The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4013 Disastrous defeat

Guichou's heart began to tremble when he thought of this possibility!

fertile! ! !

The possibility is too great, it’s posted! Sent! ! Big hair! ! !

Guichou immediately found many reasons for the idea that this energy anomaly was a treasure star, especially the charming and beautiful light. It was simply unprecedented and wonderful. What else could it be if it wasn't a treasure star?

The reason why this treasure star has never been discovered is mainly because it is hidden deep in the thick nebula. If it were not for this place being his own territory and the abnormal situation this time, I am afraid I would never know about it because of the encounter. Yun Mo enters, no one will risk going in to investigate...

The more Guichou thought about it, the more sense it made. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was a precious star. His mood changed from extreme anger to extreme excitement. As his mood changed, Guichou Star seemed to be undergoing amazing changes. Sometimes it's dark, sometimes it's bright, sometimes it's stormy, sometimes it's sunny...

Seeing this scene, Yu Yu, who was hidden in the nebula, was secretly shocked. What kind of planet is this? How could it be so weird?

It seems to be like a life. It stops when it stops, goes fast when it wants, slows down when it wants, and changes when it wants. How could there be such a weird planet in the world?

"Quickly check, are there any planets like this in our database?" Yu Yu ordered.

"Yes! Young Master!" Ship Spirit responded immediately.

To Yu Yu's disappointment, the ship spirit did not find a similar planet. In fact, not to mention his ship spirit, even Yelusha and his ship spirit did not know the existence of planet people. For many black hole tribesmen, They said that they stayed in the cave for too long and rarely traveled outside. Naturally, they had no chance to meet people from the planet. And there was no particularly powerful Devourer inside their black hole, so no one was aware of this problem...

What made You Yu a little puzzled was that the Guichou star stopped outside the nebula and did not come in. It was still slowly rotating around the nebula, changing color and breath from time to time, and the speed of change was getting faster and faster. This made Yu Yu a little puzzled. He felt something was wrong!

Yes, this nebula is actually a cloud formation arranged by him and Su Su. According to original estimates, its ability should be able to block or trap the Guichou Star. However, when the Guichou Star actually came here, Only then did he realize that this planet was much larger than he had calculated, and it was behaving strangely. It was not at all the ordinary planet he knew...

This is a bit troublesome!

Yu Yu began to feel that he had miscalculated, and this feeling became stronger as Guichou Xing's behavior became more and more bizarre, because he found that Guichou Xing not only refused to come in, but also began to "grab food" from the outside!

Guichou Star obviously strengthened its pulling force, causing the interstellar matter flying from all directions to fly towards him. Moreover, the interstellar matter that had been put into the formation and flew towards the small black hole also began to stop, and Turn around and fly out...

Big problem!

Because these substances were actually trapped in the formation and controlled by the formation, but now they began to run around and run rampant in the formation, immediately disrupting the interior of the formation, and strong explosions immediately erupted in many places. !

Woah! ! !

Dots of starlight exploded in the nebula, becoming more brilliant and brilliant. Guichou was dumbfounded and his saliva almost flowed out. Baoxing, this is definitely Baoxing!

It’s great, it’s great...

Guichou was so excited that he was going crazy. With such a precious star, he could live a peaceful life in the future. The thought of this was intoxicating...

However, he soon discovered something strange, because the nebula in front of him seemed to be decomposing. As a large amount of interstellar matter rushed towards him, the starlight became more and more bright, until finally Guichou discovered that these flashes were not Starlight, but a large-scale explosion...

"Eh? What's going on? Is there a storm brewing in the nebula?" Guichou said to himself...

Before he could figure out the reason for the decomposition of the nebula, he suddenly felt a terrible force approaching him. Guichou was stunned.

He didn't know what happened, but as a large nebula roared past Guichou Star, he finally knew what was going on!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Waves of violent attacks poured down on the Guichou Star, piercing deeply into the surface and exploding dozens of miles underground. The entire surface of the Guichou Star began to turn into a "flower"...

“Ho-ho-” “Ho-ho-” “Ho-ho-ho-”…

Guichou was caught off guard, shaking violently under such a terrifying blow, roaring wildly, and smoke and dust rose up all over the planet, flying wildly with his roar...

This round of strikes is definitely top-notch, because it is equivalent to an attack from a silver fleet of the Black Hole Clan. If it were an ordinary planet, I am afraid it would soon fall apart under such a round of strikes. However, Guichou Star It is definitely not an ordinary planet. Its body is very strong and its volume is extremely large. In other words, its resistance to attack is extremely strong. Although Yu Yu's fleet can destroy dozens of miles of land on its surface and affect the depths of the planet. There are hundreds of miles of underground space, but for Guichou, this is not to the point of damaging the muscles and bones, it is just a superficial skin injury.

