"That's true..." Everyone nodded in agreement...

"So, we don't have to blame ourselves. After all, manpower is exhausted sometimes, and so is human intelligence. Not everyone can fully understand new things in the first place! As for Ouyang Tong and Dou Mowenyuan, they Well, I think the reason why they made such a big mistake was actually because they thought they were rich in experience, because in the past, they used this method to deal with competitors and new things. They tend to use such violent and evil methods to kill off the signs of new things in order to ensure their own inherent competitive advantage. This approach may have succeeded again and again, so this time they also We adopted the same approach and thought we could achieve the same result. Unfortunately, not every new thing is so fragile, especially when an epoch-making new thing is born. It is a historical torrent that no force can When encountering such a new thing, the best thing to do is to know it, understand it, adapt to it, hitch a ride on this torrent, and move forward with it..." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Everyone in the audience agreed...

At this time, in the Ouyang family's secret hall in the light and shadow, the violent shaking of the light screen images finally stopped a little, and the voice that had been covered up before also rang out. It was Zhu Gong's urgent cry: "Sect Master, no! No! ah!!!"

Ouyang Tong couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and responded: "What's wrong?!"

Zhu Gong said loudly: "The effect of our attack was very poor, and the opponent's warehouse did not show any signs of being hit!"

"How is that possible?! With so many artillery fires and so many explosions, no matter how powerful the formation is, it will be destroyed!" Ouyang Tong roared.

When Dou Mo and Wen Yuan heard this, they were stunned when they looked at the scene. They looked at the light screen in disbelief. They saw that the explosion scene from above had gradually disappeared, and some scenes of the scene were slowly revealed...

In those target directions, you can see that everything is as usual, people are coming and going, traffic is busy, goods are rotating, people are busy, not affected by the bombardment at all, they don't even want to watch the excitement, this makes Ouyang Group this People around me have a serious sense of humiliation...

We played so hard, why don't you go outside and take a look at the excitement? It seems like we can't even act, and no one is watching...

Dou Mo and Wen Yuan were stunned...

"what happened?!"

"They have no protection at all, so why does the attack have no effect?!"

"No! They must have protection, but we can't see it here..."

"Protected?! Why can't I see any sign of the formation? Is this some new type of protective formation?"

"It must be so! But no matter how good the formation is, it can't be completely damaged. Does this still allow people to live?!"

"No! Is this a protective formation set up by Xingyun Palace? If they can set up such a level of formation, how can we take away their warehouse?!" Wen Yuan said anxiously.


Dou Mo was also a little panicked. Such a situation was completely beyond his previous expectations. He said anxiously: "If we can't remove their warehouse, won't our purchasing plan be in vain?!"

When they thought that all the funds might be wasted, their hearts trembled...

Although it is possible to receive a large number of goods, the key point is that the scheduled task cannot be realized, and it is futile to take back more useful goods...

For powerful people like them, face is more important than anything else. If they fail in their mission, they will feel inferior to others when they see them in the future. How can they have the confidence to stay in the Presbyterian Church?

Ouyang Tong, who was on the side, had already heard black threads in his head, and could not help but tremble all over, because he knew that these two people just invested the operation funds, and if they were gone, they would be gone, and they could not hurt their muscles or move their bones, but what about himself? , but invested all of his wealth, not only all cash, but also many assets into cash.

Coupled with the consumption of military attacks, it can be said that the Ouyang family has tried its best this time. If it fails, the losses will be extremely painful. The consequences are too serious and irreparable...

"What should I do? What should I do?!" Ouyang Tong was completely panicked...

"Sect Master, do we want to continue attacking?" Zhu Gong asked urgently.


Ouyang Tong was stunned, and his mind was spinning. He was indeed an old fox. A flash of light flashed through his mind, and he said loudly: "Don't worry! I guess they have already taken precautions against these key targets. It is better to attack other small warehouses and other small warehouses." Those suppliers and raw material distribution centers! I don’t believe they can protect every place so tightly!”

"Yes..." Zhu Gong suddenly realized!

He said excitedly: "The sect master is still powerful! It seems that our attacks from all over the place should be launched at the same time, so that they can focus on one thing and not the other. Some of them will be attacked by us!"

"Yes, that's it! Now that we have started, we must do it thoroughly and knock down their entire chain!" Ouyang Tong clenched his fist and swung it hard. A big hole was suddenly made on the ground, and the dust Flying…

"Yes! Sect Master!!!"

