The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4015 Guichou’s counterattack

The star field near the center of the battlefield was affected first. Due to the large displacement of Guichou Star and the emergence of small black holes, nearby stars, regardless of size, were disturbed by gravitational tide fluctuations, and their orbits deviated one after another. The deviation of their orbits also affects the stars that are closer to them. Wave after wave of waves sway outwards, and the overall operation of the Naxisai star field is greatly disturbed!

The most busy and panicked people now are the protoss. They are all trying their best to fight against this disturbance to prevent their planet from being involved in the battlefield. Although they have not been able to figure out what happened, but from the battlefield They could know from the energy fluctuations erupting from the center that once they were involved in the battlefield, the consequences would be very tragic...

These stars guarded by protoss are relatively good, but a large number of stars that have not yet given birth to protoss are in dire straits. They were just drifting with the flow in the galaxy. Now that the surrounding environment has begun to change drastically, they have been immediately implicated. It began to fall sharply towards the center of the battlefield!

In the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, the universe is like a pot of soup composed of various substances. This pot of soup is not uniform, but dense and sparse. The places where large stars and galaxies are concentrated are Dense star fields, and places where only a small amount of matter exists are sparse star fields, but no matter whether it is dense or sparse, the starry sky seems to be maintained by a huge force, and this force is the power of space.

Of course, the power of space does not come out of thin air. It is also formed by some material molecules, but these material molecules release the power of space.

It is precisely because of the power of space that interstellar matter can move in an orderly manner in such a huge force field. If there is no such force, or if this force is affected, the interstellar matter will find itself seemingly Not in a space, but falling into the abyss!

Yes, these interstellar substances without stars are like this now. Because the force field has become chaotic, the power relationship that originally allowed them to maintain balance has been broken. They are like kites that have lost their strings, and they have begun to fly in this huge starry sky. It fell into the incomparable abyss, and the direction of the fall was naturally the center of the battlefield where a powerful pulling force was erupting...

Although most of this interstellar material does not have life, there are also a few that are born with life. They are basically primary life and have not evolved to the point where they can produce racial civilization. Of course, they do not have the ability to save their own lives. I don’t even know what happened, I just feel that the world today is very different from usual...

Li Yun discovered this change very keenly. In fact, it was this problem that he came here to solve!

As for Guichou, Little Black Hole and Youyu, he doesn't care much about how they will fight, but the safety of the stars and lives around them is what he cares about most!

There are an astonishing number of advanced lives on every large star, and those lives on ordinary interstellar matter are also sparks in the universe. Some splendid civilizations may one day be born from them, so they can all be rescued. reason.

For Li Yun, it is not difficult to solve the current situation. Xiaoxing's clone has long calculated the gravitational tide data erupted from the Star Wars Center, and then based on this data and its changes, he used the Star Fortune Fort's own The gravitational tide will offset it, so that the influence of the center of the battlefield can be greatly weakened and even completely eliminated...

The current gravitational tide in Xingyun Castle is extremely terrifying, because it has grown into a small universe. If it really spreads out, it will become a more terrifying gravitational center than a large quasar, and it will destroy all the surrounding objects at an infinite distance. All the interstellar matter is pulled over and becomes an extremely bright area in the universe!

Therefore, to deal with the current starry sky battlefield, all that is needed is that Star Fortune Castle releases a tiny gravitational wave, and it must be calculated extremely accurately and controlled flawlessly so as not to cause more serious consequences than Star Wars.

Otherwise it is just adding to the chaos.

Of course, this was no problem for Xiaoxing's clone. He controlled the gravitational tide to envelope the Star Wars battlefield, immediately neutralizing the gravitational tide inside and outside the battlefield, thereby cutting off the influence of the star field here on the surroundings. !

Sure enough, after Xingyun Castle began to show its power, the turmoil in the surrounding star field began to decrease. All the stars breathed a sigh of relief and began to gradually return to their original orbit. However, this will have a process. After all, it was already chaotic before. It took a while, but Xingyun Castle only arrived here after they started to be confused...

In fact, chaos has arisen since Guichou wandered around this star field looking for the source of the problem. Because Guichou is huge, its influence on the surrounding stars is very strong. Once it is out of orbit, it will begin Wandering around, a wave of chaotic energy flow has been generated. Guichou himself knows this, so he usually doesn't deviate from his own track casually, but this time is different. He is about to be starved. If he doesn't He couldn't stay any longer until he found the culprit, so he searched everywhere desperately...

