The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 4020 Divine Punishment

"Then what?" Su Su asked coldly.

"Then? Didn't you hear what Guichou said? Leng Shuang is a person from the ice planet, so which one is he from? No matter which system he is from, it shows that his kind of life is called a planet person! Planet people Man!! Oh my god, you know what this means?" Yuyu shouted excitedly.

"What does it mean?"

"There are not just two of them on the planet, but there are many! They may be the same ethnic group, they are everywhere. Didn't you hear what Leng Shuang said? She came from a certain castle, so where she came from, There must be countless people from the planet like her!" You Yu said loudly.

Su Su was stunned when she heard this. Although she was extremely disgusted with You Yu's overreaction, she had to think that You Yu's analysis was quite reasonable. It seemed that this kind of planet people really existed in this universe, because there were It's the truth. No matter how much you don't want to hear such things in your heart, the facts are vividly placed in front of you, and you can't help but not believe it.


If there are a lot of people on the planet, doesn't it mean that many protoss have been devoured by people?

So...what about the cave spirit?

Is it possible that the black hole's cave spirit was destroyed by someone else? Devoured?

Are there so-called black hole people in this universe? !

Susu simply didn't dare to think about it anymore...

"Planet people...Planet people...they must be hiding in that fort, and the place where Leng Shuang and Guichou disappeared must be where Leng Shuang came from, that fort!" You Yu said fiercely.

"So what?" Su Su hummed.

"This..." Yu Yu was startled.

"Do you want to go and die? There are so many people on the planet, and if even one of them dislikes us, we will be in trouble, so leave quickly!" Su Su said.

"Don't worry, just wait..." Yu Yu said reluctantly.

"Wait a minute? What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for your Frost Fairy? Or do you want to know how they become planet people? How do they change their bodies?" Su Su said sharply.

"Well... you misunderstood me. I just wanted to express my gratitude to Leng Shuang and see if there is any chance to help you get the Guichou Star..." Yu Yu finally realized that he had lost his temper just now and hurriedly covered it up.

Su Su rolled her eyes at him and said: "Why do I want Guichou Star? It is not a desolate star now, but a person and a life. Our black hole will not directly swallow life. That is simply disgusting!" "

"Disgusting?!" Yu Yu was stunned!

Swallowing Guichou Star will make you sick. Susu's words really made him speechless. In his eyes, what does this mean?

That is full of matter and energy. If the small black hole can swallow the big guy Guichou, then the ability will be greatly improved, laying a solid material foundation for future advancement. The next trip with her will be smooth sailing. Full of gains…

For cultivators, this is the most important thing, and that little "disgusting" is nothing compared to it!

"Don't you feel disgusted? Would you eat someone alive?!" Su Su said with disgust on her face.

"Oh Susu, what is this? We cultivators can't care about this. Compared with getting full of material and energy, the smell of blood is nothing! Don't you smell blood when you kill someone? taste?"

"When have I ever killed someone?!" Su Su retorted forcefully.

"Well, even if you haven't killed anyone, you have always killed a pig, a sheep, a dog, or trampled an ant or two to death, right? They all bled, so they weren't all devoured in the same way. ?" You Yu hummed.

"This..." Susu was left speechless. Who can guarantee that he has not trampled one or two ants to death?

Susu even remembered that she had caught a lot of butterflies and fireflies when she was a child, but she quickly killed them all...

Seeing that Su Su was speechless, Yu Yu couldn't help but said proudly: "Those low-level beings are just matter and energy prepared for high-level beings like us. Since they have come to our door,

Is there any reason to refuse? Now Guichou has been slashed several times by Fairy Frost, and he was seriously injured before. If we seize the opportunity to sneak attack on him again, we will definitely have a chance to capture him. When the time comes, you will have endless opportunities. Delicious food, endless improvement in strength, can’t I follow suit and take advantage of it? "

"Stop dreaming!" Su Su suddenly screamed.

You Yu was stunned and looked at Su Su in surprise, wondering why she said this?

"I will not swallow Guichou Star!" Su Su said loudly.

"But why?!"

"Let me tell you, swallowing a living life will be punished by God!" Su Su said.

"Condemned by God? What's going on? Are you okay if you don't look at Guichou? He doesn't know how many low-level lives he has devoured, as well as Fairy Frost. Since she has become a planet person, she must have devoured them before. A lot of low-level beings, right? Not only is she alive and well, she can also transform into a human body and be free. If it weren't for her, maybe we would have fallen into Guichou's hands by now, right?" You Yu retorted.