Of course, such an injury is also extremely tragic for Guichou. You can know this just by hearing his screams, but Yu Yu and others couldn't distinguish his voice, and thought it was the natural sound of the planet after being hit. If they could hear the sound of the reaction, they might not have the tragic end that followed...

"Young Master, all targets were hit!"

"The power of the shell explosion is within the design range, but it is a little too small..."

"Small?" Yu Yu was startled.

"Yes! The intensity of this planet is several times stronger than we estimated, and the explosion power is correspondingly reduced several times..." Ship Spirit said.

"Several times stronger? What kind of planet is this..." Yu Yu felt speechless...

"I'm checking with the information network of nearby tribes. It may take a while for feedback! No!!!!" The ship spirit suddenly shouted.

"What's going on?!" Yu Yu was stunned.

"We seem to be locked!" Ship Spirit said.

"Locked? Locked by what?!"

"A powerful force has locked us in, we must get rid of it immediately!" the ship spirit said loudly.

"Oh my God! Let them all break free immediately!" Yu Yu quickly ordered.

"Yes! Young Master!!!"

The entire fleet of more than a hundred battleships immediately started moving and launched escape operations, but the speed was still a bit slow...

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Countless boulders flew out from the Guichou Star and hit some battleships hard, erupting into terrifying mushroom clouds...

After being hit, the level of the battleship's energy shield dropped rapidly, quickly exceeding the warning line, and it suddenly fell into a state of emergency. The operation of the ship's spirit had failed, and the operator on the ship had to manually assist, but after being hit hard, their There are too few emergency measures, or they are not prepared at all, because they never thought that their warship would be attacked. Now it is too late to think about it again, so they can only rely on instinct to rescue, but this is almost a fool's errand...

Because the next round of attacks had already followed, and under the fierce and intensive continuous attacks, these Black Hole Clan warships could no longer withstand it and fell one after another!

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." Yu Yu couldn't help but look at this scene with tears in his eyes, and murmured in his mouth. You must know that each of these battleships has invested countless efforts and money. Now if it falls, it will definitely be shattered into pieces. The fate of…

"Is there any rescue method?!" Yu Yu asked urgently.

Naturally, he was not willing to watch these battleships smash down, but with his current ability, he could not resist this powerful pulling force, otherwise he would have jumped out and pulled the battleship back. Only then did he I thought that if Grandpa was around, one person could retrieve all these battleships, and it would be impossible to let this planet continue like this...

"Young Master, we are lucky to be able to get rid of them. Those battleships are already scarred, and even if they are rescued, they will be a pile of scraps..." the ship spirit said.

"I'm talking about soldiers! Soldiers!! Do you understand?!" Yu Si yelled...

"Don't worry, young master, everyone in the ship has an escape system, and they will activate it as long as their minds are clear..." Ship Spirit said.

"Escape system? Yes, hurry up! Organize an attack immediately, don't let the escaping soldiers be attacked by the planet!" Yu Yu suddenly realized and shouted quickly.

"Yes! Young Master!!! Huh?! What's going on?!" Ship Spirit suddenly shouted.

"What's going on?! Is that planet locked on us again?!" Yu Yu was shocked again. He was now in a state of chaos and suffered a heavy blow for the first time. His confidence had disappeared and he turned into a frightened bird. Wherever the wind comes, it becomes rain...

The ship spirit responded: "No! Our fallen warships seemed to have escaped the pull of the planet and slipped out!!!"

"Slipped out?! What do you mean?"

"It's just... they didn't hit the planet directly, but slid out along the horizon of the planet. Oh my God, why did they all slide out?!" The ship spirit shouted in disbelief.

"That's how it is?!" You Yu heard and saw clearly. He looked at the pictures coming from the light screen in shock. These pictures were a little lagging. When he saw them, the warships had already slid out for a while...

"Great! It seems that our usual training has not been in vain!" Yu Yu shouted, his confidence soared!

"This..." Ship Spirit didn't know what to say, but he felt that this matter was by no means that simple...

"Contact them immediately and organize the remaining battleships. We must teach this weird planet a big lesson!" Yu Yu shouted.

"Young Master, now that the formation has been destroyed, we cannot directly confront this planet with our own strength. We must rely on Susu's side. Call her quickly!"

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