"We are all ears!" The people around him shouted in unison, driven by their emotions.

At this time, the small commotion happening here was spreading at an extremely fast speed. The tribesmen swept their spiritual consciousness here, making this place quickly become the center of the incident, attracting more and more people. Notice!

This person felt the blazing eyes of the audience, and his whole body was so excited that he almost floated. He shouted loudly: "Okay, let me ask everyone first, do you think this clan has been taking measures to close the caves in seclusion, is this a good thing or not? What about the bad things?”

"This... of course is a bad thing!"

"I heard that there are many good things in the outside world, but we have never seen any of them!"

"I've seen it before. I heard that someone brought it in secretly from outside. It's really a good thing!"

"Really? Really?!!!"

"Absolutely true!"

"Oh my god..."

The commotion in the crowd became more intense. For unknown things, people either thought about them very badly or thought about them very well. Now when good things from the outside world are mentioned, people immediately imagine that they must be very good and wonderful. Things, I wish I could have a sneak peek...

The person who spoke seemed to understand people's mentality very well. He immediately took out a few things from his body, threw them into the sky, and fixed them there, immediately attracting the attention of countless people!

"Wow! This bead is so beautiful!"

"Really like!"

"And what is that gadget? It smells so good..."

"Oh my gosh, it should be from the sachet! The sachet can be made so exquisitely!"

"I absolutely love that comb!"

"What is this glittering thing? Can it be stuck on your face?"

"should be…"

"Wow! Fragrance powder! Margin! Eyebrow pencil! I'm dizzy, I'm dizzy..."

The crowd erupted in exclamations. Many women suddenly became commotion and screamed after seeing so many beautiful and smelling cosmetics...

"Haha, someone brought these in from the outside world. They are extremely beautiful and very popular outside. It's a pity that this cave has been closed and locked, so we can't enjoy such good things!" The speaker said. He smiled, stretched out his hand to grab it, and took back all the exquisite products.

"Wo..." The crowd suddenly sighed...

"Did you know? As early as 50,000 years ago, Sect Master Ouyang gave advice to the clan leader to open the cave to the outside world and conduct more civilized exchanges and commercial transactions with the outside world. In this way, our resources and products can be sold to the outside world, and the outside world is good. Products from other countries can also be circulated. Not only can we use good things that are popular in the outside world, but we can also make a lot of money through interstellar trade!"


"What a shame! How sad! Our wise patriarch rejected such a good suggestion from Sect Master Ouyang and preferred to close the door and lock the cave, blocking countless people's dreams of getting rich. It also made our products here unable to be exported and wasted. Many resources are waiting. It’s moldy!”

"This..." People were stunned when they heard it, but when they thought about it carefully, they found that what this person said was quite reasonable. If the products and resources are not circulated, how can they make money?

Local people may not like local products, but people from the outside world like them. Wouldn’t it be enough to sell them to them? You can also buy some good stuff from outside and sell it in. What a great idea is this?

"Sect Master Ouyang's suggestion is very good, why did the clan leader reject it?" someone asked.

"Good question! Why would our wise and powerful patriarch reject such a good suggestion? We won't explore other deeper reasons. Let's just discuss the matter. From this incident, we can see that our patriarch may be neither wise nor wise. , he did not see the point of seclusion and locking the cave, blindly following the old ways and being complacent, hoping that the cave would never change, so that he could always sit in the position of his clan leader! However, everyone has seen what has happened in the past 50,000 years. Now, the royal family is in a state of despair. Almost all of the royal family’s children are dandy and scoundrels. None of them are successful, but they all scheming for the position of prince and forming cliques for personal gain. I don’t know how much money we have wasted and how many innocent people have been killed!!!” What people say is shocking.

It is thought-provoking. Many people were silent, and silence is undoubtedly acknowledgment that what this person said is reasonable. Many people may be in a daze and ignore worldly affairs, but after listening to this person's words, they all suddenly realized, Some people suddenly became excited...

"Yes, this is all the fault of the royal family!"

"What happened to the royal family? What have they been doing for the past 50,000 years?"

"No wonder I feel like my life is getting worse every year. It turns out that this is the crux..."

"Hmph, I want to expose your king. He has occupied a piece of land from my family and wants my little girl to warm his bed!"

"Oh my god..."

"I want to report to King Chen. He has occupied one of our mine fields and said it was requisitioned by the royal family!"


"I want to report Prince Tsunade. He has issued a large amount of usury in our local area. It's like scratching the ground. Many people have gone bankrupt because of this! Many people have committed suicide!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over... In the final analysis, it's all a matter of the upper beam being crooked and the lower beam being crooked!"