Fortunately, his own influence was not particularly fatal. Only some small interstellar materials suffered along the way. However, after the small black hole joined the battle and a war broke out between the two sides, the influence expanded rapidly. Fortunately, Li Yun arrived in time at this time and avoided this. Life in the Star Territory was met with misfortune...

After solving this problem, Li Yun was finally in the mood to watch the show. He soon discovered that the little black hole was dying!

The most fatal problem of the small black hole is that she is a net drain in the battle, but does not receive effective energy replenishment, because she will not swallow the chaotic energy outside, even those that are already in her aura area, but have not yet completely Crush and disinfect the energy, but Guichou is different. He devours it with all his strength whenever he has the opportunity. Every time he pulls the material dragon closer, a large section of it will be swallowed by him. His wounds and hungry belly His intestines have been well restored and filled. After repeating this many times, he becomes more and more courageous as he fights. There are more and more opportunities for the material dragon to approach him, which makes his combat power continue to increase...

The small black hole originally had the advantage of being static, waiting for work, and calculating mentally but not intentionally. However, due to its tactical mistakes, it was increasingly at a disadvantage...

Speaking of which, this was indeed a big mistake made by Su Su, because she had helpers at the beginning, but it was a pity that the formations she and You Yubu set up could not block Guichou's gravitational tide. This was first of all because they made a mistake in their calculations. , then the formation was destroyed, she did not run out immediately to attack with You Yu. If Su Su came up and launched a fierce attack after Yu Yu and the others' first attack was effective, it would be very likely to succeed in one fell swoop, but she Hesitating and still wondering why Guichou was wandering around, he missed the best opportunity.

This is of course related to her lack of combat experience, and the same is true for Yu Yu. Both of them actually misjudged their opponents. Underestimating the enemy, they chose wrong tactics, which led to the current extremely dangerous situation...

Now, the size of the material dragon has almost shrunk by half, and it has begun to separate. Most of it stays on the side of Guichou Star, a small part stays on the side of the small black hole, and only a smaller section in the middle is still connected. It’s clear who is strong and who is weak!

"Yu Yu, stop fighting! Your shells have been swallowed by that monster. If you want to hit it, go behind it and hit it!" Su Su finally discovered the problem and shouted to You Yu.

"What?!" Yu Yu was shocked when he heard this!

"Our fight created a huge pull in the center. Those shells were attracted, but all the energy was sucked away by the monster!" Su Su shouted angrily.

"Oh my god, is this true?!" Yu Yu was shocked...

"Now my energy is almost exhausted, we must retreat immediately, otherwise I'm afraid the consequences will be disastrous!" Su Su shouted loudly.

"What if we attack its back immediately?" Yu Yu asked quickly.

"I'm afraid not. The monster has recovered now. If you don't leave, I'm afraid the next wave of attacks will come to you!" Su Su reminded.

"Ah?!" Yu Yu screamed when he heard this, and his face turned pale!

Thinking about his previous experience of being targeted and attacked by a monster planet, he did not dare to neglect and quickly ordered the fleet to retreat quickly and fly towards the small black hole...

However, his reaction was still a bit slow, because while Guichou was fighting against the small black hole, he was also keeping an eye on the movements of his small fleet. Before, he saw that they didn't move, so he just let it go. Now he is watching They wanted to escape and immediately used the big move they had prepared long ago to attack them. They saw a huge material dragon roaring out from Guichou, almost catching up with the small fleet in the blink of an eye...

"Oh my god..." Youyu and others screamed in fright, their whole bodies shaking involuntarily...

If you are caught by this material dragon, you can imagine what will happen...

"Young Master, the battleship can't fly anymore!!!" the ship spirit shouted.

"What?!" Yu Yu was almost confused.

It turned out that, locked by the huge power of this giant material dragon, their warships were like a few small boats in the sea. They could not escape the entanglement of the huge force and were firmly locked in the starry sky. No matter how hard they exerted their force, they could not escape like a statue!

Moreover, as internal forces and external forces confront each other, the battleship's power system is heating up rapidly, energy is being consumed rapidly, and the pressure on the entire system has greatly exceeded its load capacity...

"No! Young Master!!!" Ship Spirit shouted.

"What's wrong?!" Yu Yu yelled at the top of his lungs as he lost his mind.

"If this continues, our battleship will explode!!!" the ship spirit said anxiously.

"What should we do?!"

"We can only give up resistance immediately, or let Susu come to rescue us quickly..."

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