Su Su was slightly startled when she heard the words. After thinking about it carefully, she suddenly realized that what Yu Yu said was somewhat true. Leng Shuang's situation was indeed somewhat different from the information she had received from birth. Why could she do so?

Moreover, Leng Shuang seemed to be a good person, but he actually secretly saved himself and You Yu. How could such a person be a life-devouring planet?

Is there something here that I don't know about?

Susu discovered that these things she didn't know must be key information about the entire planetary incident!

She thought for a moment and said, "How can Guichou be okay? He is now the Guichou star and cannot transform into a human body. This greatly restricts his freedom of movement. Without looking at him, Leng Shuang said that there are transformers. Did he follow up immediately with the secret of his body? This is the divine punishment he received! In my mind, living life must not be swallowed directly, because it contains certain types of terrible toxins, which are almost indestructible. , as long as you swallow life, you will also swallow this toxin, and then the toxin will hide and grow in the body, until the final attack, the host's fate will definitely be death!"

"Toxin? Horrible toxin?! So powerful?!" Yu Yu was shocked. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Yes! Every life contains this kind of toxin. It has no effect on life itself, but it is a fatal threat to those who dare to devour them. After entering other people's bodies, its toxicity will become more and more powerful until finally Destroy the host! Look at Guichou, his speech is slurred, he has a bad temper, and he acts unprovoked. It is probably the backlash of such toxins. If I swallow him again, it will be equivalent to accepting all the toxins in his body. In the end I am the one who suffers!" Su Su snorted.

"That's so?! What about... Fairy Leng Shuang? Why does she look refreshed and fine? Can she transform into a human body and her cultivation level is still so high?" Yu Yu asked in surprise.

"This... is what I don't understand! Maybe, all this is related to where she came from!" Su Su suddenly thought of this.

"Where are you coming from? What kind of castle are you talking about?!" Yu Yu perked up!

"That's right! Leng Shuang said there is a secret that planet people can transform into human bodies, so she may have the ability to ward off divine punishment..." Su Su thought.

"Excluding divine punishment... In other words, they have the ability to eliminate toxins?!" Yu Yu said in surprise.

"Yes..." Su Su was suddenly stunned after hearing this!

If Leng Shuang and the others had the ability to solve the problem of toxins, wouldn't there be no divine punishment?

In her memory, the so-called divine punishment mainly comes from those terrible toxins. If this problem can be solved, wouldn't she be able to swallow it in large quantities with boldness? !


Susu screamed in her heart and suddenly felt even more confused!

If there was really a way to solve the problem of toxins, would I just gorge myself on it?

Not to mention anything else, there are countless powerful beings in the world inside the Tiangang Black Cave alone. If you swallow them all as your own, your cultivation level will definitely be greatly improved. This is better than traveling hard outside. Finding food is much easier and faster…

Look at how many living planets you have along the way. With your ability, as long as you start devouring them from a young age, it won't take long for you to grow into a big black hole!


Is this really okay?

Imagining herself turning into a terrifying monster, opening its bloody mouth and devouring those fresh lives, Susu suddenly felt nauseous, "Uh uh... uh uh uh...", she couldn't help but hold her stomach and vomited wildly. …

Yu Yu quickly dodged and teased: "You haven't killed anyone before, have you? Killing people with no more than a nod is like killing chickens and ducks. It's nothing special! Now, we must find Fairy Frost and ask her to Understand the problem of toxin solution. If she is willing to tell us this secret, then our goal of swallowing will be broader in the future. We can swallow whatever we see. It won't take long before we can all grow into the power of the universe and no longer need to be afraid of others. People, when we return to Tiangang Black Cave, we will return to our hometown with honor, and everyone must surrender under our feet!!!"

"What?!" Susu shouted in surprise.

"I say, we can all stand on the top, return home in glory, and trample everyone under our feet!!!" Yu Yu said proudly.

"Trampling everyone underfoot? Including your great-grandfather?" Su Su asked.

"This... Grandpa, forget it. After all, he loves me very much, but everyone else must surrender to me. I must let them all understand that this universe is a universe of geniuses, and it will never be ranked by seniority like they do. One point, if you practice for a longer time, you can rely on your cultivation level to exert pressure on young people. Hum, as long as you have genius, you can grow quickly, overthrow the old order, create a new era, and achieve great things..."

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