"That's right..."

People were filled with indignation and began to attack the kings one after another. With the help of people from the Ouyang Group, they gradually targeted Kanu...

The person who originally spoke out was already at the peak of his excitement. He shouted loudly: "I suggest that the wise and powerful Ouyang Sect Master be elected as our clan leader! As long as he becomes the clan leader, he will definitely be able to lead us to regain our glory and get out of this cave. , show off to the stars!”

"Regain our glory!"

"Get out of this cave!!"

"Watch the stars!!!"

"Sect Master Ouyang! Master Ouyang!! Master Ouyang!!!"


The noise became louder and louder, and the royal forces guarding the scene did not dare to move at all. In fact, they did not dare to move, because they knew that if they stopped or arrested people at this time of outrage, it would definitely cause a greater riot. riot!

Moreover, they have actually been warned by Kanu, that is, they cannot take action, not at all, and cannot fight back even if they are beaten. This is the reason why the riots on the scene are getting bigger and bigger so far. Although these royal forces Some people couldn't understand the meaning of Kanu's words, but seeing this scene, these people were all anxious and felt that the situation was becoming increasingly difficult to deal with...

What these royal forces don't know is that what those who caused the riots want most is to arrest them quickly. If the royal forces take action, they can create even greater riots, and the forces of the Ouyang Group hidden in the crowd will also They can take advantage of the situation. For them, their power at this time is greater than that of the royal family, so they are not afraid at all...

The crowd's shouts became stronger and stronger, and Ouyang Tong, who was hiding in the dark, had to respond because someone had discovered him!

"Master Ouyang, everyone hopes that you will become the leader of the clan, please show your attitude quickly!"

"Yes, only if you become the clan leader can we all have hope! Only then can this clan have a future!"

"The Ouyang family also has Ouyang Qu, he is the future of this family!"

"Yes, the Ouyang family has many geniuses, who are many times stronger than the royal family. How can we not support the Ouyang family and oppose the current royal family?"

"That makes sense...everyone can see this!"

"Can we place our future hopes on a little kid who is only a few thousand years old?"

"Of course not!!! He's too young compared to Ouyang Qu!!!"

"A little brat, I can defeat him with one hand! What a bullshit genius!!!"


Countless people began to flock to where Ouyang Tong was, shouting loudly and strongly demanding that he come out to be the clan leader...

Ouyang Tong was a little suspicious at this time. He did not expect that things would go so smoothly. Many aspects were beyond his plan. For example, he expected that the person who stirred up trouble would be attacked by the royal family after talking for a while. If the power is stopped, then someone will put on an exaggerated performance, arousing the anger of the surrounding tribesmen, thereby provoking greater resentment against the royal family. However, the powerful people of the royal family have never taken action, but instead acted as spectators on the sidelines. …

Another thing that he didn't expect was that Kanu hadn't shown up yet, nor had many of his confidants. The scene had simply become the sphere of influence of his Ouyang Group, but it was clearly the core area of ​​the family recognition ceremony. , is the place of the royal family’s ancestral temple. He and Wang Yi are today’s protagonists, and they should have come early in the morning!

He himself had come here with Ouyang Qu, Zhu Gong and others a long time ago in order to take advantage of the trend and suppress Kanu and his son. But now the goal has not appeared. It seems that he has accumulated enough strength and is about to reach it. When he was at the top, he failed to make it out, and he felt extremely uncomfortable. But at this moment, the clan members around him were urging him to become the clan leader. Could this be the way he could ascend to the position of clan leader he dreamed of?

No, of course he knew this was impossible. He didn't see Kanu fall in front of him, didn't step on his body and go up, and didn't get the scepter and crown that represented the authority of the patriarch. The position of the patriarch was still there. For Kanu, it is useless to just rely on the momentum of these clansmen. Only by bringing all the royal clan's forces, territories, formations, and personnel under his command can he be sure that the position of clan leader is his...

Of course, he also has enough confidence in this. It is precisely because of his strong self-confidence that he chose to provoke such a rebellious action today. For Ouyang Tong, this is an extremely important moment for him, an extremely beautiful moment. The moment is a dream moment that he has worked hard for tens of thousands of years to usher in. He needs to enjoy it and experience the process. Just like when a tiger catches a lamb, it will not kill and eat it immediately. Instead, you have to play a small game of letting go and then catching it back. While experiencing the fun of hunting in this game, you can make the sheep become enthusiastic and energetic, and eat it when it is at its best. It’s the most nourishing, most enjoyable, and most delicious time…

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