, each life may be in different situations in different parallel universes. Some may do well, some may fall to the bottom, and some may even not exist at all...

Understanding this truth may help alleviate the psychological crisis. After all, if you do not do well in this universe, there will be another self in other universes who lives an extremely happy life. Moreover, due to quantum entanglement, each person will There is always a chance for you to appear in the universe, which almost means that you are in a state of immortality, so you don’t have to feel sad that your current self will die soon, because you will be a hero again in another universe a few years later!

Let’s go back to Operation Heavenly Book. Since the connections in Heavenly Book are all single-line connections, its purpose is naturally to keep secrets. However, since there are many recipients, it is inevitable that some of them will leak the secret, especially some of them have hidden ambitions. Therefore, this operation gradually spread in the world inside the cave, but this will also happen after a while...

After rigorous screening, the review team finally determined the target candidates and works. The next step was to pick them up. This process required extremely large amounts of energy, and the crystals prepared earlier were not enough!

Radu quickly ordered someone to bring the space stone prepared separately, which was full of top-quality crystals. The crystals were consumed so fast that Radu felt a little painful. However, for the Black Hole Clan, this was actually just a drop in the bucket. , cannot damage the foundation.

Soon, the pick-up operation began!

Everyone stared closely at the Book of Heaven, wanting to see how it picks up people...

In the imagination of many people, the Book of Heaven should emit a spiritual light, and then after the spiritual light reaches its destination, it picks up the person and then takes it back. Doesn't this bring the person back?

Since there are many people to pick up, countless rays of light will be emitted, and then the high platform will be full of thousands of lights, extremely brilliant!

Just when people were eagerly anticipating the appearance of this scene, they discovered that there was no such dazzling light bursting out from the high platform. There was only a group of energy shadows slowly rotating in the sky. Among the shadows, people could see shadowy figures. Scenes and figures, but the more specific details cannot be clearly seen. People speculate that these images should have taken place in extremely far away places. It is normal to be unclear...

Suddenly, some small bright spots faintly appeared in the shadow. At first, people didn't pay much attention to it, but when these small bright spots became more and more numerous and dense, people finally discovered it!


"What are those spots of light?"

"It seems to be everywhere..."

"Yes, are they stars?"

"What the Book of Heaven locks is not stars, but people, right?"


After hearing the speculation made by someone, people suddenly realized that yes, these light spots should be the people targeted by the Book of Heaven!

Only then did they realize that the Book of Heaven actually had energy waves extending out a long time ago. Otherwise, how could they possibly get in touch with the other party?

Therefore, there is no need for Tianshu to send out any more spiritual light to pick up people. It only needs to take advantage of the energy wave that was extended before!

Sure enough, if you look carefully at those light spots, they are slowly gathering towards the middle, my God! ! !

The Book of Heaven is really picking up people!

Everyone's hearts were surging and their blood was boiling. Such a long-distance and large-scale pick-up operation was really eye-opening and exciting...

The light spots come before and after. When the first light spot reaches the center point, people look up and find that a light group appears across the sky in the distance, and it "swipes" and falls on the designated position!

fertile! ! !

"Brother Zhang Ying?!!!" Zhiyong shouted and immediately rushed to meet him!

Zhang Ying in the light group was very idle and seemed to be a little confused. He obviously didn't know where he was at this time. It wasn't until he heard someone calling him that he suddenly woke up. When he looked carefully, he also screamed: "Zhi Brother?!!!”

"Haha, Brother Zhang, are you okay here?" Zhiyong laughed.

"Is this really Tiangang Peak?!" Zhang Ying said in shock.

"Yes, didn't I tell you? I want to pick you up to participate in the exhibition!" Zhiyong said loudly.

"Oh my god...I don't feel anything at all. I just squinted for a short while. Why did it happen all of a sudden?!" Zhang Ying said in shock.

"No feeling? Not even a little teleportation shock?" Zhiyong asked curiously.

"No! I just felt a wave of energy wrapping around me. It felt very comfortable. I'll be here in a moment!" Zhang Ying said.

"This...Brother Zhang, let's see what that is?" Zhiyong pointed to the location of the Book of Heaven.

"That's..." Zhang Ying squinted his eyes and scanned with his spiritual consciousness, suddenly full of curiosity about the Book of Heaven...

"Book of Heaven!" Zhiyong said harshly.

"Wow..." Zhang Ying screamed, her whole body felt bad!

Unexpectedly, the Black Hole Clan actually possesses the Book of Heaven. No wonder, no wonder...

Before he could recover, he heard Zhiyong shout again: "Brother Meng Bei is here!"

The two of them hurriedly greeted them again...

Xiang Zhangying and Meng Bei are all famous masters in the cave world. Even if they come to the black cave clan, they are high-level existences. It can be said that they are famous and sought after by countless people. They are naturally the first batch of people to be invited. …

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