Zhu Gong received the order and immediately ordered his men to attack all targets in the entire chain of the online mall...

Now the commotion is getting louder!

Some small warehouses are even set up in some key cities. To launch an attack on these places is to start a war within the city. This is not just a riot, but a real war!

Clan members in countless cities were alarmed!

A large amount of information spread rapidly on the Internet, and everyone knew what the Ouyang family was doing. People condemned the atrocities committed by the Ouyang Group, because such military operations are entirely likely to harm innocent people. Not only were the lives of the tribe severely threatened, but their lives were also severely threatened. Property will also be affected...

However, as the information continued to spread, the tribesmen were shocked to find that the Ouyang family's attack had no effect at all. The locations of the warehouses of the volunteer merchant group were not affected at all and were still operating as usual. Moreover, they did not attack Ouyang. They fought back, only to fully accept their attacks...

After the powerful attack was ineffective, the Ouyang Group's team directly launched a ground attack. However, their team was blocked when they reached the edge of the target area and could not go further. Even the team in front mysteriously disappeared and never received any news. Their information…

Now the team behind them no longer dared to attack forward. They could only surround and attack until the ammunition energy was completely exhausted, but they still could not move the target at all...

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." When Zhu Gong saw this, he collapsed completely on the ground, his face was miserable, and he didn't even have the strength to shout. He felt extremely regretful now. If he had known this, he shouldn't have stood here with Ouyang Tong. Bian, now that the Ouyang family is finished, I will be buried with him, and I don’t even have the capital to stand up!

Ouyang Tong, Dou Mo and Wenyuan were completely stunned when they saw the attack scenes in various places. They couldn't believe their eyes...

They never expected that the strength of the Volunteer Merchant Group would reach such an extent. You must know that protective formations of this level are almost priceless treasures. One is a big deal, but the Volunteer Merchant Group can actually do every one of them. Each point is arranged, and there must be so much strength behind it to guarantee it!

With such strength, even the combined armies of Jianyang and Sishui cannot conquer...

At this moment, Dou Mo finally remembered Ah Gu's previous reminder. Ah Gu had long said that Dou Mo and Wen Yuan's plan to instigate rebellion was over, and there was no need to continue with it. Unfortunately, they didn't believe it at all, and they didn't want to believe it. He wanted to make a last ditch effort, hoping to destroy the Yiyun Merchant Group in one fell swoop, complete his mission, and help Ouyang Group achieve a reversal, but it turns out that A Gu was right. If he had listened to him earlier, he could have saved his life at this time. Huge operational costs…


The sound of falling to the ground alarmed Dou Mo and Wen Yuan. They turned around and found Ouyang Tong collapsed on the ground, his whole body shaking, his hair turning white in an instant, and his face pale. , eyes were lost, and the whole person looked countless times older...

"not good!!!"

It was immediately clear to the two of them that Ouyang Tong was completely bankrupt! ! !

All the Ouyang Group's money was thrown into the online mall for shopping this time, and it also consumed a lot of military power. A large number of teams were trapped in the formation. This loss is simply immeasurable. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is bankrupt. No wonder Ouyang Tong He can't accept the fact that he will become like this. The true energy in his body is completely disordered and uncontrollable. What's even more frightening is that becoming like this may mean that the world inside his body is collapsing. This should be a precursor...

Although Ouyang Tong is not a great figure to the two of them, he is still a partner, and they cannot ignore it if something like this happens. The two of them looked at each other, quickly stepped forward to help him up, and gave him medicine. , and to regulate the true energy in the body. After a period of treatment, Ouyang Tong's decay was gradually stopped, and some blood began to return to his face...

"Ancestor!!!" A loud shout came, and a figure appeared at the door. Dou Mo and Wen Yuan took a look and found that it was Ouyang Qu who had left before. They did not expect that he would return at this time...

Ouyang Qu originally wanted to come back to dissuade Ouyang Tong from this action, because he knew how the outsiders would react now. After such a thing happened, the reputation of the Ouyang family would be completely ruined. He really couldn't bear to see this. As a result, he wanted to do his little bit to restore this reputation, but he didn't expect to see Ouyang Tong like this as soon as he came in. He rushed over to check and found that the situation was not at its worst yet. Ouyang Tong Tong should still be saved, and I finally let go of a big stone in my heart, and quickly thanked Dou Mo and Wen Yuan...

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